BRIEF NEWS Marketing expert urge* manu Mhuwi to speed production. Production of meat in U. S. UlaM i beyond expectation. Admirals reject plan to impose ^MiRl Staff system on Navy. Br art nan base* potato supports n acceptance of control. Eisenhower is most optimistic n t Vears on peace outlook. Retailer*' optimism rises as ?Ibs 'comparison's are improved. Purchasing agent*' survey hows upturn in business curve. French Government urged to ah decline of its Navy. West will seek ty cut occupa tion costs in Germany. Initial olaims tor unemploy tent Insurance at year's low. SsAir Force jets fly 60S tiles an hour in racing trials. Hurricane forecaster puts Fla. am age at $40,000,000 T^gioti put* G. N. Craik, lor\d War If, in as commander. ^ Larger banks gain in aggres ?iv? net profit! for half-year. Germans bar Jobs to former civilian employes of U. S. American Broadcasting Co., sues to keep give-away programs. Soviet coraibcntator lays) French forest fires to U. Si plot. Income of $300,000,000,000 at tainable, C. E. Wilson holds. Most veterans now have their insurance refund blanks. Johnson orders Job aid for 135, J00 dismissed employes. Brannan, Tobin urge Federal farm aid to aVert a slump. Treasury starts reducing in terest with refunding at 1 1-8 per cent Tax collections by states rise 7 per cent in year to June 30. Germans and Swiss announce agreement cm free trade pact. Los Angeles ? Whan Major Clarence D. Lang, 66 retired army officer, discovered he was his wife's seventh husband, in stead of her fifth, he asked the ?court to annul his marriage. th the 2-Way HEAT ACTION of this N (^oleman OIL HEATER tWi l MixM Removable hid Tank Carry 1* anywhere ? foe ea.y filling. Fits mug i|>but heater to take up Jlmjoa raal two? way'haartng unto. RADCATM heat an A CIRCULATES beat time ? circulate* 11,000 caU* feet par hour of frwhly warmed, heatth-condldofied air for warm toon and corner* phi* radiant haat for quick, internee warmth. low draft? provide* IJ nuauall J nuaually wide haat range, can be turned *o low it uaee aa a* S pint of fuel pa# hoar? or up to flood room with 31,000 unit* per hour. Fllmlnate* bother and mua of I wood, coal or karoeene heater*? and doe* far luperior heating Job. Sea ft today I EDMISTEN FURNITURE CO. PURINA RESEARCH FARM RECORDS PROVE: EXTR4 TON of MILK!' Build up the condition of your dry cows ? and you're ?topping up milk production next lactation! That's what the record* of the Purina Research Farm Herd ha v# proved year after year They show that 100 lb a. of j extra condition on a dry Holstein cow (over the weight, of the calf) can reaultin an extra ton of milk next lactation J Feed PURINA DRY t FRESHENING CHOW It builds condition on dry cows . . helps to give them' what they need for easy calving, strong calvee, extra1 milk. Now available in complete or supplement form* to feed with grain. NOW? FORTIFIED " CHECKERS " ADDED ' 1 ? 5 ' Vitamins ? minerals ? protein Variety ... all supplied in new i' Checkers added to the ration. i / 1 ' : ,n y L i ? I m JimniUM ILSOK'S FEEDSTORE BOO NE, N. C r/scifitj; i WANT ADS FOR WENT ? four . room cotton Uatits. food spring near.2 miles of town, can furnish pasture and mm fire wood, will <% ke part or all the -ent in work ofc tarra or help with louse work. Sal lie Ray. Rt I. Bo* 198 Boone, N. C.. Phone 83-J. lc UTTS SWAP on. trial t mar Walker fox hound Cor good 'M er fox hound tor good *poasum Wanted to bur uaad battery in shape. Jim Brown. Adima or FOR SALE ? One uaad 7 cu. tt, re 'rigerator O. E . B year guarantee. 1129.00. C. It E. Home h Auto Supply Co. !? I still have a limited amount of X for sale at! well worth i trade hardwood flooring tor sale at1 MOW P?r 1000 ft. TWsls the money. I on the better grades of flooring at greatly reduced prices to be delivered "hen and where you want K. My 9 rices on No. 1 common and better ihort oak 36-32 x m is MOO* per '000 ft. Sheetrock $42.90 delivered. Van Farthing's Store. Sugar Grove. N C. FOR SALE ? Good five room house, bath and lot SO feet x ISO feet. Locat ed on Stanbury circle. Price 93900 See E. F. Coe. Depot Street. Boone. N. C. to FOR SALE ? 1937 4-door Plymouth *edan. clean. W. Howard Graff. RFD 2. Boone. N. C. le FOR RENT ? Furnished and heated three-room apartment. Phone 83 -J. A. E. South. Ip rOR SALE ? Sand and fravel. A. O. Miller. Deep Gap. N. C. 9-14-Sp UNBELIEVABLE ? 100% all wool coats. > beautiful materials, yoke in back, newest styles for only 916-95. Hare's Department Store. lc 100% ALL WOOL covert material ?oats. * values 924 95. Choose yours now for only |UJ6. Colors, grey, ?vine and green. Bare s Department Store. lc STOCKED UP ON GALAX. Have .topped buylnf until further notice Wilcox Drug Co 9-1 -4c FOR RENT OR SALE? 4 room lof ?abln with water and ligtita. Reason - ible price. See D. S. Ray. Ip WANTED TO BUY? Two fresh dairy cows. Must be good. M. H. Edmlsten. Sugar Grove. If. C. Ip FOR RENT ? SO acre farm with ? room house, partly furnished, on Meadow Creek Road, IV* miles from Watsons Garage. 919 a month. 9-lS-2p JACK HARDY. BULLDOZING? Grad tng, bulldozing, crushed stone for cement, streets or roads, delivered or at bin on Brushy Fork. See Howard Hodges or Jack Hardy, Boone. N. C. Ip f.OST ? Saturday between Crest Store and Smithey's. snap purse with about in money and name on blue oaper. Return to Democrat office or to Mae Shook. Banner Elk. N. C. Ip pOR SALE ? 7^4 acres of land, pood 6 room rock house with basement, bath, water, and wired for electric stove, 4 miles from Boone on Middle Fork Road. Contact Mrs. Ralph Broy hill. Blowing Rock. N. C.. R. F. D. Ip FOR SALE ? 41 Chevrolet coupe, good condition. See Mrs Ralph BroyhlH. RFD 1. Blowing Rock. N. C. Ip WANTED ? Fairly new used Encyclo pedia. Call or write Mrs. C. C. Ed mlsten. Vilas. Ip FRESHMAN COLLEGE STUDENT available for baby sitting. For hours ind rates phone 31 -W. Ip FOR SALE ? 6 room house on Grand boulevard. Has GI loan. Phone 215 W. lp WE REALIZE that the conditio? with our farmers are not too favor able at this time, and while the price of merchandise has not been reduced much, especially on shoes, but we are buying most of our merchandise direct from the factory, saving the middle man's profit. We are putting forth ?very effort to work with you. and sell our goods at the very lowest pos sible price. Visit us often and save money. Economy Shoe 8c Ready to Wear Store. lc ?UBLIC AUCTION? The Brushy Fork church building will be sold at Auc tion on the church grounds Saturday September 17. at 2 o'clock p m Andy Greer. M. J Williams. Ronda Earp. Committee. lc FOR SALE ? Two registered rams. If interested see Csllle Wilson. Trade. Tenn. lp IlOST ? Small zipper coin purse Sat urday afternoon. Please return to Wayne Richardson at Boone Drug Co.. and receive reward lc FOR SALE ? Used furnifure, Iron bed. kitchen table, large child's bed. springs, etc. Reasonable price. See roe at E. N. Hahn's. Mary Edith Jackson. IP WE ARE PROUD of our loaded ?halyc* of Jarman and Sundial Shoe* You too will be proud after you have worn a pair. Bar*'* Department Store lc LET BARE'S Department Store help you to be one of Watauga county '? better dreeaad men. Come tn and aee our tall ruits and top coats. Bare's Department Store. lc FOR RENT? Furnished Cottaje on top of hill above bus station. Four rooms and bath. See Rob Hayes, Boone or write Miss Anne Bouchelle 335 W. Rich Ave.. De Land. Fla. #-18- tp ! * rOR SALE ? 11 room house with 3 baths on 100 x ISO lot. See Claude Miller. 419 E. Howard St., Boone. N C. IP VALLE CRUC1S RESTORIUM? Valle C rules. N. C., Clark's Creek. Banner Elk. RTD 1. Box M? -specie lizlnc in the care of chronically ill. the con valescent and the aged. 0-13-Sp FOR SALE ? Two lots In Perkinsvllle. 50 x 190 each. Reasonable price. Call 343-J. lp SPECIAL NOTICE Everyone is invited out to the Little Grill Saturday 17th for Free Coffee and aonuts from Moore's Bakery. We are back to render service to you. Good sandwiches and dinners. When hungry stop in and chew with us. Little Grill, Vilas, N. C.? Louise and Virginia Mast. lp rOR SALE? 1838 Chevrolet pickup truck. Fair condition. $300.00. Can be ?een at Green Park Hotel. lp FOR SALE ? 7 piece bedroom s?lte In good condition. I wood or coal heater. See Mrs. Boyd Blanton. over Western Auto Store. lp FOR SALE? Youn* and Sons transit. Telephone 410-J after 5 p. m. lc PIANO TUNING and repair service. Have your piano aerevlced at your convenence. See Edmisten Furniture Co. Boone. N. C. ?-?-3p FOR RENT ? Good 8 room house, modern conveniences. reasonable. James B. Mast. Sherwood. N. C. 9-8-2p ANYONE. INTERESTED In having quilting done, aee Mrs. Annie Vannoy. or Mr*. Myrtle Hollar. Boone. RED I. committee for Hodges Gap home de monstration club. 9-5- 2p FOR SAJ ? ? Fritz steel overshot water wheel 30 x 2?i feet. Master wheel, roller chain drive to line shaft. Com plete outfit, excellent condition, rea sonable price. Write or see Lynch Colvsrd. West Jefferson. N. C. 9-S-2p FOR SALE ? 55 acre farm with five room house and running water on New River, near Phillips bridge. Priced reasonably for quick sale. Write Ruth Marlowe. 116 Glenview St.. Greensboro. N. C. 9-8-4p WANTE3>? Aged couple to occupy brick apartment at Poplar Grove church and look after property. Rent Free References exchanged. G. D. Stilwell. 2421 Edison Avenue. Dayton. 9, Ohio. 9-*-2p FOR SALE ? 92 acres of land, mostly timbered, eight-room house with bath, lights, and water. Nine miles north of Spruce Pine on U. S 19E. Contact Ralph Buchanon Boone. N. C. Phone MM -day, 334R-nlght. 9-l-4c 'FOR SALE ? Twenty acres in Wa tauga County, on highway 411. one villa east of intersection parkway and 411. Good road leading from 421 on land, would consider trading for oth er propelty. J. A. Gardner. Rt. 3. Salisbury. N. C. 9-l-lOc TOR SALE ? Tor a short time. 200 acre Roan Creek farm known as W. H. Sllmp place; been in family over 100 years; highway and creek runs length of farm; well watered, plenty valuable farm and timber land; on bus. milk, mail routes; 12 miles west of Mountain City, 4 ? miles west of Neva. 1 mile to Watauga Lake; good tobacco allotment; large dwelling house, 2 barns; outbuildings. Xf In terested. see Charles E. Fritts on farm ?-*-2p FOR SALE ? Used Ice Box. metal. Jwhite enamel. Priced $30 00. F L. Rickard. Blowing Rock. N. C. Tale phone 4291 9-6-2p EVERGREENS AND SHRUBBERY ? Let Me Do Your Landscaping ? I [GROW PLANTS ? In my own nursey. in the best of climate I am better prepared than ever to do you a Job with high grade plants this rail. Write or see me for estimates on your next planting. F. L. WILCOX. Landscape Nurseyman, Deep Gap, N. C. 8-2S-4p RADIO BATTERIES, metal covered A B packs guaranteed 1400 hours, special this week ffJM. Our customers find they last one third longer than the 1000 hour parks yet they sell lor less WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. g-22-tfn Wilkes Kiwanis Agricultural Fair Six Big Days? 6 Big Nights September 19-24 Thousands Of Exhibits BULLOCK SHOWS AND RIDES ON BIG MIDWAY Horse Show Friday and Saturday Nights DOG SHOW SATURDAY AFTERNOON Don't Miss Northwestern North Carolina's Biggest Entertainment Event Fair and Horse Show Grounds NORTH W1LKESBORO, N. C. WHITE pons SEEDLINGS We have just received word from the Forest Nursery that white pine seedlings are avail able for fall setting this year. This the first tiir\e in a number of years that the seedlings have been available in the Fall. Ap plication blanks are available at the county agents office. The trees are free to farmers who will take care of them. Schenectady, N. Y. ? Instead of chasing birds and rubber balls, Taffy, a golden cocker spaniel, now choses golf balls (or her master, Ernest Maichele. Mai chele, who lives near a golf course, says Taffy has brought in 250 balls. Maichele takes them to town and exchanges them for rOR SALT?' Two lots 80 x ISO each Reasonable price. Call yrf. Ip TOR SALE BY < WNE*\AT VILAS? 7 -room frame house, asbestos shingle?, complete bath, built in cabinet*, hard wood floors, full basement, extra good well with electric pump, nice shade trees, large lawn. 3 acres land, creek runs through property. Also on ad joining lot a nice 1-room cottage with well and pump, this property con be bought together or separately. Will ac cept reasonable down payment and terms to suit purchaser. If interested call or write C. C. Henaon. H Ac W Easo Station. Phone 9104 Elizabethton. Tenn. B-?-4c WESCOTE SUPREME PAINT, guaran teed the highest quality possible to manufacture $3.29 gal. We also have a large selection of wall paper as low as *9 cents per double roll. Western Auto Associate Store. J-10-tfc REPAIR SERVICE ? typewriters, lad ing machines, duplicators and all of fice equipment. Reasonable prices prompt attention and guaranteed satisfaction Alio equipped to handle repairs to sewing machine*, scales and all small appliances. H. H. Nobles with Radio Electric Co.. Bus Terminal. Phone Sft-W. *-3-tfe OR. C. G. BAUGHMAN. eye. ear, nose and throat specialist of Elizabeth ton Term., will be at the Hags man CUnJc In Boone the first Monday of each month fbr the practice of his profes 'on. DR. L E. WtLLMAN. Optometrist will be in his office at Mountain City Tenn. every Tuesday, Wednesdoy aad Thursday from 9 a. m. to 3 30 p. m. Zyes examined, glasses fitted l -fl- tfc FALLING PLAICE RIPS WIRE> WOMEN ELECTROCUTED Clare, Mich. ? Two young men, Robert G. Chale, 24, of Colusa, Calif-, and Glen Davey, 19, of Weidman, Mich., crashed in a small plane, downing a high-ten sion wire. The falling wire struck Mrs. Pearl M. Hall, 53, and her daughter, Lillian Hall, 30, aa they picked beans in a field near their home. Both were instantly killed. The young men escaped with face and head cuts. G old SealLinoleu II by the yard, Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Linoleum, Congo wall, Asphalt Tile ... a full line of Gold Seal products in a wide variety of patterns, f < Oar Linoleum Is Installed By^An Expert In The Business . . . . Laid Down According To Your Specifications Our stock of metal linoleum mouldings is complete . . . all shapes and sizes carried. Let Us Estimate Your Job Before You Have It Done Extra Special While They Last First Quality 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $4.25 (Tax included) EDMISTEN FURNITURE CO. HUNT'S DEPARTMENT STORE 0*ll MmHtu Mmmmhj Dwt Im Mi mm' mA "lllwtltm" Hmll-im?. Think of getting change from a ten dollar bill when you buy a winter dress! These look much more . . . are worth much more to Half -Size women because proportioned sizing eliminates alteration*. No. 6807? Saod*ton?i neweJt-triturad rayon. in a youthful dress with baa pleats. Moonstone Green. Winetooe, Black, I Tiger Brown. 18* to 24*. No. 6 3 OS ? Jewel - tono button accent, becoming "im pressed" skirt fullness. Ray pa ca rayon crepe in Black, Hunter Brown, Purple, Green Cedar. 14X to 22JL sgts