WANT 'ADS , I ' > * y\ vt* T* *! *?? t ?? WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT AOVItfMtfGl&TE t CKNT? A WORD? 50c MIKIMUll CHARGE Cash Must Accompany ^ ^>rder?. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE ? T6 our customers who have plac ed orders with us for strawber ries, please confirm number of gallons wanted. We hope to have more berries than we have had so new orders will be welcomed. Expert picking to begin about May 20th. Price $1.20 in your container. Write or call 241-L. Burley H. Shoun, Bee Cove Farm", Mountain City, Tennessee. 5-8-4c EXTRA SPECIAI Black Hawk corn planters at a price you can't believe, $19.95. Watauga FCX Service. lc FOR SALE? On the West Jeffer son Road about 3 miles from Boone, 9 acres of land, known as the Will Norris place. If inter ested write Jack Shore, 500 Bax ter St., Clinton, Tenn. 4-29-2p FOR SALE ? Carload of used furniture ? beds, chairs, tables, stoves, and dresser*. THE BARK, Blowing Rock, N. C. 4-29-2c FOR SALE ? Practically new couch and chair and 3 tables. D. M. Edmisten, Jr.,' at Edmisten Furniture Co. 5-6-2c FOR SALE ? 4 room and bath, stone (granite) house. Full sized basement with apartpient garage, large lot on hard top street, good garrfenr located in city limits, good view overlooking college. Robert Hayes, Box 84, Boone, N. C., or call AMherst 4-3075. 4-29-2p rOIt^rtl iW Uml ptlio, reason* able Inquire itTripIetfs tVxaco Service, E. King St^ ' - Tl lp PLANTS? W* fuve a nice select ion of -"flower - and 1 vegetable plant* Watauga FCX Service, lo ? >" > ?ln? ? *L-* : REAL ESTATE * VALUES 15 ACRES very fertile land, good deep well, block house, located near Green Valley School, $2,400 SIX ACRES, fronting good road, old farm dwelling, located near Parkway in Blue Ridge aection, priced to sell, $?,50t. APARTMENT HOUSE, 4 rooms up, 4 rooms down, located within one block of post office, -priced to sell. $8,000. HOME REALTY COMPANY Dial AM 4-3691? Boone, N. C. lc BABY CHICKS ? We have avail able New Hampshire Reds and Barred Rock started baby chicks. Watauga FCX Service. lc NOTICE OF SALE By judgntent of Superior Court, Recorded in Minute Book, Docket O, Page 150, at April term 1854, I will offer for sale at 1 :00 o'clock p. m. on May 29, 1954, one, (1), Buick Convertible, 1948 model. Serial No. 4919714, to the high est bidder for cash. E. D. Cook, Sheriff Watauga County Boone, North Carolina 5-6-4c \ Protect Your Family BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF RELNS-STURDIVANT MUTUAL BURIAL T ASSOCIATION, INC. TELEPHONE, DIaL AMherst 4-8866 A 25-cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the following dues are in effect: SINGLE BENEFIT quarterly yearly One to ten years $ '.10 $ .40 Ten to twenty-nine years 20 , * .80 Thirty to .fifty years 40 1.00 Fifty .to fbcty-five years 60 2.40 if ' DOUBLE BENEFIT quarterly yearly One" to 'ten years ( .20' $ ?0 Ten to thirty yeirs 40 1.60 Thirty to fifty years 80 3.20 Fifty to sixty-five years 1.20 4.80 benefit $ 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 benefit $100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 Local Realty Values G. I. and F. H. A. Loans Now Available Require Small Down Payment GOOD 3-BED ROOM HOUSE ? steam heat. Pine Paneled Rec r*at<on?l room, parage. and large- lot. Located West Boone, N. C. Can be financed. GOOD 4-BED ROOM HOUSE, hardwood floor*, full basement, farnare. alfo 3 room cottage, with VH acre land on High way 421 near Rutherwood. Price $8,900. \ ' FACULTY STREET ? Good 2-bedroom house, bath, hardwood floors. Electric stove, large lot. Price $7,500. DECK HILL? Good five*room house, bath. % acre land, GI loan oh property. Down payment $1,200. ?? <? ?' GOOD SIX-ROOM HOTTSE. bath, hardwood floors, large lot. located on Fatuity Street. Long term O. I. 4* loan. $1,050 down.- $5$ par month, which includes taxes and iaaurance. BAMBOO SECTION? 5 rooms, water, two acres, $3,000. LOCATED 15 MH.ES EAST OF BOONE ON HIGHWAY 4*1? Good" 4 -room house and b?*h. barn chick** houne. It $-4 acre* of good farm land. Price $5,000.0 Terms if needed. LOCXltb At "BEEP 6AP ON HfSrfWAY 421-IT-a^rTKnn. five , rem house, water. ITS ft. frontage an highway. Soma good young timber Price $6,000< - % NEAR A HO ? Good 28-*rre farm with 9-room house. Priced to Mil.. Tarmall-nsadad .. ? FOUR ACRES LAND NEAR BOONE. Good 4-room house with *B?tJi. 11200 down, balance $25 per caaathv CM .*>?? 4-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, hardteoocf floors, furnace, conven iently 'Jfichted. ? W ... _ . . NEW S-BEDROOM HOUSE? heat, hardwood floors, insulated. FHA loan. Down payment $1M& Located Bast -Faculty Satreet ? See Jerry Coe. w . GOOD 6-ROOto BftTCK HOUSE Furnace, large lot Located t Main Street. Will sell or trtfde far good .farm. GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Main Street. Dealrable for I any , type of husineSs. , . - ? ELEVEN ROOM APARTMENT*HOUSE. I baths, large lot ; 100x150, located on Howard Street, bear (allege. ? OAK STREET? Good 5 room house, bath, hardwood floors, full basement, large lot. Very desirable. Located near college. Terms ?f needed. ? . SHULLS MILLS? Good 10 room house, bath, acres land Very desirable piupeily. Terms. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Abo the bast bt busineas lots. List Your Property with \}? for a Qui^c Sa^e Rare Demand lot Small Business ? Also fair Farms Tri-County Realty Ce. |i pot, manager C M. Critcher DIAL AM 4-SZM ? BOONS, N. C. ? 21T MAIN STBKKT IOK SALTT ? Tobacco plants. NO. 1?41 Tnd> No. * ta. Beady for transplanting -now. EVtra nice plapts. Priced reasonable. H. ^T. McBride, Washington" College, Tennessee. 5-6-2p FOR -SALE ? 2 trXdle sewing machines, I washing machines, Htcycl^. Also 1950 Ford conver tible, all reasohable. L. J. Mast, Foscoe, N. C. 5-6-2p WANTED TO RENT? Six apart ments suitable for married cou ples for members of Horn in the Wwt personnel. Call or write Mrs. B. W. Stallings, Boone, at once. 5-6-3tc 0 TRADING POST? (under Frigid ly Market on W. Main Street) ? will be open each Friday and Saturday, Selling remnants, used clothing, used furniture. 4-2$-2p CET YOUR LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and precision ground at general repair and blacksmith shop located at Boone Mills. Push type $2.50, power mower $4.00. All work guaranteed. 5-6-2p FOR SALE ? Used restaurant equipment, booths, grill, deep freezer, cash register. Give-away price. Mrs. J. O. Morton, Park way Hotel, Blowing Rock, N. C. ? 'P FOR SALE ? Building lots 150' x 175' on paved road. Walking dist ance of I. R. C. plant. Contact Charles Robbins at Colvard Ser vice Station, Main St. lp ATTENTION: FARMERS AND SAWMILL OPERATORS ? SEE us for your needs on used power units, chain saws, tractor* all sizes with equipment. Bailers, harrows, 1-2 ton pickups, horse drawn mowers, etc. FARMERS EQUIPMENT INC., Phone 458, Box 228, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 4-29-4c WANTED TO BENT ? On or about June 1, a 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apartment or cottage near eolieg* for family with 2 children. Permanently employed ill Boone. D. M. Lhrick, Radio Station WATA. 4-28-2p SERVICE STATION FOB SALE ?Located Main St., Boone, N< C., doing good business. Priced to sell. See Jerry Coe, 217 Main, or Dial AM 4-8296. 7-3-tfc FREE ESTIMATES ? Insulaire Rock Wool Insulation Type "A"; rustproof line interlocking wea ther stripping, Wisco Storm Win dows and Doors. Quality work manship. Norman Lackey, 829 Faculty Street. 2-25-tfo DR. L. E. WELLMAN will be In his office over Farmers State Bank, Mountain City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from 9 a. m. to WO p. m. Eyes examined. Glass es fitted. 4-23-tfc FOR SALE ? 7-room house with bath, V4' basement with furnace, 6 acres land with barn. Dial AM 4-3058 or see Martin M. Gragg at Western Auto Store. 4-8-tfc BUILDING ? Let me help you with plans and estimate. Super vise by the hour or contract. W. C. GREENE, Phone AMherst. 4-3631.. * ' S 4-15-4p IS V^UR LAWN MOWER hard to push? Do?s it chew off the grass? Let UW sharpen or repair it at' RODGER'S RADIATOR SHOP, North Depot Street, Boooe, North Carolina, arid make grass cutting a pleasure. Ait work is guaranteed/ We pick up and de liver! DiaVAM 4-3M1. 4-29-3p SOLD OUT. This will advise that I have told my Interest in HOME REALTY -COMPANY to Messrs Gra|f and Fartfting and have no further 'responsibility for the company nor its obligations. Stanley A. Harris. 4-22-4c FOR SALE ? Completely equip ped caff; 'now doing a profitable businate. Located near a cotton mill <nd an overall factory. Ill health is Keasftn for wanting to sell. 4lM0.00'^Hll give you im medialk# ?pa?ctsion. ) ' Rent only )25.i0>er mtnth. Upstairs apart mertt with street entrance, can be had for $15.00. Good living here end a chance to iave some money fdt'an Industrious couple. R. W. (beene, lit Spainhout Ave., Le noir/ N. Ci Phone 4-<H?. 4-22-3c h 'j ?? . <?* FOR SALE? Store building, 30 ft. by SO ft full sized basement, with all fixtures; one 10ft. meat coun ter, 1 drink box, 1 computing scales, cash register, 1 adding ma-, deck show case, all service coun ters and shelves. Hat hot tank, coramode and 'lavatory, % acre lott Abe 5 ft tleepffeete. A large elementary school located close. No close Competition This is lo eated H* ? la i rty denae populated #hite rurtl Mmmunity, majority of customers work in factories *ad mill* with ? steady payroll coining in. Wonderful location for a cash and -carry- general store. Only 159 Spainhour Ave, Lenoir, N. C. Phone 4-4?42 or 4-3757. 4-22-3c CABBAGE" PtANTS for s41e. OsVvlew, Round ' Dutch and Elktnhouser, also tobacco plante. Stewart BrovA, Route 2, Bonne, N.C. 5-6-2p -W? i . ... r WANTED ? Middle-age woman to HV* in homfc. care for children and do light housework- Refer ences required. Write MSw. Shirts Aldridge, Madison, Ti."C. ' lp INSECTICIDES^? ^We~ have in? secticides and fungicides for caa trolling insects and diseases In your flovyers and vegetables. W? tauga FCX Service. ? ' lc NOTICE? I have leased my Grill in Blowing Rock to Waiter Tri rett for one year frotn May 1, MMM. I will not b? responsible for any obligations at the grill after May 1. Bower Williams, Blowing Rock, N. C. 5-8-4p FOR SALE- ? 1 horse, weight about 1200, 1 manure spreader. 1 2-horse wagon, 1 mowing mach ine and rake, 1 40 Oliver Chilled Bottom Plow. If interested see Walter Hampton, Blowing Rock, Route 1, after 1 p. m. 5-8-2p 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL for May ? ? cu. ft. Co-op Refri gerator, regular price, $252.65, sale price $229.95. Watauga FCX Service. lc REFRIGERATORS? 8 cubic foot Wizard refrigerators with full width freezers, $239.95 value, special this week only $159.95. Save $80.00. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 2-4-tfc TOBACCO PLANT BEDS? We have treatment for wildfire and blue mold in your tobacco plants. Watauga FCX Service. lc CHANCE MAKE MONEY every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Bo* 9 Water town, Mass. 5-6-4p REGISTERED HORNED HEREFORDS COMPLETE DISPOSAL ? Monday, May 10. 1954 10:30 a. m. CLIFFSIDE FARMS, GALAX, VIRGINIA 34 BULLS 193 FF ,1ALES A real opportunity to buy foun dation Hereford* from one of Virginia's biggest and best herds. Famous blpodlines and top qual ity individuals. A top haifer will be given away, free, to a. lucky buyer. FOR CATALOGS AND INFOR? MATION CONTACT: Nfd Tyler, Secretary Hereford Association Wm Warrenton, Virginia Phone 10I8J or 1075W lc STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA mn STREAM SANITATION COMMITTEE ' lUX l! STATE BOARD OF WEALTH RALriaH. NORTH CAMOLINA ' ' LEGAL NOTICE Notice *14 tiwrebj gtven, pursu ant to Section 143-J1S, Genertl 9t?tu<#'of North Carolina. that a pubHe hearing concerning lutlon of the <Htertf of" the' YM kin Rirfcr Drainage Basin and the alignment of clasiiftcatiMls to ?ald waters will be held in tHu Small Courtroom of tha Fortyth C ?? n t r Courthouse, Winston Satem. North Carolina. starting at IfeOO a. m.. EST. TaaadaT. June I. 1?M. The waters to be considered for classification during this hear ing Include the Yadkin and South Yadkin Rivers and all tributar ies comprising the Yadkin River Drainage Basin above the mouth of South Yadkin River. These waters border on or flow througn the counties of Watauga, Cald well, Wilkes, Alleghany, Surry, Alexander, Iredell, Yadkin, Stok es, Davie, Rowan and Forsyth. All persons interested in the classification of the waters in the area are invited to attend and take part in the discussion. Per sons desiring to be heard should give notice thereof in writing to FOR RENT ? Newly decorated 3 room apartment. Grace Flick, day phone, AMherst 4-8826, night, AMherst 4-36S3. lp FOR SALE ? Stock of goods at Trade, Tenn., and lease building or sale as whole. Contact A. R. May, Trade, Ttnn. 5-6-2p the Committee btf or before the' date of the hearing. It is request ed that, insofar as jJosttfle, arty person desirous of offering lengthy comments and discussion in regard to the proposed classifi cation of the streams, be prepar ed at the public tjeaTir... to offer J a written feement to be includ ed in tho rccord of proceedings. Additional i n f o r m a tion and copies of the, proposed classifica tions are available in. the office of the State Stream Sanitation Committee, State Board of Health. Raleigh, and may be ob tained upon request. STATE STREAM SANITATION COMMITTEE E. C. HUBBARD, Executive Secretary lc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Mrs. C. E. Baldwin, late of the county of Watauga. State of North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will t be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Those indebted to the estate are asked tojnake imme diate payment. This May 1, 1954. MRS. WORTH W FTRAZIER, Admx., Catawba, N. C. Stacy C. Eggers, Attorney, Boone, N. C. ? . S-6-Sc MANOEUVERS The Armed Forcei of the nation are engaged in manoeuvers which started recently in the Carolinas. New weapons ? atomic cannon, guided missiles, rockets, etc. ? are being used and tested. Involved are 100,000 army and air men. ? NOTICE OF SALE At Public Auction ? I , ? ? " SATURDAY, MAY 8, AT 10:00 A. M. V ' ' -> ' . ! < ' On the Premises at the J. M. Matheson Home One Cow several articles of household and kitchen furni ture and other items of personal property belonging to the estate of J. M. Matheson, deceased. S. C. Eggers, Administrator J. M. Matheson Estate Marriage license? ! Marriage licenses were issued ( by Miss Helen Underdo \?n, regis ter of deeds during the month 01 April to the following couple*: Chas. Henry Miller and Mary Vertee Milter, both of Todd; Darrell J.'Parlier of Boone, and Lillle B. Lee of Banner Elk: : James Thomas Oliver of Trade, Tenn. and Roberta Jacquline Kir-. | by of Zionville; Thoe. R. Eggers and Joan Evelyn Welch#both of ] Banner Elk; Cannon G. Ward of ] Sugar Grove and Jean Harmon , ( of Vilas; Kenneth Y. Moretz, Rt. , 2, Boone and Virgie 6liw Par- , sons. Deep Gap; Dexter Dean 1 Trivete, Beech Creek and Willrea Faye Ward of Sugar Grove; ' Frank J. Ruppert of Blowing Roek and Sara Okla Wortman of ! Cajer, Cleveland County, N. C.; | Robert Bruce Webster of RV 1, I Stalesville and Martha Maxine ' Greer of Vilas; Joseph W. Miller { and Cornelia Florence SmHher- i man, both of "Boone; Robert 1 Henry Frfiley i>f Waycross, Ga. 1 pnd Janice, Ray SWift of Reese; j Jirrarue Edwin Martin of Gat- j onla and Mary Kathleen Kb* .ittlestown, T%\ Ralph C?nley 3reer ana Ella MarW tfbrris, bt*h rf Vila* DEMOCRAT ADS PAY - a. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a* the execu tors of the will of John Adam*, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, thla is to notify those having claims against tne estate of the said de ceased, to present them- to us within 13 months of, the i date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, rhose Indebted to the estate air asked to make Immediate pay ment. Thl?' April S, 1S64. HOW ARD COTTRELU BARNAJRt) DOUGHERTY, Executors. 4-?-?c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admlni itrator of the estate of Mrs. Del ihia Bakb, lata ot Watauga coun ;y, North Carolina, this l*.to noti fy those having . claims against he estate tithe said deceased to present them to me withi* 12 nontlM ?f the date hereof, or Jfiis notice will be pleaded in of Ibeir recovery.' Th??e ln iebted to tbe estate are asked to nake immediate. payment. 1* C. 10LL*R, AdminiStrator, Boone, sf C. ' I - h . *> v *?0-#P THE OPfcNHJp OF OyR RECAPPING SHOP IN CQL.Ufe$ &QPY SHPP BUILDING, 106 HA^blN ST. Special Discount on the Following Size , Tires Through May *1 th : - . . 4 vi \? tit Regular Full Cap Price Special Full Cap Price 6:00,16^1 0?50 \ .7. | 7.35 6.5^16? $P2[. 50 $.75 $.50-15 ? $12.10 -. .. . . . $ 8L43 6.70-15? $11.90 i. 8.33 7.10-15? $13. 1 5 $ 9.20 7.60-15? $ 1 4.30 $10.00 8.00-15? $15.75 $11.03 8.2-5-20? $27.25 $19.08 (Plus Tax) ?M AUTO GLASS FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR Collins Body Shop M. R. MADDUX, Manager Dial AMherst 4-3071 * Boone, N. C. You're (jHfM&ERj&NE m*.A ? \ - ft '% i with 235v\.v. ...Ol . t You drive 235 HP FirePower V-8 . . . most powtrjul engine on the road, and all-time record breaker at Indianapolis and Daytona Beach! You drive with PowWFlite . . most automatic of all no-clutch transmissions. And with Full-time Power Steering and power braking . . . surest, safest car control in automobile history! Com? be Number One? todayl , The power and look of leadership are yours in a in a m WB-mfman* m MAY II MfJTJ MONTH ... CHICK TOO* CAR? CHICK AC CI ft IN T(

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