PAGE TWO FKED HENSON FATALLY INJURED BY OFFICER {Johnson County .News) Fred Henson. 28, son. of H. E Henson, who resides near Earls Chape! on the Damascus Highway near Mountain City, Term., died early Friday morning at a hospital at Abingdon. Va.. fro in a gunshot wound alleged to have been inflicted by Deputies Shorn: Clyde Morley and Clarence Shupe. Reports are that Deputies Morlej and Shape, accompanied by Sheriii L. B. Morley, went to the home Wed nesdav morning 'April 241 to serve a warrant on young fieusen. charg*with felonious assail I'. on a colore J woman. When the ..ft'ii. rs arrival Ilenson is said to have fled fro",- rhe house and that the deputies oper--i fire 011 him. one of the bullets entering his back. Morley and Shupe waived their eases. following a hearing, to the Jure term of Circuit Court. Each is being held under a bond of $2,500. Funeral services were held for Henson on Saturday afternoon \pri! 27) and interment was near the home. VOCATIONAL. AC.KICrr.Tl RE CLASS TO PRESENT PLAY Members of the. Junior-Senior Agriculture Class of Cove Creek High School will present1 the play. 'Farmer Torn," at Windy Gap schoolhousc on Thursday night.. May 9th. S oelocx. The play illustrates the parts played by nitrogen, phosphate, limestone and potash in plant growth and crop production. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone in the community, especially the farmers, to ntfpr.rt \tii sic will be furnished by Hard Thomas and His Ragliitje Band. Xo admission will be charged. Crazy Water Crystals We have the aeenev fur this fahio'iis Mineral Crjsial I which is proving so generally satisfactory. Let us supply your needs. XKW PRICES - - S!.(Ml (jOc. Formerly pi'iSfed SlvOO :md Get a supply today! WATAUGA DRUG STORE INTERN, I PREMTTTHf IJl- llJUiMJl JLTJL rrDTI lLUli The first and only c made to help the mom to get more returns fro and is praised by ever INTERNATIONAL Fertilizer is made of di regular fertilizers and ed earlier maturing, b higher yields and more heads when the heads bled farmers to sell ee higher. Farmers mad vvv-i uuianicu vjy zer. . . . Mr. J. D. Bras produced 25 tons per < Demand . . . Premium Cabbage Fei Potato Grower . . . fo Truck Grower . , - for FOR Sv Edminster Boone, Nor DOGWOOD BLOOMS, _ - - J . >** *' ?>** -"' V v = - ifV* v ?-"t^ * ? r ? * v ?7*? ,/*% ?V? :> ?>, 9- qT'-fc* *?'(! " K^v?** cm-V#? The Dogwood lends to the industrious crochet needleworker, a motif ftf 1 fiif? hnr.'Hrrnff ir! \"n >-?->r< is more beloved In the sections of the county where it grows than our native flowering dogwood. Throughout the mountains of Northwest : Carolina nothing so attracts and ! fns&risifcs tourists :\f the dogwood : blooms of early May. Strange as it may appear; dogwood does not grow wild anywhere in the world hut North America. Not many r.f us know, perhaps, that there arc some 30 varieties distin- | | guLshed in this country, varying j from the low flowering shrub variety about id /Jjchcs high, to a giant west coast tree that sometimes [ grows to 700 feet in height. This 'rynstent" "tree" nas ti-nvcrs \wice as large as other varieties and sometimes with six petals instead of four. There is also a dogwood variety that grows rather large, 50 feet high sometimes, with white berries instead of rod. found mostly in Arkansas and ^astern Texas. The Gaston County terracing unit has been running from daylight to dark during recent weeks in the attempt to terriice as much land as pes sible before planting begins. \TIONAL CABBAGE ? 17 CD LiLLA f ? 1 -? .auuayc ici Linz.ei ever itain cabbage growers | m their cabbage fields y farmer who used it. I ., Premium Cabbage fferent materials from therefore has producetter keeping quality, : money returns. Hard > are small, also, enanly when prices were e the highest yields the use of this fertiliwell, Newland, N. C., acre last year. r Potatoes Tomatoes Beans and Other Truck Crops . S.LE BY i Brothers th Carolina WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY Sv/JW-, f -W U.J mmin Ml Olf'S FLY c : v ^ V ' 1^5 V* &?* "* 7*a*+*09* ' v,'v ?>- VI ^ ' r ? f : \a --- >JB S&r* +? vV.< tejZBk Vv"/ >&?* ; ? ? 'A wV/iSfi Cor.trary 16 popular opinion, most -j wild dogwood suffers from insufficient pruning, and judicious gather mrr of dogwood sprays can be aci compiished without any harm to the | trees whatever. Promiscuous pulling ai:.i splitting off convenient branches, however, frequently ruins th? tree. Only a native of the flowering ! dogwood section in this country * '.voukl have devised so picturesque a motif for a croch??ted bedspread. ^ and only an e>:i orienced artist could ^ have patiently worked out tiiis deliglitfui design in terms of simple ^ SHh pracucai directions so that all ^ women interested in crochet would riii.i it easy to follow. It is truly a native handicraft *vrt-subject. that m ?will appeal"to many betTv lov ers of g dogwood and all who crochet. ' ' Full directions for making this beautiful dogwood bespread in three natural colors? Green, Yellow and White, may be. obtained for the asking at the office of the Watau. ' Blowing Rock School Closes Successful Termi I The Blowing Hock High School has! I just completed a very successful year.. Those graduating from the high, school department are 'is lb i lows:, Clarence Berry man. Edward Coney. \ Wade Coffey, Clcda Dula. Wanda I Gragg, Vaughn Hartley. Doss Keller Elise Pitts, Eubert Teague, Benlah; Tester. Rubv White, Blanche Wooten ' ar.d Bessie Wooten. The Seniors presented their final program on Friday evening, May 3. Mr. I") P Mast, principal presented the diplomas. Gwendolyn. Bcrrymar., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Berrynian, was selected as Senior mas-. cot. The honor roll for the last term of J tile scnool IGUOWS: First Grade: Berniec Lentz. Bare j Tester, Dorothy White, Howard Ellis, j Third Grade: Genevieve Greene. Fourth Grade: Howard Holshouser,! Floy Shore, Carter Lentz, Kathryn j White. | Firtli Grade: Ernestine Collins, Nor- j ma Collins. Blanche Pennell, Ethel < Wooten, Hardin Coffey, A. C. Moody j Jr., Rudolph Greene. Sixth Grade: Ellen Pitts. Seventh Grade: Martha Mae Ho!!:-' field. Catherine Ur.derdown, Margaret; Jenkins. Justin Coffey, Clifford Wal- j ters. Bill Williams. Shirley Moody, j Willard Tomlinson, J. B. Hollifield.? Dale Hollifield. I Eighth Grade: Dare Storey, Mary. White. Ninth Grade, Perry Ashley. Tenth Grade: Grace Hartley. j Eieventh Grade: Eubert Teague.; Elise Pitts, Doss Keller and Clarence j Berryman. Perfect Attendance Record The perfect attendance roll for the last term follows: i First Grade: B. K. Jenkins, Jose-j phine Bobbins, Dare Tester. Second Grade: Ray Gragg. Third Grade: Genevieve Greene, ] Faye Shore, Alien Klutz. Fourth Grade: Lewis Hodges, Son-', ny Klutz. Carter Lentz, Lilas Coffey, j Georgia Elrod, Floy Shore. Fifth Grade. Pauline Castle, Kath- i leen Foster, Blanche Pennell, Mary Brown, Louise Coffey. Sixth Grade: Derald Daniels. Bernard Penned. , Seventh Grade: Martha Mae Hollifield, Dale Hollifield. Gladys Holler, Claude flnnioio ' __ l^iuiuru waiters. Dee 1 Holler. I Ninth Grade; Jusephine Miller, I Doyle Hollifield. I Tenth Grade: Helen Gragg, Alver- I ta Greene, Rufus Gryder. Eleventh Grade: Doss Keller. SHORT STORY "C'anon Wiggin's Secret." An ex- I citing short story about a clergyman I who was riwittingly plunged into a I murder mystery. Read this absorb- I ing story in the American Weekly, JI sisue of May 12, the magazine which II comes regularly with the Baltimore: I Sunday American. Get your copy from I jour favorite newsboy or newsdealer. | THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. IUSS BLAIR'S PIANO CLASSES IN RECITAL WEDNESDAY pinr.o pupils of Miss Blanche Blair, issisted by Mildred Farthing and Cdthiryn Horton, gave a recital Wed;esday evening. May 1st. at the home >i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Greer in last Boone. A number of friends were present and. after the program, enoyed a delightful social hour. The nog ram was as follows: The Muffin Man." Kathleen Greer: Yar.koe Doodle." Earl Greer; "Hop. :iop. Hop." Yelda Blair Greer: * My Bonnie." Truette Greer: duet, "A Lit:le Sor.g," Kathleen Greer and Miss j Bliia : "I See You." Kathleen Greer: C . Night." Earl Greer; "Lightly "Cradle Hymn," Truett Greer: shying Game, "Hickory. Dickory. Dock." Kathleen Greer and Kathrya.. Horton: "Song of the Rose." Velda! Klair Greer: duct. "A Little Journey." Ear1 Greer and Miss Blair: "Ding. ; Pong Be!!." "London Bridge," KathGreer: "Slow March" (Chopin). ' Earl Greer: Vacation Days." song; '.nnsry duet. "Happy Farmer" .Schumann), Truett and Earl Greer; i day. Roger Asleep." Kathleen Greer, j Catliiyue Hortqh and Billy Greer; "A 'dtHe French Doll" 'Hopkins). Katheen Greer: "Minuet" (Bach). Truett : Glrecr: "Minuet" (Mozart), Velda DIair Greer: "Andante" /from Surmise Harmony by Haydn), Earl; reer: duet, "Waltz" (Strauss). Velia Blnir and Truett Greer; "Boboh:k," Mildred Farthing. ro NAME SITE FOR N. C. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL A.LEIGH, N". C. Governor L"'haus lias appointed a fit, conimitee to select a site for the tubcrcuir hospital to be located in Lite West . pcti i 01 uie csiate, tor erection of .hu-h liir present General Assembly Impropriated .$250,000. and has also lamed a combined board of control the present X C. Sanatorium, at anatbrium, and for the new hospital be erected. Tiie site committee consists of Dr >iali Fearing. Elizabeth City; State ' .or Ernest A". Webb, Kinston. and i ;> !\ Rattle, Rocky Mount. .* gj'S^ Secur For our poiicyh consideration? Old line, legal 1 conclusively in proof. This Company 1: and In full witl securities to do ^uuniiuiuimwi Every policy issued by thi North Carolina under the Ufioate (of iohich ihe abo< Hon to that provided by tl holders without extra cha Our Regis 1FRA> SECURIT Office in Watauj ! REINS-STURI THF F I I M F R A i % Licensed Embalmers Fi Ambulance Service . . . D PHONE BOONE 2 TZ_ZZ_1.M ?' i in i What's the good in Waiting ? ^ , Have you been doing withoi simply because you thought you w The value ol telephone servic case of emergencies alone by far c cost. Then. too. the telephone affo: sonal visits with your friends and rt out-of-town. What's the good in waiting? V the little you actually save, with the fort and pleasure that the telepho undoubtedly agree that it really do< rtn uiifttnid it Southern BellT and Telegraph C< incofi por at c 1 DEMOCRAT "ADVERTISING mma earawtftwibb?mmft? ity.... oldevs and their dependents is nothing- else is so important. reserve life insurance has dem the past five years that it is a las always met every obligation lout borrowing any money or s< so. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT This policy b rcgutcrcd nd other tecuritie*^^<^^mdM^ <(jip^Ttment ?? provi ? Security Life and Trust Company is registered tcit Registered Policy Law and bears the Insurance Dep 1)6 w a facsimile) to that effect. This valuable prot \e legal reserve is voluntarily given by the Company rge. tered Policy Plan Simply Ma^ Security Doubly Secure" JK M. PAY GENERAL AGENT f LIFE AND TRUST COMP A SURE WAY TO SECURITY" ?a County Bank Boone, North MAY 9. 1935 )| )IVANT ! HOME I i r^* jnerai L^ireciors >ay and Night i ? .j it telephone service 'ere saving money? e in your home in >utweighs the small rds you quick perilatives both in and Vhen you compare convenience, com* ne offers, you will ?sn't pay to try and "elephone >mpany , GETS RESULTS n ! our first onstrated depression promptly ailing- any rwminnM^ ma. ?. Kodu, cr ded by law. 4V * OtfemlMlour r h the State of lartmcnt'e cercction in addiJ to its policyfees NE ANY . Carolina I