'Church Notices 3JF ?" Sunday school at 9:40 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. Th ere is a nursery kept for small atldren durinc this mi-vIm ppv : Circlet of the women of the church meet the tint Monday of ?ach month; general meeting of 'the women of the church each third Monday. ? Children'* choir rehearul Wed nesday at 3:30 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal Wednes Bay at 640 p. m. Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church. Blowing Hock Iter. L. T. Mewlaad. D. D_ Pastor Morning Worship Sunday at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School at 10:00 -a. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meetings each Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice each Wednesday at 1:15 p. m. ORACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Hev. E. F. Troutman, pastor 'unday School at 10:00 a. m. Coffey and Mrs. Grady Superintendents! rshig> at 11:00 a. m. mon Theme: "Your- Best Better Tomorrow" Mew Year Message) "Lilving Christmas Tree," a Jart,/ in which the children "young people build a tree as y bring the Christinas story, isted by the church choir, will presented in the churgh at 6:00 m. Sunday, December 20th. The church choir will go carol ing Wednesday evening after choir rehearsal. At 6:30 Saturday evening the young folk of the church will gather at the parsonage bringing their gifts for others. Come and worship. Seitz, vicar. VDONE METHODIST CHURCH Vloseph T. Shack ford, pastor. Wednesday? 7:30 home prayer reting at Mr. and Mrs. Zeb . -thing home; 8:00 organ recital, W Gloria Gattis, assisted by t-' Hoyt Safrit, vocalist. Sunday? 8:45 church school, At. Ralph Tugman, superintend ent; 10:55 Christmas communion ? price; 5:00 Christmas program Hi Carol singing; 6:15 church ?illy night supper, all bringing ndwiches and cookies, drinks provided. WSCS in charge of ar rangements, concluded with Car and treats for children, dnesday, Dec. 23 ? 7:30 Un rvice of student recognition, it Christian Church. Re n for students to follow, ored by the Boone and ng Rock Ministerial Asso |rst baptist church Blowing Rock .ev. G. Carlton. Pastor rinesday ? 3:15 p. m. R. A. Jig *1 p. m. Prayer meeting 8:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Sunday ? 10:00 a. m. Sunday ibooi 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 7 JO p. m. Evening Worship 'NEWS Methodist youth fellow - net at Henson Chapel for Jular monthly meeting. The J of the program was the _ of Christ. After the devo ?1 program the regular Chriat larty was held with game* tfreahments. There were ap Bately 200 people present. stmas Party )L Luke's , Luke's Episcopal Church Christmas party Sunday n. A service was held af uch gifts were distributed ols were sung. auction of Grade A milk in Carolina during 1953 is up tr cent over that at 1852. Active Cases Set At 400,009 By Mrt. FRANCES C. FRANCIS One hundred and fifty thou sand missing persons must be found to keep you safe from tuberculosis. , There are an estimated 400,000 active cases of tuberculosis in the United States today of which on ly 250,000 are known to health authoritiea. Many of the 190,000 unknown people with I tf do not even suspect that they have an insidious disease which is stead ily and quitely undermining their health. TB has no obvious symp toms in its early stages, yet it is infectious in any active stage. Tuberculosis can be cured. If we could break the chain of in fection the disease could be vir tually wiped out. Yet we know that about US. 000 people who are healthy today will develop TB within the next 12 months. Un less people spreading TB are found and placed under treat ment, we cannot prevent new cases. Where are they and who are they? We do not know, but we must find out. Doctors, health departments, the tuberculosis as sociations you support when you buy Christmas Seals ? these and other official and voluntary agen cies are joining in the search. The tools and "know-how" to do this job are available. A chest X-ray can "see" tuberculosis be fore there are any outward symp toms. With miniature X-ray film, the entire population of a large city can be checked quickly and possible cases of TB screened out. The tuberculosis associations in cooperation with other agencies promote case-finding programs of many kiads, with the purpose of finding tne most cases at the least cost to the community. tn addition to supporting your tuberculosis association's case finding activities by buying Christmas Seals, you can help break the chain of infection by making sure that you are not one Df the "missing persons" with unsuspected TB. Co to your doc tor at least once a year for a complete physical exam and a ihest x-ray. If TB should develop, /ou will discover it esrly when it can most easily be cured. THE B-12 The new heavy bomber, the E 52, is "faster" than even the swift medium B-47, which has flown 650 miles per hour, accord ing to Roger M. Kyes, deputy secretary of defense. The first production models will be deli vered late next -year, according to Kyes. To Mitt * - ^5 C?*666 DonfhorWithA CHEST COLD TMs ftOf EN Way Mtom Dlatraaa ?raafca ?? l?l Ciaf illaa! Rub on highly m?dlcet#d. concen~ trtm I IfueterolA. U promptly relieve* coughe and breaks up loeel condi tion. Mueterole ere* tea protective warm to on chest, throe t end beck, securing emeelng long-leetlng relief 1 MUSTfeROLE BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prncriptlon Star* PROMPT SERVICE TIuh Regiatered PhannacUlsi Q. K. Moose, W. R. Richardson, O. K. Richardson Store' Hourr 8:30 A. It. to ?:S0 P. M. Sundayi : 3:00 P. M. to < P. M. If Needed after Store fTouri, CaU 114-M or 101 The REXALL Store BOON&^WlVf R.D.H0DGES;1> KEROSENE ???FUEL OIL ESSO DEALER. In the earliest time* the lighted candle had a place in man s expression of hit religious belief. Light has always symbolized the outreach of the Almighty. But in the celebration of Christmas, the lighted candle has assumed a special significance. Gleaming in the darkness, it is . like the Star that stood over Bethlehem. Flickering in the wintry draught, it ia like the tiny (Infant rocked in his mother's arms. Shining boldly through its wreath, it is like the Master of Man kind beckoning the world into the warmth of His Love. And yet, no candle can express the real joy of Christmas. Worship is our divine gift for revealing our love to God. The prayers and hymns we lift from happy Christian hearts as wc gather in Church; these are the real Christmas Candle ? the glow of a people honored and blessed by the birth of il>e Christ. _ ? r | THE CHURCH FOR ALL... ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is Lie greatest faeior on earth lor the building of character and good citizenship, it is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilisation can survive. There ore four sound rtasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community- and nation. (4) For the y*ke of the Church itself, ijrhich needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regu larly and read your Bible daily, Sunday... Monday Tuesday W?dnMday.?w Thursday. Friday Saturday ... 'ips II J lk 4 ft \ This Series of Ads Is Being Published Weekly in the Interest of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County, by the Following: / / MASTER CLEANERS We Pick Up and Deliver Call Boone 348- W Perkinsville, N. C. MORETZ & LUTHER ESSO SERVICE Corner Main Street and Blowing Rock Road Drive' Carefully? The Life You Save May Be Your Own 100% Cold Rubber Recapping At Ita But WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. Philco, Maytag Appliances Building Matcrftls, Myers Pumps * ? COS INSURANCE AGENCY ML Linea insurance Dependable Real Estate Service FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. VANCE RECAPPING COMPANY ' North Depot St Phone 325 Evreything in SMITHY'S ST0RE Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoe*, Groceries Modern Cafe in Connection TODD & HIGGINS ESSO SERVICE Joe Todd ? Bruce Higgins Washing, Greasing, Tires and Batteries NEW RIVER LIGHT & POWER CO. HILLSIDE DAIRY PRODUCTS, INC. Grade "A" Pasteurized and Homogenized Products Roy A. Rufty, Mgr. CAROLINA PHARMACY A Complete Drug Service Phone 24 Ambulance Scrvice REINS-STURDIVANT FUNERAL HOME HOLLAR'S GROCERY M. C. Hollar, Owner Western Meats ? Frozen Foods ? Groceries \ I NEWTON'S DEPARTMENT STOKE Ready-to-Wear for the Family WATAUGA MOTOR MARKET Those Good Gulf Products Corner Main Street and Blowing Rock Road ? COOK'S SERVICE STATION Expert Sinclair Lubrication ? Tire* ? Batteries Engine Tune-Ups ? Starter and Generator Repairs ? GREENE BU1CK, INC. ? Buick Cars ? GMC Trucks 400 W. King Street ? Phone 124-J ? BROWN