COLLKTTSVfLLE FATHER TAKES LIVES OF EIGHT CHILDREN; COMMITS SUICIDE ?ft ' TJ2P . _____ ^ ET ?? Lenoir. ? Eight children wot killed last Wednesday night by thtfr father in their home In Col Etettsvtll*. ten mites north of Le The father, 3?-yrar-old Ralph Gragg. then set (It* to the houtt and killed himself with a shot pjiun. t; ? Gragg was injured in an act')- 1 an dent last November in a sawmill I 1/ and htd been unable to work i since .'";? The children ranged from IS to three yuan of age. Their mo- j ther had been living away from j home for the tart month. ' Neighbors told Sheriff George Oner the house "lit up all of a sudden" about eight o'clock the j night of the incident. Shortly af- j terwards the bodies of Gragg and | his eight children were foiyid. I Gragg's body was found in a hall beside a five-gallon can and a shotgun. The coroner, Marshall Klncaid, ; said there would be no inquest, ! He said the skulls of the chll dren had been fractured. Mother Vltwi Bodia* The mother, in her thirties, viewed the charred bodies of her children ? nix (iris and two boys ? in horror. All of them were burned beyond recognition. Off icer*, in identifying them, went moatly by their sizes. Her voice broken with aoba, Mrs. Gragg told Coroner Kincaid that "he threatened to do this before ? that's why I had to leave them. I was afraid of him." She said her husband had bought kerosene about two months ago. apparently laying his plans for the tragedy at that time, the coroner reported. The coroner reconstructed the events of the night from stories given by neighbors in the Blue Ridge Mountain community. One neighbor, Wesley Setzer, lives only about 200 yards from the site where the one and one-half story dwelling stood in a valley. Neighbors Heard Shouts Setzer told the corner that he had heard shouts and muffled noises in the Gragg home but he thought perhaps they were caus ed by children. The coroner quo ted other neighbors as saying the children were "terribly scared" of the father and often were punished. Jfttp curoner Mid that Graff apparently bad uicd ? club, an axe or tamt similar object to knock teveral of the children Into uncon*ciou*neM before (hootina ? hem. The coroner *ntd Gragg "rent from room to room, killing the children and cloaing <*ch door behind him." Hr added that af ter the two entailer children had been lulled, the father went out the back door with ? lighted flaililight in hie hand. Then All Waa Ouiet "Neighbor! Mid he flood an the front porch for a few minute* end then the flashlight went out," Kim-aid went on. "Juat a min ute or two later, the house wa? covered by the flaah of fire." There were no outcriea from the blazing building, indicating all the trapped victim* were un conacioua. Maas funeral aervlce* were conducted for Gragg and the right children at Mt. View Bap tilt church on the Lenolr-Col letUville road at 11 o'clock Fri day morning. Burial wa* in the church cemetery. The remain* were contained in two adult aize casket* with the remain* of four children in one and the remain* of the father and four other children in the lecond. County Agent* Have Free Building Plans Farmer* who want practical help with building problem* can obtain free blueprint* and other uuistance from county farm and home agenta of the State College Extension Service. This is pointed out by H. M. Ellis, extension agricultural en gineer, who *ay? many Tar Heel citizens may not know about (his service. Some 500 sets of plana for practically all types of farm buildings, including dwellings, are available. Upon request, the agents will show actual con struction drawings and assist the farmer In choosing the type of building best suited to hi* needs. Types of structure* included in the list are buildings for poul try, swine, sheep, beef cattle, dairy cattle, tobacco, grain, and sweet potatoes. In the prepara SKYVU DRIVE-IN THEATRE One-Hall Milt from City Limits on Old Blowing Bock Boad Beginning at Dusk Week Nights; 8:30 Sundays Admission: 40c, except Family Night When Admission is $ 1 .00 per car WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FAMILY NIGHT MAY 9 AND 10 WIRT LANCASTER-DOROTHY McGUIRE EDMUND ? M on, MM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY? MAY 11 AND 12 Men as rugged as the peaks they fought ?? un* ? SUNDAY? MAY 13 OUTPOST IN MOROCCO GEORGE RAFT MARIE WINDSOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY ? MAY 14 AND 15 MERICAN _ nllEIIIlM T?* |?Hi? ippf*** Wednesday and Thursdays ? Family Nights $1.00 Per Car, Regardless of Number of Occupants Children Free at All Times that field were called upon for l&rlp in the functional design. Agricultural engin cew then pre. pared tfte drawing* with the tim tion of each type, cpactaiisU in of milking each building at con venient, economical, and attrac tive as puttible The plan* Include blueprint* for (ome 10 or more type* of f?Mn hornet. AH were prepared with the help of home manage ment npecialitt*. 1 S Ellis uy< about 13,000 plan* of all typaa were distributed last ye?\ Persons, desiring copies of any of the drawings may obtain I hem from the local farm agent or home ugent. whose offices are located In the county seat. TRArKS COLLIDE IM TUNNEL Livingston, Mont. ? Of freight train rammed into another, head-on, in a tunnel near l*re and the impact derailed more than a htlMoHn c*r?. causing one of the wonit wreck* in the history of the 4.000-foot tunnel under the Boxeman Hill No one was hurt. GLASSES!' "Make MOTHER'S Mother'* Day perfect in every way! Save work and time by planning an entire meal around tempting, fresh froz en food*." Fr??h JulM In Mlnut**: PIctiweM Frozen Fre?h Orange Juice . . 2 39c Ready To Cook? Plctsweet Frozen Fresh Turnip Greens . . . Z 23c Pletaweet Prtnn Freeh Broccoli . . . 10-0i. ?, 27c Pletaweet Frozen Freth Baby Unas . 12-Ol. Pk? 33c PlettWMt Freier Freth Green Peas a 12-ox. 25c Plctsweot Chopped or Leaf Spinach 25c Town Square Strawberry Shortcake ...??< 25c ' y? DAIRY TREATS! Southern Gold Colored ? Margarine i-Lk. WnN Lb. 34c Sunlight American Cheese 98c McLaren's Flavorful Cheddar Cheese Lb. tt?. 89c Pimlento. Chive, Olive Pimlento Wedges Kraft's Cheese 6-Ox. PifQ. 32c FRESH SEAFOOD! Large Tender Fresh Green Shrimp . . . * 73c Easy To Prepare King Mackerel Steaks ? 49c A Real Treat! Dressed Freeh Catfish . . . "> 53c Taaty Delicacy? Fresh Roe Shad ^ 59c < HEF'S X AS I KIII'IK i;: Freshly Made Potato Salad . . ? ^ 29c Freeh Testy Chicken Salad 8 -Ox.' Cup 50c Sandwich Favorite I Pimiento Cheese *