IljBOONE 1 Qi/prrr,ure 1 V^llLiO j| By J. C R. ItULUINiSL HAKR1S COL. WADE HAMPTON HARP.IS, dean of North Carolina newspapermen, is dead . . . and we mountaln eers are deeply grieved. As editor of The Charlotte Obw iHB server for twenty? , three years, Col. K W Harris, through the % S j columns of his emij *^5. A ncnt journal. ex"Ai - m tolled the beauties n' 'i ' hi'.s v ' .4 A cabin on an "ivy % i ridge" . . . the home:H JK spun philosophy of a * backwoodsman . . . ~ ? tlie fragrance of a "Jim" wild flower . . . the shimmering beauty of a waterfall . . . winding trails through forests of pine and hemlock . . inspiring vistas of jumbled peaks . . . fattening herds on emerald pastures . . . the peace and ^ security of life in primitive coves . .,nc .luujecis near to ttte Colonel's heart . . . and his able writings were responsible in no small measure for the ever-increasing flow of tourists to the Blowing Rock country . . . for improved social condi-' lions . . . for the awakening of latent talent in the bosoms of mountain youth . . . for surfaced rouds and I modern schools . . . for the honored position which Watauga and her sis- j ter counties occupy in the public; mind. True, North Carolina has lost one. i of its great journalists . . . one of its i most valuable citizens . . . but the I Northwest section of Tarheelia has i lost a persona! friend. We can almost sec him now as he used to sit with his friend. Bob Rivers, father of The Democrat, 'neath the maple tree I which shades the local printery .... we can almost hear the wholesome! conversation which passed between them as they puffed their dark che-! roots . . . conversation which had to [ do with Dr. Dougherty's college, with ] the price of cabbage and spuds, with elections and public officials . . . with j a thousand and one lesser problems confronting the folks they served. And out of those conversations came printed comments of inestimable value to folks hereabout. The brooks and the forests and the rhododendron bowers and the singing birds remain to offer their charm to summer visitors . . . their friend " has yielded, to human frailty and answered a call to higher endeavors. n*?: 3- ?- >- * - - * * l'iiuiiu.1 ii:i luym as uic uoionei are: hard to find . . . scribes with the | flowing quill that was hi3 are not to j be had ill quantities large . . . men I of his character d vision come few j and far between. . . But we hdpe, j sincerely, that those who succeed j Colonel Harris will catch some of the' beauty that lurks in these hills . . . some of the color that inspired his j writings. And we trust that they'll deal as charitably with our problems as did the Colonel . . . who might honestly have been called the mountains' No. 1 friend. HITHER AND *ON Walking along the street . . brisk fall breeze swirling the nifty skirts of Doctor Dougherty's pretty co-eds . . . brawny he-men and scrawny youths discussing football, and Kid Brewer's chances of developing a winning team . . . leaves turning crimson and gold on the trees in front of the Councill home . . . Ab Mullins and Paul Coffey talking hunting squirrels, ducks, rabbits and vermin generally . . . tipsy Romeo of more than forty trying his best to squeeze a jane . . . Sergeant Pitts accepting a challenge to bowl a bit . . . Mr. Wallace Edmisten giving his views on direct relief, and reciting experiences of want, and hunger, and rugged courage that he lived through during Reconstruction Days . . . Engineer King playing with his grandson, Coker Triplette Jr. . . . Lloyd Welch, from out in the Matney sec- | tion, talking politics . . . Dr. Frank j Greer shaking hands with friends I aiong the way . . . Congressman Bob Doughton greeting acquaintances at ''' the Court House, and reporting optimistically on national recovery - a group of horse-traders telling the | yokel3 how good their nags are , . . j youth of maybe twelve driving a great big car along the street ... a married man, a prominent one, riding with a pretty girl, a good-looking girl . . . not his wife . . . radio in I'Aai L:IVW jiuuoc uiaiuig uui ouim. sort of a song about "when, grandma's oid-age pension comes around" . . . fall weather . . . possum hunting clays . . . harvest days . . . not much money hereabout, but plenty to eat . . . and ain't that som'pin? GRIFFIN ASSUMES WORK WITH EDUCATIONAL BODY Raleigh, Sept. 16.?Lloyd E. Griffin, of Edenton, member of the state senate in 1933 and and 1935, today assumed his duties here as executive secretary of the state school commission. Griffin succeeds Leroy Martin, who resigned to enter bank work in Winston-Salem. WA1 :| Ar j VOLUME XI VII. NUMBER 12 i Candidate for Governor Dr. fia iph McDonald, candidate for : Governor in the Democratic prii marics and in whose behalf a Mc| Donald Club has been organized in | Watauga County. Idonaldclubis organized frida\ Members of Fair Tax Association and Others Join in Cove Creek Road. Watauga county has the distnetion of being the first county in tile state to organize a "McDonald for Gover nor Club." Meeting at Cove Creek last Friday evening enthusiastic supporters of Dr. Ralph McDonald's candidacy for the democratic nomination for governor organized the Watauga McDonald for Governor Clut and named a committee of five citizens of the county to draw up e "declaration of the purposes of this club, and reasons for our choice ol McDonald for Governor." The meeting was called by Mr. C W. Teal of Boone, a member of executive Board of the North Oaro lina Fair Tax Association, which i: lining up behind Forsyth county's candidate. Judge John H. Binghan of the Watauga Recorders courl served as chairman of the meeting which was addressed by Paul Leon ard of Statesville, secretary of th< Fair Tax Association, who has beer in this section of the state all week holding meetings in the interest ol that organization. Talks were alsi made by a half dozen local citizens A. Clyde Mast of Sugar Grove, ? Democratic leader, was elected per manent chairman of the new club James Sherwood of Sherwood, wa: named vice chairman; and C. L Rhyne of Boone, was elected perma nent secretary. Several townships were repre sented in the meeting, and plan adopted call for the holding of pre cinct meetings in the 14 precincts o the county. The precinct chairme: to be elected at these meetings wi! comprise the county executive com mittee. The three officers elected las night, with Judge Bingham and Mr Teal are the committee which wil complete the plans for the organiza tion, and are instructed to name th< time mid t-iacc for the next county wide meeting. It was agreed that Dr McDonald shall address the club a soon as a convenient date can b agreed upon. A CORRECTION It was erroneously reported in thi Democrat last week that Mrs. Dav Henson of Cove Creek was a pa tient at Banner Elk Hospital when she underwent an operation. As ! matter of fact. Mrs. Henson Is no ill at all, and it was Mrs. Dav Moody who was indisposed. The er ror is regretted by the Democrat. Says Grading o More Money I College Station, Raleigh, N. C.? j Farmers in Watauga and Alleghany counties are receiving more monev | for their lambs since they started I grading the animals systematically, I says L. X. Case, animal husbandman at State College. The grading system not only brings them higher prices for the quality lambs, but it also stimulates the raising of better stock, Case pointed out. The system was started by W B. Collins, at present county agent in Watauga and former county agent in Alleghany, and has beer continued in Alleghany under th< direction of R. E. Black, presenl county agent. According to the present plan o! grading, the top quality lambs an marked with a blue circle, the nex best with a red circle, and the number three grades are no marked. Buck lambs are markee with a red circle. LAUG i Independent Weekly Nev l BOONE, WAT AUG sheriFfTl7hayes ! SUCCUMBS TO LONG ILLNESS IN WASH. Prominent Citizen Laid to Rest iu Adopted State. Was 83 Years of Age. HELPED ORGANIZE G. O. P. IN WATAUGA COUNTY Twice Elected Sheriff During Ilis Carccr of Public Service. Owned and Operated Republican Newspaper in Boone. Mr. J. L. Hayes, Watauga citi|zen who for the past several months shad resided in the Pacific Northlwest, died on September 11, at St. John, Wash., according to word just reaching relatives here. He was 83 years old, and had been in declining health since early spring. Funeral and burial took place in St. John. Survivng are three sons, W. T. Hayes of St. John, Wash.; Lewis Hayes of Elizabethtown, Tcnn., and Frank Hayes of the State of Washr ington. The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Sallie Shook, Matney; Mrs. Mollie Mast. Valle Cruris; Mrs. Jennie White. head, Boone; Miss Julia Hayes, Helena, Mont.; Joe Hayes, Vilas, and George Hayes, Bamboo. Mr. Hayes was born, reared, and spent most of his life in the Brushy Fork section of Watauga county. Having taken an early interest in political matters, he was one of the leaders in the formation of the Republican party here, and, in 18S6, defeated Captain Tom Coffey, Democrat. for sheriff. In 1S88, Hayes was named Chairman of the Republican > Executive Committee, and again - selected a the party's candidate for i Sheriff, defeating D. F. Baird in the > fall election by a small majority, f From 1896 to 1900 Mr. Hayes served as deputy collector of Internal Revenue. . Tn 18S7 Sheriff Hayes and J. A. . Crisp purchased The Watauga En{ terprise. Republican newspaper es tablished shortly before by J. A. t McLaughlin of Concord, which they 1 published for a year. In this position Mr. Hayes was strengthen party lines. arfiWSwwPHn outstaftd?|ing figure in G. O. P. circles. During 11 his two terms as Sheriff, Mr. Hayes : j made settlement of taxes with the county commissioners on the first i Monday in each May, taking a receipt in full for all levies. He stated , in after years that during his terms . of office he only failed to collect . from two taxpayers, the amount in3 volved being less than ten dollars. As an official he was kind and cour_ teous, and made friends readily. Following his days of public service, Mr. Hayes was engaged ip. stockraising and agricultural enterprises, in which he was most successful. For f the past ten years he had made his ;1 home with a son, Walter Hayes, who until recently lived at Limestone, Term. Sheriff Hayes was widely known throughout Western North Carolina and his passing is the cause for genuine sorrow among his friends. COURT WEEK VISITORS A -.luiig UioSo-'v.'ito business at the Democrat office the first of the week were: A. N. Greene, Iaxou; L. S. Spurring, Lenoir; Jethro Wilson. Reese; Mrs. J "N. Carroll, Deep Gap; W. S. Miller, Todd; H. G. e Cook, Blowing Rock; J. L. Moore, e Sugar Grove: R. L. Doughton, Spar ta; Carl Stout., Adams; L. M. Hodges, e Adams; L. M. Moretz, Route 1; Grai dy Green, Deep Gap; W. S. Farthing, t Sugar Grove; F. P. Chappel), Balm; a Wade L. Greene. Peoria; J. R. Triv ett, Reech Creek; Dr. F. M. Greer Mabel. N. C. f Lambs Brings :o Local Farmers By pooling their lambs and shipping them to control markets where higner grades are paid for accordl ing to market quotations, Case pointed out, the growers are securing more for their lambs than they would by lumping the animals together indiscriminately and selling for average prices. i iic ?x;vUir prices received ror uie good lambs give the farmers a concrete example of the value of breeding high grade animals and raising them according to the best : known methods, Case added, and as ' a result the growers are beginning 1 to improve their stock. Moreover, he said, the growers t realize the worth of the pool, and when local buyers offer to purchase f ungraded lambs in an average price i schedule, the growers as a rule arc t reluctant to sell in this way. How5 ever, those who do sell to local buyt era are receiving higher average i prices than they did before the pool was started. fspaper?Established in th t\ uuuimty, NORTH CAROLINA. VICTIM OF ENE Louisiana Kingfish and Family Jnst Prior to Assassin: BATON ROUGE, LA ?Above is or Senator Huey P. Long and family. It before the Louisiana dictator was st corrlor of the Louisiana State Capit Ur, Carl A. Weiss Jr., who in turn \va the hands of Senator Loner's bodv ni) and Mrs. Long, daughter, Rose, and GEORGE C, GREER ! DIES SUDDENLY Prominent Citizen of Zionville Succombs Saturday Morning, George C. Greer, aged G1 years, prominent and esteemed citizen of Zionville, died suddenly last Saturday morning at Stovali, N. C. funeral services were conducted Monday morning from the Zionville "&R(iti3t Church by the pastor. Rev. W'o. Paynewhn was assisted by ft. C. Eggd-JW?- ' *- X". Ashley:' An unusually large crowd gathered: for the obsequies, and an impressive-1 ly large floral offering was in charge of Mrs. W. S. Penn, being bcrne by the following young ladies: Misses Mildred Thomas, Ruth Castle, Betty Ruth Greer, Doris Wilson, Earlc Henson, Ella Reese, Madge Williams, Clarissa White, Murtlc -Palmes, Effie . J. Greer, Mazc-Ila Eggers, Pearl Campbell, Ella Ree Jenkins, Ruth Lawrence, Lillie Mae Smith, Irene and Faye Brown, Flora Johnson, June Yonce, Mary Elizabeth Church, Maude Williams, Mildred Stephens, Mae South, Mrs. Gus Norris. Special music was rendered by Mr. John Oh-1 Ver and his choir from Union Church.! Pallbearers were: Loyd Eller. J. A. Castle, Harve and Milton Brown, F.. H. Wilson, W. A. and Olin Stephens, O. L. Smith, Will Miller, Edd Bumgarner, Reeves Holman and Mack Lawrence. Interment was in the cemetery, near the church, Badger Funeral; Funeral Home of West Jefferson be- \ lug lit of the arangements. Surviving besides the widow ale, five children: Ralph and Theo Greer! and Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson of Zionvillc | and E'leet Greer of Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Worth Byers, another daughter, preceded her father in death five months ago. Mr. Greer was born in Watauga county, the son of the late Andy and Mrs. Greer, ne joined the Zionville Baptist Church in 1886 and remained a faithful member, active in his affiliation until death. A large portion (Continued on Page 8) Joseph Mitchell Dies At Banner Elk Sunday Joseph Mitchell, 40 years old, a citizen of the Valle Crucis community, died at the Banner Elk Hospital Sunday afternoon, from a sudden illness developed the day previous. Surviving is the widow and an adopted daughter. Funeral services were conducted Monday at Valle Crucis and interment was there. Mr. Mitchell was reared at VaVlle Crucis, and engaged in farming the most of his life. He was well known as a splendid citizen of industrious habits. ODD, STRANGE AND CURIOUS Mr. A. S. Johnson of Sherwood tells of a freak of nature which will be of interest to other farmers: A heifer bred to bring a calf on August 21, was bred again to October 4. In June the heifer freshened and gave an 8-lb. bucket of milk twice dailj until August 25 when she had a calf On Sept. 15 she wa3 bred again, anc Mr. Johnson is at a loss to understand the strange occurrences. MOC1 e Year Eighteen Eighty-Eij; THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1935 MY'S BULLETS ( Shown in Photograph Taken ( ation of "Head Man." ja | io of the latest pictures of TJ. s. f. was taken in New York shortly lot and seriouslv wounded in the ~ U' ol by a disgruntled political enemy, is mowed down by machine guns in lards. In the photo are: Senator [ son, Palmer Reed Long. eJ ? tt Veteran Editor Dead h Col. Wade H. Harris, Editor of F The Charlotte Observer and sum- s mertime resident of Blowing Rock, who succumbed Saturday after a s long illness. (Story page 2.) e FUNERAL SQUIRE GREEN ON SUNDAY > Blowing Rock Justice Dies Sat- ^ urday Following Long Illness. 7v~ rr. .0?pc, s,Vyca.--r>!d citizen j, of Blowing Rock, and tor two score j or more years a justice of tlie peace, ; died at his home last Saturday morn- j ing after a lingering illness. ( : Mr. Green was a carpenter, but ; ! his advancing age precluded his fcl- i j lowing the trade in recent years. His i [ duties as a magistrate occupied con- | siderable of his time, and he was highly respected for his abilty as a judge, and his even temperament. He was well known throughout this section as a good and just man. A son of Hiram Green of Blowing Rock anti Nancy Brookshire Green of Caldwell county, Mr. Green had spent his entire life at the noted summer resort. He was twice married, first to Martha Elrod, and in 1926 to Lucy Pearson, the latter surviving. His children are Henry Green of Hampton, Tenn., John, Commo! dore Green, Mrs. Ed Robbins, Mrs. {John Knight, of Blowing Reck, and j Mrs. George F. Coffey of Hickory. The funeral was held from the Re fnrmpii fThnrrrh in Rlmvincr RnrL* nn Sunday afternoon, and a huge throng of friends and relatives was present. There were many pretty floral offerings at the ehu.-ch, and at the grave in ule Reiorrocd cemeury Rev. Mr. Buchannon, pastor of the Blowing Rock Presoyterian Church, and Rev. Robert Shores were the officating ministers. I . I LARGE WHEAT YIELD Mr. Andy Greer of Lovill believes : he has set something of a record in i wheat production, for this section ; One acre of land on Mr. Greer's farm r yielded 35 bushels of wheat, and only . 200 pounds of commercial fertilizer 1 was used. Mr. Greer told of the bum per yield while visiting in town Monday. 1AT $1.50 PER YEAR Official shootIng :alled by judge pagedy of error ggriff's Deputies Released for ^Shooting of Paul Wright, fj&liesident of Boone Fork. If.'GE SINK BELIEVES & EXPERIENCE TO BLAME 3 Not Blame Sheriff For Error , Naming Deputy, And Cites ? Official for Efforts Toward Law Enforcement. Terming the circumstance "a agedy of error." Judge Hoyle Simc "ednesday morning dealt charitably ith Verziie Barlow, Toy Rupard and . S. Lunceford, Watauga township ssidents, who had appeared in Sujrior court to answer charges growig out of the wounding of Paul 'light, as the men, acting as depur sheriffs, made a cumbersome cf>rt at searching the automobile ocjpicd by the principal state s witess. Barlow, who it appeared was a dur authorized deputy, was shown to ave fired the pistol ball which ierced the Wright youth's arm. was ssessed with the cost of the action, nd prayer tor judgment was connued, along with the other two denidants for a term of two years, pon good behavior. Judge Sink, had words of praise >r Sheriff Howell for the couragejs efforts he has made toward law lforcement, and while regretting iat an error had been made in the iming of Oliver as deputy. His onor took into account that the lot which struck Wright was fired re to excitement and inexperience ' the men acting as officers. An ttempt was made, without appreable success, to show that Wirght Id a small quantity of liquor in the lr. The preponderance of evidence as against the assumption howrer. The guns carried by the depues were ordered smashed and rouglil before the court. CRIMINAL DOCKET FINISHED The remaining cases on the cHmial docket was finished before noon fenesday, and trial of civil cases cgun. Following are aditional judglents handed down In criminal acions:_ Rob erf SKaimonsv' failure to pay osts in case of disturbing congrega[on. Five days in county jail M. C. CaJloway, failure to pay osts for manufacturing whiskey, 4 lonths on roads. A. C. Williams, forcible trespass. Tayer for judgment continued for welve. months on payment of cost. J. C. Brown, forcible trespass. Tayer lor judgment continued for ix months on payment of costs. Zack Watson, larceny of chickens, ix months on roads. Jake Moore, larceny of suitcase, tc? 2 to 3 years in state penitenlary. Salli^ 'Ollla rnpoinnnr tvuvtyug OLUICIL gyu u?, 2 to 18 months In State prison. Will Stokes, larceny. Prayer for udgrnent continued for 12 months n payment of cost. Boone Civic Body Endorses Resettlement The Boone Chamber of Commerce n a meeting held Tuesday evening eawi a fun report from Mr. Lyles iarris on the progress or nis wuik n connection with the proposed looncs Fork Resettlement Project. Outlining the status of the project it the present time Mr. Harris also >utli:ied steps to be taken hence'orth. The application it was said, las alreay passed state offices and s now being revived in Washington. Dr. B. B. Dougherty offered the suggestion that the Chamber of Commerce invite H. B. Mask, Regional Director Rural Resettlement, to visit tills section and become fainilar with all angles of the proposal, so that the plans may be brought to a definite conclusion at an early late. Dr. Dougherty expressed himself as fcsing fully in accord with the whole plan. Following his discourse a resolution was passed to extend the invitation to Mr. Mask. .JUNIOR OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. Councill Cook has been elected vice-councilor of Daniel Boone Lodge 129, Junior Order, to succeed Vernon Brown who has moved to California, while I. T. Barnett has .sue - vwuw Am. wjuft aa rwcoramg secretary. Much interest is reported in Junior work here and the lodge is said to be enjoying a splendid growth. LARGE HAWK Mr. L. H. Greene of Deep Gap reports the slaying of an exceptionally large chicken hawk. Mrs. Greene who was a visitor in town last week stated that the bird had a wing spread of four and one-half feet. Rev. J. M. Hodges of Blowing Rock has returned from West Virginia where he had spent three months visiting his children.

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