PAGE SIX "SALEOFLAND I FOR 1939 TAXES I y B> crder of the board ?f county ioiuiiia- ( MDDcrs ami 1?> x.rtue of the |? taxes for : 1< the Amounts indicated fur the year 1939, K the landx ?f the fuUvnine delinquent tax- I T payers of the ronuiy uf hatauga. | II Thi* AllJCUst I, l.?J.. i 31 fc. B. MAST, \ Tax Collector for IVatauiai County. N .? .1 BALD MOUNTAIN t. Tester Carroll, :IU aires r 8.74 * Margaret Claw son Heirs. JT acres 4.58 ! j I toe l . Cox, 9 acre* 6.0."i - j. FliialH'th and Martha Graham, 'ill ' s ltoe Grerr. 15 a. res 7.13 ' y ,1. R llindriv. 1ft acres 3.01 ! ^ Will \\ Ituliiuan, ? acres G.I5 ' Clyde Jackson, 1" arri? fi.8n ' j Hill Jolmsoii. 3 acres 1.31 , ^ James Lewis, ai res U.iHi Don Lewi*. 3 ai res 1.2:1 i yj Fred A- \estal .Miller, t'2 1 acres 1.52 j ^ 17. A. Miller. I3H a# res t.3t j| Mr?. Alice Mi?retr, S3 acres . 18.30 ty Franklin Moretz. l?? aires 8.00 ! j. Mi'filanitnrry Heirs. 31) acres 8.ii"2 ' N Vcster ?>. I'hcUipt*. 27 ai res 11318 : I'nmk l'ntter% 81 acres ...... 4.Gil tl Noah Curlier^ J acres 3 38 y li. 11. <1 S. >1. Stanberry. 2.1 f-l acre* ??.48 i Geo. 5>tanberry. I-;' acre .12 j S. 31. stanborrj. 11 ai res i.K! . *' Koby Seah, 15 1- 2 acres 5.97 ! Glenn Fugnnin, 1 Jot 3.23 , C. 1*. f'odd Heirs, 125 acres 82.71 > 3lrs. \. .) ToIIixer. 85 .teres 13..VI D It. IS. Walls. acres i |K : s. ! >1 i" BEAVER DAM I J1 Uol? \ilhin-. .'5 acre- 1.S5 \| Tho-. Vrfitll. !.> wtcj. 8.02 ( K. It Itrutvn, t. ii' rt- 10.31 j Kelicvv.i Cubic, " :> acre- 13.20 ' .Marvin (able, d? .are- "1.10 i ,\| J. JL Campbell. 55 acres 10.15 I >| J. 31. l'oi)k, 37 acre- .. '23.5y j .j, Clauilr ( ornctt. 27 aire> ... 1 | Clyde Cornell, l-i acre- 3.V! \> Kinnui fiavi n|i?rt, ?'l acres 1 Mr-. I "uircr-. aire- i > S. < . Kcircrs. 112 acre- 30.82 j >( Joe V. Kller, 20 arres ... K.8G | Urnd.v Kller. .it aire- 12.51 j \j Carl l arthlnK. 55 iicre- ? . . 33 18 i |; milliard ?irecur. :::? acre* 5.8 j | ^ Hubert *- . II airr- 0.76- ?, 1'. C. Ilagaiiutn, 103 acre- 11.39 | \| Mrs. f.ctl?p llatc. Tit 3.1 acre- 1-3HJ j j_ I"li? ?I Harmon :?i a? re- 8.01 ; It. M. Harmon ;;o acre- 9.91 j{ Henry Harmon. ;I acre- 1.65 |Oti Ilarictnn. 15 acre- 5.50 j p .V. II. llettson. 03 acre- .. .. 11.10 ' i >lrs. (?eorj;r lleuson. HI acre- 87.0'? . j{ Mr-. tiui;h llrnann. 7 4 ai re- 13.00 ; (. Mr>. >iini J. Hik]rc?. to acres o.'i i \| Jessie li ulVnean. <0 acres 5.16 j j, Isutti. Ileln, HO acre 3.10 | |{ J. C. Johnson. 00 arrts 11.30 (n Johnson Heir-. "70 'lacrcs 13.80 j | Mrs. Miilie Johnson. 118 acres 17.?? ; Kiiiraiil ? Clo.v, 1:57 acres -7.11 ||, IS. 11. Mas , 40 acres S.3H j | Mad. i. May, 81 acres il.HJ jV .Mrs. It ii f us Maj (.state. lit* acre- 10.56 t. Saruh May. JJ acn> 4.*!5 J I, Kil-i .Matlie-on. ~'i acre- 5.73 j (! C. 1'. Moody . I acres 5.1)8 j > Mrs. Stacy -Moody, 51 1-1 acre- 11.3D j 1 Wiley Moody Heir-, 1 acres ,5H 1 < Sherman Morete, II acres 0.07 _\ (?ra?l\ Mcfiiiirc. 17 acre- ... 181 \ (Jeo. \orris. 3-10 acre .. 1.77 j I! Caul Nnrri- L'state ?7 1-1 acre- 37.30 i \ Morris \ Slinll, l:t acres 2.88 I ( IVillard Norris, IS acre- LI.98 j t , .. in.iip- i aere- H.H ' I. i . 'I aere.- - -- 5.80 i s. 1'hiiUik-.. l?: iu rps y.G'J i Frank DrotfllU, :t? am? .... 11.?? . 3 A*a Hoc-e, Mil acre- 30.27 I \\ iii K. itiiiuiiiiirr. '.M acre- ?.WI \ Ira Scott, 1 at re- . U.ia A \(i?. Itnua Sroli, >;; ?nvs _? 7.71 1 .Mr-. Callie Sliull. 1 acre 1.20 ' i Mr-. Man shell, 1'- acre- _.. . 2.70, A. 1.. ^hoiut, 25 at-re- 1.47 Mr-, (ien. Smitherman, 21 acre- 2.76 Haney Siul therinun. 12 acre- 8.20 j .1. C. Miiry^ 05 ai'rp- ?. 18.67 < s* r I Story, |2 acres ... 16.88 J ^ N. K. Te.-ter, SI aero 28.51]^ W. K. Tester. 70 aero- 2:5.58 ' Clark Tester, III at-re- 2t.ll "] Don Trivette, 175 7.8 acre- .......... 27.81 Koy \ inr>, 18 ai re- 18.84 | . Henn Water-, 10 acre.- ... 5.0U Warren W?r?l, 1 1-4 acre- .... 5.88 j WhitinR Lumber Co., 181 aere- . .' 25.81 Mr>. Alioc William-, y 1-2 acres 2.71 j^' Sherman WJnehargrr. 88 acres 10.71 j Kiltl U'lnelitrRfr. 20 aere- 5.7.5 Jolin Wooil-, 5u ai re- !>. 18 ^' 17. 1.. Aloore. 17 1-2 aere- .... 5.07 j l] Addic Hay Heir-, 82 acre- 8.68 ' .L .1. Thompson Ueir-^ 27 acre- . 5.02 ^ j. BLOWING ROCK ? Mrs. Torn Allen, 1 lot 211.54 j> llobt. L. Andrew-. i Bloivinc Hock (iaru^e. 1 lot ... j -Mrs. Sfurj Bollck. 1 lot ... 21.05 k Will mi ii M. ltolick. 20 acres 10.17 A W. C. Boydrru I lot i 1.31 a Mr*. 4?. C>. Broome. 1 lot 9.10 a Mrs. trunk Brown. 2 lots ?.HU j, B. C. Brown, 123 acres 14.45 ]| Wade E Brown, 73 acres 21.88 >| .Mrs. Belle lioyUeu Bruncr, 1 lot 6.5C l C M M Try BISMAREX ? for Acid Indigestion. Insist on Genuine Bismarex ana r refuse other so-called Antacid Powders recommen- J' mended to be "just as m good." Bismarex is sold in J Watauga county only at BOONE DRUG CO. ? The REXALL Store ? ?? v ?????1 c Drink A Bottle Of . . . c HEALTH .M GRADE "A" MILK * F New River Dairy ; ii \v li< Bryan. Z lot 1.31 1 Buchanan. 2 lot* 2.J0 ?.-o. Uurneli. 1 lot ... 11.W | . >l. Coliovty, too acres 22.9? !n lr>. MaIh I < .iiiijiltfll, lot* 6^'i I ten art Cannon, 1 lot i.3" ; * ?'.fl i:. < urltoa. lo 8.51 j * arultca Kcal JState A Morl^ajt Co., I SO ai'.-r* - 51.51 1 . 15. Carter. lol> 2.31) lr?. Frcdoula Clarke. - lot* 21.29 . \\. t larke. - tot* - . 3.15 ? . II. Hay. 1 lot 1.9T 1 . L. Clay. 1 lot 12.92 1 ufu* >1. Coffey % <> lot* 82.09 ' . II. Coffey, 1* Sot .... 9.11 1 toward Coffey, I lot 83.181* Irs. A. 11. Cole, 1 lot 13.79 j 1 nue Ward Count-ill, 1 lot __ .99 1 or in an t ordon, I lot . C8.91 ' . 31. Denton. 3 lots 22.97 11 . M. .V J. A. D eat on. I lot 5.73 j ' eu W. Dudley. .Jr., t lot 35.11 1 . XV. Hula F state, 7 acres __ 8.0.5 f urv W. FaisoBv 1 lot . "2.19 ' . F. Flanljian. I Jot 1.60 onda l"o*ter. 1 lot ... 10.51 I [tenecr Galyen. I lot 1.11 1 . S. Goulds Estate, 6 lets 3.15 1 . C. Greene, 1 lot 1.51 , 1 lin*. 15. Greene, L lot 5.46 -1 -teen ll. Greene. 11 acres 3.15 ( oinniodore Greene. 1 lot 5.81 1 Irs. Xcvutlu Greene, 22 acre- 3.10 < ai.Iior . G rider. 15 1-3 acre* 11.39 ' lr-. ltelle Hartley I.cfe* erv f5 acre* 15 i-kiida Hartley 0 3-1 acre- 1.5S 1 I. W. Ilarri*. 1 lot _ 9.19 ? lr*. !. \. Ilurrell. I lot . 2.16 ' . M. Man-field. 1 lot I>. Hawthorne .V <. H l, -I 1 lots H.?l lenry Hackney Estate, 3 lot* . 57.12 , 1 lr*. Annie B. llcnkel 2 lot* - 23.84 . I Cart of T. S. Coffey ,. 1*. llcnkel K*tate. 125 1-2 acre* 7 lot* 57.88 j < Care of T. >. Coffey j < ance llcnkel Comjiauy, Inc.. 3 lot* I.CC ; idilic llender*on, 5 acre* . . 1.57 | . . II. Iline*. I lot 13.53. | J ir. mill Mr*. ltalph llorton. 1 lot- 3.ojl 1 ?? -e Kel Icy lloiiiic*. 1 I??t 3.13 ( r. and Mr*, ltalidi A. llorton. 1 lot* 55.29 j . rank X. Icenhotir, !? 5 lots . 31.77 _ r-. T. XX. Ingle K>Ule. lots 8.01? j r-. Ik.s*ii' lxi'lian. lots , . XX. Kluttz, 3 lots 1.71 , lkun KniKht. J acw* . ... 17.1)7 , n, XX ill t. Kiii'kIU 3 lot- 4.1)3 , r-. II. T. l.uiulis, I 1*1.t 2.SU , slin Lewis t\?tate, n ncrts G.r.o i j tnnir * ?? I ! ??* 5.6!) j , . ? ;. Luu e. : lilt- ?. !!? I \ rs. XX". II. I lot 3. * I | r. It. I'. Meiizies 1 lot _ 3.73 j , rs. T. I. XIIller. I lot j \ . X. Mutt. I lot H.?? , nltikii: ?V >lullholl:in?l. I lot I.:;I j , XI. Musselwhite. ' lots .31 ..lily S. Kerrffi. 'I lots l.:?l j> . M. Me I'trr lots -1.3 I | j r-. Murilda Nelson. 4 notes .... .Hi1 j .j CI- Nelson, I store 4.11 j | rs. IC. X . 'oirmai^ I lot 3.13 I y ichartl Oxentmo, - lots ... . . 3.31 Jj topics Hank iV Trust to, 1 lot 1.31 | > L, Itunsom. (i lot-. .S.03 j j . s iCciuharilt. .Jr. I lot . 1.81 > . .M. Ithyue. 1 lot . .33 | | co. X. Itolihiits, lots ... 11.41 I ^ Irs. I", ti. Sal/.er. I lot -" .? ( j | T. SIntrpc, 1 lot 8.I.X j . lectts shore, 30 aires i 1< lonird Shore. 10 n< res ... T.8'J 1 t I N. Siiuoti, acres 3.13 j loss iSi^iitnn. I lot 30.03 | ttficne Storx. l lot 13.-0 ,i . IMKiar Story, :t lot- ?.<" j s. strouiM-, 1 lot I.Ill 1 ieo. -XI. SUildcrth. l lot U.H? loyil Mimmer vlllea 3 lots 137.31 :. r. Tate, U l-i* acres l?.l? : Irs. Kmmu .X. Taylor. 1 lot .IMi _ l!la 'itniguc, 1 lot G.Ili ; ora Thorpe, 1 lot 11.Ill | Irs. A. M. Triplett, 33 3-10 acres 10.03 | X ilex t . Xanuox, 1 lots 1.3ti < :??lieri t . XValser. -3 acre*. 11.33 l| ir^ie Waiter, 1- I..' acres 7.lit | has. t;. XX aril, J lots 13.17 I lilxxartl XX'artl_ I lot 10.31 < l>. XX ;?r?i. |o? . ? . As|?nrx XXeavcr, H I-'l acres 81.M i II. XX illiauisoit. I lot 31.13 | Irs. .1 osenfl I., XX orlli, 1 lot . 1.30 Yleste II. Smith I.state. I lot 3.1)3 irs. -\inamla < lllucUweH, i lot t.til ! Irs. It. Wrens haw, 1 loi 9.19 larfiu I.. WiM. 17 acres U.tiO mot West ii acres -I.60 BLUE RIDGE lllton liredslmw, 83 acre*. . . 'i0.t)7 j lolitt ltnxl>hai\ l-'.state. 15l? acres .... Ctoil ' | allio Brudslinw Estate 110 acres 7.11 ! Veil Bmilshaw. 0 acres i C.G1 || Irs. It nth Uuiiigtruer, 1?1 acre 3.06 j j Hoard Church, 6 1-i acres 6.31) j .uzinu Church, 18 acres . 3.43 \ ( . t.. Church h.stute. :1G acres 3.30 ( Irs. Florence Churcli, 10 acres 1.31 ( Irs. Clint Coffey Kstute, 11S acres . 2X6(i ( Hen Coffey Kstate. 18 acres 13.08 lillard 31. Coffey, 07 acres ... . 0.111 . Irs. \ elma Coffey, 88 acres 3.93 | Irs. Bcttic Coleman. 3ft acres 3.81 \ u.:- - I . %Uwn ?VM9 i uric-' ? ?nley t ook, 10 aero ... ? 6.75 | r. It. t'ounclll \ Bullcy, 1.2 acre . "-.SO ( . ( . t'owles Heirs, 7 l-'i acres .K{ , ojilt t'olrard, 10 acres ? 6.01 j ulm L. Downs. 4 acres -? 1.31 , arrfi Klrod, I acre ~ . ? S.oH . tx- Ford. '2-0 acres ... 9.60 . rack 1>. Ford. 10 acres 6.03 i>se|?li O. tJreer, 38 acres 6.41 { obert tireer% 33 acres 331 j ascom A. Hampton. 331 acres 55.71 1 . A. Hamptou Heirs, 5 acres 5.32 j Irs. J. .Monrite Hampton 37 acres ? 11.48 j rs. I.ncile Hampton, 18 acres 5.39 j ussell Hampton, 46 acre* 19.63 j ngustu* Hampton, 13 acres 5.41 j . L. Harrison. 39 acres .? 4.59 , ndrew Hall Heirs, 37 acres 3.19 hub- Hamlet Heirs, 33 ucre* ? 3.30 j enry A. Hairier. 13 3.4 acres 5.3L j rs. Elzie Johnson. 5 ucres : 1.64 ( L. Moody, 150 acres ... 31.50 has. McLean, 303 acres 40.04 , rs. Elizabeth Nelson^ 83 acres 3.81 ^ rs. Velma Nelson, 35 acres ? 2.38 i oby !. Penley, 60 acres G.26 ^ obbins Heirs, 151 acres 11.19 , 31. Kobbins. 10 acres 2.30 i , A. Kobbins, 44 acres 3.15 y . A. Smith, 130 acres 9.82 | on. 31, Storie. 53 acres 12.39 j arson Tate. 1 acre 5.75 ( >hn L. Trexler, 100 acres 12.76 j trl G. Triplet!, 5 3-4 acres 2.33 i rs. 31innie Triplet t^ 55 acres 10.34 | oiiimie Trlplett. 117 acres 12.32 j rs. Mamie Turnmlre^ 25 acr?? ? 1.97 < oscoe Trivette, 25 acres 4.44 j rank Trivette, 36 acres 2.36 j Irs. Iteisie. Walker, 7 acres .... 2.48 3 lzle Weaver, 5 acres . 7.12 3 lr>. Maude Wheeler, 4 1.2 acres 1.83 ] Irs. Julia Wheeler, 7 acres - - 1.93 ; fachovia Bank & Trust Co. 64.8 y acres 13.18 1 . F. Whisnant. 30 acres .... 13.00 J has. F. Whisnant, 39 acre^ . 5.07 y onrad Vales Estate, 77 acres - 8-951 \ < BOONE . A. Ashley, 1 lot 19JIS I frn. Carrie E, Adams, 158 acree 1 1 lot 16.00 ? . B. Angel. 1 lot 23.03 . H. Ashley. 1.4 lot ? . 8.97 J ojcer W. Ashley, 3 acres 9.39 1 rank Austin, 25 acres 8.65 < Or*. J. W. Avers, 1 lot 7.15 : merl.JD Trust Co., Executor and 1 Trustee for R. H. Hardin. 110 1-2 acre* 49.05 1 arrison Baker, 11 1-2 acres 16.38 < oe Barnes, 30 acres 1? .... 0tl8 1 ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER/} fcv. I.inney Barnes. 10 uvre^ _ . 4.70 1 4 da llirtits, 53 ncrr> . 8.(0 ! r?m C. I teach. 1 lot . . 13.40 ! lefr W. Bcntley. l? arrr- 3.13, 'lr-. Zora Benlluv. 47 acre* - 4.83 ( >(anfor?J Berry. 1.7 acre .30 I Ul?ert ??. Uingban^ 1 lot . . 43.10 ?lr?. Carrie lfortou Bingham. 5 lots "57.30 I. 11. lUn$hara 4 .1. -J. )la-t. 19 1-5 acre- . 13.05 UrCnv Bingham. 58 acres 36.53 t. Iv. Bingham. .lr., 57 1-5 i.*rw 10.33 I. Xeal Blair. 531 acre- 336.68 >. L. Blount. 1 lot 7.16 'lr-. J. \V. Urjwley. I lot 9.36 I. K. Brinklrv, I 1-5 acres. I lot 40.91 lowanl 11. Brown 199 acr?#?, 3 lots 66.75 Urs. J. 11. Brown, 38 acres 13.43 Jul as Brown Heirs, 14 acres 4.10 5ro\vn 5t Dougherty, 9 lots 31.73 te?. 9. Ij. Brown. 17 lots 23.55 hVallrr Huragurner. 1 lot .... 11.97 3eo. Bumrnrner. 1 acre -? 27.30 iV. 11. Buchanan. 1 lot .... 10.95 Urs. Ottle < arter. I lot - ... 2.73 . e Caren der. I lot 1.03 I (laani S. CUri-tenbury^ 1 lot 10.60 !li Coffey. 3 lot* ' _ 7J52 toner Col turd, 5 acres .. 8.45 Inlin ?l. ( onv\ay, 1 lot . 7.53 V. B. Cook, 91 acres 19.11 . 1>. Cook.* 17 a?Te-. i lot 40.60 . ... s. t ook. 53 acres .. 13.85 4r- 1. L. i uoke. 43 acres 54.37 Stewart I ??rnell. I acre 4.05 j lr-. ( or* L. < ouncill. 1 l??t . 21.74 .1. Cowles lleirs, 33 acres 8.96 j j. . \ niriirr urir* iinu Harrison. 3 lot' i.lfi -I. It. t ritrhtr ! lot 1.61 I I. I.d C uller. I lots ? - 7.37 , ilrs. .1. N. Davidson. (Id'n., I lot 1.36 j Luri A. Dntl, 1 lot - 7.16 J [. >|. Dcurinan. I lot . .. S.% j Mrs. Edna DeUIngcr. 2 lots 5.89 J It. llotsoTi, 8 stores 11.25 . It. Dim.-an. 1 lot .. "20.17 I I oltn Hiissror, 88 1-3 acres 52.01 | i.iynp Fdnnsten t 1-2 acre? 3.13 iKKir* Ma-t. 6 lots . 2.06 i. r. Gggers. 61 acres. I lots . 17.59 Irs. K. !.. I-.'lliot. 7 stores 3.43 'liillllis l-.lrod. 13 acres 10.23 I >on l>. Farthing. 1 lot 2.18 T. M . rcreiisiin. 5 lots . __ 1.18 I. I'aul I o\, 1 lot 9.13 sarali D. (iaithrr, Ailnu., 1.2 lot .69 A. It. (trffiie. II 1-2 mres 5.91 'Irs. Itlam-hc Orrenc, 3 lots 9.36 Jilton Dreetie. I lot ... 8.31 Irs. >1. .1. (irccne. 8 3-1 acres 3.76 | al]>h . 19 artes 10.26 iVilrj ti. IlarUor. 29 acres. 11 lots 36.66 Irs. t. It. Hawkins. I lot 2.39 Irs. ti. \V. Hayes Heirs. 13 acres 4.79 lr>. 'I'ont \V. Hayes 9 acres 1.36 j tally II. Hayes. 8 acres 8.57 lack Hardy. 15 acres 2.73 tw\ Hicks. 1 1-8 acre 1.81 Arlie llmlicos 10 acres ... 6.57 tynnm Undoes. 109 acres 39.29 'Irs. I.dna Hodges, :} lots 17.91 tev. F. Hodges, 7 2-1 acres 17.31 Irs. Julio Hodges. 78 acres G.H2 riu.s ( . Hodges. 3 1-2 acres 4.79 J A . It. Hodges 20 acres .. 5.08 j .canard I". Hodges. 27 acres 10.81 Maori Hodges. 1 lot 11.70 nrne.v t.. Hollars, II lots 14.93 ). ICamlull Hollars, .vj acres 18.08 t. I.. Honeycuft. 39 acres 21.96 I. \Y. II or I on. 21 1-2 acres 9.56 toe I". llorton, II acres . 17.43 las. l>. llorton. 3 lots ,1.78 His. J. 1? llorton. 3 lots 2.06 Ilrs. I.elltla lloylc, 1 lot 1.03 V. I.. Hunt. 1 lot 2.12 Mrs. Fvclyn Car bin Hunter. I lot . 7.16 Mrs. I.ou Ice nil OUr. I lot 1.37 Airs. \V. K. Johnson 1 lot 18.19 Herbert Jones. 18 acres 17.11 Mrs. Hcssle Keller. 11 3-1 acres . . 2.06 1'iiurbe Kel'er, 31 arris 16.21 i>mrn ivoiier. I lot . ... 18.15 IC 1? hard I\. l\ollc> ( I lots 15.55 lto\ Kt'iilar, i lot 10.81 ' avl KremlfiiliaU, I lot i . Kirk patrlck. ? ?? ? - 8.89 iu-m-j Keevcr, lot- 5.89 Keith Cornelius, t lot 1.8C Mrs. (in*re Kmiii|t, I lot 5.08 Kstoti l.uniliertli. IT acres 11.11 l.arry and l.ina Lanr, IS nrro 11.17 \lr>. Julia l.ewis, :! ucit- 1.10 Ixrutldli It. I.iiine, 'J l??ls I2.i7 \. \V. Liiipanl, 8 lot-* 2.68 William It. I.o\ ill, 58 acres IS.051 Dolplt l.yons. ! 3-1 acres . 11. <0 Mrs. I.izzie Maltha (10 acres "51.17 IConi I.. Maltha. 15 acres (1.85 Mrs. l'dith llamhy Must, 5.H acres 7.80 ll?(vr> Mast, "51 acres "51.81 Mrs. Maude Marshall, 1 lots 1.87 Leonard M. May. 11 acres . . . 9.51 Donald Miller. 1*51 acres 26.59 j Vuah K. Miller, 878 1-5 acres ... 58.88 i'dii Moody, 58 acres . ??? 12.11 iten II. bloody. 5 lots 8.59 lhtre Moody, "58 1-5 acres 8.19 lirady Moody, 41 1-5 acres . . ...... 8.88 Frank Moody^ 81 1-5 acres 11.97 llarve bloody, 1 1-5 a*, res 4.47 llarvc Moody Jt Crave Moody, 11 1-5 acres ... 4-10 foe Moody, 89 acres 11 9Q David A. .Moretz. 1 lot 18.09 Harrison M. Moretz. 1 lot 15.78 Willett Moretr, 80 acres 9.11 Kalpli Moore. 85 acres 15.89 II. J? 31. Motor Co.. 1 lot 50.51 r. A. Mulltnn ? W ? ~ 1 I. M. 1 lot ? 2.06 I I. Wilson Norris. 105 ncres ~ 'i-l.1T I Ittie Olliver, 11 acres 10.31 T. F. Parker Estate, 1 lot 2.06 iV. Thos. Payne. 2 lots . ^.00 Prank Pearson. 9 lots ? 75.21 ra PenneU, 1-2 acre ? 5.99 I. Arthnr Phillips, 41 1-2 acres 13.44 S. S. n Heir*. 1 lot . 1.36 ! Newton llalgler. 1 lot . 1.70 < Kenneth Muth?*s> I lot 3.H1 ! Joe Odtm. UJ acre 6.31 j II?>u-ton Shearer, t lot 8.S6 I Coy William*. I lot ... 9.76 i Hoy Whittingtnn. 10 arrv K. M. Whittlngton^ I lot . 5.39 Raymond Whittinjcton, t lot 8.37 Cecil Webb, 1 acre ? *-"* Horse Whit tin*; ton. i acre . -... 3.39 Mr*. Mary Jane Cillley. 3 acre* 16.38 Mean Bingham. 1 acre: 11.32 Gw>t\ Motor Co., 1 lot . ... 1.02 W. It. Spainhour, 1 lot I.3G COVE CHEEK Ilrad B. Beach. II acre* 13.82 Johti A. Beach. II 1-2 acre* ? W. I*. Beach^ 39 acre* 17.3.? Frank Bingham, 16 3-1 acre* 31.58 Sam Bingham. 1 acre 3.09 l.i'wls Bryan llelr*. 17 acre* 3.42 Farrl* Bumgurner% 1-1 aere 7.73 , Mr*. Flora Bucge**, 1 lot 11.73 la>. Burkett, - l-i a?-re* .? Charlie Campbell. 3 acre* 8.77 , Will 11. Campbell. 33 acre.* 13.2." Fiuh h Church, '3 acre- Ji-;t . James F. Cole, 19 1-2 acre* 11.33' Murve I ??aih*. I.S acre i 'Conley l>anrey, .' 1-3 acre* ? 4.24 ( . C. l?avi* 32.61 | Newton Fletcher, 37 acres 32.91 ; | \t . l?. Fletcher. ".'9 acre- 11.13 > Walter Fletcher, 31 acre* ... 27.96 > Bill Fletcher. 1-3 acre ? l".67 j j lien. Fritz, 2 acre- \ It. ('. t.reenc Heir-. 33 acre- | C. N. (in-eae, J * acre- 13.71 ( Ilarri-. tlreene 16 acre- 20.51 ^ ltus.-cll K. linrne, 13 acres 9.31 j ltoo-evell Orecne. 1 acre . 6.33 , Mrs. i ha-. W. lirrer. 5 acres 1.D3 ^ Kay mom] tireer, 3 acres - - 6.78 Henley (irerr 5 acre- 13.27 Ahner Drojtan, 2 1.'! acres ....... ? 5.87 Charlie Huy. I? aeres 8.91 Don 1.. Unison. I aire- - 16.15 I Mrs. 6e Arthur Isaacs, 15 acre- 32.ISI > Booitc Isaac's, 20 acres 15.36 | llennie Isaacs, 18 acres ... 6.16 , > Don l>. Isaacs, 1 acre- 6.56 j 1 Enoch Isaacs, II acre- U.'J.i J Haymoml Isaacs, 23 acres 7.-32 | 1 I.ewi- N. Johnson. 83 acre- 17.00 ! *1 Arthur Klrliy. 81 acres .. 23.16 j ' Mrs. Dora Kirhy. 20 1-2 acres ... 16.52 ' Bionclic Davis rence. I acre 11.16 I ^ Mrs. Julia I.euis. I lot 8.78 > I Will C. Miller, 16 acres .... 21.81 M Ouvr Moody, 16 ai res . 31.38 j I I rank II. MocmIs, !l 1-2 acre- 12.27 j ' Vila- Moody, 8 1.2 acres 8.22 ' Jeff Norri-, I acres 7.18 j I,. II. l'enuell Estate. t 1.2 acre- .66 1 V\ . T. I'ayne. 1 lot 27.18 loin Perry, 20 acres 16.07 1 l.ottie Perry. 2 acres 3.61 ' V. ( . Itee-e, 55 acres 19.93 " Coy ICcecc, 15.3 acre- 25.86 ' Ira llcect, 1 acre ......... 6.9'J 1 I.. It. Itecce. I acre- 3.51 1 Spencer Keece Estate, ill acres 12.63 S 1 Mr-. K. I .en -sutler-. ? *pms l ti ! < Mrs, .1. O. Smith, IB acres H.8U | J Arthur t?. MiUSbfrry, 3 ucres it.**I < url Story, I lot . ll?49 j li. W . Sutherland, 500 acres 187.19 i Hill Sludcr, i acrt W7 Ami I". Tc-U'r 15 m re* . ...... 10.Ill ' t. t'. ritoiilpson, 81 acres 1105 jh'We> ( . TraetU', 25 acres 10.07 1 like Warren, l'J 1-2 acres 12.70 i . A. Warren, to acres 2$.ii ' Hohy Warren, 8 acres ._ 5.51 . V. Wincharger & .Minnie llocko- j , tliiy, 25 acres . .. .... 40.80 j ^ it. Wineb&rger, Oil acres* 10.79 j' Iva It. Wilson, 17 acres 57.58 1 I oh it \\ ilsoii. .Sr.. 100 acres 102.57 ' ,1. A. J. Wilson Heirs, 7t? acres 51.6-j .1. 1.. Wilson, 7 1-2 acres 8.0; thus. VoiiU(\'t 21 1-2 acres . 8.52 * Mrs. Bettle Mae llugumun, 4 lots 15.71) ELK William II. Benson, 75 acres 9.21 Presley fc'. llroH li, 80 acres 0.95 * K. t. C'urroll, 50 acres 4.29 Muttle L. Cook, 10 acres 4.59 J. C. Cowlcs Heirs, 100 ucres 9.54 ; Bettie Cox, 42 acres . . _ 5.75 ) Delia Cox. 50 acres 7.16 t Fred Cox, 20 acres 0.61 ; K. (Ill ford (oXf 50 acres 4.29 ] Will Cox, 41 acres 8.58 < .Mrs. Narlie Crisp, to acres 1.58 Joe auil I.en Cottrell. 352.2 acres 25.11 ] Deep (ia|> Tie ? Lumlier Co., 180 ? acres 10.51 ] Neil Dollar, 10 acres ... .66 | C. T. Graham. 50 ucres 4.51 W. 11. Bragg, 00 ucres (sold to ; Payne and Phillips) 15.79 ] Chilo (iffcni* >-* Sherman Greer, 7 acres 4.58 VlrfU Wheeler. 1 1-5 acres 5.29 . A. 11. & W. G. llamby. 56 acres li.7B J. W. Harrison, 2 ucre* 1.97 ' Fred Hartley, 24 acres 3.62 .lames Hayes, 40 acres _ 6.71 * Jennie Hayes, 6 acres 1.05 % Klsle Hodges, 7.10 acre ? 434 ; Jane lluilgri, 4 1-2 acres " . ' 1.44 Jeff C. Hodges, 2 acres .79 John W. Hodges, 3 acres _____ 1.64 Johnnie Hodge*, 2 acres _ 4.76 ' J nelson Hodge*, 30 acres 16311 Wash llodges, 76 acres 6.44 Cora B. Johnson, 30 1-4 acres 6.46 O. C. Jernigan. 56 acres ? 11.76 ' Walter Lewis, 00 acres 7.13 ' Mrs. 1-alira Miller, 3G acres 8.33 Olen Miller, 2 1-2 acres i 1.60 Toy Sliller, 45 acre* 5.30 < Willard Miller, 3 acres . 5.55 ] William Miller, 67 acres 11.85 K. W. Moreli, 917 acres 79.67 Kmmett OlHer, 47 acrw 11J5 W. H. & K. 11. Parker Heir#f 37 acres 1.97 C. K. Payne, 87 acres 16.02 , Dickson Rhymer, 32 acres 18-53 , HUery Rhymer, 64 acres __? 5351 Franklin Robbin*, 31 acres 7.50 \. P. Triplett Heirs, 2 1-2 acres .90 Alice Triplett, 17 acre* , L?7 Clyde Triplett, 107 acres 8.83 Charlie Triplett. Sr., 20 acres 8.46 Klixa C. Triplett. 16 acre* 1 Kofen* Triplett. 52 acr ?s 13.6ft Id* Triplet!, 2 1-2 acres .79 June Triplet!, 10 acres ? ?? S.76 Mr*. Pearl Triplett, 17 acres 9.01 Rebecca Triplet^ 31 acres 2.64 Vonley Triplett, 12 acres 6.29 Walter Triplett, 60 acres 10.01 1 Mr*. Wn>. A. Triplett, J32 acres <>.76 William Vied Triplett. 4ft acre* : .82 William Triplett Heirs, 20 acres L.78 | Will F. Triplett. 43 acre* 3.82 Avery Watson, 10 acres ? 2.10 Isaac Watson, 10 acres 7.07 Millard Watson. 4 acres 5.75 Arthur J. VI .aeeler, 47 acres 16.49 1 V ?. Wellborn. 17 a<-?fH 3.13 .l.? i.roxer U hrtlfr, !0 acre* 6.6-J j |;< Joe Wheeler. 8b acre? . | Fn Simon Wheeler, ii acre* 2.83 j?ir l.*e LAUREL CREEK I I larence <'a?non. sr iM-re. "'?7 [ eo. I.. I ??oh, 33 1-2 acres 21.19 J \v Sew land jfc I,oy l??>t*on. 1 acre - 6.14 | u \ndy (.leiin. 38 l.'J acres ? . 10.01 |?_ 'art Greene, 10 acres . 9..V7 I ^ [ ar??n Gay, 1 acre . . . 3.7S J \v l?. W. (iwyn and Bill K?y. 40 acres 6.39 \|, ?ftrah (Iu> n, 33 acre* 6.01 ,|.A r?y Harmon. 12 ?rrw fi;W \| Eli W. Harmon. lt> acres 7.91 ; jl-, iarnett Harmon. 47 acre-: ... 1.42 j0 lone* f. Harmon. 17 acre** ..... 7.OH .j R. Lee Harmon. 37 1-2 acres 31.11 ^'a Ralph O. Hartnon 37 acres 19.16 .j,, Koerr Harmon. 3'1 acre* 16.1.4 *. Geo. Hen*on. 71 acre* 13.94 j?r Ren jam in Hick*. Sr., 130 1-2 acres 33.1H st 4n?lv Hick*. 9 acres 3.47 ,|n >i-wcj Jantes. 17 acre* 7.H8 Klla .lolin*on. 8 1-2 acre* 8.90 -j-j irmly .4. .l"hn*on. 17 acres . _ 13.73 ' j , dr*. Toil* Jobn*o:t. 33 acre* H.HI i(| ICo** Matheson. 17 mrr* HXi jn darioit Mill*ap* h*tate. 3 acre* .68 lotin OaVe*. 13 acre* 14.41 -jlyde Perry. 7 acre* .... .. 4.92 |j, >Ir*. Ik'rtha Pre*nell_ 17 3-1 acre* 1.63 ^ la> I'resnell. 14 1-3 acre* . 7.36 j ?. < . I'resnell. 20 acre* 'J.07 j|j :thei l're*neli. 33 at re* 7.38 >Va*liin|;S?n Pr**nell. 30 acres 11.13 w co. Pre*ncll. 33 acre* 10.17 |!( I. 44. I're*nell. 3 acre* 9.09 ,>f lolut Pre*nrll. 6.4 acre* 12.69 ^ 'n^ephiN (. 1'rtssncll, 81 ucrf< IT.19 |-(| .fiinard l'rcsnell. 34 a?'rr> 11.1*1 (; Joyd I'resnell. 33 arre> ... 11.01 jj( Irs. Martha Presnell. 1* aero 7.94 jj, nila I'resnell. *1 acre* . . 1.81! ohn l>. 13 acres 14.03 u( Valti-r L. Tester. 11 1-T ?rrcs 9.11 |{| i. A. Thaitia**^ 81 acres 19.89 larkc Trivcttc, 1.' acres 7.511 ^ emit Trlvetlc, I uc rc .Til Irs. Ituy <] Walker. 57 arre* 81.50 ^ Conalil W aril. 8 I.T acres . .. 7.19 ^ ( i. Monroe W'aril, "13 at'res fi.Oli ?|-e 1?. Waril. 88 1.5 acres .. j a ie<>. \V. Wurri, 73 a?Tcs Ki.'-'L y;| (il MEAT CAMP >" ?. 1 !j ill- Brown. !l acres .. 7.81 '*c rank Brown, -i acres ... 8.90 *'c Irs. Nelli** Itrimn. -.'li at-r?s "itl.10 " \ illiy 1.. Urow n, IT 1-T acres 1.77 ' lowaril Brown, 39? acres 18.04 . IColty Brvuli. :W acres 8.6G !. I". Burk- I Heirs, 35 mfs 10.05 rank t tnle^ 4?l ai ns 0.30 .1. < ?iwlcs Ileirs, 50 acres 4.03 larrison Church. 1 acres 1.71 loytl W. Ha vis, 1.7 acres ?.50 llss i.tlna Davis, (f! acres 15.18 I I Irs. Mau'iric (I.en) Urccnc, (1! 8-4 acres . . 13.03 S. rue 8. tireene. '35 ucres 15.T9 Tiiiiilrnu (ircenr, TO 1-T acres 15.Hi W ilrs. Marllia Borises. T1 acres "51 l*'1 rc?l lltilmiin. 31 aires 11.58 rlioiuas Hopkins, 30 acres . 6.OI1 |4lney It. Johnson, 19 acres 7.40 1*11 lanit-s Main, T3 acres 8.01 Mi Vinton Mam, 39 acres . 14.75 Hi 1 alter Main, T3 acres 1.33 Mi Jrs. Alice Miller. 71 acres G.Hl 'ta A . < I auric Miller. 08 acres 18.H0 I. laimah Miller, ;"J m-ro 6.15 l{. lenrv \\ . .Miller. 6 1-3 acres 30.68 M )iilticcy Miller, 35 acre* 11.13 M lliili^a Miller llcirs. 9U acres 17.17 It" . 1111 til Miller, 40 ucres . 7.15 H' Miller. 3 acre* 4."* I Hi %. 4.. Miller, 71 acre* . 8.51 Us B. N. Miller Heir*, 30 acre* 3.43 M K. N. Miller llcir*, 13 1.3 acre* 1.U1 -It Vault K. Miller, 5(i acre* 6.67 1 i K. franklin Moretz. i'i acre* ,0.38 M (i. Morel*, 30 acre* .... 11.47 <1 l\an Morel*. acres 5.30 Willie Morel/, 38 acres 3.4 7 Itynum I-. Norris. 3 acre* 3.38 M II. Karl Norris. 30 acre* .... 11.78 Hi l\ illard 1>. Norris, 57 acre* .... 30.38 Carter IVnle*', 30 acres - 16.31 M Claude M. I'roffitt 109 acres ... . 31.4-1 Mrs. < urne Itaisan, HI acres 78.ifi O. Mrs. I n unit- tCnunn, lO'J acres 33.53 'I' Hon Slaaltcrry. II acres il.% H Ha/el Cornell Tester, 15 acres .. ... 3.111 < Kdd Trivet te. 1 acre ... 5.117 1' (i. V. I'ale. 35 acre* ... . 1.15 M Mr*. T. J. TiiKiiiaa, ?0 acres 7.7'! K las. Walls 55 acres IK.40 M John W. W tlliams, 05 acres G.57 O. Caleb WinebarRer Kstate, GO acres 10.31 < Kinley A. Winehartrer. 13 acres . 7.15 W Lloyd Wlnehariccr 3 1.3 acres .. iu.17 it M. K. U"inel?nrs?'r Heirs, 10 acres 4.73 ^ Untdy Winkler, S acres 4.83 * Herman II. Wood. 53 acres 11.67 ^ Inez Wood ring. J3 acres . 3.73 *? H. It. WoodriiiR, 50 acres 5.91 31 las. < . Woodrinjc Kstalc. 35 acres 3.88 CI Itosa WoodriiiK, 33 1-3 ncre> 3.<*iu H smith Woodriug-, 35 acres 3.01 M [ liurlie Wood ring;, 36 1-4 ucres, 7.41 M IV. K. Woodring, 36 acres . 11.39 J. W. I.. WoodriuR Heirs. 100 acres !). 17 K< loslta Woo'tlring. 1 aero 5.50 T"i Iti NORTH FORK ? Mrs. Carrie Bingham, 133 acres 30.10 j linker A: ( onijiany, 60 acres 8.37 ** iainc> Broivns 14 acres . ... '-.83 |.;| Urs. lMiuma Brown, 101) acres 1 17.12 ^ Prank Canter, 100 acres ? 17.15 yy ?nruh Ellison. 17 acres 4.29 ,|j VI rs. Kiilia Ellison, 1 1-3 acres .29 y, Il(?hruim Ellison, 6 acres 5.26 jj Sam Ellison. 1-1 acres 5.98 jj David Main, 11 acres 5-34 jj, Dock Main. 27 acres 7.49 yj Mrs. Harrison Main, 51 1-2 acres 9.28 Viose Main 62 acres 16.02 Matilda Slain, 25 acres ? 4.18 Ul Wis? Main. 32 acres 13.13 jy. Dun Miller, 3-4 acre ?.? 4.31 K IV. W. Miller. 50 acres 11.49 c\ Mrs. Annie Potter^ 44 acres 13-50 j Clarence Potter, 31 acres S.55 j, Enoch Potter, 5 acres 6.14 M John Potter, 97 acres 20.22 1-afayette Potter, 185 1-2 acres 34.31 Sam Potter, 11 acres - 13.21 j>, Ted Potter. 1 JL2 acres 4.17 n Charlie Potter, 1 acre ... 4.05 y, Harrison Shelton, 40 acres 14.15 y VI rs. 31. C. Shelton, 32 acres 5.82 ^ diehard Shores^ 52 acres 8.61 I. M. Thomas & J. B. Sutherland. ja 85 acres 14.35 yj John Thomas Estate, 40 acres 9.18 yy Clyde Wallace. 43 acres 7.21 (-j R SHAWNEEH Wf ? Coffey Heirs, 5 1-2 acres 1.31 ^ liars ton Coffey, 19 acres 10.37 1 E. Y. Edmisten, 50 acres 20.31 11 Beam Grlmseley. 3-4 acre .99 Mack C. Harmon, 45 acres 5.12 Sidney Harmon. 39 acres 1A " Jake Harrdl, 20 acre* 3.08 ** Charlie O. Mataey, 8 acres 8^7 ^ Arthur C. Miller, 58 acres 20.52 Frank McGuire, * 57 acres 14.04 * Mrs. Belle Presnell, 15 acres 6.0H J} James Ropard. 23 acres 8.77 1 Bud Rupard Heirs, 25 acres 4.60 Bvnuoi Shook, 25 acres 2.88 1 Tbos. T. Shook, 14 acres 10.61 J* Lafayette Town?end, 125 acres 26.14 Wm. E. Tovrnsend, 23 acres ?.? 5.97 Roy Townsend, 40 acres 8.88 STONY FORK w Jeptha Bingham. 7 acres 3.21 ( ? W. M. Browu Estate, 82 acres 8.27 J. Cbas. E. Carlton. 2 acre* 1.48 M Guy Carlton. 1 acre ? 7.14 Is B. F. Carroll, 25 acres 4.60 II. H. II. A Bruco Carroll, 2 lots .33 V. Letter Carroll, 56 acres 10.64 A. Martha 8. Church, 50 acres 10.82 Ri Noah J. Church, 87 acre* 15.41 AUGUST 14, 1941 , i- I.. I li srrtfi .. 4.25 hrrt 1.. <&entry. 13N arrt? 27.10 an Greene, 30 urns ...... 7.80 udy G- Greene, -4.1 aivc- . 19.8'l roirtf Orwn^ 10?0 mvt-. 30.CG Monroe Greene. ? 3-1 acre> . >j Greene. 5 a-rcs 3.71 mnif M. Hreeue. 35 ?rr?? 8.83 ma O. iiwue, W acrr?? 16.75 ?(< > (irwnc. 87 wrrn . . 11.77 Wil*on (irevfif, '6 arrw 10.61 I illic II- . Morel*. 97 acre* 12.50 alter >. Morel*. 61 acre* . 32.69 II. Norri*, 50 acre* 6.89 ram Phillip* lleir*, 11 acre?. .. 2.64 ill F. Phillips, 33 acre* 17.11 iliie Phillips. 13 acre* ? 7.5'J den Phillip*. 20 acre* 4.Pi >i>n L. Phillip*. 1-2 acre ? - 13.63 illard Hay, 8 acre* ? 7.72 ..I Roger*, 1 acre 5.75 >. smith Heirs, 30 acres 1-60 >hert W. Kmltli( 6 acres 13.10 r>. W. K. Smith, 68 acr?> 3.71 B. Sullivan, 50 acres 3.73 taper Triplet!, 1-5 acre = 3! isscll Trlvetle, 13-1 acres 10.81 lie Watson^ 1 acre 10.47 tdrcw l'. Watson, 73 1.2 acres - 17.86 rs. Jerry Watson, 33 acres B.'iO illanl Watson, 8 I-** acres .. . 5.39 cmird Watson, Jr.. 1 acres ... 7.07 <1 Watson^ 11 acres 7.65 i urn Watson. 1 acre ..... .06 indcU Watson, 1 acres .. .. 7.8L cnu V. Wclcli, 30 acres 18.65 rs. Artie F. Wellborn, 30 acres 8.54 n I*. Wellborn. '.11 acres 3.36 >se White. 7 lot** .. 3.37 Harrison While, 30 acres . .. 4.11 cry Winkler, ? acres 3.50 kc *1. Wlncharjcer, 17 acre* 17.07 J. Whcclcr. 35 acres 4.46 rs. Annie Vntcs. 18 acres ? 3.99 s. <;recur. 16 acres . . C.I I WATAUGA iarle> S. Aldrldge. 36 acres .. . 6.33 1>. AhlridRc, 35 acres . 3.45 < . Aldrldxe, 90 acres 23.15 ewart AldrldRc, 3 acres ? 9.40 . 31. Andrews, 5 acres ... 4.53 uiengin Brothers, 39 acres 13.13 ? 11. Berry. 139 acres 79.38 It. Berry. 139 acres 24.41 hel & F.I lac Hoojrhcr% 73 acres .. ? 18.03 iss Florence lloj d, 360 acres .... 51.69 nt> Brewer. 16 acres . 7.61 r>. Flnley Brown, Kt acres ?. 13.79 il|ili Brown. 15 acres ........ 7.59 II. Brlnkley^ 2 acres 2.61 iy ltyrd, 6 acres ... 20.98 ('. Calloway, 38 acres 11.19 t. talloWB>, 35 acres '13.79 \. tialloway, 77 acres 11.49 isroc Cnudill. 35 acres ? 8.14 arrisoii Church, 7> arrcs 11.53 M A. or fey. ir. 1.3 ucres 4.03 r>. Ilarlc.x Col'fey Heirs, ifi acres 11.07 ardla < ortV> . IK acres 4.03 fl i>iiO o. i olFey, 13 acres 0.13 rs. J. 1. Coffey, 30 acres 40.10 *tf ( nffcy 15 acres .. ... 8.61 M , .1. Coffey. 10 acres . .. . 13.-5 ! .T. Coffey, 30 acres 4.37 r. t offcy, I acre 1.31 , I*. Conk. 11 acres 8.01 ! llhli Ciwk 13 acres 3.33 warl Cornell, 3.1 ucrc . . 1-51 a> Cornelt, l a?-re . . 3.0L *. arskall Ct?rnctl. 10 3-1 acres ... 3.01 , O. Dnnncr, 21 l-'l acres 14.08 O. I?annor. 18 I-'i acres 16.158 alter Davis. 7 l-'l arret .. 10.45 4)1 c.v Dunniftun tltrothers>, 3 acres .... 0.85 irley E. Eurp, 02 acres 18.20 . C .K&rp Esiate> 31 I-'i ucres . . .... 3.39 lllle <1. Earp, 12 3-1 acres 11317 . C, KgRers llelrs. 45 acres 5.18 rs. I.illjun Ewyle, 1 1-1 acres .90 iarence l'ox, 5 acres ..... 5.55 enry Fox, 17 acres 7.86 rs. 'I. -M. Fox, 11 1.1 acres 5.39 rs Flora Fox, II 1-1 acres 5.73 I,. F??x \ Vance Shook, 43 acres._ 9.31 il?l Frunklin, 45 acres 5.00 rank Greer, 33 acres 13.63 mice Greene. 75 acres 10-17 ihn It. JlaRamait Estate^ 38 acres 1.80 Her Harmon Estate, 25 acres 4.60 31. Harrison. 17 1-1 acres - 14.34 alter G. Hodges, 20 acres . - 3.08 I rod Hollars, 17 1-1 acres 1.00 ilson Hollars X .latin Cook, 10 acres 6.14 'ilson Hollars, II acres 5.01 4 imes Hollars, 11 acres 5.68 ndy Hollars, 8 acres 6.01 on J. Horton. 110 acres ? 31-50 untsmun Brothers, 10 acret? 2.H9 bv. Hardin J. Hughes. 1 acre 11.49 rs?. Rose Jestcs, 65 meres - 9.19 . K. Jestes^ S3 acres 15.00 Utrlie Keller, 60 acres 13.79 tan Luwreore, 20 acres 5.73 nd Lineback, 56 1-2 acres 8.09 , E. Lineback, 112 acres 1S.79 jy Love, 13 acres .... 8.04 E. Maltha, 55 acres ? 4.82 uaies T. Maya, 8 acres 7.43 r?. A. P. Moody. 37 acres 4.28 rs. J. E. Moody. 43 acres 12.80 II. McLean, 5 acres 1.57 et rlcLean, 11 acres . 5.78 enry S. Pennick, 12 1-2 acres 11.48 r*. Aniinda Porch. 21 acres S.88 . B. Porch, 20 acres ?. 11.75 T. Rivers,' 5 acres 3.94 . VF. Shook Estate, 137 acres 15.74 C. Shook, 38 acres 4.71 rs. Allle Shook, 23 acres 9.16 i -R. Smith, 196 acres 33.67 ias. S. Story, 20 acres 8.07 . W. Story, 1 acre 3.52 K. Taylor, 20 acres ^?. 7.52 illle Taylor, 13 acres ? 7.52 iseph Teagn^ 7 1-2 acres ? 11-f1 isiu auouio'*, 1-K> wrcd ? W-"1 , T. Townnend, 48 acres ? 16.4# C. Townwnd, 11 acres ? arrison Townsend, 31 1-2 acre* ' 52 . If. Townr, I lot .69 B. Cook, Estate, 5 lots 4.16 " uby. Mary, Helena and Wade War. ner, 1 lot 3,73