. ' jp r if near TT uhteb stats m A WAR VI *OM?S Y ^ STAMPS 11|iP VOLUME LV?NUMBER 31. DPne fAWTIWITIWrt I iirjw uniiiniJimi ! LIQUIDATION OF i GERMAN TROOPS! All But 12,000 Of Besiegers Of Stalingrad Fall in Mighty Offensive of Russian Hordes; Forty Thousand Nazis Meet Death in Baptism of Fire. The Red Army has killed or captured all but 12,000 of the 220,000 German troops -trapped before Stalingrad, and their liquidation in the last phase of the great battle of annihilation is a matter of two or three days, a communique from Moscow said on Wednesday. The high command, announcing virtual completion of the bloody conquest in the Stalingrad death pocket, said Russian assault forces had slaughtered 40,000 Germans and captured 28,000 since the Nazi command refused an ultimatum to surrender on January 10. Drawing the noose tighter day by day, the Russians now have split the German troops remaining from the once proud armies" which captured Stalingrad into two isolated gi ups, a special Soviet communique summarizing the battle said. "Thus the plan of the supreme command of the Red army for the encirclement and liquidation of the large groups of elite German Fascist troops has been basically realized," it said. "The history of war knows no of wine and beer in Watauga county," printed on a ballot to be provided therefor, and those opposed to prohibiting the sale of wine and ' beer in Watauga county shall mark < the square to the left of the words, : "For the sale of wine and beer in Watauga county," on said ballot. If a majority of the votes' cast in. such election shall favor prohibiting the sale of wine and beer in 1 Watauga county, then all licenses theretofore issued for the sale of wine and beer in said county, whether wholesale or retail, shall, within sixty days from the canvassing of said election, be inoperative and ' the sale of wine and beer in Watauga county shall thereafter be prohibited. Section 2. In calling for such spe- i cial election, the county board of i elections shall give at least twenty . days public notice of same prior to the opening of the registration books onrl tkrv ncrfintrntjK/vnlrn "t, nil ?* ?? miC icgioiiauun uuur\a siiau xc~ main open for the same period of time before such special election as i is required by law for them to re- ; main open for a regular election. A i new registration of voters for such special election is not required and all qualified electors who are prop(Continued on page eight) , i ? 1 1 =qi $1.50 A YEAR?5c A COPY BOONE RETAILERS' ASK SOLONS TO REPEAL SALE TAX Legislative Committee of Merchants Association Asks For Relief From 3 Per Cent State Levy; Says Money Is Not Now %T * - ? i^ccaca by the State. The Boone Merchants Association, through its legislative committee has gone on record as favoring the repeai of the 3 per cent state retail sales tax. and has forwarded resolutions to Senator Grady Farthing and Representative Tom Jackson, asking that they exert their influence in the General Assembly toward that end. The resolution bears the names of the four members of the legislative committee: G. K. Moose, chairman; L. T. Tatum, R. C. Rivers and C. C. Rogers, and the text of the document follows: "WHEREAS, the State no longer needs for any essential purpose, the revenue the sales tax produces, the State ha%'ing an estimated $30,000,000 surplus in its general fund at the end of the current fiscal year, which is more than twice the amount the sales tax will bring in in * ??c iicaw wwu years, anct WHEREAS, the State gave its solemn promise when the sales tax was first enacted ten years ago that it would be repealed as soon as the emergency which caused its enactment should cease to exist and, WHEREAS, the Federal Government will, in all likelihood, enact a sales tax, and the merchants and consumers will be forced to pay much heavier taxes of all kinds to support the war: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Boone Merchants Association that we respectfully urge our Senator and Representative Honorable H. Grady Farthing ar.d Honorable Tom Jackson, to exert every effort in the General Assembly to have the sales tax law repealed. RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to them at Raleigh. Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of January 1943. U. S. MENACES AFRICA KORPS, AXIS REPORTS Axis reports said Tuesday night that American troops were massing in force for an attempt to cut off Marshal Edwin Rommel's coastal line of retreat in Tunisia while allied planes and British advance guards slashed at the Africa korps rear near the Libyan border. The new peril to Rommel's longharried flight apparently was to be a drive aimed at Gabes, on the soutli east Tunisian coast 100 miles from the Libyan frontier where the waist of Tunisia is narrowest, the Rome radio said. The large-scale American troop movements were said to have been noted by Italian reconnaissance planes. The Paris radio reported that the American troop contingents were observed in the area of Tebessa, Algerian border town 140 miles northwest of Gabes, and that they "appear to be contemplating an offensive" against the port. On the active Tunisia front, southwest of Pont Du Fahs, a French communique reported that French forces improved their positions in the mountains during a series of local engagements. The main body of Gen. Sir B. L. Montgomery's British eighth army meanwhile was now well west of Tripoli and had captured the town Df Zauia, 30 miles west of the fallen stronghold, Cairo dispatches said while the advance guard was be lieved close to the Tunisian frontier. Tripoli was left partly garrisoned by the amazing Fighting French army of the Chad which entered the city to climax a drive of nearly 1,500 miles across the blistering and almost waterless Sahara in 39 days. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LISTS JOB OPENINGS Uncle Sam would like to make a date with you if you are unemploy mi. nis neaaquartcrs are at tne court house m Boone on Fridays and the hours are 10 to 1. Hie would like to discuss the following job openings with you. Dietitian, tool draftsman, tracer, office manager, stenographer, typist, guard, are welder, blacksmith, ship carpenter, bus driver, lineman, tack welder, powder trucker, sawmill worker, building laborer. BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS , ?