Local Affairs Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Derrick had as guests last week. Miss Mary Derrick of Columbia, S. C. Dr. Dewey Bingham of Knox ville, Tenn., is spending a few days with relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Coun cil and Mrs. B. J. Councill spent Tuesday in Charlotte. Mr. Gary Cox of Augusta, Georgia visited with friends here Saturday. Mrs. Earleen G. Pritchett spent Thursday and Friday in Ashe ville. ? Pfc. Robert Atkins, Camp Polk, La., is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Sam Atkins, for ten days. He will return to camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo K. Pritchett attended the Appalachian-Cata wba football game in Winston Salem Saturday night. Mrs. W. L. Henson is spending some time in Cleveland, Ohio, with her ,son, Clarence Henson, and Mrs. Henson. Mrs. Kenneth Linney, who has been a patient at the Hagaman Clinic for a week, returned to hre home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Lexington, N. C. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodnight. Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Hart of West Jefferson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caudill and other friends here Friday. Cpl. G. C. Greene, Jr. of Ft. ' Jackson, S. C. spent last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Greene. Rev. and Mrs. Herman F. Dun can and daughter, Susan, of Greensboro were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Shackford. Miss Anita Winkler of Shelby spent the weekend with Miss Kate Wilson at their home on Blowing Rock road. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Har ris of Sherwood moved to the W. H. Gragg apartment last week to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wink ler were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Winkler in Winston-Salem. - Mrs. J. R. Webster of Boone, Rt. 1 left Saturday for Rock Hill, S. C. to spend the winter with her son, Mr. R. J. McGill." Miss Orlando Brown attended homecoming at Davidson college in Davidson, N. C. Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Milne of Henderson, N. C. are spending a few days at their summer home on Orchard street. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Stallings of Forest City spenth the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stal lings. Mr. and Mrsf R. K. Bingham, Jr., of Johnson City, Tenn., an nounce the birth of a daughter on October 4th. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crawford of Sebring, Fla., and daughter, Mrs. Robert Hennessee, of Mon roe, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mont Glovier. Dr. W. G. Bond returned home last Wednesday from West Jef ferson, where he held revival services for ten days at the Friendly Grove Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ftnley Pennick and daughter. Donna Ellen, of Johnson City, Tennessee spent the weekend with Mrs. Edna Penick and Mrs. Lena Lewis. Miss Stella Sherrill, a teacher in the Mt. Pleasant school in Wilkes County, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. John F. Sherrill. Mrs. Charles L. Lewis of Sher wood, N. C. left Saturday for Lansing, Michigan for a visit with her daughter,, Mrs. James O. Hill, and Mr. Hill. Miss Rebekah Boone, secretary of Weat Market Street Methodist church in Greensboro, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John A-. Boone. Mrs. L C. Byers of Beaver Dams left Wednesday for Plas tico, Virginia to spend the win ter with her brother, Mr. W. L. Shortt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of New York City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weston last week. They were enroute to St Peters burg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Joines, Mrs. Ben Weaver and children# of Sparta were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Joines. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Lookabill and daughters, Bobbie Jean and Dorane, of Wyco, Weft Virginia were called here last FriJaj^be cause of the sudden death of Mrs. LookabiU's father, Mr. J. R Greene. They returned home Wednesday. Captain and Mrs. Horton Crag# and son, Horton, returned to their home in Ft. Bragg Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gragg Mr. John H. Gentry, who re cently resigned as principal of Bethel High school, because of illness, is a patient at the Bap tist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson spent Sunday in North Wilkes bbro with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henderson. S 1-Class Lewis B. Norris, who is stationed in Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nor ris of Reece, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomas and daughter, Darlene, of Glyn don, Maryland arrived Saturday to spend ten days with Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Eggers of Zionville, and Mr. G. H. Thomas of Mabel. Miss Martha Linney, a teacher in Wingate college, Rock Hill, S. C., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Linney, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Coffey and friends at the college. Miss Violet Calloway, who is teaching in the Advent Church school in Winston-Salem, recent ly visited in Shulls Mills with "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Calloway. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hamby, Jr. and daughter, Pam, will leave Friday to spend the weekend with Mrs. Hamby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Faulk, in Clare mont, N. C. ? Mrs. Margaret Bohnert, Mrs. Howard Bohnert, Mrs. William Marvel and son, Mat and Skip per, of Miami, Florida arrived Friday to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conderman. Mrs. J. B. Hagaman, Jr. joined her husband in Winston-Salem Saturday, and they attended the North-South Carolina football game in Chapel Hill Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Todd returned home last Wednesday from Shelby, where she had spent two weeks with her mother, Mrs. F. Bate Blanloix, whb was seriously ill in Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Clopton Farthing in Win ston-Salem, and they attended the Appalachian-Catawba game there Saturday night. Becky Sue Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Russell is visiting for a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Russell of Hendersonville, N. C. Mrs. R. K. Bingham visited last week with her son at Guilford County Sanitorium. Mr. Bimg ham, a successful Stokes county farmer and church leader, is showing some improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris and daughter Miss Josephine of La Crosse, Fla. have returned to their home after spending ten days with relatives in and around Boone and Morganton. Pfc. and Mrs. Max Hardin of Camp Polk, La. spent Monday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hardin of Laxon. Pfc. Hardin recently completed a mechanical-electrical course at Ft. Knox, Ky. Mr. R. H. Greene of Humiston, Iowa, is spending two weeks with relatives in the county. A son, Mr. Marvin Greene, his wife and two children accompanied him here but returned home the first of the week. Mrs. Etta B. Tullis of Birming ham, Ala., Mrs. R. L. Tait and Mrs. Vaught Mast spent Monday in Greensboro, where Mrs. Tait attended the 1951 Conference of N. C. Music Teachers held at Woman's College. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Payne will leave Saturday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wilmouth in Winston- ! Salem, and they will attend the ' wedding of Miss Ann Southern and Dr. Julius Howell Saturday night at Finit Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Henson of Jack sonville, N. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Reese in Chapel Hill and attend ed the football game between University of North Carolina and Unh-vrsity of South Carolina. Mrs. Earl P. Thomas attended a meeting of the Royal Crest Sterling Silver company held in Greensboro Monday and Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J; H. Bernhardt of Churchland. N. C. spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley South, and Mr. South. Miss Betty Jean Setzer of Shulls Mills is a patient at the North Wilkesboro hospital, fol lowing injuries sustained in an auto accident. Miss Setzer's arm was crushed, and relatives say amputation might be necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Powell of Charlotte announce the birth of 1 a son, Joseph Finn, on October 13. Mrs. Powell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shuford Storie, left Wednesday to spertd a few days with them. Mrs. Edith Roark, who has been a patient at the Hagaman Clinic for five months, spent the weekend with her parents and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hagaman, and Miss Ruth Roark of Beaver Dams. Miss Clyde Kilby spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Harold Simpson, and Mr. Simp son in Lewisville, N. C., and at tended the Appalachian-Catawba football game in Winston-Salem Saturday night. Miss Sallie Pleasant and Mrs. Grace Jernigan of Chapel Hill are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kelly. Miss Pleasant, Mrs. Jerni gan and Mrs. Kelley spent Tues day and Wednesday in Gatlin burg, Tennessee. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Davis re turned home Wednesday from Sutherland, where they spent a week with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sutherland. Mr. Sutherland has been serious ly ill. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Matheson are expected to return home to day from Washington, D. C., where Dr. Matheson attended the 92nd annual session of the American Dental association. They were away tor a week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aldi idge and children, Brenda, Lennis and Johnny, of Granite Falls, N. C. spent the weekend with Mrs. Aldridge's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Calloway in Shulls MilU. Mr. H. Grady Farthing, Mr. C. C. Earthing, Mr. Wade Brown, Patrolman Roger B. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave P. Mast and Mrs. Rob Rivers were among thoae from the county attending the ground breaking ceremonies held at Raynolda in Winston-Salem Monday. President Truman was the principal speaker. Mr. Grady Farthing also attended a board meeting of Conservation and Development in Winston-Salem Monday morning. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown the past week included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norris and son. Earl, Jr., Mrs. Carl Teague, Mrs. Will Carter. Mrs. Pennell, all of Boone; Mrs. Murray Greene and son, John Frank, Boone, route 1; Mr. and Mrs. I^awrence Purlear and daughter, Clara, and Miss Brown, Boone, route 1; Mrs. Lucille Wag oner and three daughters, Perfc insville; Mn. Hazel Stansberry. Mrs. J. S. Miller, Miss Betty Nell Michael, Mrs. Albert Moretz, Mrs. Lester Moreti, Mrs. Clinton Moretz, Todd; and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Day, Laxon. CLOSING OUT SALE Everything Must Go! HAYES' DEPARTMENT STORE BLOWING ROCK, N. C. Mrs. Councill Cooke, who is teaching in the Chantilley school in Charlotte. ?pent the weekend at her home in Blowing Rock, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooke and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kelley Sunday. Junior Women's Club Go to Elkin On Tuesday evening, October 9, the members of the "Boone Junior Woman's Club attending the Elkin Junior Woman's Club as guests were Mrs. Palmer Blair, Mrs. Charlie Wilfong, Mrs. R. A. Craven, and Mrs. Rebecca Blair Chamberlain. The Elkin club had a very in teresting and inspiring business session and excellent program. Mrs. Isabel Harrell introduced the guest speaker for the eve ning. the accomplished Mr. Click, professional artist of Elkin. The theme of his lecture was "Under standing Art." A number of Mr. Click's paint ings were on display. Subjects varied from snow scenes, so au thentic to winters in Boone, ani mals, flowers, and captured the beauty of autumn leaves in sev eral. A token of appreciation was presented to Mr. Click by the club following the program. A lovely course of refreshments was served on a candle-lighted table during the social hour. Brushy Fork Club With Mrs. Howell Brushy Fork Home Demon stration Club met Oct. 11th at the home of Mrs. A. Y. Howell for their first meeting. They were organized last month at the home of Mrs. Reatha Wilson by the Hodges Gap Club. Mrs. Betty Edwards opened the meeting with the club collect repeated by all. She then gave some fine sug gestions about Christmas gifts, and how to make htem. The hos tess assisted by Mrs. Madge Dan cey served a delicious plat* to ?thirteen members and two visi toia, Mrs. Andy Greer and Mr* Elmer Fox. Home, Garden Group Gathers The Home and Garden Depart ment of the Worthwhile Woman's Club held a covered dish supper at the Baptist Church on Thurs day, October 11. The tables were beautiful with fall flowers and colored leaves, the decorations being done by Mrs. R. W. Watkins and Mrs. D. L. Wilcox. Twenty-three members and three visitors were present. The program was presented by Mr. Wade Brown, president of the Boone PTA. Mr. Brown gave a splendid talk on "The Rela tionship of Parent and Teacher." Proffitt-Norri8 Vows Exchanged At one o'clock on Saturday, September 22nd, at the home of Dr. and Mn. John G. Barden in Boone Miss Olive Proffitt became the bride of Mr. Robert Norris, Jr. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Barden who used the rit ual of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Norris is the daughter of Mr, Henry Proffitt of upper Meat Camp. Mr. Norris is the son of Mr. Robert Norris of Todd. Unusual Birthcjay Party Is Held An unusual birthday celebra tion was held October 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley South honoring their year old son. David, and his great-grand father, Mr. W. T. Casey, Sr., who was 83. The home was decorated in a color scheme of pink and white with garlands of balloons for the children. The dining table was centered with two cakes ? a large one for Mi. Casey holding 8S candles and a small one for David with a single candle. Delicious refreshments were served and favors given to the following guests: Master Stacy Eggers III, Master Guy Casey, Misses Julia and Pamela Storie, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Casey, Mr. and Mrs. James Storie, Marjorie South and Jeanettc Smith. Later in the evening the group was entertained with a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South. Parliers Observe 29th Anniversary Last Sunday, October 7, Mr. and Mrs. Collis Parlier celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. Those attending had an enjoy able day with the delicious din ner served in buffet style. Those attending from distant points were Mrs. Fleta Turner, Johnny Turner, of Sands, N. C.; Miss Betty Jo Turner of Grace Hospital, Morganton, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parlier and Ricky of Blowing Rock, N. C.; Miss Mary Joe Brown and Eve lyn Hodges of Boone, Route 1. Little Miss Dorothy Cook en chanted those present by singing "Just Over the Hilltops," and many other songs. She is only four years old. We truly wish for Mr. and Mrs. Parlier many more years of real happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Parlier received many nice gifts. District Garden Club To Meet Here The Blue Ridge Garden Club will entertain the second district at the North Carolina Garden Clubs Thursday, October 18th at the Boone Baptist Church. One hundred fifty members, representing the twenty clubs of the district, are expected to at tend the meeting which will start at ten o'clock. Mrs. Ed Gardner of North Wilkesboro, district supervisor, will preside, and the State president, Mrs. Roy M. Homewood, Chapel Hill will be the principal speaker. Following the business session, luncheon will be served. WORTHWHILE CLUB The Music and Art Depart ment of the Worthwhile Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mr?. Wiley Hartzog Thursday evening at 7:30, with Mrs. B. W. Ellis assistant hostess. Betty Jo Matheson Wed To Frank Cable A wedding of beautiful impli city occurred in Bristol, Tenn. September 29, when Miss Betty Jo Matheson becacne the ' bride of Frank Cable, The bride wan dressed in a navy blue ensemble with gray accessories and wore a corsage of sweetheart roses. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Matheson of Sugar Grove, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cable, of Sugar Grove. Following a short weddin; trip they returned to their home at Sugar Grove. Maj: and Mrs. Thomas Entertain at Luncheon Major and Mrs. John H. Tho mas entertained at a luncheon at Skyline Restaurant Wednes day honoring Mr. Jack Driscoll of New York City and Mr. Clyde Tavenner of Washington, D. C. Other guests were Miss Estelle Taylor of Asheville, Mrs. Lucille Clay, Mrs. Erol Triplelt of lx>n oir, Miss Wilma Crouse of Sparta, Mrs. Moneta Proffit and Mrs. Jaunita Moore of North Wilkes boro. * *1* * * * * * About Your Home Bv FRANCES DELL ******** Most lilies found in American gardens are identical to wild lil ies. This need not be the case for there are seven new hybrid gar den lilies that are exceedingly long-growing. The seven are: Green Mountain, Cascade Ma donna. Pink Select, Rainbow, Apireban, Mid-Century and Fies ta. The Rainbow hybirds are very hardy. However, all seven are so sturdy that they do not need staking or any special pamepring. Do not make the mistake of thinking all hybrids lilies are worth growing. It takes large scale production and continuous selection to keep strains up to standard or to improve them. For this reason, there is a great temptation to grow a lot of bulbs from seed antj sell them as "X" hybrid. In this way you get noth ing any better than ordinary lil ies. It is a waste of time and money tob uy dried-up, dedicated bulbs like those often seen on counters of small garden stores all over the country. A garden store with out cold-storage equipment has no business selling lilies, for lil ies must be treated as living plants, not dormant bulbs. Lily bulbs ship well. The best thing to do is buy by mail from a firm that specializes in lilies. In this way you will be sure your bulbs have been stored cor rectly. Lilies grow best in a mildly acid soil well aerated. If your soil is sticky and clayey, mix in peat generously. Lilies need moisture, but the bulbs will not if the soil is at all swampy. They need a little shade in hot cli mates. Madonna liles should be cov ered with not more than an inch of soil. Other lilies should be planted four to five inches deep. Competition's Too Darned Tuff To Let Appearance Conceal Your Stuff!! So get wise to yourself, young man, keep your clothes in tip top condition by having them dry cleaned and generally tended for right here where experts do * the job rapidly and efficiently. Then see how 'y?ur popularity rating goes up, up, up! Bring Them in^Today! HI-LAND DRY CLEAHERS MAIN STREET? BOONE, N. C. ZIONVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mm. Clay Greene and ions Clay Verne, and Ted, Mr. and Mrs Howard Dancy and Miss Onar Minton of Vilas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomas and daughter, Darliene, of Glyn don, Md. are visiting Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Eggcrs, Mr. Ham Thomas and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Winebur ger and family of Idaho ere visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wine barger and other relatives. Mr: and Mrs. Lea WiUon and daughter, Donna, spent the week end with Mr. and Mr* Sherman Miller in Jonejboro, Tenn. Miss Dare Holman spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr*. Al fred Romlnger at Rominger, N. C. ? Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis at "Sodd Sunday. SB The Creator has not thought proper to mark those in the forehead who are of stuff to make good generals. ? Thomas Jefferson. YOU **f,D , 1.? When you purchase protection 2. ? When you have a claim Jerry Coe, Agent COE INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 294 W 217 Main Street Boone, N, C. AT YOUR APPALACHIAN HUNTS DEPARTMENT STORE PleletUi. . . ,s ??ST QUAltry , mod* to moot and boat all to?ti of woathor and woar I ABERDEEN ky RUTGER FABRICS I ? not a snag in a million ? ZIPS WITH THE "l-Z" ZIP TAB PATENTED FEATURE MADE IN TWO OUTSTANDINO fABRICS: BLENDED NYLON AND RAYON GABARDINE FOR EXTRA WEAR* m . COMBED COTTON GABARDINE SANFORIZED* You will lilt* thii Weathercmt jacket with a rayon lining in mild or cool weather or with in insulated wool quilted lining for cold weather. Plenty of bodily freedom, light ia weight and Mtartly tailored for that dreuy look. Colon: U aiaet to fit anyone from Sire 10 to * $6.95 to $15.95 -jyk HUNT'S DEPARTMENT ST "In Daa't Hm To Bmt at

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