WANT ADS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE t CLKTS A WORD ? SOe MINIMUM CHABOE Cash Must Accompany All Orders. WANTED ? Tenant tor hurley farming, and taking care of hay. Good home. Mrs. Ari Wilson, Reeae, N. C. I-W-2C FOR RENT ? Four-room furnish ed apartment on faculty row. See or phone Jerry Coe or J. H. Workman. U-17-tfc FOR SALp ? Fresh cows and hei fers. A. N. Thomas, Trade, Tenn. l-21-4p, FOR SALE ? Yellow corn, lespe deza, hay and oat hay. W. H. Walker, Boone, N. C. 12-21-tfc ATTENTION FARMERS FOR Sale at bargain prices, all sizes and makes of used tractors, power units and chain saws. See us for your needs now before the spring rush. We service what we sell. FARMERS EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO., Box 228, PHONE 458 North Wilkesboro, N. C. V14-4c SERVICE STATION FOR BALE ? Located Main St., Boone, N. C., doing good busineef. Priced to ?ell. See Jerry Coe, 217 Main, or call 197. 7-S-tlc. DR. L. E. WELLMAN will beln his office over Farmers State Bank, Mountain City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes examined. Glass es fitted. 4-23-tfc A MONEY-SAVING TIP to Home Owners. Let a licensed, experi enced nursery man do your land scaping and planting with State inspected plants. Call or write for estimate*. F. L. Wijcox, Phone 508-J3, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-23-tfc WISCO Aluminum Storm Wind ows and Storm Doors ? Let us demonstrate the Famous Triple Track. Self storing, absolutely weather tight. Free estimates. Phone or WTite STATESVILLE INSULATION CO., Statesville, N. C. 11-4-tfc Magic Chef Oil Heaters New Low Prices - Easy Terms CRAVEN FURNITURE CO. FOR ?>ALE on Big HU1 Road 80 ?ere farm. Partly in timber, rest of the land tendable. Buildings in tair condition. If interested see me at my home. L. B. Norris. R. T. D. 2, Boone, N. C. 1 -?8-2p BUSINESS* OPPORTUNITY. Huge profits. Set up your own soft ice cream business? drive in or store. Latest model continuous Electro Freeze freezers. No fran chise or royalty. Will train you and finance complete equipment. Electro Freeze Distributor, 1305 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. Ph. 63980. . l-28-3p FOR RENT ? Heated 3-room apartment to couple. Private bath and private entrance. G. C. Greene, phone 238-W, Boone, N. C. l-28-2c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY of fers $30 to $50 weekly spare time. $100 or mora full time. Man ap pointed now can work into dis trict supervisor position paying $11,000 per year and up. Product well advertised and accepted liquiu fertilizer backed by written guarantee. Little traveling ? home nights ? but car is essential. Write to: "Na-churs" 210W Monroe Street, Marion, Ohio. l-28-3c FOR SALE ? 300 bales of good .alfalfa and orchard grass hay. See J. S. Snyder, Sugar Grove, N. C. l-28-2p LOST ? On January 21, white and yellow male fox hound. Lib eral reward. Notify Ofcar Reese, Trade, Tenn. l-28-2p EXCESSIVE SMOKE MEANS WASTED FUEL Let Us: Clean your furnace scientifically Install pipe filters Clean clogged pipes Check and adjust your oil stove Replace faulty smoke pipe DAVIS FURNACE CLEANING SERVICE Phone 90-R Boone, N. C. 11-5-tfc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Comkfc,, deceased, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to pre sent them to me for payment within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment. This January 5, 1954.? MRS. ALLEN ADAMS. Admini stratrix, Sherwood, N. C. l-14-8c FREE RINSE TUB i With the Purchase of Every Speed Queen Washer EASY TERMS ? COME IN TODAY Craven Furniture Co. PLUMBING AMD HEATING. Quick service, good material*, quality workmanship. Free esti mates. Calj 3100, Slowing Hock, N. C. Howard Coffey Plumbing it Heating Co. l-4-4p FOR SALE ? Good, used wood and coal range. See it this week at CRAVEN FURNITURE COM PANY. lc HYBRID CORN ? Last summer'* drought caused our hybrid corn supply to be greatly reduced. We are now taking orders on a lirst come, first served basis for the fall for US 282, US 13, W. V?. 1183, and NC 24. Watauga FCX Service. Ic SAVE AT HENDRIX? Full line of groceries and feeds at prices that will save you money. HEN DRIX GROCERY, S. Depot St., Boone, N. C. lc NOTICE OF SALE This is notice that I will sell for cpsh to the highest bidder at the oourthouse door In Boone. N. C., Wednesday, March 3. 1954, at 10 a. m. One 1081 Fordor Ford, wrecked, No. 3-lLUU7ft' be 'discon tinued January 31. Watauga FCX Service. lc ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully bless ed in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rhematnid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you "how I received this won derful relief. Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2895 Jackson 7, Mississippi No oar can match 1 Chrysler's m ln??Hnl end Ntw Yorfcar 0* Um IW Hf e? Nwr YocUr 4' -W * " fcV* ? POWERFLITE Con* drivt the p-eeteerfect record by defeating Ora nerton High School <24-21 here taturday night in an interacho aitic thriller. - ~ David Blackburn started the ioone matmen on to victory by lis 85 lbs: class victory. Milton harden clinched the win by tak ng a forfeit victQry from Tommy 3randow. Brandow, who differed i defeat by Barden last Wdfk in *ramerton, was injured in th* scuffle and was unable to con ? i Want Ads ?OR SALE? Good u#ed upright }iano. Reasonably priced. Call U9-J or see Cecil Farthing. 2-4-2p 'OR SALE ? Good u?ed Monarch itove. Call Mrs. Brinkley, Artis te Beauty Shop, Boon*, N. C., 3hone No. 8. lc 'OR SALE ? One good heai>y arming or logging horse. Also >ne or two heavy springer cows. 1. A. or Ralph Church, Valla >ucis. lp NOTICE ? I have bought Danner*a Shall Service Station on West rfain Street in Boone, N. C., and lereby serve notice that I will tot be responsible for any debts ncurred by said service station >n or before January 27, 1954. Signed) DON RAYF1ELD. lp ??OR RENT? Business house on foward Street. Wilcox Drug Co., 'hone 201. , 2-4-4c rOR SALE OR TRADE? 2 pairs ilack mare mules. Age 7 and ( rears. See Howard Simpson or ("red Greene, Sugar Qrove, N. C. 2-4-2p rOBACCO SEED ? Genuine War ier. Golden Burley. Also Earle's Special Golden Burley. Excellent luality. Cigarette type. Also Earle's improved yellow twist >ud. Price postpaid, half ounce, f5c; ounce, $1.S0. Agents wanted. KOBEL EARLE, Berry, Ky. 2-4-3p DPAj FORMULA FERTILIZER ?We are now delivering well :ured FCX open formula fertili ser. Accept no substitute. Place pour order today for FCX open Formula fertiliser. Watauga FCX Service. lc FOI} SALE? 1952 GMC 3-4 ton pick-up, booster brakes, over load springs, oversize tires, A-l :heck. Glenn Cottrell, Boone, Rt. 2. Dhone 574-W. Id tmue Th? result*: 112-Jb. exhibition cl?ss-?Bum garner (A K. 3.) pinned Ale wine IC) l*t period. 175-lb. exhibition class ? Ed misien (A. H. 3.; pinned Cooke (C), 3rd period. 9S-lb- class? Blackburn (A. H. S.) pinned Reese (C), 2nd period. 103 lb. class? Reynolds (A. H S.) decisioned Bryant (C), 4-2. 112-lb. class? King (C) pinned Miller (A. H. S.) 3rd period. 129-lb. class? Wellborn (A. H. S.) decisioned Keeter (C), 1-0. 127-lb. class ? Featherston (C) decisioned Winkler (A. H. S.), 4-0. 133-lb. class ? Flick (A. H. S.) decisioned Key (C), 6-2. lJ8-lb class? Brown (A- H- S.) pinned Martin $1J9 /4(l PYREX Wore $Sn? frfifavU? SynCdnM U*? for baking and tarving. Wk' llM. 79c v ^ i A Pi* Phi* far *. 29c, W *? 39s, tiz? 49c ?' tin 19c rim >inm AM^ ^ 4" M n k musi tot wvwry mcnta 1 pt. tiz* 59c. 1 qt. ?lz? 79c I cup tit* 29c i Look for 'TOES" j ? _ *1 _ ??i