WANT ADS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE 1 CENTS A WORD? Me MINIMUM CHARGE Cash Must Accompany All Orders. LOST ? Posteffice box key and switch key in leather ease. Re turn to Democrat or to J. W. Hampton, Deep Gap, N. C. S-13-2p WANTED ? Beef type culves,. 300 to 050 pounds for Boone Feeder Calf Sale. Send nominations to L. E. Tuckwiller, Boone. N. C. immediately. lc FOR RENT ? One four-room rock' cottage, modern, furnished or unfurnished. See me at Sugar Grove. A. C. Mast. 9-13-2p FOR SALE ? One white pony mare, child broke and one black pony mare. F. C. Miller, Boone, N. C. ? Ip FOR RENT ? Three room apart ment, furnished. Water and steam heat. Call 457-W. lp FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms. Inlaid lino leum, built-in cabinets in kitch en. Water and steam heat. Call 457-W. lp UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. Large three rooms, two closets. Inlaid linoleum, oak floors, built in cabinets. Water, steam heat furnished. Call 457-W. lp FOR RENT ? Nice desirable 3 room apartment, furnished. On Blowing Rock Road. Steam heat.1 Call 117-M. 9-13-2c FOR RENT ? 3 room furnished cottage with bath. Also 3 room lurnished upstairs apartment with bath, and electric stove. Reason able rates. Mrs. D. F. Horton, Vilas, N. C. 9-6-2c FOR SALE ? One set of Osgood cattle scales in good condition. See or write Albert Cooper, Brownwood, N. C. 9-6-2p BUILDERS See our concrete blocks. Made on our new precision machine. We have a supply of driveway stone and conTote stone. Priced at plant or delivered. GRAYSTONE BLOCK CO. J. C. McConnelk Manager - . Phone 309-J_&oon?, N. C. 8-23-tfc _ 1 FOR LEASE, STONE QUARRY, with tools furnished. Opportuni ty for lifetime job. L. S. Byrd Banner Elk, N. C.? 8-30-4p ? FOR RENT ? two or three room apartments, furnished or unfurn ished. Close in. Apply at Western Auto Associate Store. 8-30-tfc FREE TUBE this week with pur chase of a DAVIS SUPER SAFE TY TIRE, guaranteed 24 months. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 8-30-tfc FOR RENT? Two three room apartments, furnished or unfur nished. East Boone on Wilkes boro road. Mrs. J. G. Cooke. 8-2-tfc WANTED ? Copy of Arthur's History of Watauga County. See or write Rob Rivers at Watauga Democrat > office. 8-16-tfc FOR SALE ? 80 acre (arm, grazing land, woven wire fence. Located on Fork Ridge. D. Archie Coffey. Lenoir, N. C. 4-20-tfc FOR SALE ? 53 acres of land, in good pasture, Ladino clover, Timothy grass and orchard grass, all under 4 and S strand wire fence. Four room house, water and lights, new barn, water and lights, na. m.. on the 1st dsy of October, 1951. the property described in sAid d#ed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Witauga. Boone Township, and in the Town of Boone and mose particularly deeerib ed as follows: FIRST TRACT: BSGINtttNO an a stake on Depot Street, 57 Mi feat Worth of C. M. Critcher lot or Depot Street, and runs thence eastward 75 feet ts a stake; thenee northweard life feet to the edge of the driveway; thence westward with sold driveway to De pot Street. thl% line being 75 feet; thence with Depot Street southward lift feet to the Beginning. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING oil a stake on Depot Street at the center of the North wall of the Cook, Nichols' /Tock building (now W. R. Winkler), and runs wih the canter of said' wall south 52 eart to a stake at the center of the back end of the ssid wall; thence north S3 east about 9*fe feet to a stake in the Itne of the above tract; Whence with the line of the above tract north 51 west 75 feet to a stake in Depot Street; thence with Dspot Street south 32 West 2lk feet to the Beginning. THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING at a' stake which said stake is 7'3 feet northeast from the Northeast corner of the Co6k-Nteho!? stone building (now W. R. Winkler) on the East side of Depot Street, and runs thenee a north course with Gfeer's line 4Vs feet, mote or less, to a stake, which said stake is 12 feet from the north east corner of the Cook-Nichols (Mow WlhkWr) stone building;' thence north 58 west 55 feet snd 1 inch to s stake; thence south 53 east 55 feet and 1 inch to the Beginning. Together -wtth a one-half interest In the north wall of the Cook-Nichols Rock building. The first snd second trscts above described were convey ed to Earl Cook by A. E. Hamby. to gether with th* interest in the wall, by dasd dated July 24. 1M1. and re corded In Book 54 at page 99t. and. the third tract above describe^ was con veyed to Earl D. Cook by R. T. Greer et al. 'by dfced dated August M. 1941. 1 recorded (n Book 54 st page 356. and all of said tract being conveyed by Earl Cook and wife, to Dean Cook by deed recorded in Book 55 at pafe 80. The said sale will be made subject to all unpaid taxes now outstanding. This the 1st day of September, 1M1 J. E. HOLSHOUSER, Trust** I 9-4-4* . -jJL t ^"Itook the Blindfold Test -that new Dodge Onflow Ride sure opened my eyes!" fcyi DAMttL f. HOW AMD, M. of Now York City. "Tho Blindfold Tost convincod mol THo now Podf Ortflow Rido rooity lovoli ovt mo worst kind of ond cantinuot Mr. Howord. "No rido Come in! Try it I FEEL HOW NEW ORIFLOW RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST ROAOS BOULEVARD-SMOOTH! Htrc't something niw and won derful in riding smoothness you notice from tlic very start! Blindfolded Vou ride over 1 ?bumpy roud. You're told the rut* ?re tlirje - but you don't fetl ihfjn! Cone is the pitch, bounce end (or you experience in other cars m the new Dodge Onflow Ride levels opt the rough spots. And with blindfold on you II be amazed you traveled over ?uch bumf* and ihuckholeii. Worth alone can't tell it alii That'* why we mviff ru? to take tli if daring "Blindfold Teat" today. You covld pay vp to $1,000 mora f or a car and still not ret all th? extra roonrioew, mm of bindliiM. famdus Dodge dependability! The big, dependable DODGE ftta it S minute*... aiwl ymilldriveHfcrytartJ GRAHAM MOTOR COMPANY BAST MAIN STREET 1 \%ft : t|' ' BOON* N. C. ADKHnSTMAmiX'K WO TICK Havlnc qualified aa the (idminUtra trit of the latate of A. R Coffey, late nf the County of Watauga. State of Norti Carolina, thla la to notify *1 peraoni haVlns claims ajalnut the MWi 1 the aald demaaed to preeeait them te the undertlgned administra trix within twelve iqontha from the daw haradl or thin notice will W pleaded * Iter of their recovery. All thole Indebted Is fie Mid estate at* requested te Wakti immediate pl? fhu tlw lMi day of September. HA. Mr?. Nell CdWey. admlnlatratrli: of the Batata of A. R Coffey ?-U^c>h EXECUTOR S NOTICE Havlnf qualirird ax the executor the will of Mr*. Mni D. Meat, late ef the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, thla la to notify all pereoaa havlnf t talma M>lii; ? - Stm ? ? ?? sHKRBI DONT COUGlfi Tour Head Off! A?k for Mentho-Mulsioai If It fails to stop your cough due to colds, ask for your money back. BOONE DRUG CO. TW REXALL Stan To the American People . . . Probably never before hag there been so muoh at stake in the preservation of the freedom whioh we have enjoyed sinee the birth of oar republio.' All of us that possibly oan do so should partioipate in its de fense and this we oan do by regularly purohasing Defense Bonds, thereby maintaining a strong eoonomy essential to our free way of life. Faithfully yours. 0. 0. Marshall LOCAL iEMJY VALUES STANSBURY CIRCLE? Six rooms, bath, Venetian blinds, cook stove, and one acre of land. Located near college. MAIN STREET, BLOWING ROCK, N. C.? Business prop erty, 42V4' frontage * 140'. Eight room house, two baths. ' ' Priced to sell. Terms can be arranged. 28 ACRES OF RIVER BOTTOM LAND located on Roby Green* Road. Under fence. All land cleared. 1-3 down will buy this valuable land. GOOD BUSINESS BUILDING: Located West Boone. Con crete block building 40' x 90'; lot SO' x 190'. Ideal for warehouse or manufacturing plant. Price is right. 3 3-10 acres of land on Highway No. 421 about 2% miles east of Boone. APARTMENT HOUSE-Grand Blvd. Large lot. Priced to selL GOOD 10 ROOM HOUSE ? 2 baths, large sun porch, hot air furnace. Large spacious lot. Located near schools, church as and stores. Priced to sell. LOCUST STREET ? Boone, N. C.: Good 12 room house, 2 baths, up stairs apartment has private entrance, lot 89 ft frontage by 218 ft. Very desirable for rooming or apartment house. This property Joins the College Cam pus. This is a real investment. Priced to sell. Terms if needed. GOOD 178 ACRE FARM ? with 2 beautiful stone houses, with baths, a 4 room garage apartment, with bath. 30 head of beef cattle, 2 horses, hogs, all farm machinery, V4 interest in crops, tobacco base, 129 acres of cleared land will grata 70 head of stock, 20 acres Of bottom land, located on a good gravel road just off of hard surface road, school and milk route. Priced to selL LARGE BUSINESS LOT With 100 ft frontage near Inter section of Highways 421 and 321 at eaat Boone. Very desirable for furniture, grocery store location or garage. Priced to sail. LOCATED 2 MILES WEST OF BOONE? 4 rooms, bath, dou ble garage, plastered walls inside. Stucco walls outside. % acre land. / 10 ACRES: (7 acres cleared) 9 room house, wood range, Frig idaire, 2 bedroom suites, breakfast room suite, odd bed. All other furniture included. Near Sands and Miller ?chool house, 83,000.00. MAIN STREET? Good 9 room houae, bath, forced hot water heat, hardwood floors, rugs and draperies. A beautiful home, conveniently located to college and churches. Priced to sell Loan can be arranged. GRILL AND SANDWICH SHQP? located near College. Do three years. Terms ? H down, balance to be Don't overlook this Investment. Come to put your children In school and pay your way. GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE? bath, basement, lot 110x200 feet Located in Moretz Addition. ing good business. This business consists of all stock and equipment, 7 room kouse, bath, with 8 room private apartment and bath. Conveniently located to College ind high school trade. This business will pay for itself Within thi ~ - " arranged. Boone and $4,500. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, bath, 14 lots, city water. Lo cated tt mile from Boone. Loan can be arranged. MAIN STREET? Good six room brick house, bath, new tun Ma. 77 ft frontage on Mala Street. PHeed to selL APARTMENT HOUSE? located near college. Mead to sail. . y f 00 feet A good investment DESIRABLE LOTS for sale. Ate *e beet to list Your Property with Ua for a Qwfek Mb BH18 Tri-County Realty Company E. P. CO*, Manager 4 C. M. raom SM-W BOONS, H. C. *17 MAIN m