* PAGE EIGHT Watauga ? Men With I The Colors Sergeant Joseph Grimes, son of Jack Grime lias been commissioned Sergeant ii the army, at the aviation base Wall: Walla, Wash. Master Sergeant Clint Cannon, son of Mr. and Mrs Aivin Cannon of Boone, who is wit] tm- Base Ordnance Office at Walk Walla, Wash., has been promoted t< l!u: rank of master sergeant Goes to Camp Bowie. Corporal Dudley Swift, son of Mr: R. S. Swd't of Boone, was recently i...listened from Camp Cook. Calif i Camp Bowie, Texas. In From Navy Mi Vaught Mast of the U. S. Navy. Williamsburg, Va? spent Christ< .is week with Mrs. Mast in Boone nd with relatives in Johnson Citv Tenti. Holiday Visitor Lieut.-Commander P. O. Brewer, oi Chapel Hill, joined Mrs. Brewer and -mall daughter, here last week whilt on Christmas furlough. Visit Home Folks Private Alton M. Cook and Pri vale Chark- M Hodges spent th< Christinas season with home folks They are stationed at Camp Sut ton. N. C Major Thomas A Visitor. Majo: John H Thomas, of the U 3 Marine Corps, is with Mrs. Thornin Boone 11 a 30 day furlough Major Thomas has recently returnee t'ronv the southwestern Pacific battle area. Return to Charleston Pharmacist Richard E. Kelley, U S. Navy, and Mrs. Kelley returned Christinas day to Charleston. S C from a visa with relatives anc iends in Boone. Coach Garbee a Visitor Lieutenant Eugene Garbee former Appalachian College Athlet i - coach, is visiting this week will his family here. Lieut. Garbee is lo cated at Athens. Ga. James Storie A Visitor James Storie, chief petty officet I . S Navy, left on his return t New Orleans Sunday, from a Chrisl mas visit with Mrs. Storie. and wit .his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Storii WAM1 "?l*P?HTrMT? DR. C G. RAUGHMAN. eye, ea nose and throat specialist of Elizt bcthton, Tenn., will be at th Hagaman Clinic in Boone the fir: Monday in each month for th practice of his profession. 12-1 WANTED?HAMS, Chickens. Higt est market prices paid. Groceric and feed sold cheap. Plenty col ton meal on hand. Come and brin your produce, and if we can't trad will pay cash. S. A. Norris. Boom N. C. 1 WANTED?To contact the mar through the bank, who found mon ey in Northwestern Bank Decern bar 19. Reward. Mis. L. B. Har din. Boone. N. C. 1] DOST?Black leather zipper bill foil on Main Street, containing check cash and Boy Scout registratioi card. Return to James O. Cooke Jr., at Hotel Watauga for reward _1_ ___ 11 WANTED?Gitl at once, to do gen eral housework in family of thre< adults. Good pay. See or write Ec G. Farthing. Boone, N. C. It ' .DOST?Gas certificate in or neat Boone. Finder please return t< . Dave Henson. Sherwood. N. C. oi Watauea Democrat Rnone c ly ' FOR SALE ? 5 teacups, one stil fiouse handle, also six saucers, one ; 3rd handed coffee pot. R. W. Smith Deep Gap. N. C. If FOR SALE-?One steei overshot water wheel. 36 feet in diameter, factory made. Odes Wilson. Zionvillt N. C If WANTED ? TEN GIRLS. HIGH School graduates, to work foi Board. Room and Tuition, and at tend our evening classes. This i: an opportunity for you to get : business education if you don' have the money. Write for infor mation and application blank a once. Mid-winter term begins 01 January 4, 1943. Draughon Busi y-" ness College. Winston-Salem, N C. 12-17-tf TAXIDERMY OF ALL KINDSI specialize on bird mounting small animals, heads, etc. Hide tanned. Ask for estimates. Ralpl Gwaltney. Banner Elk, N. C. 12-11-4-; H"" ... i & S>-V-r>-J:' ?u?BL-*'4 fwi", I 1 T\ Returns to Camp Rucker t Sergeant It. K. Bingham. Jr.. has a returned to Camp Rucker. Ala., from i a Christmas furlough with honie!\ folks in Boone. | c 11 In Puerto Rico le Mr. Carl Lewis, son of Mr. Chas. 1 L. Lewis of Sherwood, who enlisted in the Coast Guard several weeks' ago. is in Puerto Rico, accroding to s news reaching a sister, Mrs. Rob'. t 1 Rivers. The trip from the U. S. wasjt u1 made by plane in about nine hours, i I he states. His address is Carl Smith 1 Lewis, AS (R), 10th Naval Dis San ' t Guan. Puerto Rico. I : I Gets Commission | < ' James L. Tester. Watauga man.;1 3 who is stationed at the Aberdeen 1 Proving Ground. Md.. has recently1; been commissioned a lientenant. 11 Spends Furlough at Blowing Rock's Sergeant Ford G. Miller .who is f 3 located at Talahassee. Fla., spent a j f holiday furlough at the home of his father Mr. J. C. Miller at Blowing Rock. Sergeant Miller has been I in the army fourteen years and is I a bombadier. c i, < r At Camp Robinson. 1 1 , The following local men. recently ! t . inducted into the army, have been j t assigned to the medical replacement j , training center at Camp Robinson, ji [Ark. Their training will embrace|r F i eleven weeks, after which they will 11 i i be assigned for duty to some medi-: a ^Ical department organization: Ottie; t E. Reese, Vilas: Carl Presnell. Vallejt ! Crucis: Joe Aldridge. Banner Elk;]t I James E Hicks. Sherwood. | f Transferred to Camp Sutton j > Charles M. llodges and Alton M.| - Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Finley' r P. Hodges, and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. | a Cook, respectively, of Boone Route 11 2. who enlisted in the 304 Ordnance! . Regiment which was formed in i Charlotte, N. C., consisting of vol- a . unteer technicians only, have been s 1 transferred from Fort Bragg, N. C., to Camp Sutton. Monroe, N. C., a where this regiment is being supplied for immediate service. f I To Receive Wings Soon a 1 Aviation Cadet, Reid Kellam. has . been transferred front Suntter, S. C. t 1 to Moultrie, Ga., where he will re- t ceive his wings at Spence Field, within a few weeks. Mrs. Kellam, I' the former Miss Annelle Beach of f , Boone, and baby, Helen, are with - him. t i W. H. Smith, Jr. Enlists in Navy f Mi. W. H. Smith. Jr.. who has i been in charge of the engineering corps on the Blue Ridge Parkway r, in this area for more than a year, 0 has been accepted into the navy, as a volunteer specialist, with a farrant h officer's rating. He left Tuesday for . I Raleigh, for final physical examinar ads K^trtiS IIK5IK" r,*W ANTED ? ONF. HUNDRED i-j young women, High School grade uates and married women to train >t for immediate employment. Our e government needs you now, and tf a position awaits you upon coin? pletion of your course. Are you patriotic? Then consider business !S training at once. Midwinter term L" begins January 4, 1343. Write for S application blank and information c at your very earliest convenience. Draughon Business College, Win^ ston- Salem, N. C. 12-17-tfc ' DR. L. E. WELLMAN. optometrist, invites you to come to Mountain ! City, Tenn., for your next glasses, j You will receive a thorough scien_! tific examination and the finest ( 1 i of lenses. The latest styles in i frames 01- rimless mountings at a i very moderate cost. Office days. ' Wednesday, Thursday each week. ' 12-1-tf ! REPAIR PARTS?Owners of farm j tractors, other machinery, sawmill ; : tractors, power units: We have 1 . I. * l. , i:-- T TT - , Lilt.- I1IUM LUIHglUR: 1II1C 111 1.I1.V- , -i McCormick-Deering and Athens ;! plow repair parts in Western }! North Carolina and our shop is .; staffed with men specializing only in repair of such equipment. We '! will give your repair problem im. ] mediate attention. Prompt service 1! is given mail orders on repair ; parts. i NEWTON IMPLEMENT CO. > NEWTON. N. C. 12-17-3-mc TYPIST, BOOKKEEPER, Secretary i Experienced. Expert. Desires po> sition in Boone, N. C. Best refer ences. Apply Watauga Democrat, _ stating salary you can offer. lp - OLD GOLD WANTED?We buy old 3 gold watch cases, rings, dental gold i etc. Highest prices paid. Walker's t Jewelry Store. 12-1-tf 1 Chestnut Wood * Wilkes Extract Works, North ; Wilkesboro, N. C., are in the mark' et for Chestnut Wood in any quan. tity. Price $9.00 for 160 cubic feet - delivered at their mill. Can be delivered any day except Sunday.) s Wood is needed to make tannin ex1 tract to tan leather for shoes needed for our men in srvice. |> dec-jan-feb-mar WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVJ ion, and will take his basic trainir. X Norfolk. Mrs. Smith will reman n Boone for the time being, aiv fill join her husband, when he be :omcs located. Since the work 01 ho Parkway is practically complel d for the duration. Mr. Smith think lis office here will likely close. Studies Aviation Mechanics Russell D. Hodges. Jr., of Boon; las begun an intensive course of stu iy in aviation mechanics at Amarill rield. Texas, one of the newest c he schools of the army air force ;echnical training command. He wil spend several months a his great mechanics school and up m graduation will be sent to one c Uncle Sam's air bases, where h will serve as a member of a crew c ice mechanics who will keep ou fighting airplanes in condition to as jure an early allied victory. Soldier Says, Buy Bonds Somewhere Away From Horn December 20. 1942. Tir? * /-I .... JCUl V.UUIUV. I don't want nuts and candies an rookies this Christmas. I don't war >en and pencil sets, toilet article: ;its. radios, cigarettes, lighters, sta ionerv. socks, sweaters, scarfs c ies . I am asking for something reall mportant this year, something tha neans more to me than the most ex lensive present I ever received o iny previous Christmas morn, some hing you won't have to wrap in re ind green and put in the earlier nail. Something that costs so littli I want the privilege of seeing m riends and answering their greet ngs as I meet them on the street. I want to ease down to a leisurel neal with friends or family and tal ibout yesterday's football game c omorrow's election. I want the chance to work a littl larder at my business and worr bout honest competition, net helves and paint. 1 want to go with my pals to se i movie or a county fair. I want to be with my family an riends and quiet their needless feai want to go to church and worshi; ind pray just as I please. But I am not going to ask for thes hings right now. For there is some hing far bigger to think of. Listen Hnn'l lot tho>m hnv onnHu lot tViov >uy bonds. It means another bulle or Eerliti. Don't let them spend for sentimer al things, let them spend for stamp In the meantime. I shall not los aith in my convictions nor will any at my task, God willing. Now, what more could I ask? ERNEST j?. HODGE J A Wat I Takeout. opens on. I own. Alth 1 ed in hom ? the war p ) -Hi a thincu ? H H. l/f our famih But the day J building ne I this time co | Boone and ? own your ( | lift. At any ? rainy day, i Due to pres b to insist tha I are selling 1 i winning the I In grateful * your future WATAl W. H. Graj ERY THURSDAY'?BOONE, N. C. =! WATAUGA SAILOR j1 (Continued irom page one, rl and left this afternoon ... Coxswain Howard had served on s the West Virginia from the time he j entered the Navy until December V, | Pearl Harbor. Regarding this day he j said: "I was asleep when the Japs i arrived?I'd been gone, and was get' ting ready to leave again. However, 0 j the raid started, so I started round,f ing up my gun crew. Before I had ,s my crew together we had been torpedoed four times, but we started right in giving it back to them, dou; ble. Soon the ship was listing badly if so we began getting off. It looked e! like she might turn on her side to ,f go down, but she went down Lrj straight. The wounded had been tak;.: en care of in a short time, but we spent four days taking check-ups to see that there were no internal injuries. After that I applied for a poe silion on the USS Lexington, boarded her on December 13th, and took part in five battles until we abant) doned her. "On tint mnrninu of Mntr 7th -tiro s were ready for action. All night we'd [. known where the Japs were and our ,r planes left to attack them. I guess that at the same time our planes v were over them, their planes were it over us. The Japs seemed to pick on _ the Lexington, for in five previous n tangles with her they had reported that she had been sunk. Still, out of d the eighteen planes attacking, belt i tween our guns and planes, we shot , j down sixteen. The other ships with v i us I cannot name, for reasons which l_ | need not be told?you understand we aren't putting out anything that y might lead the enemy in the direck tion they want to go. >r "I think we had one bomb hit and a number of torpedoes, but after the t, i battle we guys all ganged up and yihad a pretty good time: those who v j could get to their quarters got a few ! keepsakes, but there was fire all c i through 'he ship, and not many could make it down below. We j steamed over a hundred miles before r_ disembarking. After we left the ship p we were picked up by others in our group and put on rescue ships, that, e of course, I'll not name. After about _ 27 days we landed in the states. i"PU - 1 ,. f it TT P P T i i in: rccuru ul lue u. o. o. j_.exint>n ton up to and through May 7. was t 67 planes. 16 ships, and approximately 8,000 Japanese sailors and 900 Jap i? officers." s When asked, "Where would you 0 prefer to be next?" Howard first j looked at pretty Mrs. Howard, grinned and replied: "Supposing you mean in action. I guess just take me g to Tokio, and get it over with." -u? JSleiv Ser in auga Bni pens With 1 some shares of installm January /, and lay the ough the lumber and n le construction in norm production machine, in ; which they need to de * * jt ics, ana our American will come, we know not th w homes, and going about imes we will again be help Watauga County. Take )wn home through Buildin rate, you can be laying as whether or not you antici sent conditions we are not it you buy War Stamps an aonds now, and want to in ; war by putting your idle appreciation for all the fa : cooperation and good wi Very tru IGA BUILDING I gg, Secretary SEAL SALE (Continued from page one) W. C. Lentz. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Winkler 50c. Mrs. W. L. Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Greene, Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Hartley. 50c. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Icenhour. Mr. and Mrs. Frank j Icenhour, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'ioung. Sale of Emblems $2.55. Cove Creek Dock Mast, David Farthing. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sherwood, Mrs. : Gerd Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mast, Mrs. Stanley Harris, Clarence Watson, Miss Evelyn McLean 50c. i Paul Bingham 50c. Cove Creek ! School $10.78, Mabel School 75c. ; Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Horton, Mrs. ! Dare Strother, Miss Mildred Thom!as. Ivy Wilson. Bethel High School Claud Watson. Mrs. Devcnc Green : E. H. Greene 50c, C. C. Critcher, 1 Russell Henson. Emma Jean Setzer, , H. Ear! Norris, Mrs. Mary Wellborn. Valle Crucis Father and Mrs. Leach, Mr. and | _ | IBmb- j i i A ta r We are grateful for the s been accorded us during 1 pleasure to serve each one < for your continued coopera ber of our organization wo and wish for you .... A Happi Boone Sie W. H. GR, ies of Stc the lding & I rhe New Y< lent stock in our new s groundwork tor a hoi iailsy and various othe lal times, are now bei order that our boys m feat the enemies to < way of life. e date, when again our p their affairs in a normal ing to build homes for t out your stock now, and g and Loan aid when th< ide a small amount regu natf* hliildincr. 1 lis t^ll issuing any prepaid, stoc d bonds with your surplu sist that you do your full ; dollars to work. vors of the past year, a 11, we are, ly yours, i. LOAN ASSOI E DECEMBER 31, 1942. j Mrs. Clint Baird 50c. Mr. and Mrs. ' W. T. Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baird, Mr. McKaraher. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hermon 30c, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird 25c. Mrs. C. D. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Aldridge, Mr. and i Mrs. Lee Carender. Obituary Mrs. H. C. Hollifield, age 51 years, died at-the home at Shulls Mills on Tuesday after a long illness.. Funeral details had not been completed, but it was stated that services would likely be conducted at Boone Fork Church by Rev. Frank Knight. The husband, one son and two daughters survive: Hobart Hollifield, Miss Rosetta Hollifield, Shulls Mills; Mrs. Blaine Phillips. Lenoir. The mother, j Mrs. John A. Gragg of Shulls Mills, j also survives. WANTED | Elgin, Bulova. Gruen. and Hamilton i watch boxes. 25 cents each. Must be : new. B. W. Stallings Boone. N. C. y NEV^jj^ plendid patronage which has the year 1942. It has been a af you. and we respclfully ask tion. On behalf of each memextend the season's greetings y New Year am Laundry f'\GG, Owner. tck ? Loan 3a r eries which i ne of your * r things us- 4 ng fed into f ay have all ? our homes, eople will be way. When he people of > be ready to e war clouds 5 larly for the you about it. ^ k, but want j s money. We ? share toward | nd soliciting n ilATION loone, N. C. l