a.fllll-1- I ? WATAUGA DEMOCRAT Published Every Thuraday by RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY . BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA R. C. RIVERS, JR. Publisher An Independent Weekly Newapaper Established In IBM and published for 48 year* by the late Robeat C. Riven, Sr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Watauga County One Year 9100 ' Su. Montlu 1M Four Months 1.00 Outside WaUufa County One Y ear J$UO Six Months 1.75 Pour Months 1J8 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS la requesting change of addraaa. It Is Important to ; mention the OLD, a* wall aa the NEW addraw. , Entered at the postofHcc at Boom, N. C., a* aacond class mail matter, under the act of Congress ' of Match a, 1*79. , Tha basis of our government Dams the opinion of the . people. Uie vory first objective should b? to kasp Ihst i right. snd wars It left le me le decide whether we should have a government without new spa pars, or newspaper! > without government, I should not hesitate e moment to skeose the latter. But 1 should maae that every man *eeld receive Iheaa papers and be capable of reading them."? Thomas Jefferson. ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1953 Indispensable Man The Democrat has called attention time and again to the aelf-sacrificing group which constitutes our fire department and how on many occasions these patriotic souls have lit erally prevented the town from burning down. In this regard the following from the Spring Valley (Wis.) Sun is good: "It takes a special kind of slaphappy in dividual to be a volunteer fireman. A fireman ruins twenty-eight bucks worth of clothing, catches pneumonia, and suffers the tortures of the damned, for which he gets three grudg ing bucks from the village board, plus a lot of free advice about how he could have put out the fire in half the time. It doesn't make much sens;. But if it weren't for impractical souls who risk their necks and ruin their wardrobes without much reward, villages like Spring Valley would have burned to the ground many times." Dink Berry , The publisher of the l3bmocrat shared the grief which was occasioned in this locality by the death of Dink Berry. We had known Dink for rr\g|t ?' our hectic life, had "set down on a log," so to speak, with him many times, and discussed the birds and the flowers, and the growing things ? the sort of topic Dink was interested in, and knew a lot about. We always derived considerable consolation from these sessions with Dink, who after all, lived might close to the fundamentals, and studied more about the moon phases, and where the sign might be, and the time when a crop should be planted, than he did about international poli tics, atom bombs, and Red spies. Our deceased friend hadn't traveled far on the road of academic learning, but he'd found out a lot during his lifetime. He seem ed to have the knack of living happily, of taking the bad breaks philosphically, and of enjoying the good luck which came along, which add up to a good deal more than most folks have found out. We wish he could have stayed. < ARTHUR W. RADFORD. Admiral, N. S. N? Chairman. Joint Chiefa of Staff: 'There has been no reduction in the truly vait military force with which the Soviet Union contnues to threaten the free world." Snow . . . Not Much The kiddie*, and the grownups, for that matter, who had aet a food deal of store by the prospects for a white Christmas were disappointed with the Monday nlgH^ and Tuesday morning precipitation, and it now appears unlikely that the ground will be cov ered Christmas day. But there's always hope in Boone for a change away from the ex pected. Seems that it has been a good while since we had a big deep snow for Christmas. day, and as for that matter on any other day. The last knee-deep, traffic-snarling, snowing-uhder we remember was about March 1940. As we recall 'twas a beautiful snow, most of which fell during moderate temperatures, and laid a while before the wind started. 'Course it couldn't be compar ed with the rip-roaring, downfall of March 1936, when the big snow was accompanied by a northwest gale and zero temperatures. "One has to have a fair recollection of 1917-18 to find anything on a par with the '36 storm. STRETCH'S SKETCHES It Could Be Verse Br "STRETCH" ROLLINS It may seem to you and me that Christmas is literally rushing toward us with the speed of jet propulfion, and there isn't nearly enough time left to do all the things we'd planned. But to a small boy, its approach is snail-like, and every day of the week before Christmas is a separate eternity. Following is my conception of what an im patient little boy, whose newly -acquired halo Is becoming a trifle irksome as he yearns to return to normal, might write in a second letter to Santa Claus along about now: SECOND LETTER TO SANTA Dear Santa Claus: Please don't be mad 'F I write you one mora letter; Just thought you might be kinda glad To hear my 'havior's better. But Santa, hurry up and come, I'm tired o' bein' good! .It's oh, so very wearisome Just doin' what I should! I mustn't that an' mustn't this, An' other things I must, Or Christmas Joys I'm sure to miss ? I'm 'most about to bust! 1 have to wash behind my ears, An' shine my shoes an' such. An' do my chores an' dry my tears 'F I hurt myself too much; An' make my bed up ev'ry day ' As neat as any pin, An' not be cross when I'm at play If I don't always win; An' never pull the ol' cat's tail, Or climb the big oak tree. An' never in my lessons fail To make at least a "B7 An' not draw pictures on the wall, An' not pull sister's hair, An' not make anybody fall On skates left on the stair; An' not track mud Bn'not make noise An' not make baby weep ? An' not do ANYthing all boys Do 'cept when they're asleep! An' that's the way it is. Saint Nick, From early morn 'til night; I hafta act just like I'm sick ? Can't even have a fight! So' Santa, dear, please start your trip ( Real soon, or ? 'though it's shockin' ? I'm awful 'fraid I'll make a slip 'Fore time to hang tny stockin'! JACQUES FATH. Parisian designer: "It's not 1 just American women who make mistakes in dress, even French women can be wrong." MISS KATHLEEN WATTS, psychologist: "Experiments made with 700 students at British universities proved beyond doubt that men are the more intelligent sex." MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS In order that our employees may enjoy the holidays with , their families we will be CLOSED THURSDAY, DEC. 24, THROUGH SATURDAY, DEC. 26 Trailway Laundry, Inc. Trailway Cleaners, Inc. PHONE 79 , BOONE, N. C. Lawrence Sells Top Burley Crop Of Week Tom l.awrence of the Cove Creak section had the prize to bacco crop last week. On eight tenths of qn acre, Mr. Lawreace produced 2,162 pounds which sold for a total of $1,174.88 for an average of <83.80 per hundred. Not only Mr. Lawrence, but everybody connected ?ith the warehouse is happy to free a farmer produce such an excellent crop and especially glad to see him get such an excellent price. Merchants Association awards Saturday afternoon were as fol lows: 120 went to Fred Welch, Banner Elk; $15 to Paul Clem, Grand Boulevard; $10 to Clarence Bailiff, Heaton, N. C.; $5 to Wil son Hollar, Rotate 1, Boone. At the warehouse Monday morning Henderson Barnett, Rt. 3, Abingdon, Virginia, drew the top prize of $20; W. R. Presnell of Ralph Harmon, Sugar Grove, $10; Film?s?s35c Overnight Service WE8TBROOK PHOTO TODD, N. C. and L. C. On borne, $9. $90 will be given away next Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock on the square, and )300 be given away Christmas Eve, December 24, at 2 o'clock on the square. Every farmer who brings to bacco to the warehouse is eligible to participate in the Merchants Association prizes at the ware house, and every person visiting a store in Boone is eligible for the afternoon prizes next Satur day and the big prizes Christmas Eve. About Your Home EGG COOKERY? A pinch of cornstarch and one of powdered sugar added to the yolk of the egg before it is beaten will keep an omelet from collapsing. To keep yolks of hard-cooked eggs bright, clear, and light around the edges, avoid over cooking. The secret of all egg cookery is low temperature. Egg yolks will keep for several days in your refrigerator if you cover them with cold water. Whites of eggs are more easily separated from yolks when the eggs are cold; egg whit^p beat up to more volume if they are at room temperatures when beaten. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY by becoming a member of REINS - STURDIVANT BURIAL ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE 24 ? BOONE, N. C. A 25 cent fee is charged upon Joining after which the follow ing due* are in effect: Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Year* .10 .40 *50.00 Ten to Twenty-Nine Years __ .20 M 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Years .40 , 1.90 100.00 Fifty to Sixty-five Years .60 2.40 100.00 A stirred custard is done when it coats the spoon plonger cooking will not thicken it but will cause it to curdle. * To dividte an egg evenly when the recipe calls (or only one-half egg, beat the whole egg, two ta blespoons of the mixture is equiv alent to one-half egg. If a portion of egg yolk acci dentally falls into the white, a cloth moistened with cold water and touched to the yolk will re move it, or a piece of the ihell touched to hte yolk will remove it. m J5-47 Stratojet bomber flfw from England to McDill Air Force Base, Florida, 4,480 milts, in 8 hours, S3 minutes. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO , ? TOWN OF BOONE TAXPAYERS L If you pay your 1953 Town Taxes before January 1, 1954, you are permitted to deduct the amount in filing your income tax by both the State and Federal Govern- , ments. This' also applies to delinquent taxes paid before the above date. Delinquent taxpayers will shortly receive state- h ments showing taxes -owing plus penalties due . Acti6n ? will have to be taken to ^collect these unpaid taxes. Please come to the office and make settlement without x further cost. , J. E. CLAY, Tax Collector J. i,,s Walker's for the values of a lifetime! Christmas Gift Opportunities Dinner Rings, Princess Rings, and Diamond Rings, Our M Specialties Newest of the New... 19 JEWEL ELGINS 57 Elgin.;. 7%e Buucfafui li/au ft te/l 7me h?r ... the glamorous SEABRING with its beautifully styled 10K natural ? m HEV pa ?gold filled case and dainty nylon ^ / jU cord. For him . . . the masterfully designed AMHERST. 10K gold filled case. Handsome alligator strap. NANCY. 0. II- OARLINOTON. DA*IA. I0K gold MACllCTTf. 17 ' aARINDA. (lock IADYIIOIN LADY CLOIN cot.ly SOQ75 AMroctlv.ly CAA1C WIU ???. 17 ...g |?w.l Shockmortor. f r-|rj| dlol boouty. l9<rnUI ClUiWOMAN. 21 S*ARLETTI. El?- fAAU ? ?J* 00 *romod dlol. 17 *0a" l?l?o?- ?4/W Two plon? crystal. 5/ i?woh. 10K wMt. 'OH? i?w.l Elgin for out- 7| flotil UK gold '89 com. 17 lowok. fowolt. Nylon cord. ?lo* brocolot. trocolof bond. gold M?d caso. door woman. cola. 21 jawcls. I Only ELGIN Has the Guaranteed , | DURAPOWER MAINSPRING 1 Heart That Nrvrr Br pair s | Fountain Pens ? Pencils ? Men a Traveling Sets Men's Rings ? Tie Sets ? Cuff Links ? And ? Many Other Gifts , WALKER'S JEWELRY STORE Tremendous Saving Opportunities on FINEST GIFTS OF JEWELRY All Leather Goods and Bibles Printed with Name in Gold Free. ? Bibles ? Testaments ? Christmas Cards ? Dresser Sets and Costume JeWelry ? Ladies' Birthstone Rings THORNDALI. PAIM SPIINOS. FKMONT Nmil Mon'l curved cryi- CftATC Tl?? hcrt cry.- (jniC ' ?lyl? ?xpontio* (MAUI '39" '49" i? i.wh. ^RS50 l?po?.lo. band. fKpantlon balid. ta.y-to-r.ad dial ~ '125 Ova*?nt. Nylon cord. IncL f*4. Tn CRUSADER. 4. IORO ILOIN plan* crystal, men MACK KNIOHT. <AACA 19 i*w*l Elgin. I? Smort block dial. '(J" Expansion bond. Bloch wtdt strap.

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