WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE S CENTS A WORD? Mc MINIMUM CKABOE Cash Must Accompany All Orders. i FOR SALE ? Used thr*e-piece living room suite In mohair. Cheap. Kdmisten furniture Co. lc FOR SALE? 1950 4-door Buick in good condition. Sett J. G. Wil son, Jr., at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home. ic FOR SALE? 100 bushels applet mostly Stark's Delicious. See Li onel Ward, Boone, N. C. lc FOR SALE? Meadows grist mill (nd hammer mill combined, with motor. Will tell right. E. E. Earp, Vilas, N. C. lp FOR SALE OR RENT? One A us ton Western 99-horsepower motor grader, in A-l condition. Rent with or without operator. See J. W. Hampton, Deep Gap, N. C. 10-18-4p WANTED TO SELL good used 1944 Chevrolet H ton pickup. See Ralph Mast, Mast Supply Co. lc WANTED TO SELL two good used large worm morning heat ers. Line good use Kenmore washing machines. Mast Supply Co. lc HED, WHITS AND BLUE GRAPE COLLECTION NO. 1-8, consulting of 2 each Red Lucile, White Niagara and Early Blue Fredoni ? total Six 2-year Grape Vine* ? $3.95, Postpaid. Write tor Free Copy 56 - page Planting Guide in color. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA, lc WANTED T Copy of Arthur's History of Watauga County. See or write Rob Riven at Watauga Democrat office. 8-16- tfc BUILDERS See our concrete blocks. Made on our new precision machine. We have a supply of driveway stone and concrete stone. Priced at plant or delivered. GRAYSTONE BLOCK CO. J. C. McConnell, Manager Phone 309-J, Boone, N. C. 8-23-tfc FOR SALE? 80 acre farm, grazing land, woven wire fence. Located on Fork Fidge. D. Archie Coffey, Lenoir, N. C. 4-20- tfc FOR SALE ? 1931 model A Coupe, excellent condition. Good tires. See Mrs. Luther Norris, at Boone Drug or Route 2. lp FOR SALE? 22 Poland China and OIC Pigs. Ready now. Con tact C. F. Thompson, Vilas, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? 8 weeks old pup pies. Sec Phil McGuire or call SI. lp FOR SALE ? 102 acre farm, 8 room house. No correspondence. Come see it near Clark's Chapel Church about six miles from Whitnel, Caldwell county. Char les Taylor, RFD 3, Lenoir, N. C. 10-18-4p THE WORD IS GETTING around ? The Watauga Farmers Co-op is Headquarters for your Farm Sup plies. Trade at the Co-op, it is owned and controlled by the farmers. Watauga Farmers Co op. lc SHEETROCK ? The Watauga Farmers Co-op has sheetrock (No. 1 Grade) for $58.00 per thousand. Watauga Farmers Co-op. lc GALVANIZED ROOFING? The Watauga Farmers Co-op has just received a shipment of 6, 8, 10 and 12ft. galvanized roofing. To tal price including tax $12.00 per square. Watauga Farmers Co-op. lc FOR S'VLE ? 23 Vs acres of land with crops, cows, horse, farming tools. Will sell together or sep arate. If interested see David Green, four miles east of Boone on Route 1 at once. lp FOR SALE? One Thor Auto magic Ironer. Used one year and in excellent condition. See it at trt listen's Furniture Store or itact Mrs. Johnny Greene, Sugar Grove, N. C. lp THE FEED OF CHAMPIONS? FCX Milk-Maker. Good cows and good feeds make good per formance records, and "Homey," owned by Hilliard's Dairy of Vi las, N. C., is ? champion by any measure. "Harney" was the high est producing cow tested in Wa tauga County this month. Her month's production was 1410 pounds of 4% milk. We are proud of "Homey" and "Homey" is proud that ?he eats FCX Milk Maker. Watauga Farmers Co op. ia FOR RENT ? Nnrly decorated S rooni furnished h pertinent with both, and 8inimons Beautyrest mattress. Steam haat and water furnished. $60.00 per month. Ap ply at Watauga Democrat office. Trade 1936 Ford pick-up, extra good motor for white face calf. U. W. Stalling!. 1c I WILL HAVE SOME OIC pigi near Smitheyi Store Saturday at 2:00 o'clock. Price $15.00. Regis tered in buyers name free. Frank Lewis. lp FOR SALE? One 1991 Chevrolet 4 ton truck. Run only 190 miles. Black with regular metal bed, heater and defroster. Will T. Cannon, Washington County, Waahigton College, Tennessee, lc FOR RENT ? Furnished apart ment, heated, private entrance and bath. Mrs. S. O. Stanbury, 800 E. Howard St. Boone, N. C. 10-18-2p I RELIABLE MAN with car want ed to call on farmers in East Watauga County. Wonderful op portunity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital requir ed. Permanent. Write today. Mc NESS COMPANY. Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 10-ll-2c AUCTION SALE? Household and kitchen furniture, October 27, at 10 a. m. at my home in Boone. Arthur Dougherty, near Smith ey's Store. 10-4-4p FOR RENT ? One three room apartment. Heat and water furn ished. Call Edmisten Furniture Store. 10-11-tfc LOST ? Dog, long-haired, white with tan spots, named Freckles, during thunderstorm Sunday, Oc tober 7th, near Cone Horse Gate. Reward (or return or information leading to recovery. Margaret Vance, Blowing Bock, N. C., Tel ephone 2591. lp HORTON ICE AND~COAL SER VICE, North Depot Street, op posite tobacco warehouse. Fam ous Widow Kennedy Lump Coal, Darby no. 8 block, Kem Gem Stoker, Bed Ash Stoker Coal, Red Ash Lump Coal. By ton or load. Good scales, good honest weight. Call telephone day 519- J; night 499-M. Owned and operat ed by RONDA HORTON. 9-27-4p FCX OPEN FORMULA FEED? Know that you are getting the highest T.D.N. (Total Digestible Nutrients) for your money. Feed FCX Open Formula Feed. Wa tauga Farmers Co-op. lc DB L. E. WELLMAN, Optomet rist, will be in his office at Moun tain City, Tenn., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from B a. m. to 3:30 p. m. c,yes exam ined, glasses fitted. 1-6-tfc ANTI-FREEZE ? Save money when you buy your permanent type anti-free ze at the Watauga Farmers Co-op. Permanent* type anti-frceze with anti-rust com pound, regular price $3.60? our special price only $2.96 per gal lon. Get yours while it lasts. Wa tauga Farmers Co-op. lc SAVE FUEL WITH CHAMBEB L1N weatherstripping, calking and storm windows. Also metal screens and porch enclosures. Call collect or write Lawrence Lane, Phone 209-W, Morganton, N. C. 6-14-tfc ASBESTOS SIDING ? Brighten up those dull outside walls with beautiful white asbestos siding. The Watauga Farmers Co-op now offers you these shingles for only $9.95 per square. Watauga Farmers Co-op. lc SALE? High quality storm win dows ? rock wool insulation (blown), weatherstripping. All metal screens. Permanent awn ings, calking. All work expertly done, fully guaranteed to your satisfaction. Reasonable price* Terms if desired. Home Service Co, Boone, N. C., Box 403, Phone 403. 7-13-tlc FERTILIZER ORDERS ? Take your PMA fertilizer orders to your local cooperative (the Farm er-owned store) and get them filled with high grade Robert sons Fertilizer. Watauga Farm ers Co-op. lc WANTED ? Salesman with any experience in buying and selling. Car furnished tor business. Sal ary and commission can earn from $100.00 and up per month. If interested apply P. O. Box 403 Boone, N. C. 9-27-tfc FRESH EGGS? Make the War tauga Farmers Co-op your head quagrrs lor Fresh Eggs. lc F Tprrtint Father by R. CASALK Oh Fsther of all fathers in awe I stand at the mystery of Life A* unfolds hidden in faith and bop? ? a Surprise? I lift mine eyea above the hill*, beyond the clouds The infinite harmonious I seek and scrutinize. The Law governing Love in pas sion quenched. The turmoil*, anxiety governing: Heredity? Chromosome*? Genes? ?Wanton chances? Science is fxuitlcss? Nature is compelling. What will it be: He or She?? Wise and bright? Myself I project into futurity ver sus posterity And in the confusion of timeles* relativity, More bewildered I stand in un derstanding Thee I Whence my will power failing my wisdom? Do I fear? Yes, I tremble at my worthiness - in Thy sight A tool in Thy hands! Kindly use me right I If, in my dullness in pursuing what is right,! I should ever again continue to fail, Eeforge me in thy anvil, accept able to thy sight For I will be a father also. Oh Lord ? within Thy might. The Law of Love Procreating, transforming, com pelling, unfolding Within a Mother conscious of her mission Warrants forgiveness Oh Lord, And within our hope and Thy blessing Make us live right. NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WATAUGA L. S BRADSHAW. RICHARD A. BRADSHAW, and LEON S. BRAD SHAW. a partnership trading as L. 8. BRADSHAW & SONS. Plaintiffs VS VIOLA SELFRIDGE AND HUSBAND. HARRY SELFRIDGE, Defendanta To all creditors and parties holding claims against Viola Selfrldge and Harry Self ridge. You and each of you are hereby notified to present your claim duly itemized and verified, together with a statement of the securities or priori ties. if any. in respect to said claims to the undersigned receivers or either of them at Blowing Rock, North Caro lina, or Salisbury. North Carolina, on or before the loth day of December, 1901. or your claims will be barred from participation in the distribution of the assets of the defendants com ing intA the hands of said receivers. You are further notified that the ?aid receivers will take and state an account of the affairs of the said Viola Selfrldge and Harry SelfrMge as to the property coming into the hands of the said receivers, giving a list of all creditors and the amounts for which their claims are filed and al lowed or disallowed, which said re port will be filled in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wa tauga Countv on or before the 1st day of April. 1952. and that any person interested as creditor, claimant, or otherwise, in the affairs of the said defendants may except to the allow ance or disallowance of any claim or Krt of claim, but said exception must filed not later than the first three days of the term of the Superior Court of Watauga County to be held in Boone, North Carolina, the said term commencing on the list day of April. 1963. No exception to the allowances or disallowances of any claims will be permitted to be filed after the first three days of the said term. This notice is given pursuant to an order in the above entitled cause wherein the said receivers were auth orized to sell certain property belong ing to the defendants. This the 9th day of Octboer. 1951 LEON S. BRADSHAW J H. WINKLER Receivers of Viola Selfridge and Harry Selfrldge HM8-4C-H Thank* Expressed For Aid Given in FoodhandBr School We wish to publicly express our thanks to the individuals and establishments (or their valuable aids in making this, the First Foodhandling School of Watauga County, a success. Tot. the place of meeting and the comforts of heat and light, thanks to Mr. Robert Agle and the Pastime Theatre. For tables for displaying ma terials and other courtesies, thanks to the Watauga Hard ware. For pencils for the participants to use during the school, thanks to Mr. Watt Gragg and the Building and Loan. For refreshments during the school, thanks to Mr. Roy Rufty and the Hillside Dairy for ice cream and milk and to the Sil ver Crest Bread Company for cookies. For equipment displays, thanks to the Asheville Showcase and MOTICC Or ADMDflSTltATlOM Having qualified as the administra trix of the estate of Paul H. Walsh, late of the county of Watauga. State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all those having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to me within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice wlU be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All those Indebted to the estate are asked to mske Immediate payment. This September ZS. 1M1.? MATTIX S. WALSH. Admx., Sherwood, N. C. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CALDWELL COUNTY Bid having been raised. and under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Caldwell County, North Carolina, made , In the special proceeding entitled: ED L. STEELE and wife. ANSE STEELE. ET AL, the hcirs-at-law of Charles C. Steele, late of Caldwell County. North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST. 1991. AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, at the courthouse door in Newland. Avery County. North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Avery and Watauga Counties. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a Buckeye on the East side of the Big Pinnacles of the Beach Mountain near a spring, corner of Grant No. 1021, and runs East 252 poles to a Chestnut corner to said Grant; thence North with line of saicfc Grant 22 poles to a stake In the line of the Bedent Baird Grant No 1029. thence East with said line 67 poles to a Chestnut, corner to W. M. Shoe maker; thence with his line North 70Vs poles to a Beach. 40 yards North west of a cold spring, corner to W. M. Shoemaker; thence with his line East 37 poles to a mountain oak. W. M. Shoemaker corner in the old line; thence North 13Hfc poles to a chestnut on Eastern Proepect, the Farthing old corner; thence same with the Farth ing old line North 127 poles to a stake, the old corner; thence West with the old line 70 poles to a Beech in the Farthing old line; thence South with the old lfne 101 poles to a Buckeye, the old corner; thence West 62 poles to a stake; thence South 26 poles to a Buckeye, old corner; thence West 228 poles to a stake, corner to School land; thence South with the School land to the BEGINNING, containing 537 ACRES, more or less, and being the lands conveyed by B. R. Brown and M. C. Brown, to Charles C. Steele by deed dated the 25th day of May, 1918, and of record in Book 21, at Pages 388-389, Watauga County Regis try, and also ,ln Book 9, at Pages 393. 394 and 395, Avery County Registry. This being a resale bidding will commence at $11,078.00. This the 16th day of October. 1951. J. T. PRITCHETT. Commissioner 10-18-2c fixture Company and the Lilly Tulip Paper Cup Company. To the consultant* for their valuable help thanka to: Mr. W. A. Broadway. State board of Health, Western Divi sion, Ashevllle. Mr. E. W. Stacy, N. C. Restau rant Association, Wilmington. Mr. - Meivfil G. Powell, Ruth erford-Polk Health Departinent, Columbus. Mr. T. J. Sharpe, Alexander Catawba-Lincoln Health Depart ment, Hickory. Mr. R M. Moore, Lilly-Tulip Ct^p Company, Asheville. Mr. Ray Derrick, ASTC. Mrs. John Welborn. ASTC. Mrs. Josephine Gaines, Alle ghany - Ashe- - Watauga District Health Department. To WATA for the spot an nouncements and the support to the Watauga Democrat for the news coverage goes thanks. And last to all those attending for their faithfulness, promptness and interest. Without these aids our school could not have been a success. Signed: JAMES E. BROWN Sanitarian MADEL1EN McCAIN Health Educator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as the adminiatra trix of the Estate of A. R. Coffey, late of the County of Watauga, State of Norh Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned administra trix within twelve months from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment This the 10th day of September. 1961. Mrs. Nell Coffey, administratrix of the Estate of A. R. Coffey ?-13-?c-h NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY ? Under and by virtue of the power of Mle contained In a certain deed of trust executed by Jake L. Miller and wife. Melissa Miller, dated the 13th day of October. 1949. and recorded in Book 90. pace 45. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said deed of truft being by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at a public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouae door In Boone. North Carolina at noon, on the 22 day of October. 19S1. the property convey ed in said deed of trust the same ly ing and being in the County of Wa tauga and State of North Carolina, in Elk Township, and more particularly described as follows BEGINNING on a maple on bank of creek running 10 poles, more or less. S. E. course to a double chertnui; thence N. E. course 50 poles, more or less, to a double pine; thence a north course 100 poles, more or less, to an oak; thence a west course 100 poles, more or less to Elk Creek Lumber Co. line; thence S. W. course 100 poles, more or less to a chestnut in Lola Watson's line; thence a west course 10 poles, more or less, to a locust; thence S. W. 10 poles, more or less, with Lola Watson's line to a rock corner; thence a south course with said Lola Watson's line to the maple at the BEGINNING so as to contain all the interest owned by said Corne lius Watson in the lands described and owned in its entirty of all tiis legacy and equity of estate of late George Watson. This 22 day of September. 1951. JAMES TAYLOR. JR.. Trustee 9-27 -4c It's nice to tell all the news . . . ? - ?C-J /=3WEE!pr 'ssSRm.W your party-lin* neighbor mvay be waiting Avoiding those 1-o-n-g conversations is one of thc^est ways to promote party-line harmony. It's easy to qualify as a party-line "good neighbor." Just follow these four easy rules: ? Shore Mm I in* freely with others ? >?tooi> I in* in on emergency ? Answer your telephone promptly e BRIEF NEWS e Jupiter'* twelfth moon believ ed discovered at Mount Wilson. Estimated 1051 cotton 'yield drop, to 16,ii 1,000 bale*. Aero Digest predict* inter planetary flight "within our time." ? Wilson calls (or employment of handicapped workers. $34,566,000,000 record in de MOTICC Or AOMnfUTKATION Having qua 11 lied aa the administra tor of th? estate of Edgar Lee Payne, late of the county of Watauga, Bute of North Carolina, this is to notify all those havinf claims against the entate of the said deceased to present them to me within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. An thoae indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment This September M. 1*1 ? EARL B. PAYNE. Aomr.. Boone, N. C. lu0, terms. 15 ? S vacant lots well located just outside city limits. Level but slightly elevated above road. East Boone. $?00. A real bargain! 18 ? 5-room shingle house, bath, basement, good lot almost within sight of Boone Postoffice. On paved street. For quick sale ? *5,uuu, Terms. 29 ? Perkinsville ? New 6 room house, modern in every respect, tiled bath, 3 large bedrooms, large closet space. Well located. $8,000. Come in. 34 ? Hodges Gap road near city limits ? 5 room house well-built. 19 acres good land ail cieared. Good gravel road crosses land, i^arge creek. 4 gooa spring;. Tms larm is well-suitea lor sub-division ? $?,U00. 41 ? Daniel Boone Park ? Very modern brick house, forced hot water heat, bath, closet space, full size basement. Large lot located just across street trom L) r. Matneson residence. A nice nome eiectricaliy neateu ? $12,300. Terms. 43 ? 9-room dwelling and 15 acres wooded upland on Blowing hock road facing high ways 221-321. f our miles trom Boone. ?o,a00. 45? Claud Tester farm near Todd, N. C. 140 acres, 80 acres cleared, 20 acres creek bottom, 40,000 ft. timoer, 2 veins leispar never been worked, 2 Darns *0x30 and 40xb0, 2 dwellings, o rooms, oath; o rooms, uignts in an ouuoings. All smaii toois and good team of young mares witn harness. Ail for ?ll,uuu. 46 ? Cove Creek ? 8 room house and 43 acres good land. Modem house, bath, all outbuildings. Grade A dairy. Lignts in an Duuuings. $13,000. 47 ? Cove Creek ? 6 room dwelling, very fhodern, bath ? large lot located on High way 421. This is a very desiraoie home ? $10,000. We are very sorry tnat space wui not permit us to auvertise all of our listings. U you do not see what you want in our ad come to our olnce and we will be giad to snow you an oi our listings. r W# consider u a privates* to serve you ? if you wish to sell or buy real estate see us All-Weather Tread GOOD/YEAR -*rf """he All-Weather tire's famous "diamond blocks" ^ !? are sharp-edged and deep-grooved to grip the ' roae' * * ? 9've you 4-way "non-skid safety" . . . jf # ? 'drM ffti' forward, backward, left and right: Only if ' Goodyear brings you the All-Weather tread tire f t i# TkPja'jL'r* i because Goodyear alone makes those safer ALL ,WEATHERS- * ' !< f guM f MO* . WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF GRAND OPENING OF.OUR NEW BUILDING SOON! Swotford s Tire Store PHOWK M?-J BOONE. H. C