AP^maum ?HI SCHOOL news MEW Appalachian High ends the m wrowttr of this acfaool year Friday, January U, and are ??I in the midst of reviews and enmi. Parent* are reminded of the examination schedule. It la mm important thai pupfle ba it for both leww and and fifth period claaaea will bd gran, w on Tnaaiisy. f1wt[ examinations this week. Second) I Period cfl Huns on I third periods will be tested ? Wednesday and fourth and sixth period exams will be given on 1 The senior girls physical edu itaHcVass presented a program ?dances and flouc rhythms as an introduction to ? new acti vity at Appalachian High school. S'.fb* flw Mloction presented was a rearangement ol a ?ei7 old dance, toood down and called The Southern Schottiah." The aocond number waa the brick, stately "Oxford Minuet" from England. The next number waa an American one, militant in fixuraa and time, "The Military Schottiah." As a special number a group Of girls performed the "Var sovienne Waltz" or "Put Your Little Foot Right Out," The next Dart of the program consisted of folk rhythms or musical mixers, simple dances broken down from formal folk dances for quick participation. The first of these numbers was an American mixer known as "Polly Wully Doodle." In the next selection partners wan VtJEL OIL ? -."?jLi|tOSBNK gsso PRODUCTS 1L D. HODOE8. J*. Wbolaaate M m Boon*. It C. Day Phon* 1; Nigh* Vbottm tU-J WILSON FEED STORE BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA These selections were . Lottie Walked". a Danish mix er and "Sailors , and English [number i ? Guidance Guidance program for Mooday morning cantered around a dis cussion of the lunchroom. Bach homeroom dlscwtssd what foods are Included i a each day's diet aad a menu was made up from each home room. These will be served in the cafeteria. The purpose of this discussion was to make each child conscious of what constitutes a well balan ced menu 'and to let the cafeteria know what foods are best liked by the student body. Our cafeteria is being ran on a non-profit basis and every effort is made to please, and, by so do ing, to encourage each student to eat a well balanced, hot meal at noon. Girl's Basketball . On Friday night, January 6, the girl's varsity traveled to Blowing Rock to meet the Rock etts of Blowing Rock. At the first of the game one of the two or three delays occurred when their number 10 sat down on the wet court Betsy Hughes was high scorer for us with 7 points and Betty Barnes next with 6. The final icore was 30-23 in favor of Blow ing Rock. The boy's B team won handily with a second half scoring spree, rhe highlight of the evening was the varsity boy's victory by the icore of 49-36. Though behind a righting Blowing Rock team by tne great ?point at the half and half was all Appalachian. Jumpin' Johnny Barnett finally ran out of guards