m mmcm&mmm-mr m m I PAGE TWO FARM NOTES | By W. B. COLLINS (County Agent) So far there has been 46 community demonstration farms passed on by the township committeemen of Watauga County, and phosphate has been received or requisitions have been approved by the Tennessee Vatley Authority for 344,600 pounds of Triple Phosphate to be applied on the grass lands of these farms. This week there were 50 applications sent to the Tennessee Valley Authority for the Brushy Fork and Vander Pool sections of the Cove Creek Watershed for 200,136 pounds of Triple Phosphate We have not been informed as to whether the Cove Creek Watershed will be approved. The farmers on the Cove Creek Watershed who have not done so, should make maps of their farms and bring then to the County Agent's office where they can make application for demonstration farms. If the Tennessee Valley Authority approves the first applications from the Cove Creek Watershed we will have no assurance that they will continue to do so until all the farms on the watershed are approved. So the safe thing for the farmers on this watershed, who want demonstration farms, is to get their applications in the County Agent's office at the earliest date possible. TRENCH SIEOS At present the following men are J building or making plans to build trench silos: John Dugger. Sugar Grove: Poley Xforetz, Zionville: John Perry. Sherwood, and Brown Brothers, Blowing Rock. Trench silos are no longer ir. the experimental stage as they have been used successfully on hundreds of farms in North Carolina during the j last three years. The trench silo costs ] very little to construct, it can be1 made large or small to fit every farm need, and silage is probably the very cheapest and best feed that any farmer in the county can make to winter his livestock. Pol information in regard to trench silos, see the County Agent. GRAND SOVEREIGN I.ODGK OF OI?l> FELLOWS TO BE ON AIR ? Grand Representative Burton Gaskill of New Jersey, chairman of the committee of arrangements for the i Sovereign Grand I/Odge Cession in At- j lantic City, has announced thai, the I Columbia Broadcasting System will furnish, free of charge, one-half hour coast to coa3t broadcast over 95 stations, as a compliment to the Oddfellows of the United States and Canada. This broadcast will originate from i Station WPG in Atlantic City, and will consist of an address by United States Senator II. If. Logar., past grand sire, and others, together with appropriate music. The Grand Sire has requested that all lodges of all branches of the order, 26,000 in number with members of their families, hear this broadcast by the past Grand Sire. Time of broadcast, Tuesday night,' September 17th. Hour of broadcast is j as follows: To begin at 10:30 o'clock,! E. S. T., and will continue one-half I hour. Every member of the order and i non-member is requested to listen in! to this broadcast. You will know more about Oddfellowship after this broadcast. This communication is sent by order of Yob!-- Grand W M. Greer and W. A. Watson, secretary of Deep Gap Lodge Yo. 362, I. O. O. F., Deep Gap. Y. C. BOONE BAPTIST CHI IICH P Sunday, September 15 Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., Prof. H. R. Eggers, general superintendent; 11 a. m., worship and sermon by I pastor; 6:30, Baptist Training Union; 7:30, worship and sermon, topic, "Demon Possession." Are. modern people demon possessed ? The pastor and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Greene. The pastor preached last Sunday at the home of Rev. L. A. Wilson, who is ill. Brother Wilson has done I a great work in God's Kingdom inl the mountain country. His friends are | praying for his recovery. We closed a good meeting at Gap j Creek last week. , ?J. C. CANIPE, Pastor. MALARIA Speedy Relief of Chills and Fever Don't Jet Maiaria tear you apart with its racking chills and burning fever. Trust to no home-made or mere makeshift remedies. Take the medicine prepared especially for Malaria?Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic gives real relief from Malaria because it's a scientific combination of tasteless quinine and tonic iron. The quinine kills the Malarial infection in the blood. The iron builds up the system and helps fortify against further attack. At the first sign of any attack of Malaria take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Better still take it regularly during the Malaria season to w ard off the disease. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is absolutely harmless an i tastes good. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic now comes in two sizes, 50c and 51. The $1 sire contains 254 times as much as the 50c size and gives you 25% more for your money. Get bottle today at any drugstore. . Democrat Ad* Pay w. SOMETHING NEW 1 1 r *t. 1 d.4 :<k ?i.: . n rcdiucrvu nui wiui VJ? Fashions as Display* NEW TORE . . . The hat, with a matching trim on beige Telvet gloves, feature new Foil fashions. Coque feathers hang down In flattering array at the back of the hat which is fashioned entirely of them. The beige velvet gloves, with kid palms, have gaontlets with match- |B ing feather trimmings. ~~7 V.A.t. L?b. | ~-sr a 1 Items from The Democrat of \v September 3, 1896 <1 r> The Populist convention meets in ^ Boone today. Misses Nellie and Tate Blair of fj North Wilkesboro arc visiting: their ^ uncle, George H Blair, of New River. The workmen are now engaged ir. tearing down the old Aiethodist v Church here. A more modern and h convenient one will be erected on the same site just as quickly as the work -jcan be done. v Some days ago, Mrs. Will Henson of Cove Creek was badly and it is a feared seriously hurt by a mule she j, was ruling. The mule fell and she t, was thrown, and it is still feared she j will not recover. A few days since a Mrs. Varihoyjh on the North Fork was instantly n killed by a falling tree, while picking 5 beans in a corn field, and her body 1; was found a few hours afterwards, t badly mangled. t Mr. E. E. Jurney of Waverly, Tcnn., e whose illness was mentioned last I ... . _ r Iioams an uyatera Oysters contain 200 times as much Iodine ns milk. eggs, or heefsteak. I MORE BABIES European nations have urged subjects to marry at once in order to provide soldiers for future war. Head this revealing article in the Septemfcer 15th issue of the AMERICAN I WEEKLY, the big magazine which I comes regularly with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. On sale at your newsdealers. 'IHIIIHIillllilllllllHIlllllllllllilHIllllilllill THE LILLIAN MAE BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 52 Located Over the Postoffiee on Main Street. THIRD ANNIVERSARY ODPCI A * C?? BEGINNING SATURDAY MORNING. SEPT. 14, ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1935. French Perfume Oil Wave $7.50 Frederic Vita-Tonic Wave and Croquignole 7.50 Oil of Tulipwood 5.00 Tube Rose Oil Wave 5.00 (Recommended for fine, limp, gray hair) Oil of Castor 3.50 Ringlet Wave complete 3.00 French Oil Wave with a shampoo, finger wave and hair cut 2.00 BIRTHDAY SPECIALS! Shampoo, Finger Wave, Manicure and Hair Cut 1.00 Finger Waves 25c, 35c, 50c We specialise in Hair Tinting . . . Hair Dyeing Henna Packs Miss "Peggy"' Reichert, Mgr. Miss Edith Hamby Miss Ora Mast llllilllliiiiiillllllllillllllllilllllllllillllllll! A.TAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE 'OR THE LADIES love Trim Feature New Fall :d in New York. wEsrkfikn eek, died at Elk Park on last Mo iy at 2 p. m. The body arrived ; oone at 5 a. m? and was intern ere that day. The sorrowing ai rief-stricken family has the symp iy of all the people in their tro le. September 10, I89G W. R. Greene of Boone has be< fry ill lor several days, but it oped he is now improving. Miss Mary Dougherty of Casp; enn? has opened school at Vilt rith good prospects. Don't forget that Lee S. Ovcrmo ne of the finest political speake i the Old North State, will be pre r.t for the convention on the 19th. At the Populists' convention he ; Boone on last Thursday, the f< swing gentlemen were put in non ation: For representative. Wiley "arthing: for Treasurer, L. N. P< Ins. and for County Commission! I. If. Farthing. The remainder of t icket was left to be filled in by t xecutive committee of the Peopl 'arty. J - % j MHHng^i BMP wKf M|HB db^S^E^'-^ ??* Hk^| f csso The recognized leadei among premiitn motor fuels, adapter from fighting grad< aviation fuel. SSSO S T A N D A RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. ~ 1 WI LE CKUCIS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. recently of Lbwille. now at the Valie Crucis I School where Mr. Walsh is supplying , j for Sir Butt, who is away for the. ; month of September. ? | Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Smith of At- j ! lanta were visitors at. the homo of. Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. C. D. Taylor, | last week, also Mrs. Freize of Chi! eago. I Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mast and fam| ily returned to their home Sunday j : after spending a few days with home j ! folks, they were dinner guests Sun- i day of Mr and Mrs. I. D. Shull, to- j i gether with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shull. : { Mrs. t\". H. Wagner, Mrs. Glovier1 [ and Miss Mary Wagner attended the ' annual Auxiliary meeting at Kanuga j til is week. Prior to Mr. T. W. Taylor's return to Augusta, he and Mrs. Taylor were entertained at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. I. D Shull. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mast. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lester j Thornton dined with Mr. and Mrs. D. I F. Mast before returning to their licme in Charlotte. Mrs. Thornton and her son spent the summer months with her mother, Mrs. \V. D. Clarke. Charles and Ernest Dunn, sons of ! Mrs. Stella Dunn, left Sunday for Washington where they will spend an indefinite period of time. Miss Anne Carson of Charlotte is house guest of Miss Gladys Taylor. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Bell Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Lcm | Haffer. also of Charlotte, called. ' Mr. Gilbert Taylor was accompa- J nied to Raleigh by Dr. H. B. Perry.' Miss Gertrude Perry and Mr. Roby Greer on business recently. n_ Miss Virginia Bouidin ha" returned ; at_ to resume her duties at the Valle Crucis School. ^ Miss Beulah Baird and Beta Tes- i a. ter. who are attending college in, u. Boone, spent last week-end with their ; parents. Messrs. Maples and Wheeler I Farthing also spent the week-end in j en the Valley. js Saturday evening marked the close of the enjoyable square dances at the ;r V.blo Crucis School. An added featore el' entertainment for the e.venu g -last) was a number of magical tricks and humorous readings by the n' visiting rector, Mr. Walsh. Mrs. J M. Shull spent Monday at 's" i t.i T. C. Bairds. I .Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Mast entertained at dinner Monday night Mr. j . and Mis. W. R. Smith of Atlanta, "" Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Taylor and Miss Nannie Smith. :r r_r' More than 4.000 acres of lespedeza fje are being grown in Burke County i this season, following introduction of 3 the legume a few years ago. v? ? m jj^* ?_..: X: -;:. .y-y^3BWt^?'.; ' "y'""V ' ' ' >. ' . . j-y ' Essolene Sssoli r Guarantees smooth- The oil of i 1 er performance than quality al>*a 1 any other regular- regular pric a price gasoline. Con- tivHyccmbii tains a solvent oil. omy and pr mflRKETEl RD OIL COMF POCliTKV QUESTION j | Can I substitute skim milk or buttermilk for any of the. ingredients in I vouv recommended State laying niasii i formula? Answer: Skim milk or buttermilk I may be substituted for dried milk at the rate of one gallon of milk to each 10l? birds. Where as much as three gallons of the skim milk or buttermilk is fed to each 100 birds a day this will take the place of all the dried milk, one-half the fish meal, and one-ha'f the meat meal as recommended. The success of these substitutions depend upon the regular feeding of the milk and unless there j is an ample supply so as to make I regular feedings no substitutions should be made. Give And Take "Good advice," said Uncle Eben. I "needs team work. One man must be smart enough to give it and another | must have sense enough to take it." I I HARVFS' I -am- _si_ J*. J _ m_ T Happy the farmer i well-filled barns a winter approaches. And happy is the i winter of life is n forward to the secui a lifetime of systei made possible. There's no better safe savings accoun WATAUGA BAh BOON Deposits Insured up to $5,0< Insurance C< - ~ -r-vW 1 Basil 5" 1 m - -. i IlilS - iiptl .. When trail's en mountain top, anc J reward is a l>reath-1 iview over miles of ling lakes and seaforest . . . and Es power and Essciuti have brought you a hairpin turns anc the upper world as as a bird takes ilig RS ANY OF N E 1 SEPTEMBER 12. 1935 Crazy Water Crystals We have the acencv for this famous Mineral Crystal which is proving so generally satisfactory. Let us supply your needs. NEW PRICES - - $1.00 & GOc. Formerly priced $1.00 and $1.50. Get a supjrty today'. WATAUGA DRUG STORE r TIME I .vho can look on nd granaries as nan who, as the earing, can look rity and rest that riatic saving has backlog than a t at the . . . COUNTY I IK I e: . n. c. I )0 by the Federal Deposit irporation. d is a 1 your taking ?park-green solene ie case round 1 into easily bt ? A Mhj! RADIOI listen to Guy 5^- vj Lombardo and his Royal E Canadian* every Monday night?7 to 7:30 Ewetern Standard Tlroe. Columbia artwork and affiliated ?SS0MSIiR Thelowcst-connumption, highest-performance motor oil made. 35 cents per quart, in scaled containers only. s Copr. 1935. Eao, Inc. W JERSEY

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