THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON * ?????? Indications are that the food and agricultural organization at the United Nations will turn down the presidential and con gressional offers of a headquar ters in this country. Apparently there is some i??Htng opinion within the organization to oc cupy some vacant and elaborate building in Italy. President Truman in his ad dress before the organization said work of FAO fitted in with the objectives of his administra tion and "the whole broad effort to raise living standards and achieve greater freedom for all mankind. He said the work of FAO also was in line with the objective* of our own depart ment of agriculture to increase production of food stuffs and other farm commodities and to ace that those commodities reach those who need them. Important to the coming ses BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prescription Star# Prompt Strrlc* Three Registered Pharmacists: G. K. Moose, W. R. Richardson, O. K. Richardson Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 0:30 P. M. Sundays: 2:00 P. M.,to 8 P. M If Needed after Store Hours, CaU 114-M or 101 Tbm REXALL Slora sion of the 81st congress conven ing in January is the trip of Os car Ewing, federal security ad ministrator, to various European countries to learn first-hand how social security programs are working in thoie countries which have them. Ewing announced he would study the working of na tional health insurance in Great Britain. In the meantime, the Ameri can Medical association is plan ning a new campaign to defeat federal health insurance and asserts that universal health in surant is not needed because private insurance companies can do the job. Before leaving tor Europe, Ewing answered this argument by declaring that only 69 per cent of group insurance premiums and only 39 per cent of individual premiums go for benefits to the insured. Of course there is a mountain of conjecture over the resigna tion of David E. Lilienthal as chairman of the atomic energy commission. It seems assured that the President will not make a permanent appointment in re cess but will wait until congress convenes before naming Lilien thal's successor. There is some conjecture that, since Lilienthal gave as one of his chief reasons for resigning that he could en gage in public discussions and take part in public affairs with more freedom, he might return to Wisconsin and run for the senate against Sen. Alexander Wiley who is up for reelection in 1950. It will be remembered that, although Lilienthal is not a na tive of Wisconsin, he started his law practice and his public ser vice in that state as a member of the Wisconsin public service commission, where he was serv ing when President* Roosevelt named him to the TV A board in 1933. Economists are concerned over the rapid fire rise in con sumer credit debts since controls were removed several months ago. Latest figures indicate that before year's end the consumer credit debt likely will top the 17 billion-dollar mark of which more than 10 billion is owed on installment purchases. And the average carrying charges on in stallment purchases reaches up to about 22 per cent a year. This 10 billion dollar installlment loan figure is nearly twice the pre war total. Although some of the leading economists say the coun try can stand another three or four billion dollars in consumer credit before the danger point is reached, members of the federal reserve board, including Mar - riner Eccles, are concerned over what stands at the end of the credit picture. Add to the 17-billion-dollar debt picture another 19 billion which is owed to the banks and construction firms for construc tion of houses and buildings, not much of which was for cash. Sen. John C. Sparkman of Ala bama, chairman of a subcommit tee on the economic report, who recently released figures showing that nearly a third of the na tion's families, some 10 million were earning less than $2,000 an nually, says the next congress must do something about raising the national income. He says the annual income must reach the 300-billion-dollar mark as envis ioned by President Truman and "Insure The Watauga Way " Call 343 J. PAUL WINKLER, office manager Dear Santa: "Help make this Christmas a holiday from Disaster." The Merriest of Christmases to All and Our Heartiest Thanks for the Finest Gift? Your Good Friendship. WATAUGA FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY WATAUGA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Edward A. Gaultney and J. Paul Winkler, owners NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING BOONE, N. C. //?(P(E(E1DY// Cbx>>?j^Gy.c?" 'wti-t LAOV-r l WANT TO ^ i euT ?v peer KSty**00 X "ilmt MOT>^_? ? ,-i u/CT 1 WOQK AT that to reach this figure, some congressional action is required now. He says his committee hopes to agree, on some program to up the income of these 10 million in the lowest income bracket. The United States chamber of commerce is urging public action to make effective the recom mendations of the commission named by President Truman and headed by Herbert Hoover for j streamlining the executive de-i partments of the federal govern- 1 ment to eliminate waste and! overlapping functions. The North Carolina corn crop is for at 73,406,000 bushels, |a record total. Tnis estimate is based on an expected average yield of 34 bushels per acre, the highest in the State s Uustory. WANT ADS FOR RENT- One three room apart ment at 825 East Main Street, furnish led or unfurnished. Private entrance. Mrs Bessie W Hall. Phone 328-M lc FOUND ? Set dental plates, on Blow ing Rock road. Owner may contact ?Fin ley Shore, Blowing Rock, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? Electric coffee grinder, complete, at a bargain. Friendly Mar ket. Phone 150. lpJ GIVE YOUR CHILD A PAL for Christmas. Registered Cocker Spaniel puppies out of championship stock. See Herbert Wey or call 4-P. lc FOR SALE ? One Guernsey cow. age 8 years, freshened January 30. a heavy milker. Also one mare, age 8, weigh around 1200 pounds, will work any where; one shoat If interested see Bynum Norris, Route 2. Boone. N. C ! IP 1 SALE? BARGAIN PRICES? One 1947 Buick sedan, radio, heater $1100.00 Three school buses. Dodges 1939 $150 to $200 W H. Walker. County Supt. 12-22 -4c OLD BOOKS WANTED- I will pay cash for a number of old books: His tory, Biography. Travel and certain old school books. A list would be too long to publish, so write me what you have, giving title, author and year of publication Dr. J. E. Hodges, Maiden, N C. 12-22-2p FOR SALE ? 1500 bales of lespedeza and alfalfa hay, the very best. Wood row Lutz, 3 miles south of Hickory on j new country club road. Phone 27020. | 12-15-2p SPECIALS this month. 8'y cubic ft. REFRIGERATORS were $229 50 re duced to $189 50; WASHING MACHINES were $99.95 reduced to $7995 WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 10-27-tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE for cattle, one, Chevrolet pickup in good condition. I W. C Greene. Laxon, N. C. 12-15-2p Elk River two miles from Banner j Elk. Eight room house, large barn. , Land almost level. 40 acres cleared, j rest in timber. Lights and running water. Known as the T. H. West farm. Miss Alice West. Route 1, Box 23. Banner Elk. N. C. 12-8-3C FOR RENT ? One 3-room brick cot tage. reasonable rates, black Bear Tourist Court. 11-17-tfc FOR SALE ? 12 stacks timothy and clover hay. Price reasonable. B. H. Gross. RFD 2. Boone. N. C. 12-8- 3p DR. L. E. WELLMAN. Optometrist will be in his office at Mountain City Tenn. every Tuesday. Wednesdoy and Thursday from 9 a. m. to 3J0 p. m Eyes examined, glasses fitted 1-8-tfe WILLYS JEEP sales -parts -service ? New and used Jeeps. Jeep Trucks. See the new four wheel drive Jeep Stat ion Wagon. Your Dealer is the Lenoir Willys Co. N. Main Street. Lenoir. N. C. 11-10-8C RADIO BATTERIES, metal covered A B packs guaranteed 1400 hours, special this week $8.95. Our customers find they last one third longer than the 1000 hour parks yet they sell for jess WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 8-23-tfn .OR. C. G. ^AUGHMAN. eye. ear. no* [and throat specialist of Elixabethton fTenn.. will be ?t the Hagaman Clinic I In Boone the first Monday of each month fbr the practice of his profes r0" IfRUIT TREES. Nut Tree#. Berry Plants, and Ornamental Plant Mater ial offered by Virginia's Largest Growers. Write for Free Copy of 48 page Planting Guide in full color.: Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO IWRSER1ES. Waynesboro. Virginia l*-15-4c U. S. House group bluntly warns Spain on optimism. ? Cash dividend* rei October drop to $463,500,000 CLOSING NOTICE We will be closed Thursday, December 22, and remain closed until Thursday, December 29, in observance of the Christmas Holidays. WE WISH FOR ALL OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Buchanan's Automatic Laundry PHONE 344- W BOONE, N. C. ? to you our friends and patrons. It is our sin cere hope that we may continue to enjoy your wonderful patron age once again during the coming New Year! CHILDREN'S SHOP AS WE COME to the close of another year, we pause for a moment of friendship with those whose confidence is our only unchanging asset. Though other things wear out, the friends of yesterday are still the friends of tomorrow. And so we extend the season's greetings and sincere good wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to those whom we know and whom we hope to serve in the days to come. Home of Better Va I u e's W W. CHESTER BURL GREENE MRS. DEAN HODGES MRS. HOWARD TAYLOR MRS. J. R. BRENDELL MRS. ALONZO HODGES MR. ROGER WILSON MRS. BINA GRAHAM MRS. J. D. COOK MR. C. C. VAN DYKE MRS 1 BOB HAGAMAN MRS. HAZEL ?OARK MISS PHYLLIS BINGHAM MRS. CARL DAY MISS BETTY MIKEAL