PAGE SIX The Week in asliiiiglon A UKSl'MK OF GOVEKNMENTAL HAPPENINGS EN' THE NATIONAL. CAPITAL Washington. March 5?A bargain with Great Britain, whereby that nation would increase purchases of surplus American farm products as practical compensation for the United States giving full support to the British war program, is being urged by congressmen from rural areas. Farm groups, which are backing! this proposal point out that exports of farm products have fallen off alarmingly and that the lend-lease bit', offers an opportunity to make a deai to regain the lost British market. The farm representatives arc also complaining that Great Britain is buying farm products from other countries?cotton from Brazil and tobacco from Turkey?but is confining its purchases here to munitions. Last year, government experts estimate, U. S. exports of cotton fell off 75 per cent, of wheat over 50 per cent, and that the decrease in exports of tobacco, fruit and other products were equally drastic. Sur- : plus crops have therefore become aj more serious problem than ever. Question Turns tc Next Step \\ri, .n ... * ..i i~~? ?*:> : i l uuuml i:iuvu ia?i wtciv a> to passage of the lend-lease bill, discussions here turned to what will happen next. Those discussions revolve around the questions of how iong we can keep out of actual war. what new measures will be taken to spted up production o! planes and I; \ i.sit Burgess Antic ;! Bargai :j NEW AND USE ;l Large supply ai | _ S We have New and Used J Kitchen Cabinets 5 Priced | $12.50 to $32.50 i Good Dining Suites S $18.00 up ? Good Oak and Mahogany ^ China Closets % $10.00 up Good Dining Tables ^ $4.00 up j R ' ? I" New and Used Cook Stoves ? and Ranges ? $10.00 up Jt New f!-picee Red Room i Suites $ $37.95 ^ ^? I j Slightly Used Bed Room J Suites : $15.00 up j! Good Bed Springs i; $2.00 up J Good Iron Beds as low as ij $2.50 IJ Good Cotton Mattresses ;j $4.00 to $4.90 ; Dressers as low as \\ $6.00 m ' Chest of Drawers j; $7.50 up ij ANTIQUES A IJ We carry an extensive line JI Furniture . . . Lots of S r>? rv r>\r r a cv P j? OU l vjn Linu JL m. j ij Burgess Ae 11 BOONE, N. C. MUWWMMAMMVVVVVVVMA ! other needed equipment and \vh; methods will be used to meet th ' huge expense, that this program wi j incur. It is feared that the answers t i these problems will involve mor | squabbling and ill-feeling than th I lend-lease bill itself, since many c ! the Republicans who opposed th; bill did so because they didn't war to give Mr. Roosevelt '"dictatorial i powers?not because they were oy ! posed to full aid to England. The revenue and defense produt : tion programs, however, are mot ! entirely domestic situations?and th j Republicans have a strong club t ; back up their opinions on thes ' measures ? namely, the businct ! leaders who are called upon to pre duee the implements of war. On th j other hand, the administration feel it is necessary to give tabor the bet break possible. The administration may feel th; it is playing ball with big busines by placing business leaders in man key positions in the defense pre | gram, but it is evident that man j business men don't agree. Spcakin . in behalf of the National Associ; i tion of Manufacturers, James Pre: j ton. Washington columnist, refers t | government "plotters" who a r ; "sniping at business men" and sa3": | 'Tf the sniping continues, it wouldn surprise many in Washington to se a whole group of business men te the President that unless the firin ceases they will pack up their bag . . . and go home." Rough Road Ahead It is expected that, unless som super-pian is inougni up to max peace between the administratio business and labor, the defense pre gram is going to travel a rough roac Unfounded reports that Wendel Wilikic might head the America: Fed' ration of Labor is an exarnpl .VAVNV.'AV.VVAV.W.'.V.V. ITI3K.E jue Shop for Real ins in D FURNITURE rvixnnrr ixrAAblxr 1 1 1 V ill VVV..^JV1 V Special on Linoleum Rugs 9 x 12 Gold Seal . . . $4.94 Bonnie Maid . $3.90 Weartex .... $3.50 Desks, large and small $3.50 to $39.50 Beautiful Wardrobes $7.50 up Pianos, $100.00 value $30.00 Sewing Machines $7.50 up Good Singer Sewing Ma chines, practically new, as low as $15.00 Good Victrolas as low as $5.00 Best grade New Chairs Special $1.00 Nice Book Cases and Secretaries $7.50 up Used Living Room Suites three pieces $8.00 up New Living Room Suites $39.50 . SPECIALTY ; of Antique and Victorian * Old Glass, China, etc. i "????????????? n A.YMENT PLAN : a itique Shop | PHONE 195 I wwvvwvuvvwwmwvMAr WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE Film Honors e ; y Ginger Rogers (above), winner ). of the annual Academy of Motion v Picture Arts and Science award g tw> IIC1 pciiWllllOIK.C 111 -SVCi-ly Foyle." For his role in "The Philadelphia Story," James Stewart 0 was voted outstanding actor in c 1940. 1 of the type of move which migh ? be taken to improve the situation. 1 The new lax program, which wil ^ come up this month, is certain t ^ put business on guard, ready to star buttling all tax suggestions whicl would further reduce profits. It i c* expected, however, that congres e will fry to spread taxes over al wage-earners rather than rnis " funds by new iJsoak business" o ^ "soak the rich" levies, and that of forts also will bo made to do mud of the necessary borrowing from th e public at large. Informants close to the treasur; departmerit says iiiat it is considcre< { < ssential that much of the increase) ? national purchasing pew*, r. rosultin; ?H|from the defense program, be loan hack to the government, <>r pric C j inflation wili follow. They poin X'. at a. big public demand fo C J automobiles, and other luxuries peo C ule would buy as their incomes in J U rease, would mean that Industrie CI now doing defense work would no c be able to supply, the demands o y the public. That would send price E sky-rocketing. Therefore, the gov crnment will attempt to get the pub W lie to use its increased income t jj buy bonds and saving stamps. ; Clark's Creek News "Grandpa" Clark is worse agair His condition is considered critical Mr. S. A. Gober is rccovorini i from an attack of the "flu." | Mr. Jack Taylor is out again afte several days in bed with the "flu." ; Mi's. Rosalie Crawford of Burling ton, N. C.. is visiting her parents 1 vi,- ->.,a vin.,? J Mr. George Byrd has been con i fined to his home for several day e because of illness. Ij Mr. Andrew Jestes is on the sicl list with a case of "flu." J Bev. W. L. Atkins will give a lec > ture on the Life of Christ Runda; !; night, March 10th, at the Adven ! church. This lecture will he illus trated with beautiful pictures h; ! famous artists. There will be n 1 ^amission fee. An offering will b Ij taken. 5 TURKEY WILL FIGHT ? IN DEFENSE OF GREES1 Athens, March 1.?Turkey has an nounced that she will go to wa 12 against Germany if Nazi troop I" strike across the Balkans upo Greece, according to an unconfirm J ed report reaching Athens from An j? kara early today. J Tho announcement was said t have been made by Turkish Foreigi 2 Minister Sukru Saracoglu at th | conclusion of the consultations wit i Tr :?- <. A -n junuMi ruiv^ii oLxiuituy nnuion, I Eden on means of strengthening th j Anglo-Turkish alliance against Ger many's Balkan moves. J Turkey, according to the state ment athributed to Saracoglu, re I gards Greece as being "within Tur key's zone of security ar.d influ ence" against which any Germaj thrust would meet the resistance o Turkish arms. Russia purchased more cot.toi from the United States in the las three months of 1940 than any pre vious full year. PRESCRIPTIONS Filling prescriptions is the most important part of our business. We employ two full-time experienced registered druggists who r give caretui auention 10 ail preC scriptions. Ours is the oldest J drug store in Watauga county and C the only one owned and operated C by a licensed druggist. When J you have a prescription bring it I to us and you can rest assured p it will be filled only by a compeJ lent licensed druggist just as your ^ doctor would want it to be. \ BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALL Store G. K. MOOSE. Druggist ! :RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. ! SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON j j j By REV. HOST. H. HARPER 1 ?????? Lesson for March 9: Luke 20:9-20: Golden Texl: Matthew 5:11 In this lesson Jesus illustrates his rejection by his own people and indicates that lie will be received by {the Gentiles. His enemies perceived he spoke against them and. fear- j ing io lay hands upon him because; of tiie people who believed in him. set spies to watch him and if possible by artful questioning to lure j him to say something that would incriminate him before the Roman governor. They were ancient fifthcolumnists. The wicked husbandman, who beat the lord's servants and then , slew his son. represent the Jewish 1 people who rejected the prophets and were preparing to slay the ! Christ The curious stone found j j among the ruins and rejected which i later became the head of the corner j; illustrates that Jesus, rejected by I' his own. would become the corner-', stone of the kingdom of God, the j j Savior of all men. = One bitter night the butler in a j t great house, at the masters word, i refused to admit a poor woman who ! I knocked at the door. Next morn- j 0 ing the master was shaken from his j t '^IU.W6 'Vtup- ( h nizcd the frozen form on his steps . s as that of his daughter who had s gone away sometime before into | j sin. She had come back unto her! e own and her own received her not. 1 r Long ago One who knew no sin' _ came unto his own and his own rc[ j ceived him not. If he should come c to your door a wintry night, cold and hungry and ready to die, would y you shut him out? How much the -j moi should you admit him into j your heart when he knocks, not to 0 be ministered unto but to bring you! Z eternal life and joy! e 1 One of the first parachute jump- I r ors \ as Andrew '.inrnorin, who phorus and potash, plus the E ciuin. Magnesium and other e Face this farm problem fertilize all your crops with Fertilizer! It gives your cro; them profitable. SWIFT'S RED STE Non-Acid Forming Good Fertilizer alone will not to have good quality seeds, this store where price and qi FARMING IS MAI OLIVER CHILLED FA] PLACE YOUR bl FARMERS HARD\ COMPAN WRSTBECAUSEf2 SIX CY1INI ^ PROVED? lions L'po /hy Accept Less? saaui iS&milpaE.? msySmss^Bm Chevrolet Cc BOONE, N. C. MARCH 6, 1941 t ostrichs hiding their heads I they know it is best to face ilcm . . . the u -gent need for best of quality calls for ex;upplies rich nitrogen, phosiXTRA PUSH of added Callements. with perfect confidence? improved Swift's Red Steer = the extra push that makes ER FERTILIZERS Non-Alkali Forming . do lire job. It is necessary and you will lind them at jalitv go hand in hand. >E EASIER WITH RMING MACHINERY EIDERS EARLY! VARE & SUPPLY IY, INC. "Sf/jvesrr . . . because it's a ALVE-IN-HEAD SIX?the only one ggest-selling low-price group! . . . because I-HEAD'S THE VIGOR" in performon land, sea, and in the air! . . . because its >ERS save you money on gas, oil and Upkeep! . because it's thoroughly thoroughly DEPENDABLE?asmiln millions of owners will testify I NMRS SMi YOU MONEY! smpany