LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. W. T. Welsh and daughter are visting relatives in Granite Falls , and Hickory. Miss Ruth Honeycutt of Thomas ville spent the week-end here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Welch an nounce the birth of a son at Watauga Hospital last Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrc. M. J. O'SuUivan of North Wilkesboro. Miss Joyce Keller spent the week end in West Jefferson at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Goodman. Mrs. J. A. Matheson of Greens boro is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. F? A. Linney. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrell of Gas tonia, spent the week-end visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Cooke. Mrs. R. M Greene is spending the week visiting in .the home of her sons, David F. Greene arid Rfly B. Greene, of Greensboro and Durham, respectively. Mrs. Charles Younce and daughter Kathryn, who are members of the Millers Creek high school faculty, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. Baxter Bryan has been dis charged from the army at Fort Ord, Calif, and has arrived at thp home of his mother, Mrs. B. R. Bryan, of Boone. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Harmon and children were in Pinehurst last week, where Dr. Harmon was in attendance at the meeting of the State Medical Association. Mr. C. J. N orris and Mrs. Norris, Mr. Clint Norris and family of Matoaka, W. Va., left on their re turn Sunday from a visit with home folks Boone Route 2. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Abrams last week-end were Messrs. C. K. Abrams, of Pine tops, Spires Crisp, Butfk Crisp, of Macclesfield, and Ralph Coram, of Booneville. Born to Pfc. Russell D. Oliver and Mrs. Oliver on Apri 1 29, at at Watauga Hospital, a son, who has been named R. D. Oliver, Jr. Mrs. Oliver is the former Miss Ruth Lawrence of Trade, Tenn. Miss Clara Hearne, of Roanoke Rapids, will arrive Friday and be the guest of the W. M.. Burwells during the sessions of the State Bird Club being held Saturday and Sunday. Miss Hearne is president of the State Bird Club. Dr. and Mrs. Stenwall have ar- j rived in Boone from Florida, and j are staying at Mrs. Bessie Hall's bun galow near the Black Bear station ! The doctor's mother and sister, with I the girl canpers are expected to ] come up about June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence sJtzer, of I Detroit, Mich., returned to their home Saturday after spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D L. Setzer and sister, Mrs. I Lee South and Mr. South, of Zion- ! ville Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon C. Roach of Washington, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. White, also of that city, spent the week-end in the county. Mrs. White is the former Miss Les sie Greene of the Brownwood sec tion, but has resided in Pennsyl vania for some years. i Mrs. L. B. McGhee and daughter, Mary Frances, of Lenoir, were week end visitors at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ragan. Other visitors in the Ragan home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Pyatte and children and Mrs. Clarence Steele and son Gray Lee. Mr. N. W. McGinnis of Oakesdale, Wash., is spending a few weeks in the county. Mr. McGinnis, a native Wataugan, is a retired farmer. He left Watauga county 61 years ago, and this is his second visit back in that period. He was here 33 years ago. Carl Henson, Jr., and Billie Hen son, who served in the army and navy respectively, have been dis charged and are at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Henson of Vilas. Carl has served in the states while Billie was on active duty in the south Pacific for 19 months. Kidd Brewer, secretary to Sena tor Bailey, Mrs. Brewer and daugh ter, Olivia, of Washington. D. C. have been spending a few days at the home of Mrs. F. A. Linney. On their return Sunday they were ac companied by Mrs. Paul Ji. Coffey and sons, Frankie and Armfield, who will spend two weeks la the capital city. Mr. Paul A. Coffey leaves to day to join his family. PARSONS 18 RE-ELECTED MAYOR OF WEST JEFFERSON C. O. Parsons, incumbent, was re elected mayor of West Jefferson in the town election held Tuesday, de feating his only opponent, H. C. Tucker, 204 to 104. Elected aldermen were Don Black burn, Glenn Graybeal, Russell Bar, Carl Colvard and John Hardin. Bri tains famed Lawrence of Ara bia was rejected for front line serv ice in World War I because of ane mia and short stature. Where alfalfa is grown as a seed crop, a brilliant show of alfalfa bloom indicates a light seed crop. This nation's production of eggs for freezing during March was the largest in history for that month. i MISS JIMMIE FARTHING Farthing- Scruggs Engagement Is Announced Here Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. , JJarthing "an nounce the engagefnent of their daughter, Jimmie, to Freden* R. Scruggs, of Floyd, Va. Miss Farthing received her edu cation at Bethel high school and Lees-McRae College, and for the past year has been employed in Wil mington, N. C, Mr. Scruggs is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Y. P. Scruggs, of Fl,oyd, Va. He attended Willis high school and Lees-McRae College. After serving 33 months in the armed forces, 18 of which were spent in the Euro pean theatre of war, he is now plan ning to continue his education at V.P.I. , Blacksburg, Va. Misses Brock and Stone Entertain Misses Lucy Brock end Betty Stone entertained 70 ttiends last Wednesday at a theatre party. Fol lowing the showing of "Rhapsody in Blue," the guests were taken to the Carolina Cafe where members of the home economics, department of the college assisted the hostesses in serving banana splits. Seatihg ar rangements were at small tables laid with white cloths and centered with small blue vase# of buttercup. Placecards were hand-made and pictured a dainty basket of flowers in pastel colors. Faculty Honored at Tea Party Members of the high school and demonstration school faculties were entertained Tuesday evening at a theatre party given by the Wom an's Club. After the featurr show ing guests and club members went to the home of Mrs. W. G. Hartzog where a delightful refreshment course was served. Henson- Johnson Miss Ruth Henson, of Bristol, Tenn., became the bride of Henry Johnson. Saturday night, April 20. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Dave Henson of Sherwood, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson of Sherwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. J. Starling at the Henson's Chapel Methodist Church. Soihorn-Elliott Miss Susy C. Sothorn became the bride of Ray F. Elliott, Wednesday morning. May 1, at the office of Edw. N. Hahn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sothorn, of Washington, Va., while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, of Marion, Va. The couple will make their home in Marion, Va. The ceremony was performed by Magistrate Hahn. Miss Taylor is Bride of CoL Thomas Gibsonville, May S ? Tuesday aft ernoon at 5 o'clock in the Methodist Church, Miss Alice Rebecca Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Lee Lord Taylor and the late Mr. Taylor of Gibson ville and Boone, was united in mar riage with Lt. Col. Richard Green wood Thomas, son of R. A. Thomas and the late Mrs. Thomas, of Gib sonville. The ring cetemony was performed by Dr. W. "A. Stanbury, of Gastonia, cousin of thp bride, in a setting of traditional green and white. Prior to the ceremoiui a program of musif was presented' by Mrs.^F. R. Owen, Sr., pianist, and Mrs. Fred Shinn, soprano, The traditional wed ding marches were used for the pro cessional and recessional. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Dr. Hoy Taylor of Milledgeville, Ga., and attended by her sister. Miss Elizabeth Taylor. The bridegroom had his brother, Boyd Thomas, of Newport News, for best man. The bride is a graduate of Appa lachian College, Boone, and for the past three years has been a member of the local scnool faculty. The bridegroom is a graduate of Gibsonville high school and N. C. State College, Raleigh. He has just completed five years service in the army, four of them in the Pacific theatre. After a 30-dpy leave he will be reassigned to duty in the United States. Col. and Mrs. Thomas left im mediately for a ten-day trip north which will include Washington and New York. Among the out-of-town guests for the wedding were James Norris and Miss Essie Norm, of Boone. Ajnitie Bridge Chib , I Meeths W"h Mrs. Hackney The Am?cie Bridge Club held its regular meeting with Mrs. Cecil Hackney, Monday evening, April 29. High score prize was won by Mis. Joe Williams, and a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. Guests were: Mrs. Winborne, Mrs. Isaacs, Mrs. James Storie, Mrs. Blaine Miller, Mrs. Russell D. Hodges and Miss Lee Angel. Local School Faculty and Graduates Honored Members of the faculty of the Ap palachian high and demonstration schools and the eight graduating seniors of the high school were hon ored by the Worthwhile Woman's Club at a theatre party on Tuesday evening, April 30. After enjoying the movie, about sixty faculty and I cluft members were entertained at an informal tea at the home of Mrs. W. G. Hartrog. Local Woman's Club Gu?sls of Ash* County Club A delegation representing the Woman's Worthwhile Club attended a luncheon at the community house in West Jefferson on April 26. Oth er clubs represented were North Wilkesboro, Jefferson and Sparta. After a delicious luncheon, served by the Ashe county club, a musical program of piano and voice selec tions was enjoyed. Splendid re ports from each club president were given. Mrs. McMillan, president of the hostess club, introduced the principal speaker. Dr. Leo K. Pritch ett, dean of Lees-McRae College, who spoke on the United Nations Organization. Members from the Boone club at tending were: Mrs. B. W. Stallings, Mrs. R. H. Harmon, Mrs. W. G. Hartzog, Mrs. D. L. Wilcox, Mrs. J. C. Canipe, Mrs. A. E. South, Mrs. W. R. Phillips, Mrs. Louise DeLima and Mrs. Gill Phillips. Mr. and Mri. L. B. Robinson Honored at Zionville A homecoming dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Icenhour of Zionville, Sunday, hon oring Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Robinson (Ada Warren) who are here from Port Orchard, Wash. Among the relatives attending were: Mrs. D. E. Benfield, Betty Joe and Peggy Ben field, Newland; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ashley, Warrensville; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams and son Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Icenhour and five children, Laura B. Rutherford and Sybil Ayers, all of Bristol. Tenn.: B. W. McNeely, Ethel, Valma and Willie McNeely, all of Newland; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Yokeley, Win ston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Amury Hall. Valdese; Mrs. Muriel Pennell, Nashville, Tenn; Mrs. C. L. Warren, Jr., Pennsylvania; James M. Pen nell, Lenoir; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Warren. Russell, Ruth and Jimmy Warren, ZionvUle; Perry Warren, of the merchant marine; Mr. and Mrs. Vester Warren, Beulah and Iva I Dean Warren, Miss Alma Warren, R. i B.. Frank and G. H. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Church and Mrs. [ John Wilson, All of Zionville. I Worthwhile dub Entertains Husbands The Woman's Worthwhile Club enjoyed one of the loveliest ban quets it ever had, on Thursday eve ning at a local cafe, when the ladies entertained their husbands. The table was arranged in the form of a cross with tulips and tall tapers making a centerpiece graduating into very small bouquets and can dles at each of the four ends of the banquet table. Green, yellow and other spring colors were used in bouquets, place cards and in the cocktail and dessert. Delicious food was very efficiently served. Miss Royster Barnett and Roger Whitener sang duets and solos. Fun and music was enjoyed throughout the evening. ART1CLE ON NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHED IN BOSTON PAPER "Travelers in North Carolina have their choice of mountains, sea shore or sandhills not to mention both winter and summer resorts and 12,000 miles of numbered primary highways to reach them," reads an article in the travel section of the Boston Globe published April 14. "In the west ar* the highest mountains of the east, in the mid dle an empire of industry, on its fringe a sandhill region transformed into a peach orchard and the winter golf capital of America: in the east miles of rich agricultural land. MODERN M REMEMBER May 12th Is Her Day Gage Hats And many others, with gay flowers and feath ers. With brims and without brims . . . For young mothers and mothers not so young. $3.98 to $12.95 Nylon Slips And many other lin gerie gifts mother will love . . . Gowns and Panties. Priced from $1.25 to $6.49 Summer Bags Many new white bags just came in ? in plastics, patents and others moth er will love. All newer shapes and styles. From $4.98 up Costume Jewelry We have the most beautiful assort ment in this section of the state. Pins, Clips, Necklaces, Ear-rings and ^ many other pieces that make beau tiful gifts. Priced from $1 to $25 Goodman's Dress Shop BOONE, N. C. i stretching to an ocean held at bay by long amis of sand dunes, enclos ing sound waters teeming with fish and waterfowl. That is North Caro lina." The article goes on to mention such familiar places as Lake Juna luska. Blowing Rock, Chimney Rock, Lake Lure, Little Switzerland, the Blue Ridge Parkway and refers to the Great Smokies as the TV A lake country. - Thank You During the past few weeks so many customers have been in our store that we have not been able to wait on you as quickly, as we would have liked- Added to this increased business was the "breaking-in" of three new veterans of V,'orld War. 2 who have joined our full-time staff. We cer tainly appreciate the consideration you have shown these men, who between them have just finished twelve years in the Armed Forces. To you who patiently waited we are glad to report that these men are rapidly gaining in knowledge and experience. Join the hundreds of customers vyho look to us for fine foods and meats. # HOLLAR'S GROCERY TELEPHONE 52 ... WE WILL DELIVER APPALACHIAN THEATRE THURSDAY The Most Widely Acclaimed Motion Picture Entertainment of the Season! gUB a ricmi UB 01 Ptiillip Terry ? H??iH dm Sil? D?rU Do* ling ? Frank Fay ten Produced by Otarie* Brarfcett Direrirrf W. Bill. Wilder ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 9c? FRIDAY? 20c 9c? SATURDAY? 25c 11:00 O'CLOCK ? Plus ? COMEDY AND SERIAL 9c? SATURDAY? 25c 7:00 O'CLOCK Three ex- aces and a doll in dungarees find poai-war fly ing thrills in tha screen's hap piest reconversion romance! Looking for Laughs, thrills, romance . . . Here is tha rip roaring at o r y of America's Sweetheart! Also Selected Shorts Bargain Week MATINEE AND NIGHT 9c and 20c MAY 13 to MAY 17 Monday, May 13 "Leave Her to Heaven" Technicolor with Gene Tierney and Cornell Wilde a Tuesday, May 14 Til Be Seeing You" Ginger Rogers With Joseph Gotten Shirley Temple Wednesday, May 15 "The Dolly Sister." Technicolor with Betty Grable John Payne Thursday, May 16 'Meet Me In St. Louis" Technicolor with Judy Garland Margaret O'Brien Friday, May 17 'SWAMP WATER" Walter Brennan with Dana Andrews Ann Baxter WATCH FOR THE OPENING of the PASTIME THEATRE "BOONE'S NEW SHOW PLACE" May 18 ? Sc ? SATURDAY ? 25c ? May 18 11 o'clock Johnny Mack Brown "Border? Bandits" 7:00 o'clock IVNNE ROBERTS CWUSTWE