TODAY and FRANK PARKER gOCXBP.IPCEfcJs(?^>4^ WASHINGTON . . . city beauty I never go to Washington without getting a new thrill out of the development of our Capital City, from the malarial swamp it was when I first knew it, 54 years ago, into what is, T am convinced, the most beautiful city in the world. Only two other great cities have ever been planned deliberately before a single house was built, a single street cut through. More than two hundred years ago Peter the Great, Czar of all the Russias. decreed a great capital city on the banks of the Nova, and the magnificent palaces erected for the royal family and tlie nobility at St. Petersburg still make it one of the most magnificent * cities of the world. The other pre-planned capita! is Canberra, in the Commonwealth of Australia. I've never seen it; it isn't yet completed a. it will be in time, but those who have been there say it bids fair to rival Washington in another century. Jii Washington dozens of splendid ouuuings uiai were planned ana begun right after the war are now finished or nearly so, and the whole city has been transformed. TEMPLE . . . fitting I. drove around Washington in the clear moonlight of a pleasant April evening, ending my journey in front of the great new Temple of Justice, the splendid marble structure in the pure Greek tradition which is to house the Supreme Court of the United States in the Fall. It is such a temple as the Parthenon of ancient Athens must have been, though only fragments remain to tell us of the "glory that was Greece." What impressed me most was thej feeling of dignity and permanence, wnicn by ngiti.3 to character ize the seat of the world's greatest i judicial tribunal. For seventy years the Supreme Court has been huddled i into the racher small room in the I Capitol in which the Senate original- i ly sat. Presidents come and go: Senators and Representatives change with the changing political tides. But the Supreme Court of the United States is a continuing body, charged more than all the rest with the preservation of the Constitution and of the rights of everybody under it. And now its house is out in the open, opposite the Capitol, where all the lawmakers can see it and bo reminded of their obligations. CAPITOL . . . proposed change There is a proposal to move the East front of the Capitol itself sixty feet out from its present position. The architects who propose this say the dome sin't in the center of the building; That is because the West front of the capitol was rebuilt ami extended thirty years ago. Many architects are up In arms against the proposed 1 hope they do nothing to the old building which has stood for close to a century and a half as the symbol of American liberty. Tt is true that the wings which house the Senate and House were not added until | after the Civil War, when the present ] dome was also erected to replace the rather flat dome of the original building. But in three-quarters of a century the Capitol, as it now stands, has become such a familiar figure to all Americans that I am sure many would reel, as I wouia, that to change the ancient symbol for something else would be almost like announcing to the world that we had changed out whole scheme and ideal of government. OFFICES . . . miles of them Driving along Constitution Avenue ?which used to be "B" Street?and back along Pennsylvania Avenue, one passes literally miles of the most magnificent office buildings ever constructed. The great Commerce building, the new Post Office and Inferior buildings, are finer, more beauti- j ful outside and more commodious inside than anything Washington has ever known. The new additions to the Senate and House office buildings give the legislators more ample accommodations than any other parliament in the world enjoys. The:e is no objection to that, that 1 can see; this is a great country and the men who run it ought to be well provided for. I couldn't escape the - feeling, though, as I looked over these paiaces the other day?anywhere In Europe that is what they would call them, "palaces"?that some of their occupants must rattle around inside of them like a dried-up peanut in its shell. BEAUTY . . . nation's heart For sheer beauty, so far as the work of man can produce beauty, I know of nothing more satisfying and i inspiring than the vista by moonlight as one comes into Washington from1 the South over the Memorial Bridge, j I parked my car for a minute on, the exact axis that runs from the Cjpitol through the Washington Monument to it.e center of the Lincoln Memorial. On my left was the great WA1 j An I VOLUME XL.VI, NUMBER 43 NATIONAL POPPY V President Buys First Scarle Daughter of D WASHINGTON.?A b o v e arc the three key men in President Roosevelt's four billion work relief program. They are: Above, left, Frank C. Walker, New Tork and Montana, who heads the Division of Applications and Information, the "clearing house" for all applications for works funds. Top, right, Harry Hopkins. Administrator of the Progress Division. I^ower, right, Secretary of Interior Harold I. Ickes, Chairman of the Allotment Beard. School Comn I By Board At I At the regular meeting of the Board I of Education Monday, the principal business was the naming of the school committees for the county. They are as follows. | Boone District Boone, C. B. DunI can, L. L. Bingham and Bob Swift; | Oak Grove, Lee Gross, Lionel Ward, Joe Hodges; Howards Creek, F. P. Hodges, Bart Norria, J. J. Miller; Rutherwood, Roby Winkler, Ike Bodenhamer, James Hardin; Liberty Hill, Ed Walls, Will Anderson, Fowl Hollars: Brushy Fork (consolidated with Cove Creek; A ho (consolidated with Blowing Rock); Miller, D. C. Coffey, Charlie Carroll and Harrison Baker; Green Valley and Winebariger, Willie Winebarger, Hanip Clawson, Carter Rag an, Rich Mountain, G. F. Culler, L. E. Beach, Carter Penley: Bamboo, A. J. Edmisten; Elk ; and Lower Elk, P. G. Carroll, Charlie Triplett, Clay Hodges, j Deep Gap District?-Deep Gap, H. IS. Steelman. CnrhUfr MY?T\Toii onH t'v.o.. HEALTH PROGRAM GETS OFFICIAL OK Commissioners Move to Co-operate in County-wide Public Health Movement. Watauga. County is to become an integral part of the TV A sponsored health program as a result of the action of the Board of Commissioners in session Monday, who made the necessary appropriation insuring the employment of a full-time health nurse, and the enjoyment of the full benefits of the State and Federal Government's progressive movement. The program, sponsored jointly by the State Board of Health and the TVA, and endorsed by the local Chamber of Commerce, provides for the employment of n full-time health nurse for this county, who is to look alter general sanitary conditions, the care of public school children, visit and help relief cases, etc. At the same time, three full time doctors will work in Watauga and four adjoining counties. The first newspaper advertisement appeared in the year of 1612. marble colonnade of the Memorial, with the heroic figure of Lincoln i glowing in the floodlights. On my right was the long reflecting pool of still water in which the great spire of the Washington monument was mirrored in the moonlight. The mass of the monument itself blotted out the view of the Capitol, but as I uiove a few feet farther one, the glittering white dome appeared from behind the marble shaft. I looked from Lincoln to the Monument to the Capitol and felt a great emotional surge. This was the heart of my country, these the symbols of its greatness, the memorials of the men who had made it great. I do not see how any man can have that experience and not come away feeling, somehow, that he has received a benediction of patriotism, somehow been rededicated to the love and service of his country. rAUG. Independent Weekly New BOONE. WATAUGA - j /EEK INAUGURATED ; t Flower from Fivc-Ycar-Old isablcd Veteran littees Picked Meet Monday I Moretz. ! Cove Creek District Cove Creek, j Ivy Ridge, Rominger, Windy Gap, jSellerville, Presnell: Mary Harris, W. T. Payne, Ira Edmisten. Cool {Springs and Valley Mountain: Lee j Carender, W\ L. Wcl3h and J. L. Trip- j ! Ictt. Valle Crucis, Shulls Mills, Dutch j Creek and Clarks Creek: J. E. Har: .bin, T. C. Bairtl, Martin Herman. Fosjcoe and Grandfather: John Fox, T. 1. ; Holloway and Charlie Moore. Beaver Dam District: Bethel, Timbered Ridge, Forest Grove and Reese: Carl Farthing, John Ward and Alvin Hagaman. Mabel District?Mabel, Silverstone, Zionville, Nortli Fork, Tracy, Pottcrtown: Emery Greer, Sou. Swift, I Spencer Dishman. | Todd District?Todd: W. S. Miller, j\V. M. Howell. J Blowing Rock District?Blowing ; Hock, Cool Springs, Aho: E. G. Un| dcrdown, John Lentz, Dick Hollers. t. v. aTapproves FARM PROJECTS Fertilizer for Co-operating Citizens En Route. Landowners to Pay the Freight. - , A shipment of 58.25 tons of Tennessee Valley Authority Triple superphosphate was approved last week by the TV A, according to County Agent Daniel, and shipment of the fertilizer to Watauga County was made on May 3rd from Saeffie'd, Ala., and should arrive in Boone the latter part of this week. The only cost attached to this fertilizer that the co-operating producers are required to pay will be the freight, approximately $5.60 per ton. The principal objective of the TVA demonstration farm is to set up a new program of plant food supply i ;<mu to use the triple superphosphate | only on crops that hold and build land, namely legumes and grasses, and j in no cases raw crops. To do otherwise would defeat the objective of this program. Check plots will he left on each farm in order to get comparative results and to secure an adequate test of the economic value of fertilizer in a land use program. Also, the co-operating producers are keeping a farm business record of all farm operations. ! Following is a list of the co-operating producers and the amount of fertilizer that has been approved by the TV A to be applied on their farms: Tracy Co.:ncill, Boone, 12,600 lbs.; Stacy Ford. Blowing RopU 7fi00 lbs: Don J. Horton, Vilas, 26,400 lbs.; W. H. Mast, Sugar Grove, 8,900 lbs.: A. G. Moretz, Deep Gap, 7,600 pounds; C. M. Shore, Shulls Mills, 25,800 lbs.; A. N. Thomas, Trade, Tenn., 8.500 lbs.; J. L. Triplett, Matney. 7,200 lbs.; Alex Tugman, Boone. 7,500 lbs.; D. F. Greene, Sugar Grove, 4.300 lbs. KOARK?ISAACS Married on last Saturday evening. May 4, 1935, Mr. Paul Roark of Creston. N. C.. to Miss Hazel Isaacs of Mabel. N. C., Rev. G. C. Graham performing the ceremony. A DE spaper?Established in th COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. IJEGBLATURE WILL COME TO A CLOSE HTTDiMr1 T<iii? \\ivr?ir i/uivimi inti w&EiIY Revenue and Appropriation Hills Pass and Liquor Bill Meets Death. WETS ARE CLAIMED TO BE IN RETALIATORY MOOD Western Dry Members Faced With Bill Which Would Cripple Tourist Trade. Wets Join in Proposal for Strict Enforcement. By M. R. DUNNAGAN ( Special Correspondent) RALEIGH. N. C.?Adjournment of the IDIiO session of the General Assembly is almost certain to be reached the iast half of the wcelc, probably Friday, as a result of the over-time work that has been done during the past week and the final disposition of the most important measures before the legislative body. Thursday of last week may be put down as the most important legislative day of the session, due to the disposition of three or more important measures. The revenue bill passed on its final reading in the Senate, the U.,IU UVIIULC 1/1M.II av.ujj itu. C?i?; conference report on the appropriations bill, the Senate killed the Housepassed substitute for the Day liquor control bill, and the House passed on its final reading tho school machinery bill. On that one day three troublesome measures were finally disposed of. The House, however, mad because J the Senate had killed its Day liquor cuhcMtnte hv a. vote of 26 to 23. actually, although the records show 27-22, ha3 passed two retaliatory measures, "spite work," so dubbed, in which the cast-west feeling is shown. Easterners contend that only six western senatois voted for the Day measure. One of the bills passed by the House places a three per cent sales tax on hotel rentals and eating place charges. This was included in the Revenue bill, but eliminated because of the fight of Senator Hall Johnston, of Buncombe, and other westerners, who contended it would cripple the tourist business of that section. These senators also voted against the Day bill. Retaliatory Measure The main retaliatory measure, however, was the House passed prohibition enforcement bill, providing a police force of more than two hundred officers created in the Governor s of(Continued on Page 8) MEETING OF FARM DEFT ADJUSTMENT COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Farm Debt Adjustment Committee of Watauga County held at the local E. R. A. office on Saturday morning. May 4 th, it was decided to hold regular semimonthly meetings on the second and fourth Saturdays at the above office at 2 o'clock for the purpose of 1 paring applications for debt adjustment. Mr. T. L. Gwyn of Waynesville. field representative, was present at the meeting, also Mr. Grady Moretz, farm supervisor, Miss Watson, county E. R. A Simprvlsnr n*if] "Vfr- W TV Collins, county agent. It was the opinion of those present that there are a number of farmers in Watauga County who might be aided by the committee in an adjustment of their indebtedness. Application blanks may be obtained at the ERA office, and workers will be glad to assist anyone in filling out applications. The next regular meeting of the committee, will be held on Saturday, May 11, 10 a. m., and the committee will be glad to take up any applications at this time. It is desirable that applications be filed prior to the meeting. Front Line Sketches WASHINGTON.?Above is marriner S. Eccles of Utah, whose appointment as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board by President Roosevelt failed Senate confirmation for months, has been the storm center around which Senator Glass centered his banking control battles. MOC] e Year Eighteen Eighty-E THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1035 i <1 t rt r 171 Onlv One De J In Heavy Vo c Boone's New Mayor WATT H. GRAGG FARTHING HOMEISj RAZED BY FLAME jEtl G. Farthing Is Heavy Loser in Noontime Blaze. No Insurance in Force. Fire of undetermined origin Monday noon completely destroyed the Ed G. Farthing home in the eastern lim-l its of the town, and resulted in the loss of a good portion of the house-' hold furnislrngs. The loss, none of j which was covered by insurance, has j been estimated at from three thou- j sand dollars upward. The family was at the dinner ta- j ble when it was discovered that the! fire was under way in the upper parti of the two-story structure, and although the fire department promptly answered the alarm, absence of city water on the high elevation made their efforts futile. Whether the fire originated from faulty electric wir- j ing or from a flue could not be de-1 termined. Most of the furnishings on the first floor of the building were j retrieved from the flames. It is understood that Mr. Farthing j plans to replace the home with anj other on the same site as quickly as j is possible. IWflOL GROWERS HOLD MEETING 1 i jWatauga Farmers Select Committee to Represent Them in Proposed Wool Pool. Fifteen interested sheep growers of ' Watauga attended the wool meeting | at the courthouse on Monday of this | week. The woo! situation was dis- j j cussed and farmers were asked to j j elect a committee of three men to; represent the growers of the county in selling their pooled wool and in | shipping lambs. The following com-1 mitteemen were named: W. W. Mast, | W. E. Shipley and J. L. Fox. Committeemen Shipley and Fox, and County Agents Daniels and Col-j lins, \yent to Elkin on Tuesday of this week to see officials of the Chatham Manufacturing Company in regard to selling them the pooled wool. They found that would prices would start comparatively low this year, and think it advisable that local growers wait until the market on wool is better established before tryJing to make a trade. Those most interested in the local wool pool are of the opinion that most of the wool in Watauga should be pooled and sold together if farmers expect the best prices. At present, it is pointed out, the wool situation does not appear any too good, and bargaining power is certainly needed. me wooi ana iamb pool is getting I off to a good start. Thirty farmers' have already signed up to sell 3,200 \ pounds of wool and 621 lambs. TWO WATAUGA MEASURES RATIFIED BY ASSEMBLY RALEIGH, N. C.?Two Watauga County bills were ratified by the General Assembly last week. One, House Bill No. 1118. to authorize the County Commissioners of Watauga County to make adjustments with delinquent taxpayers, was ratified Saturday. The other. Senate Bill No. 529, amending section 1443 of the Consolidated Stat utes, relating to the terms of court iof Watauga County, was ratified last Friday. R at1 ight S1.50 PER YEAR d As Mayor; m p crat Wins >ti: * Tuesday ' a L. T. U um Only Candidate to Sui 2 ! Bolt from Democr. J Wilcox and Moose 2 lish Out Board, a *-* ? i ? SANl-rmrtY ISSUE FLAYS HEAVILY IN CAMPAIGN Large Percentage of Registered Voters Participate. New Officials Will Be Sworn Into Office Tonight. Watt H. Gragg, Building and Loan secretary and former United States Marshal under the Y. >ver administration. was elected Mayor of the Town of Boone as a result of the spirited balloting of Tuesday in which about five-sixths of the registered voters of the municipality participated. Mr. Gragg headed the first Republican ticket to go into power in this tra ditionally Democratic community, and although the margin of victory was slight, two Republican members of the board of aldermen were also elected, D. L. Wilcox and G. K. Moose. A. E. Hamby was nosed out by L. T. Tatum, who polled the highest vote on either ticket, having been ahead of Mr. Gragg by one vote. How Tlicy Voted The complete tabulation of the vote is as follows: For Mayor: D. J. Cottreil (D). 265; W. H. Gragg iR>, 289. For Board of Aldermen: Charles Rogers (I)). 276; D. L. Wilcox (R), 289: L. T. Tatum ID), 290; George K. Moose (R). 278; H. B. Perry (D), 274; A. E. Hamby ?R). 266. The record-breaking vote, in which scarcely a hundred eligibles failed tc participate, was preceded by a campaign without public gatherings or i speeches, and the appeal was made through personal solicitation, of the | candidates. I Democrats believed their record in bringing about an improved fiscal condition of the municipalit y -should warrant the endorsement of the electorate, while with the Republicans, promises of an improved sanitary condition, a beautifying program, and perhaps cheaper electric energy I through the TV A were held out. j The voting was heavy throughout the day, and considerable numbers of "split tickets" wore cast as is evi |uen?HMi dv iiic tact that of the straight ballots cast the tally indicated: Democratic, 252; Republican, 251. The Mayor and new members of the Board, together with Dr. Moose,' the only incumbent re-elected, will, it is understood, be sworn into office this (Wednesday) evening. Coffey Named Mayor Of Blowing Rock Mr. D. P. Coffey, well Known merchant. was named Mayor of Blowing Rock Tuesday, having won over D. J. Boyden by a sizeable majority. C. S. i Prevette. Herbert Stewart and W. B. j Castle were named as commission: ers, about 200 votes having been cast. In Blowing Rock political parties do r.ot offer candidates, but two nominees for each office are placed on the ticket as a result of a citizens mass meeting. Tax Advertising Is Postponed Until June The advertising of property for taxes was postponed until the first Monday in June by the County Commissioners Monday, in order that the taxpayers might have one last opportunity to pay without the extra costs which come from the sale of the I realty. A. D. Wilson, tax collector, I 1 too fVtof -.-111 1 ?j " 1.7.?vvo uini. wm oc aaver] tised next month, the sale to be the first Monday in July, and hopes the ivople will make every effort to get their receipts and save the costs. FINE SCHOOL RECORD Bob White Bingham, son of Judge and Mrs. John H. Bingham of Sugar Grove, is to be congratulated noon the scholastic record which resulted [ in his graduation from l Creek High School last week. iS-yearold youth had attended school for eleven years, without having missed a single day. his record was always good, and he was graduated with honors. Cites Great Demand For Housing Space Mr. S. C. Eggers, local realtor, tells The Democrat that inquiries keep pouring into his office from those who want homes, furnished apartments, room and every other kind of habitable quarters. Mr. Eggers states that if people of the town or county who have rooms, apartments or buildings for rent will let him know he will gladly refer the inquiries to thern.

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