BEZALEL. THE CRATTSMAH Uwon for JtSy^lT. mf"*. j GOLDEN TEXT: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do. do it with thy might." ? Ecclesiasteaj ?: 10. 1?mibh T?d: Exofeus 31: 1-11? U ChTowial? It *. Continuing our study of "un heralded Bible characters," we take tor our study this week a consideration of the characteris tics of Bezalel, a master crafts man. It is in- connection with the building of the Tabernacle that Us name is mentioned. After recording the giving of the Ten Commandment* and various other laws to Moaes by Jehovah cm Mt. Sinai, the book of Ixodui list* directions con cerning the making of the ark and the tabernacle and its con tents, including the garments of the priests. Then it tells of the appointment of a man, named Bezalel and his assistant, Oho liab, to have charge of this work It M?mn that this Bezalel was a mast exceptional man. His en-' dowments are described in vers es 3-4 of our text. He was a man ' of good, practical common sense. (or wisdom in the Hebrew sense meant just that. He wm not a visionary ? he had the vision and the ability to put his vision into action or being. He had know ledge of his craft and, in addi tion to this, he had a superb skill in actual workmanship. He waj a good executive, also, for he had many men working under his direction to accomplish the many tasks which had been assigned to him. Our text says he worked with "wise-hearted" men and what a joy that must have been to him, to work with men to whom their work was a pleasure and who took pride in its accomplishment. They work ed together, wholeheartedly and willingly, for they were making the dwelling-place of Jehovah ind their handiwork would make that place a worthy place for the worship of their God. Exodus 43 : 33-38, describes the See NORGE_ Before You Buy! i] NORGE ELECTRIC STOVES NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS NORGE FLOOR FURNACES NORGE WASHING MACHINES ? .'J . "> ly >,?? NORGE HOT AIR FURNACES (OIL BURNING) ? ' t . ,i't , ' v 1 " Place your orders with Farmers Hardware & Supply Company for your Norge Appliances and Furnaces. Now is the time to prepare for the winter months ahead by placing your order for heating units. FARMERS HARDWARE AND SUPPLY CO ? . r " "? * ' f ' -*'"?* I I"- w * n " . Phone 1 Boone, N. C. A/our lid ptuoved. quality tticotneA mote imptiQAAive than qjmJi .AND CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES ate even, mote attnacHve. ikon. in the Jzoa? / - 11RST in Value . . . t'UiST in Big-Car Quality at Lowest Prices . . . rmST in Registrations ? -n" A NOT only does Chevrolet stand out a* the first and only low-priced car with all the following major advances which comprise the soundest and best in modem motoring . . . not only does it offer all these major advantages of Big-Car quality at lowest prices . . . but it offers them at prices that are now definitely and decisively lower than those of any other car that even remotely approaches it in quality! It's the first and only low-priced car with the original and outstand ing Unitized Knee-Action Ride. It'* the first and only low-priced car with a world's champion Valve-in-Head Engine. It's the first and only low-priced car with the enviable Body by Fisher. It's the first and only low-priced car with the triple safety -protection of Fisher Unisteel Body-Construction, the Unitized Knee-Action Ride and Positive Action Hydraulic Brakes. " And yet, despite the fact that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEV ROLET IS FIRST to offer all these major advancements of low-cost motoring, it holds an even greater price-advantage and gives you ?ven more value for your dollars in comparison with other automobiles today than at any previous time in Chevrolet history! GompoAA VatuMl /... C Tontfuutt Pa?c*a!... CHEVROLET ? anoC OfUu y CHEVROLET -IS FIRST! completion and dedication of the Taberna -Je. Surely, thi* must have been a happy time lor Be zalel and his workers. Human minds, inspired by God, had planned, human hands had wrought and the work had been carried on in a great spirit of in spired sacrifice and skilL Upon its dedication, the spirit of God filled the Tabernacle with his glory. Thus God honored the faithful toil of Bezalel and his workmen. Albert W. Palmer asks: "What is the difference between being a real artist and just a person who has an artistic temper ment?" He answers: "Hard work! Yet there is yet another, element, unpredictable, evanescent, mysti cal, and yet absolutely essential to the highest artistry. It is that touch of divine fire which we call "inspiration." Is your work important- Be zalel and Oholiab seemed to be lieve that their work was import ant ? the most important in the world to them. Channing Pol lock once declared that any job well done is important and that few of us understand what a big job a little job may be. He said: "Take interest and pride in your work! The fellow with a future isn't often the one who scorns what he is doing at present. He's the man who thinks his job is important, and so goes on to ever more important jobs." John Ovenham reminds us; "A Toiler with his hands was God's own Son; Like his, to him be all thy work well done. None so forlorn as he that hath no work, None so abject as he that work doth shirk." T ruman One of 7 Who Inherited No. 1 Post Harry S. Truman is one of sev en vice-presidents who stepped into the White House on a Presi dent's death. Of the six others four merely filled out their party terms in office. The two who went on to serve an additional term on their own were the most recent in history. The six were John Tyler, Mil lard Filmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. Tyler became president in 1841, when William Henry Har rison died after having been pres ident for only a month. Tyler's [tenure was marked by constant bickering with Congress, and while he was renominated by an irregular Democratic convention in May 1844, he withdrew from the race the following August. Filmore, who _ went into the White House in '1950 when Zach ary Taylor died, was turned down for the nomination by the Whigs in 1852. Four years later the Know-Nothing party named him and the Whig Party endorsed him. He carried only one state. /S YOUR RADIO * oi/i cof d?| If IT IS ? LETjJS MVIVE IT WITH A Gmfiftt* REBUILDING JOB I COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE All Make* Hem* and Car Set* Phonographs Electrical Appliance* PICKUP AND DELIVERY Radio Electric Co. Bus Terminal Bldg.. Phone J98-W; Boon*. N. C. POLICY IOST? ...SO WHAT No need to worry or scurry whea you're insured through this t|eecy ? four protection goes right on ! We keep ? complete end accurate record of the in surance of all our policy holder* ? whether they ca a locate their policiea w Mt, they're covered. WATAUGA Insurance Agency E. F. Coe. Manager Box It Boom. IV. C. Ktitiar mi mtaain tiann Maryland. Andrew Johnson was perhaps least fortunate of all. He became chief executive when Lincoln was assasinated in 1889, and re sulting feuds with Congress led to House impeachment proceed ings against him. He was acquit ted, but in 1888 his party denied him renomination. Arthur succeeded the assassina ted James A. Garfield in 1881 and histrian3 now credit him with having done an able Job. But when he tried for the Republican nomination in 1884 he was pass ed over for James G. Blaine. Theodore Roosevelt did better. He served three and a half years after' President McKinley was shot in 1901, and" then was re nominated and re-elected for four years on his own in 1904. In 1012, he tried for the Republican!, nomination, and when he failed, I he started his own Bull Moose party and ran for the office. He was unsuccessful, however. Coolidge served out Warren G. Harding's term when the latter died in 1023, was nominated and re-elcted in 1024, and was con sidered a possibility for nomina tion again in 1028 when he is sued his "I do not choose to run" statement Truman served as vice-presi dent less than three months when Franklin D. Roosevelt died in his fourth presidential term In Ap ril, 1945. Green peach aphids on tobacco have caused considerable dam age to the crop in many parts of the State. HILLSIDE DAIRY . Pasteurized Grade A Milk, Lactic Butter milk, Creamery Butter, Whipping Cream and Ice Cream ? Phone 194-M Boone, N. C. R. A. RUFTY, Manager Tire$fon? Brin9s you H I OHO (I A L I T Y / ' > /-- 'r A' r\Cy VK'/Ji/IL ill.// tm, T\ .*1-1 (Nf Tnt KH eft** CmI! Tirtsfon* STANDARD TIRE No other tire at this price gives you all thane features : Long mileage! Silent tread! "Ourre Gripping" safety shoulders! Gum-Dipped cord body! Life time Guarantee ! Save even more because we'll buy an the un mileage In yoar I While They Last! CAR COAT MtafR tRif ! 3? A W?k flrtttont AUTO RADIO Bwy Now . . . Gat it Installed Froal PAY FOR IT AS YOU ENJOY IT 6?h *m firttfont SEAT COVDtS R*g< 9.98 BEAT THE HEAT N| Madi ELECTRIC FAN m ? mag i ?** I?-:' m, Is f Ww 12-ladi OSOUATING FAN HEY KIDS . . yOW OU> MK( * WORTH to ?" A N?w flKUOM ? ICTC1E <? trade! t This dandy locKa?e PICNIC GRILL ta carry. Pat t? ay take H down in a C. & E. HOME & AUTO SUPPLY CO. Boone, N. C. Associate Dealers CANNON SERVICE STATION HAMPTON BROTHERS KELSEY & TRIPLETT '

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