TODAY and U11KRTY . . . has laws 1 think of no word that is so often 1 misused and misunderstood as the word "liberty." To many people it seen'.s to mean that they have a right to do as they please regarciiess of the i o; UL1H.-13. i uo a great ileal of motoring, much of It over wide, smooth concrete highways, and I see many examples of drivers who have no regard whatever for the safety of others. Liberty, it seems to me, is not the right to violate law or to infringe upon other people's liberty. Unfortu; ateiy. we have in America a very iarge number of people, not all of l.'.erii of recent foreign birth or descent, whose idea i3 exactly the op pc-site. It is an extremely prevalent idea among our foreign-born population that they don't have to obey any laws at all in this land of liberty to which they have come to escape, in! many cases, from the rigorous regu-1 lation of their native countries * * * It REGISTRATION ... of nil*..* I1 There is no nation except ours in j J the world that permits foreigners to |' enter and move about freely without1' identification cards and registration |! with the police or municipal authori- c ties. These other nations protect the lib- j' ertics of their own people against in- )( fringement by foreigners who don't i understand or are not inclined to con- ' form to their laws and customs, by 1 keeping the closest tab on everybody ' who is not a citizen. In most coun- J tries a landlord is subject to severe penalty if he rents an apartment or " a hotel room to an alien without first inspecting the foreigner's passport ^ and other papers and immediately re- j porting the visitor to the police. ' I have a strong feeling that the |' United States would have much iess j } of a crime problem if we kept the same kind of tab on every stranger within our gates. ? * FINGERPRINTS ... of all J The suggestion has often been ' made, and I think the idea is gaining s ground, that every ehild ought to be f fingcr-pinted at birth and a record of those fingerprints filed with the ^ proper authorities for possible future s identification. I cannot see where it ^ would be an infringement upon indlvidual liberty to require every citizen to carry with him at all times j, some identifcatlon, either a card with j his fingerprints and name, or an ' identification tag such as 'are issued j to soldiers in war. ( A terrible howl goes up from some quarters whenever such a suggestion ^ is made. My observation is that the t howls mostly arise from persons or j, groups who are more interested in . evading the law or helping violators' j of law to go free, than from law-1 abiding citizens. * * * 0 RELIEF . . . goes astray I have seen many statements late- t ly of the number of aliens in the Uni- j ted States who are drawing relief j ? money from municipal, State or Fed- j Q eral sources. Some of them, to be ? sure, have taken out their first pa- ( pers. One case I heard of recently is , that of a man and wife who have nev- t er earned a cent since they came to America. She was a widow with five ( children, he is a widower with six , children, and their joint progeny has , added another half-dozen or so to the j population of America. The man has , been supported by charity almost from the time of his entrance into this country. By any ser able Lest of qualifca- ( lions for citizenship, this family nev- ( or would have been allowed to re- J main here. , ? NATIONALISM . . . for us too I I have little sympathy with the in tensely nationalistic spirit which has , seized the people of almost all the world in the past few years. I think it is about time we in the United States were tightening the lines. It i3 becoming a matter of self-defense. We have a greater opportunity to go on indefinitely as a self-contained j nation than has almost any other country. We are dependent upon the; rest of the world for only a few lux- j uries. Ii I have never seen any human plan that was perfect, but it does not seem impossible for America to develop an < economic system under which our own people will be able to consume everything that our mines, waters, forests, farms and factories can produce and provide a market which: would still keep us in the position of j the most prosperous nation in the world. Until the rest of the world recovers its economic sanity and ceases to set up stupid artificia. barriers to the free flow of international trade. It seems to me that America might show how much better she can do the job of being a completely selfcontained nation. Judge John H. Bingham, Ira Edmisten, Henry Haganiari, Ed Hagaman, R. T. Greer and Dr. H. B. Perry composed a delegation going to Salisbury Monday for a conference with Mr. Ross Sigmon of the Highway Commission, relative to road work in Watauga County. The outcome of the discussion was not given out for publication. WA1 An ] VOLUME XLVII, NUMBER 11_ DOUGHTON IS OUT OF PICTURE Ac TO ~ ~ A JLK/A^ 1 *.kj x \J GOVERNORS RACE Movement to Draft Congressman Collapsed. Following Positive Statement. INTIMATES THAT HE WILL HE FOUND IN HOEY CAMP North Carolinians Buy Many New Autos: New Manager for State Railway; Paralysis Scare Is Over; Other State News. By M. R. DUNNACAN (Special Correspondent) RAL.EIGH, N C.?The movement .0 "draft Doughton for Governor" coiapsed last week when Congressman t. L. Doughton stated in WinstonSalem very definitely that he would tot be a candidate, air ambition he jave up months ago at the request if President Roosevelt, and strongly nlimated that he would be found suptorting the candidacy of his friend, Jlyde R. Hoey, of Shelby. As a part of the Doughton boom, -w n?i-.u wr "-rs ' *- " j*. naiisu v*. ivu-L'ufiain, rorsytn rep_ eser.tative and candidate for Governor on the anti-sales tax platform, lad staled he would withdraw from he race if "Farmer Bob" would run ?a move politicians say was a bid or Doughton aid in his campaign for Joverr.or. Mr Doughton's statement hat lie would not be a candidate was lot surprising, probably not even to .IcDonald, but the Doctor may have >cen surprised at the Hocy intimafon. Dr. McDonald ran into a freight rain on a little used track between lhapcl Hill and Nelson on Thursday light in the rain, pushed in the raiiator of a ear he borrowed for his ampaign and bruised his shoulder lightly. He rode into Durham on the reight and submitted to a medical ixaftiinatlon. He's getting over the erritory and reports splendid results, aying he's receiving thousands of letcrs of encouragement, many containng SI, $5 and other small bills. Meanwhile, A. H. (Sandy) Graham = getting over the territory too, turnng. up a.t gatherings everywhere, hipng .them the installation of Young Jemoeratic officials in Wake County, landidate Hoey said recently he rould wait some time before becomsg active in his campaign, but would hen state his position on every issue u the campaign, which would cover he State completely. Also, Col. T. L. Cirkpatriek, Charlotte, said he would uuuuct u short campaign and not tart for some time. John A. McRae, f Charlotte, is also traveling. Paul D. Grady, Kenley; W. P. Horon, Pittsboro, and George McNeill, "avelteville. announced, and W. L. .umpkin. Louisburg, unannounced, candidates for Lieutenant Governor, ire also turning up here, there and everywhere. They are covering the irea rapidly. Lumpkin is expected to innounce later. Plenty of political activity may be expected during the next several nor.ths, until the next June primary, ind beyond, for second primaries arc jromised in one or more contests. It viU be a spicy menu, probably. NKVV AIJTOS BOUGHT North Carclir.ains have bought 37,- j 139 new passenger cars and 9,341 new : rucks this calendar year, through August, a big increase over the 28,150 cars and 6,676 trucks purchased to he end of August last year, Director R. R. McLaughlin, of the Motor Vehicle Bureau, reports. August sales imounted to 5,057 cars and 1,320 (Continued on Page S) Long Illness is Fatal to Mr. M. H. Stanbury M. H. Stanbury, 36 years old and a resident of Todd, died at the home of a brother-in-law, Mr. Cecil Miller, of Boone, last Saturday morning after an illness of several months, wflich followed an appendix operation. A complication of ailments contributed to his demise. Funeral services were conducted on Monday from the South Fork Baptist Church at Todd, Reverends Winkler, Sexton and J. C. Canipe of Boorie taking part in the services. Interment was at the Blackburn cemetery. A n unusually large crowd gath CiCU iUl U1C Surviving is the widow and or.e small son, James Thomas. A halfbrother, Mr. S. O. Stanbury, resides in Boone. Mr. Stanbury was the son of William Stanbury, and was born and reared in the Todd community. He was a farmer by occupation, a quiet, industrious young man, and useful and good citizen. Ted Witherspoon, charged with driving drunk, was fined $50 and the costs by Judge Bingham in Recorders Court Tuesday, while Sallie Dula, charged with larceny and receiving, was bound to the Superior Court. AUG Independent Weekly New BOONE. WATAUGA WHERE WAR CL< Waters and Lands Across Whicl with Ethiopia S rw| , MCOITf^nA?,AA, 5 XV) Qf CR5TE ^ / MA LTA O^ASCff Vx % ^ ^Vrv< . \ LI81A / *""' v irsuAti S egy NEW YORK . . . This map shorn the waters and lands across whict Italy is reaching for a seemingly certain conflict with Ethiopia Italian troops by the thousands hav< been arriving at Massaua and Moga diseie, in Eritrea and Itallax Somalilandj ~ respectively. Addl Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia Adowa is the place wliero tbi Italians suffered shattering defea 40 years agor a defeat, which it 1 believed the present campaign is ii part, intended to avenge. COVE CREEK FAIR ! DATES ARE GIVEN j Annual Agricultural Event Is to Be Held at Cove Creek School on September 27-28. The Cove Creek Fair, which has come to be an institution for the entire county of Watauga, is to be held at the Cove Creek High School September 27-28, under the joint sponsorship of the Boone and Cove Creek vocational agriculture and home economic classes. The fair, which has drawn large crowds during the past years, is expected to be the best thus i far held. Exhibits - will be arranged M-rder the following departmental headings: I Baby Show, Flowers, Art, Needlecraft, Culinary, Home Canning and Preserving, Farm Crops, Horticulture, livestock, Poultry, FFA and 4-H Clubs, and Home Economics. Friday afternoon athletic events, participated in by all the schools of the county, will be the feature attraction, and a minstrel show will be given both nights. The premium catalogs are expec-ed to be ready for distribution by Friday or Saturday of next week and may be procured at the following places: Clyde Perry's store, Don Hagaman's store, Bert Mast's store, James Mast's store, W. F. Sherwood's store, Crf**Ir "Rich Rnhnnl A P! Mftst's store, Henry Hagaman's store, V. D. Ward's store, W. W. Mast's store, Clyde Tester's store, Valie Crnci3 Co., Harbin's store at Shulls Mills, and Moore'a store at Foscoe; J. C. Hedges' store at Adams, T. L. Mast's store at Lovill, Belk-Whitc store, Farmers T?^rd?y?re. Watauga Hardware. VVa! tauga Drug Co., Boone Drug Co.. all in Boone; Trivette's Garage, Deep Gap; G. G. Stephens' store. Meat Camp; T. L. Critcher's store. Bamboo, and Bank of Blowing Rock at Blowing Rock. All farmers and housewives in the county are urged to exhibit some of their products at the fair. F. F. A. Boys, Home Ec. girls and 4-H Club boys and girls are also urged to support their department by entering as many exhibits as possible. Text Books Are Now Being Distributed School books are now on hand at the office of County Superintendent W. H. Walker, and are being rapidly distributed. It is urged that those students wishing to purchase books do so at the superintendent's office; those who wish to rent books must get them through their teachers and the teachers through their principals. This procedure, it is explained, must be followed strictly, as the county superintendent is not allowed to let out any boohs for rental purposes except to the principals of the various schools. Office hours week days, 2 to 5 o'clock; Saturday, 8 a. m. to 12. CLOTHES?OLD AND NEW! How we need them for our secondhand clothing store?now more than ever! In quantities unlimited. Every variety?age, sex and kind. In addition to this remember that few boy3' clothes ever come, and we have 72 from 6 years up. You'll get six feel of gratitude from every one of then; for even one boy garment. And remnants, remnants! Mary Martin Sloop business manager of Crossnore Schoo' 1 Inc.. freight and express, Ashford .N. C.; parcel post, Crossnore, N. C. /\ DE spaper?Established in tl COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 3UDS LOWER IN OLD i Mussolini's Empire Is Keai-ltiii Shown on Interesting Map of Ri ^ v "" Tun KEY V- PE R J h s? ea C*cnt *} xc^!iA3?HA,PX ^ Tr.tfV?PO?T SA!0 <\ ?vOs> ^ ss jl x^~ KHARTUM?^ /&"""" ; .,6Loi tGYPTfAN * STUfVtN pilSS 8 <. ,.. 1 SCALE of Milts - . : O 400 *-V " I I War Against Sa At Gathering Local Unit Fair Tax Associati livening; President and Seer ent, Together with Dr. Bu Meeting; Leonard Stil The determination of the Nortl Carolina Fair Tax Association tt wage relentless warfare against th( sales tax and in favor of economy ii government was emphasized by : junoben-of officials of the organiza (ion which met with a group of Iocs members in Boone Monday night. I was also quite evident that the fatax group will line up behind Di Ralph McDonald of \Vin3ton-Sale11 for Governor, and will throw its sup port behind candidates for the Gen erw! Assembly who are in synipath; with the Fail- Tax Association's pro gram and can be depended upon ti do what they promise the people tdo after they get to Raleigh," to us the words of one of the speakers. The fair-taxers made no specia ado about their meeting and the pub lie was not invited, as on former oc ca3ions, but it is understood tha plans are under way to hold publi meetings later in Watauga, Ashe an Wilkes counties, in furtherance of th Fair Tax Association's campaign. OJ CREMATION BODIES BEGINS IN FLORIDA ! .??? Set Pyres to -Wert l'ONSilmiiY 01 rt" tiiciice in Storm Area. Few Are Being Buried. MIAMI. FLA.?Sheriff D. C. Coll man, directing operations in the low er Keys, reported to the Red Cro: at 9:15 a. m. Saturday that burnin of bodies of Monday night's ston victims had started. It was after daylight, the sherL said, before the first match was a] plied to a pile of oil soaked bodies. Orders for cremation of bodii which could not be buried quick: were issued by Governor Dave Sholt | kjii i cuunuiitMiua'.iuii ui oitnu ncan authorities as a precaution again: possible outbreak of pestilence. A priest, a rabbi and a ministi were flown to Snake Creek by tl Coast Guard to conduct burial ser ices of the dead there. Here in Miami, graves were dug Woodlawn cemetery to hold 125 bo ies of World War veterans brougl out of the storm area. They were killed, with comrade and civilians in great numbers wh< the mad storm slashed the gover ; ment relief camps where they we: quartered at Matecumba Key. Tl Red Cross said the number dead i missing totalled 446. Form Available For Auto Drivers Licens i Forms for making applications fi ' drivers license under the new Sta automobile law are now available : ' the office of the Clerk of the Sup t rior Court, at the offices of notari : public in the town, and at the g i rages and some of the service st tions. Drivers are notified that th< , must apply for these licenses, whii I will be issued without cost up to N , vember 1st. After that date th will cost the applicant 51.30. :moci ie Year Eighteen Eighty-Ei$ THURSDAY, SEPT. 12. 1935 WORLD AREAS I g for Almost Certain Conflict id Sea Country. f y ^ 1 <^rn / Mi I 3 ^ -.?0 sT | jf \ ,/ ARABIAN I t . SEA il :.''v. S^^-# -f ' . :' :<> :> ^ i c J O l? IA ' ,f / a syi/ E / J ^mocaoiscio *.-* ? '. ?t y |h &* <** KEHYA-.. / a COLON?A b n/X f BA.5. E h les Tax Begun ? ic of Local Citizens t b on in Private Session on Monday etary of State Association Presrrus; C. W. Teal Presides at I 11 in Watauga County. a ii i ficers of the association who met with a i the local group Monday night includ- 2 ed Mr. D. E. Turner of Mooreaville, 1 State president; Dr. John T. Burrus, t i of High Point, State Senator and lead- a - er of the anti-sales tax forces in the f .1 last Assembly, who is a-director of. t the Tax Association; Mr. A. W. Bunch t r of Statosvllle, former president of the ? . | North Carolina Merchant* Associa- c tjtion and a director of the Ta.*. Asso- t - ciation, and J. Paul Leonard of f - State3ville, executive secretary of the f association, and known as the State's \ - most bitter foe of the sales tax. 1 3 Mr. Leonard is still in this section, f 1 and has the co-operation of a local j e j committee in making a canvass in the ! interest of the Tax Association. It is ] .1 j understood that Ashe County was vis- ] -1 ited yesterday, ami Wilkes County is ] :-! to be visited today. L Mr. C. W. Tea! of Boone is Wa- j e tauga Countys' representative 011 the i .A L-tttSrtfol hoavH nC tVicv Tov A neonio . . vi umjuioi uvuiu ui ut'. loa noowoia- i e tion, and he presided at Monday : t- night's meeting i >! ELK MAN SHOOTS <\ AND KILLS NEGRO ?- j Dana Triplett Surrenders for Homicide at His Home in Wilkes County Thursday Night. WTI.KESBORO, N. C ?Cana Tripiett, wel! known citizen of Elk Town-s ship <Wilkes County), shot and killed ? Charlie Horton, 37. negro, in an altercation at the Triplett home Friff I day evening about six o'clock . ?- According to an account of the affair given by eye witnesses, the col53 ored man went to the home of Trip'y |lett and started a fight with another z. colored boy, who was working at the h Triplett home. Triplett attempted to st stop the fight and Horton assaulted him with stones and barely missed f striking his children and a visiting lady standing nearby. Triplett drew a ,25-calibre automatic pistol and shot the negro three times in the in chest and abdomen. However, he d- threw two rocks after he was shot ht and walked some distance from the house before he fell. Neighbors cares ried him to the hospital here where in he died in a few minutes after he n- arrived. re Triplett promptly came to Wilkesle boro and surrendered to Sheriff W. >r B. Somers. W. M. U. of Three forks; i? To Hold Annual Meeting or The Women's Missionary Union of te the Three Forks Association will hold at its annual meeting with Mt. Calvary e- Church on Wednesday, September 18. es The meeting will begin at 10 a. m. a- and close about 3:30 p. m. Dinner will a- be served by the local society, sy j The outstanding feature of the ;h | meeting will be an address by Miss o- i Sara Funderburk, returned Missioneyjarv from China. All are cordially invited to attend. RAT ?ht ? ? $1.50 PER YEAR WERAL RITES TO BE HELD TODAY FOR HUEY P. LONG toth Friend and Foe Join in Expressing Regret Over Tragic Death of Colorful Ruler. SODY TO REST IN SHADOW STATE CAPITOL BUILDING O-Year-Oid Eye Specialist Kills Spectacular Political Figure as He Emerges from Imposing Slate House at Baton Rouge. BATON ROUGE, LA. ? Senator luey P. Long tiled Tuesday at the eight of his power, End both friend nd foe of his political creed throughut the nation deplored his assassttation. Control of his Louisiana empire. vhlch he ruled as a dictator, was In :onfusion as his lieutenants sought o solidify their ranks and preserve he power they inherited. Lang's death came at 1:06 a. m., Central Standard Time He was unonsclous. His immediate family and olitical associates surrounded his ledside. Long was 42 years old. For 31 ours he and his physicians fought gainst death from wounds inflicted y Dr. A. C. VVeis3 Jr., 30-year-old Saton Rouge eye specialist, who shot he Senator as he stepped from the louse chamber into a corridor of the E&pitol building Sunday night. Tv'eiss, a member of a family polit:ally opposed to Long, immediately ropped dead from 30 bullet wounds iflicted by Longs heavily-armed odyguards. He was buried Monday fternoon. Five Transfusions Tire bullet from Weiss' gun struck he Senator in the right side, penerated the colon in two places, injured , kidney and passed out of his body -i the back. An emergency operation nd five blood transfusions failed to ave him. The imposing 33-story State Caplol, setting for his greatest triumphs :nd his fatal wounding, was chosen or the Senator's last rites. For J7*'ho?rB, from 1 p. rn. Wed\ca'day until 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the body of the slain political :hieftain will lie in State in the rounda of the huge State House which ic built. At the latter hour funeral services vill be held, after which he will be juried on the Capitol grounds. The "amily late Tuesday agreed to suggestions of Long's followers that it yould be appropriate, that he rest jermanentiy in tne shadows of the landsorac citadel of his political domain. An East Baton Route coroner's jury returned a verdict saying that the man who dominated the public life if Louisiana for eight years "came Lo his death from gunshot wounds of a homicidal character." The verdict, following Louisiana custom, did not fix responsibility for the act. $3,000 Loss Incurred As Coffey Home Burns *' ___________ "* A fire of undetermined origin on Saturday a week ago completely destroyed the eight-room residence of Mr and Mrs. R. L.. Coffey of Route 1, including practically all the furniture and other fixtrues, and a considerable quantity of foodstuffs. Members of the family were not in the house when the blaze started, and they do not know how it originated. The loss, which has been estimated as high as three thousand dollars, was only partially covered by insurance. Mr. Coffey's father, Mr. D. C. Coffey. who was a visitor in town Saturday, says his son is preparing temporary living quarters on the premises. ! Roosevelt Deplores Shooting of Senator HYDE PARK, N. Y.?President Roosevelt, befo.-e the death of Huey | P. Long, Monday deplored the "spirit of violence" in expressing his "regret" at the attempt upon the life of the Senator from Louisiana. Mr. Roosevelt issued the following statement: "I deeply regret the attempt made upon the life of Senator f-ong of Louisiana. Hie spirit of violence is unAmerican and has no place in a consideration of public affairs, least of all at a time when calm and dispassionate approach to the difficult problems of the day is 30 essential." Senator Long has been one of the severest critics of the administration and had indicated an intention to run for President next year against Mr. Roosevelt. It was learned that the President and Mrs. Roosevelt sent a personal message to Mrs. Long. This was not made public.

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