Boone Churches Will Observe Reformation j '' ? < Boom churches will worship to- 1 Sewer to a union Service it Grace Lutheran Church Sundaay night in an obiervance of the Protektant Reformation. Pro fe* a or H. R. Creenholdt, head of the History Departmenat at Lenoir Rhyne Col lege in Hickory will be the guest apeaker for the oecaaaion. Ministers of varioua churchei will participate in the Union Ser vice which ia la charge of the Ministerial Aaaociation. This service will commemorate the beginning of the Protestant Re formation. All Protestantism looks to this period of religious history as the modern beginning of their beliefs, when Christiaai\ leaden led the urgings of their conscienc es to break away from practices in the church of that day which they considered contrary to the true worship of God in spirit. The date of October 31 for Re formation Day is in observance of the posting of the famous Ninety Five Theses on the church door in Wittenburg, Germany by Mar tin Luther. This date marks the beginning of the actual successful challenge to the practices of that time which were corrupt. Almost all the churches with which the average inhabitant of this area stem from the Reforma tion movement which is observed in this season. Professor Greenholdt is consid ered eminently qualified in Re formation history. He is a gradu ate of Gettysburg Theological Seminary and holds the doctorate degree in hlabyy from the Univer sity of Chicago. ACE To Hold Meeting Friday The Aaaociation for Childhood Education will meet Friday, Oc tober 29, at 7:30 o'clock in the Appalachian Elementary School Building. Mrs. Tracy Councill, North Carolina A.C.E. treasurer, will give a few highlighta of the IBM A.C.E. International Confer ence which was held in Kansas City. A. C. E. members sre urged to be present and all teachers of the county are invited to hear Mrs. Councill and to see the new build ing. - REMEMBER - Rulane Gas Service la ECONOMICAL! RsysE PARKWAY BULAMK OAS 8ESVICE DIAL AM 4-30S4 Jum sh back and relax ? k*i to quick, my and convenient . . ? feo low in coat ... for eiaovlM WESTBOUND i^Briatol, Trnn. Va. $ 1.74 Kioitillt, Teon. 3.65 Memphia, Trnn U.S5 Dallas. Tex. 21 JJ Lm Angele*. Calif. ... 48.15 EASTBOUND Columbia. S. C. * 5.20 Charlotte, N. C. 2.13 North W ilkraboro, N. C. .95 Grtrnkoro, N. C. . Atlanta. Ga. 7.19 Plua U. S. Tax. Save an Extra 10% EACH WAY with a Bound-Trip Ticket GREYHOUND TERMINAL 211 Depot St. _ Phone M GREYHOUND NEWS ABOUT OUR Servicemen PFC. RONl!>A t. WOODRING, ion of Mr. and Mr*. Glenn Woodring, of Boone, Route 2, who ii In Tokyo, Japan. He haa been in the army for two years and left the Statei in December. He recently tele phoned his parents from Tokyo, and they were able to understand with perfect clarity. His address is: Pfc. Ronda L. Woodring US 53 139 222 Co. H 8th Cav. Regt. APO 201, Care Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. Two Wataugans Now At Berea Berea, Ky. ? The Berea College regiatrar. Miss Adelaide Gundlach, this week announced that there are two students from Watauga county enrolled at Berea for the fall term. She listed them as Dexter Byrd, Valle Crucis; James Greer, Boone. The Berea enrollment has in creased markedly thia year. A total of 1,910 students are registered for the first semester. TRADE AT HOME r Billions in Losses Caused by Rats Ifs Easy to Control Fats and Mice with Modem Method* and Materials. Handy Check Li* for Getting Rid of Rats Now, Won the weather tarn* cold, ia an excellent time to get rid of destructive, dix>?M spree d ing rata on farms and in home*. A brief campaign can put an end to tha ravagee of theae enemies. This handy cneck liat will help you leant tha extent of your rat and mouse problem, then guide you. Hap by atap, to complete, per manent control. Rat Detection (check cigM wlall Damaged aacka of grain? Visible rat tracks? __ "Swine marks" on the wall? ? "Rub marks" on aacka or atepa? ? Droppings visible? . Burrows near foundation? ___ M #ViVVvllTIVM Good sanitation removes all pro tection for hiding and under, ground breeding. (Check Items aa you correct them) : Remove all brush piles. Clean up all junk pilea. ?tare lumber and firewood on raclu at leaat one foot off the ground. Put metal covers on garbage cans and pita. __ Though often expensive, metal, concrete, and other materiala will keep rata out of corn cribs, graa ariee. warehouaas, aad homes. Helpful bulletina on thia control measure are available from tha local health officer or county agent. Ratproofing ia recommended for use when: Building containing food ma terial ia acceaaible to rats. Interior of building has "dead spacea" where rate may hide (double walla, staircaaea. etc.) PIki bait far rata aad ailca before celd weather sets !?, experts adviaa. Madaf lat Mt Outstanding Among tha mod era rat and mouse baita ia warfarin, a powerful chemical diaaovarad at tha University of Wiaoonain. War farin ia a alow killar aad doaa not aauaa "bait shyness"; no toler ance ia developed; it may be pur ehaaed aa a concentrate, as a ready-mixed food bait, or in a new water aoluble form; and it ia relatively aafa to uae. Check tha following atepa when yon uae war farin: Place containera filled with warfarin bait or warfarin ized water in all araaa where there ia noticeable rat ac tivity. __ For excellent baiting success, uae both warfarin food bait and warfarinized water aide by aide. __ Protect warfarin bait and warfarlnixed water with nailed boarda or bait boxea. _ Keep bait atationa amply nip plied for at leaat 14 daya. . Kill weak or faltering rata; burn or bury carcaaaea. Set up a few permanent bait atationa in areaa of greatest activity to kill neweomere and control reinvaalon. Put rat control on your autumn achedule now. Follow these aimple atepa and, sooner than you ever thought poaaible, your premises will be rat-free. Questions And Answers On Farm . Problems QUESTION: How can I get the moit benefit out of a few inches of rain? ANSWER: There are a number of farming practice* that help hold water and make it loak in the foil. Some of these practices are: con tour cultivation, terracing, plant ing cover crops of green manure crops, chiseling or basin cultiva tion, and stubble mulching. QUESTION: Doe* the use of | light in laying houses lower the hatchability of eggs. ANSWER: No. Contrary to pop ular belief, the use of lights does not lower hatchability or the strength of the chicks. QUESTION: Should I irrigate after harvest? ANSWER: Experts say yes; that YOUR HOME is an INVESTMENT USE ONLY THE BEST MATERIALS / And Protect the Most Important Purchase You'll Ever Make! MAKE US YOUR p0R J BUILDING MATERIALS CEMENT BRIXMENT PLASTER LIME METAL ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES SHEETROCK PLYWOOD CELOTEX Panels and Board PAINTS ROCK WOOL BATTS GUTTERING BATH FIXTURES Copper, Galvanized, and PLASTIC PIPE FLOOR COVERING DOORS WINDOWS ELECTRICAL APPUANCES Farmers Hardware and Supply Company, Inc. ? BOONE, N. C. Main Siort. King Si? DU1 AM 4-W01 WhM.. Howard SL? DU1 AM *-?*? Fruit Cake Recipe Chriatma* may (till be ? couple of month* away, bat it'* tine now to nuke your leuoiu) fruit cake* if you want them to be properly aged. Fruit cake* make wonderful gift* for friend* and neighbor*, *o mak ing them now will help to (implify the actual gift (hopping youll have to do later. One of the newer idea* for fruit cake gift* i* the one-pound loaf. Youll find it much eatier to dice and even *o much limpler to wrap than the traditional giant round fruit cake. - ? Here'* a recipe for light fruit cake offered by Virginia WiUon, State College exteiuion nutrition tot. Light Fruit Cake irrigating after harveat fill* the toil reiervoir for crop* next lea *on, * tarts your crop growing ear lier, produce* larger yield, help* winter cover, greatly improve* the ?oil, uie* fall labor, and may re duce the *ize of Irrigation *y*tem you need all year. 1 cup butter or margaine 1 cup lugaf 5 t||l 2 cup* flour ' m iMupeoW baking powder % teaspoon -each salt. Clove*, nutmeg and mac* 1 teaspoon cinnamon . V? |b. finely cut citron Si lb. finely cut orange peel y? lb. candied cherries sliced 1 lb. seedless raisins. 1 lb. currants 3 cups almonds or peacans sliced V4 cup fruit juice Cream the butter and sugar to gether Add one egg at ? time and beat each in thoroughly. Sift 1 cup of flour with the salt and spices, then ad) to the creamed mixture alternately with the fruit Juice. Sprinkle the other cup of flour over the fruits and nuts that have been thoroughly mixed together. Add these to the cake mixture. Pour, into two 0 x S inch loaf pans or one 10 inch tube pan lined with heavy paper well greased. Bake in slow oven (215 degree) for three hours. When eold, wrap in waxed paper or aluminum foil and store in a tin box. WILKES HEREFORD BREEDERS' THIRD PUREBRED SALE Saturday, Oct. 30 1:00 p. m. COUNTY HOME BARN? NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. 31 BRED and OPEN FEMALES ? 12 BULLS Free Bull Given to Lucky Winner (Not Necessary To Be Present To Win) For Catalogue write: W. K. Sturdivant, Sec'y. North Wilkesboro, N. C. A *07,000,000 construction pro gram to expand uranium-produc ing facilities has ^een anounced by the Atomic Energy Commission. Ray* from the (un'i corona arq said to proiride an accurate fore cast of weather coming on earth from five to aeven days later. ncnuNT _ ATLANTIC MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Savannah, Georgia Condition December 31, 1063, as Sown by Statement Filed Income ? From Policyholders $2,243,603.20 Miscellaneous { 184,608.44 Total t2.438J71.84 Disbursement* ? To Policyholders $ 653,180.25 Miscellaneous $1,377,037.88 ToUl $2,030,3 18.13 Asset* Bonds 32,030,665.30 Stocks 792.053.80 Mortgage loans on real estate 362,183.40 Cash ana bank deposits 1,092,779.11 Agents' balances or uncollected premiums 376.33J.93 Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued ,. 8,540.81 All other assets as detailed in statement 86,610.33 Total admitted asseU $4,759.267.68 Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds Losses unpaid Loss adjustment expenses unpaid Taxes, licenses and tees (excluding Federal income taxes) Underwriting $25,236.75 Federal income taxes Unearned premiums .... Dividends declared and unpaid: (b) Policyholders Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties All other liabilities, as detailed in statement ToUl liabilities Special surplus funds $ 200,000.00 Guaranty Fund 500,000.00 Unassigned funds (surplus) 1,649,435.94 Surplus as regards policyholders Total : $ 69,186.13 6,918.61 25,236.75 15,000.00 2,212,388.76 1.453.23 75,592.21 4,056.05 $2,400,831.71 2,349.435.94 $4,759,267.68 Business in North Carolina During 1953 Line of Business Fire Extended coverage Torn., wind, eye., hail (except growing crops) Sprinkler and water damage Auto phys. damage Glass TOTAL Net Premuims Net Losses Incurred $275,000 $75,066 56,990 8,744 35 148 5,490 7,785 $345.449 82 2,470 $86.362 President Fred Wesseis, Jr. Secretary W. C. Browne Treasurer W. L. Bohn Home Office 17 W. McLeonough St., Savannah, Ga. Attorney for service: Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, June 24th, 1954 I, CHAS. F. GOLD, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Atlantic Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Savannah, Ga., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1953. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. CHARLES F. GOLD, Commissioner of Insurance. Only Phillips offers this "First" in Motor Oils! The toughest standard ever set up for automobile motor oil is the Mil-0-2104 Supplement 1 test. New Tuor-AiiTic is the first all-weather motor oil to meet the requirements . of this test. It is an oil which will serve you winter and summer ... an oil so good it can double the life of an automobile engine I Compared to ordinary motor oils, new Trop-Artic ' reduces wear 40% or more. It cuts oil consumption 1 5% to 45%. It keeps pistons and rings cleaner. It saves you money by increasing gasoline mileage. r ' Phillips 66 Trop-Artic is a superior all-weather oil ) .. . S.A.E. 10W? 30. It flows instantly for easy starting at sub-zero temperatures, and yet it retains the film strength necessary to prevent engine wear under high temperature driving conditions. Any car, in any climate, at any time of the year will perform better with Phillips 66 Trop-Artic. ?another Phillips 66 FOR YOUR CAR Phillips 66 Fute-Fucl is the new gasoline? the only gasoline with the added super aviation fuel component Di-isopropyl. F lite-Fuel gives you increased power, higher anti knock quality and greater fuel economy. You get all the special benefits of famous controlled volatility phis the clean burning qualities resulting from the use of natural and aviation gasoline components. F lite- Fuel and Tuof-Aunc are perfect companion products. They go together for better engine performance. Pmllih Petroleum Company SEE YOUR PHILLIPS 66 DEALER ? V PHILLIPS 66 PRODUCTS are distributed in BOONE and vicinity by CQLVARD, INC. " Boone, North Carolina - Phone AM 4-3971 ? ? ? ? HI M EASY TERMS ? FRE^ INSTALLATION CHEF OIL HEATERS -Craven Furniture Company mm

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