PAGE TWO WPAW0RRERSMA1 GET AN INCREASE If SOME LOCALITIES (Continued from Page 1) furnished. New sites to be marke are: Riverside Cemetery, Ashevillt Heme of Nathaniel Macon, Wurrei ton: Constitution Home. Halifax William R. Davie Home, Halifas Battle of Bentcnville, Johns; o county; Joel Lane House, Raleigh and Stanly Home, New Bern. Prev: ously completed legends are for S Paul's Episcopal Church, Edenton John Penn Home, Granville county Green Hill Place, Franklin county Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher Zebulon B. Vance Birthpiace, Bun. combe county; and First Englisi Colonics, Date county. The first o the markers is expected to be de livered in a few days and others '.vil follow. The S10.000 available for th< biennium wit; provide more than 2CM tnarkcrs which arc expected to b< erected in tiie two years. The cost i: slightly less than S10 each. The mar kers an- of aluminum with black en amel letters, are -12 by 36 inches it size, with a scroll effect including the state seal at the top. The desigr is copyright":!. A guide to tliem mat be issued later, giving more details of the marked spots. CROPPERS MORE HOPEFUL An amazing new spirit of hopefulness is being brought into the lives of share croppers and others ir. tile lower 50 per cent, of the nation's agricultural group by the Resettlement Administration, former Governor William K. Sweet, of Coloradc told a group in Raleigh last week speaking on "Resettlemerit, a Troj ect in Human Conservation." Hi said many of these farmers can al most be classed as economic refugees, "the waste product of a cruclh inefficient social system." Many p. them are - ib-marginal, as well ai the iand they live on. but the gov ernment feels an obligation to hel] such people, Governor fweet said if we can replace poverty wit! economic seen r-iv, both in the elite and in the country, we need neve fear but that we shell retain ou democratic institutions and ou American traditions. It is only b eradicating poverty that wc ca hope to make America safe for lihei ty and iUmocraey. No longer axe w standing idly by witnessing million oi" citizens face deplorable economi conditions without making an a i-imrit in +V..-. r-;i..oH " dehor Sweet said, adding that theR? settlement Administration is the vi hicle the government is using to nie< it. TOBACC O GROWERS SIGN More than 75,000 flue-cured toba. co growers in the state, owning- to tween 85 aitd 00 per cent, of tl state's tobacco acreage, have signc the four-year adjustment contrac E. Y. Pic yd, of State College, dirci tor of the state's program, announce The sign-up continues through th month, ending January i, except exceptional cases, as when one grov er buys land from another, the sig: ing may be done later. Adjustmen and details will be announced lab Adjustments and details will be a nounced. not iater than February by Secretary of Agriculture Wallac after a study of world supply of t bacco, world needs and other phase Mr. Floyd announces. Illl!lllll!!lll!lill!iii!liiiii!lllilllllllllllll! Auetio r\t nmn Ul HltiH UKAUI ===== I have a quantity of st stock, which I offer at f est bidder, for the high ( THIS IS NO FAKE S PROP ! Sale Begins Si at 10 a. m., also Monda; Bring your fur skins ar oougnt at tne highest m I L. G1 | ZIONV1 illlllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllli JK-1: w, r| HEAR WORKMEN'S CASES [ : Chairman Harry McMullau is hearing a calendar of 10 workmen's comIpensation eases in eastern towns this week, including two each af WIIliamston and Plymouth, one each at ; Elizabeth City and Gatesville, three 5 at Halifax and one at vfacksonvilic 1 I Commissioner J. Dewey Dorset! is ; this week hearing 27 in the west, d three at Shelby, two at Rutherford- r top, three at HendersonviUe. four at ^ i- i Franklin. one each at Bryson City, Sylva and Bakersviile. four each at 1 i Waynesville and Lenoir and Uvo each c n \ at Elkin and Spray. > i, i- j KESl'ME WPA ACTIVITIES t. Of the $6.476,02S.5S provided in f t; VVPA projects up to December 3 in 1 ; North Carolina, 1S.88 per cent, was ; for sewing rooms, 15.28 per cent goes * ; to road projects, and 11.37 per cent. a - to public buildings, the three largest 3 a; items fi\ classification of 18 types of v f I projects, Director George W. Coan - | Jr., states. The percentages on other I ; projects follow: sewer, 9 7 per cent: n b ! drainage, 6.0S: athletic fields. 5.55: r: 3 beautification, 5.04: streets, 8.43: c c airports, 5.69; water supply. 2.91; s | clerical 1.27; community sanitation. ^ - 1.56; recreation and direction, 1.8; i: -1 oyster planting, 1.92; miscellaneous, f l 2.26; and less than one per cent, nu- ^ ; | trition, packing commodities and * i nursing, and geodetic surveys. m ; FINDS INTEREST IN SCHOOIJS 1 ! Returning from .1 meeting of heads tl I of state education departments last u 1 week in Washington, State Supt. c . Clyde A. Er,vin said that many school 11( ; men are much interested in North ti , Carolina's system of state supported ? ; schools ar.o the new textbook rental c . i plan now in operation. Several of g . them said they would come to this fi , ' state soon to make studies of the a state syitfem and rental plan, Air. R . Erwin said. p ,: t TOBACCO MARKET n Tobacco sold on North Carolina P markets up to November 1 reached 1: f i 492.S93.462 pounds, sold at an aver- ' i age of ?20.P2, as compared with 375,- 11 - ' 6511,530 pounds sold to December 1 i! iast year at 526.04 a hundred pounds. the State-Federal Crop reporting lservice shows, hast season's average a i was $23.44. November sales were 106- p r 1674,128 pounds from the producers, d r! averaging S20 62, as compared with f r 50 015,601 averaging 528.12 in No- < y vember last year. The 1935 tobacco t n j crop is probably the second heaviest r - bright loaf erop. the report says, due e i to large aceage and yield per acre, is closer planted rows, use of more fctic tilizcr and more leaves left to mat-; ture. I I ! - UU AJJUVfi e-'i The Slate Sinking Fund Commia- ' :t mission sold iasi. week 5328,000 in N. ' C. bonds maturing 11M1-5-G-7 to the ' Northern Trusc Co., Chicago, for S5S2.527.73. or roe 851.527.73 more L._ than par value. Twoive bids were ' submitted, this being the first time le a western bunk had bought N. C. ' x> I bonds. The returns are to be re-int j vested by the commission in bonds ?' i which mature nearer the time that ' 3 i the state's serial bonds begin to fall 1 is | due several years later Governor ami Teasurcr C. M. John- i v_ i son were well pleased at the price 1 a_: and that a Chicago bank bid on the I t3 j bonds. ] er ' : n- NEGRO NOT GASSED i 1 Jake Johnson, Negro, sentenced to :e. death by gas for criminal assault on ' o- an aged white woman in Rockingham ts, county, did not die last Friday, as scheduled because the N. C. Sulllllilllilllllllillllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll n Sale! I MERCHANDISE I ???????? , 1 ; ;asonable merchandise in -'ublic Auction to the highdollar?cash in hand. ALE, OR BY-BIDDING OSITION. iturday Dec. 21st y December 23, at 10 a. m. id produce, which will be larket value tor cash. REER LLE, N. C. i tVTAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY terns From Th~ Demoer.\t of D.^-' cember 17, 1896 i Deputy Collector Horton sold sev- c ra! packages of extra old brandy ? icre on last Monday. i W. L. Bryan has been off on a . lusiness trip to Caldwell and Wilkes ^ ounties for several days and has not pei returned. I T. Fin Corfey has gone to Catc, c "ity. Va., to buy horses for the!.. Southern market. Ho was accompan- i ed by his wife as far as F!k Park. 1 Mr. O'Conndll, of White Sulphur ] Springs. W. Va., spent Saturday night " ,t the Bryan house on his way to in- | 1 pect timber lands in this and Cald-?c .'ell counties. i i Judge Green and family will leave' i or Lenoir tomorrow where they will j lake their future home. We are sor-: t y to give thern up, but hope the 1 hange will be a happy one for them.; < On Monday of this week, Miss litcheftl, one of the teachers at Sky-; c s*\d Institute at Blowing Rock, died c roni diptheria. She was from New ; lampshire and her body -.vas taken I : o that state for interment. ! c reroe Court held in the ease of Ed ISster, also sentenced to die by gas. tiat the method should have been y electrocution, as the crime was "> ornmitted before July t. when the ;thal gas chamber act became effeclvc. Attorney General A. A. F. Sea,-ell advised Warden H. H. Honeyutt not to put Johnson to death by ( as, as that method would be unlawill, in view of the court opinion, and dvised Solicitor Allen H. Gwyn, Leidsville, to make a motion in Suerior Court to have Johnson rcurned for a proper sentence. This leans that ail death sentences iniosed for crimes committed before xst July 1 must be by electrocution. . t also postpones beginning of the se of the gas chamber. j> MKS. BUST AT MEETING c Mrs. W. T. Bost, superintendent, t nd others of her State Welfare De- t artment, attended a meeting Satur- .<,F ai.,i Cnn/lm- nP \?T ' ,.ij una uuimaj vi kj;aLi" v? cuuiC Ui* j . ieialx with Pranko Bane, executive\ lirector of the Social Security board,! o go over rules, regulations, require-; nenLs and procedure for putting the!] vet into effect. BANKS IN t.OOIJ SUA PR North Carolina state banks are in J he best condition they have been.! since 1920 and within another year', vtil exceed that "high," Commisslon;r of banks Gurney P Hood, prciicts, basing his belief on the conrtition as of November .1. Resources then totaled $3IS, 109,115, with combined deposits of $279,408,297, an increase of $51,15^.4^4 over, a year before. Mr. Hood estimates that the combined resources of state and national banks is above $400,000,000 and .heir combined deposits $360,000,000. | National bank figures are not avail-! ible yet The state banks are in exceilent j shape ''and are prepared and anxious to meet any credit demands that may be made on them," Commissioner Hood said, adding: North Carolina is iow well taken care of from a banking standpoint and we want to caution everyone against the possibility Of ODeninf arfrtitiftnnl hanlrc Mrl.Arn they are not needed." DENIES APPLICATION Commissioner Hood denied the application (or a charter for the Robeson Ban'.; & Tusl Oo.t Lumberton, on the ground that Robeson county and Lumberton have enough banks to the usual banking business and more banks would endanger those operating. He made a survey which shows 3even banks are now operating In the county, a national bank at Lumberton, and that 18 banks have closed in the 11 towns in the county in the past 20 years. "If ail the banks n Robeson county would organize a Clearing House Association and cooperate fully, they would be in i>osiLion to render all the banking service needed in the county," Mr. Hood said. COURT GETS PAINTING An oil painting of the late W. W. Fuller, native of Favetteviile, resident of Durham and long general counsel for the American Tobacco Co. in New York, was presented to the N. C. Supreme Court last week, Juniu Parker, also native of this state and now general counsel for the tobacco company, made the speech of presentation. Chief Justice W. P. Stacy accepted it for the court, ft was hung in the Supreme Court library, where already hangs one of his father, Judge Thos. C. Fuller, of the U. S. Court of Claims. Several members of the Fuller family in this and other states were present for the nresentatinn Six thousand pounds of plucked turkeys were sold co-operatively recently by An3on county farm families lor the holiday market. SAVIOR'S BERTHPI^ACE Interesting story regarding exquisite mosaics found in Bethlehem, ivhich are believed to be the remians cf the earliest church built around the Sacre Manger. One of many fascinating stories in the December 22 ssue of the American Weekly, of he BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. On sale by your favorite news- j ray or newsdealer. THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. ??.T,*. *. t ~^iTf r^=: wEkwFikf? \ \\\ lear: that on last Saturday v. the dwelling of L. >1. Waters, >f Deep Gap, who has lost two barns jy fire recently. was discovered burling. but fortunately it was extinguished before much d .mage was tone. Oil yesterday at 1:30 p. tit. in the ? jarior at the Bryan Hotel J. C. Flet ji :h^:. ere of our prominent young'n * t torabys, was married to Miss Car rie j. I :hc vour.gest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W L. Bryan, the Rev. D. C.' j darman performing the ceremony. 1 j The marriage was a private one, but j* ;he host of friends of the estimable'^' oupie wishes for them all the liappi-j J less possible, and that their lives j j nay be crowded wit'" many blessings.' * The burning of Brown Bros, fac- j 0 :orv at Winston on the lOtli, threw ^ bur hundred men, women and chil- ^ iren out of employment. j <* A. C. Avery Jr., son of Judge Av-! J ? ? , iy. woo auuuvi. ix?. vvjh ?v iv? j ^ lays ago by two Negroes. The i 3 roung mar. is dangerously hurt and j , r.av f StK) families. Write today. Raw- ? ieigh. Dept. NCL-23-SA, Richmond, , Va Itp. 1 ? IOOD RAWLETGH ROUTE now I open near you. Industrious man } can earn better than average in- j j come. Complete line o.t household * necessities established 46 years. u Permanent. >?o investment or ex- * perknee needed. Write us today. S Kawleigh. Dept. NCD-23-Q, Rich 2 mond, Va. ltp ^ I Dr. C. B. BflUghroan, Eye, Ear. j f ' Joac and Throat Specialist, Eliza- j o icthton, Team., will be in the otfice ^ ?f Dr. J. B. H.tgnman in Boone, on I ? he first Monday in each month for | ^ he practice of hi* profession. I * \K rhc Best and Cheapest Cards in j ? the country. Walker's Jewelry , t Store. i f KOR SALM Late 1934 model Chcv-jl rolet pickup, driven 10,000 miles, t? Would i r??dc for one good horse and!f difference. Good terms on balance.j' uuvk jiAJinuisuen, woonc, JV. 1 near Fish Hatchery. 12-19-2t \ IHNSHAW SCHOOL OF KKAI TY 1 CDLTDKE?A modern up-to-date . school offering a complete course for S50.00. Approved and accredited by N C. State Board. Write for particulars. Box <6, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 11-26-5C FOR SALE- Good yoke. 2-year-oid Oxen. Reasonable price. See t. S Greene. Stony Pork, N. C. lp. FOUND?Choice cuts of Beef, Pork, Veal and Cured Meats. Fresh Fish and Oysters, Cold luncheon and Sandwich Meats, Dressed Chickens and Turkeys at attractive pices. City Meat Market, Boone, N. C. ltc. | Yellow Gold Diamond Rings, White Gold Diamond Rings. Walker's Jewelry Store. i ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY ACRES Mica Land on Rich Mountain. Two houses Bargain for cash or terms. Write E. J. Harbison, Mocksville, N. C. 12-12-4C EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING?At lowest cost Parts, tubes and batteries. K. I. Dacus, New River Light and Power Co., Boone. 3-28-tf Christmas Presents at Walker's Jewelry Store. NOTICE To the creditors and debtors, Wa- i tauga Hardware Co., Inc., Boone, N. C. You are hereby notified that we have bought the stock of merchandise. fixtures and accounts from the creditors of the above named company. You are further notified to present any claims you may have against the above company to the undersigned within 30 days. Settlement will be made on a pro rata basis with all creditors. Those who owe the above mentioned company are requested to come forward at once and make settlement. CASH HARDWARE STORE, W. E. Miller, Mgr. Books and Fountain Pens at Walker's Jewelry Store. TOO PRETTY TO BE HAPPY A story reviewing what has happened to some beauty queens who have be enfeted and pampered, only to una uiemaelves miserable. One of many features in the December 22 issue of the American Weekly, the big magazine which comes regularly with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. On sale by your favorite newsboy or newsdealer. ???^3??????? i Your Credit Is Good at High Land Furniture Company "Everything for the Home" Depot St. Boone, N. C. y~ NOTICE orth Carolina. Watauga County?In CI The Superior Court. . tai tcCoy Bingham, on behalf of him- tlf self, and all other heirs of Silas of McBride or Brazil la McBride, wholsfc claim an interest in the*land here-j so: inatter described. and desire to he- !ai come petitioners. Vs. Elizabeth i Bi Camion, and all other persons j an claiming an interest in the lands! p.c herein described, as heirs-at-law of : *,s Si* as McBride, deceased, or Brazil- J JjJJ Ja McBride, deceased. The defendant in the above entitled; ction will take notice that on the *9 Sth day of December. 1935. a sum- : ions in the said action was issued I jo % ? | CHRISTMAS I Specially Thursday?Frid; 1 $8. 3 DIAMONDS . . . the one gift 3 shake, whose beauty it the most fitting sy | BERfl JEWE! CHRISTMAS CARDS AND ( | Give Lasting ES Make the Fan | Jfe Our Store is Christmas headqu Pay only a small down paymcr va with your light bill. ? ^ Give Mother A Ne it New River Light & |W BOONE, jgf I Dixie J (FORMERLY THE CI These prices good u Deceml I SBGAlfiH^5 25 lb. bag $1.32; ... I CAKE FLOUR. Swans Down, CRANBERRY SAUCE, Ocen 5 I ARGO PEAS, very small, 2 ca FRESH BULK COCOANUT, I P1LLSBURY FLOUR DUKE'S MAYONNAISE, pint I SWEET MIXED PICKLES, q I POST TOASTIES, 3 packages ORANGE SLICES. Candy, pe RAINBO V BON BONS, pom I CHOCOLATE CREAM DROP! I SALAD DRESSINGR PURE SUGAR STICK CAND1 I RAINBOW BON BONS, per r I GROCERS MIX, per pound .... I WALNUTS, baby emeralds, pe I BRAZIL NUTS, large, pound I SNOWDRIFT SHORT I RAISINS, London Layer, per I RAISINS, Seeded or Seedless, I MINCE MEAT, 9-ounce packa I ORANGES, Fancy Florida, per I CUCUMBER PICKLE COCOANUTS, large, each ... CAULIFLOWER, per pound .. CELERY, per stalk CRANBERRIES, per pound .. f AT ft A Fine ciuality UUvVni 2 pound can DECEMBER 19, 1935 siirvst defendant by A. E. South, erk of the Superior Court for Wauga County, North Carolina, plainf asking for the sale for partition * certain [amis in Cove Creek Townip. belonging to the estate of Jackre JIcEride, said lands adjoining the ids of James Mast. Mrs. K. p. ngham, the Holden Davis lends, d others, and containing about 38 res, mere or less, which summons returnable to the Clerk of the Suriot Court for Watauga County, on e 28th day of January, 19315. This the 18lh day of December, 35 A. E. SODTH, -19-4 tc. Cleric Superior Court DIAMONDS Reduced j I Eiy?Saturday ' and up 11 whose value time cannot mains forever? I I mbol of iove. ^IAR II LER Iards for every one tiji ectrical Gifts f lily Happy || arters. Your credit is good. it and the balance monthly S vv Warming Pad ?$ ?? ^?3 Power Co. Store N. C. p to ana including aer 24 I I pound bag 53c I 100 lb bag $5.25 B package 29c B ?pray, 17 ounce cau 17c I ns ?- 35c I pound 19c I The best, 4 Off 24 lb. bag JL??iO H jar 22c I uart 20c I r pound l2Jic I id 15c || 5, per pound 10c I ainbow brand I quart jar "Wv I If, 2 pound boxes ?t25c i lound 15c I 10c I ;r pound 18c I ........ 17c | 'ENING 1.04 I pound 10c I 3-15 oz. naeka^c ? a ,0?? MUb n ges 10c I dozen 15c up I SDill or sour -4 ff I quart ASH* I 7%c I 10c I 12'^c I 15c I