Church Notices . -?? * 'if. * * 'wl ' ? ,f I ' " CHURCH OF OUST West Mala Street Bible Study, Lord** Day. 10 a. H, morning worship it evening worship at 7J0 p. m.; Bible study Thursday f JO p. m.; Radio tram Mirr Ln4'i Bay at <18 a m. to %M a. at. I H Ernest Shoal. KrafcgaUet \,t pEHUNsrni^ baptist ? Mm. Bex WMt,poetar "?"4 . Sunday School JQOO ?. m. . ' Morula* *?r*ip U:?P a. ft. ' B T. V. 1.00 p. ft. ? ? ? . Evening Worship IM ?. a ? Wednesday prayer meeting 1:10 P m , ' ?t wmmotru CHVBCH Bee. Tfcaaus C. M Ykar. , Sunday? mfrainf prayer and* M-rmoe? 10:00 Wednesday Holy ComauOloft 10.15. ? PBB0BYTHH1AN CHURCH J. H. Parker, Jr, paler. Sunday school at 0:4# a. m. Morning werahlp at 11:00 a. ft. There la a nursery kept (er amall children during this aerylce. Westminster Fellowship at l:W p. m. Pioneer Club at T>K p. a. Circles of the wooiea of the church meet the tint Monday of ?och mmmi ftoml mutini $t the women of the ehnrch each third Monday. Children's choir rabeanal Wed nesday at Mi p. m. Senior choir rehearsal Wednes day at 6:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Blowing Beck Bee. Q. Carlton, Cox, pester 7:30 prayer meeting 0:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal Sunday? 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:0 a. m. Morning Worship 040 p. m Evening Worship CATHOLIC CHVBCH OP THE EPIPHANY Blowing Bock Ber. Francis 1. Murphy, pastor Bee. Joaeph P. Banana, Aaalatant Paster Holy Mass first Sunday morning of each month at 11 o'clock. Confessions beard one-half hour before Masa. ? RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Blowing Rock Re*. L. T. Newlaad. D. D, part* Worship services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and I p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Pion eer* and Young People meet at 8:30 p. m. on Sunday. Mid-week prayer meeting every Wedneeday at 8 p. m. . The women of the church meet at 8 p. m the second and fourth Monday night*. Remember the church of your community trie* to meet yeur spiritual need*. ST. MARY'S OP HI VUI Blowing Rock Rev. Theme* C. SelU, View Holy Communion 7:30 Church School 10:00 Morning Prayer and Service 11:00 CATHOLIC CHURCH Heme Rev. Praaci* 1. Murphy, patter Rev. Iiaaph F. Remaw. Aaeiateat Patter Holy Maa* every Su?d*?r morn ing at 8:30 o'clock in the American Legion Hut. Confeeaiona heard one-half hour before Ma**. . WATAUGA CHARGE METHODIST CHURCHES lev. N. Both, poster Liberty: 1st and 3rd Sunday*, worthip 10:00 ?. m. Valle Cruel*: lit and 3rd Sun day*, worship 11*0 a. m. Plney Grove: lit and 3rd Sua day*, worahlp 8:00 p. m. Mabel: 2nd and 4th Sunday!, worahip 10*0 ?. m. Henaon Chapel: 2nd and 4th Sunday, worthip 11*0 a. m. 4th Sunday 8*0 p. m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Boom, N. C. Rev. L H. Lewaua, paeter Sunday' School, *48 a. m. * Morning Worthip, 10:88 a. la. No Wetley Fellowship Methodist Youth Fellowship cov ered diah aupper at 8:30. A hearty welcome to all. DONT COUGH Ttnr Aak Im Mentho-Mulsion II it tails to stop /our cough due to colds, aak for your money tmrk BOONE DRUG CO. IfeBBULLtton III VL 1 ' cavaca Sunday acfcool 10:00 ?. m IMIN W?r?hlp ind nod 4tk indaya. 1:90 p. M. frayec 1HH|? m. Youth Fellowship will meet at the home of Betty Cooke at 6:90 P m. ?W S. C. S. executive meeting at 7fl0 p. m. Mission Study at 7:90 p. m. LUTHERAN PARISH Oeerge W. Shuford, pastor. BETHANY 1st and 9rd Sunday? 11:00 2nd Sunday? night HOLY TRINITY 3rd and 4th Sundays? afternoon 2nd Sunday? 11:00 HOLY COMMUNION lit and 2nd Sundays? afternoon 4th Sunday? 11:90 1st and 9rd Friday night (after lit and 9rd Sunday) GRACV LUTHERAN CHURCH Edwin F. Troutwan, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ' . Worship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "When He Come* Again." > Luther League at 9 p. in. < Choir rehearsal on Wednesday evening at 9:90 with Profeseor Wal ton Cole directing. The December meeting of the Brotherhood wil he held in the church basement Thuraday earn ing at T:19. "Chrietian Community Cooperation," will be discussed. Ceme and give thanks. Silver stone Newt Items Mia* Betty Htpnin of Morgan Mi i? homo tor a few days visit with bar mother, Mrs. John Hag* . Mr. Boa Lawrence of Cle& Una, Okie spent the week-end with >. Don Beach of i^rncnuufi, ya. apast the Thaaks t Mr. antf Mrs. Ralph Davis and daughter Donna Sac, Mr. and Mrs. fverett* Eggers and daughters Linda am\ Brenda all of Balti more, Maryland spent Thanksgiv ing with |jr. and Mrs. Claude Davia of Vttas. Mrs. Vfi\H Recce and baby son are speadiag ? few days with her parents Sri and Mrs. Tom Saund M?. ? Mr*. Pearl Eggers and children are visiting relatives In Chilhowia, V. . H"* Mr. add. Mrs. Clint Eggers took dirtier with Mr. and Mrs Will Eg gers of ZianviUe last Sunday. In the afternoon they visited with Mrs. Nan Otter and Lillie Thomas. Mr ?ayd Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio I pant thf week end with his family ha?n^r4< ^ Bell Wilsop Mr. and Mf> Lane Reese of Naahvilla, fenn. and Mr and Mrs. foe N orris spent Sunday with their parent* Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Beeae. Mr. Marvin B u m g a r n e r of Lynchburg, Va. Waited Mr. Law toft Crogan far the Thanksgiving holiday*; "CJS Saturday 1 .?SP at Hagaman spent with Miss Anna Mrs. I C. Gr?enc and Bobby ?pent Th??k#givlng with Mr. and Mr*. Jim Hollars of Vttas. ?. The young people of Silverstone church held ? bake sale on Satur day afternoon it Mr. Owen Little's store for the purpose of raising money fnr the fruit baskets which were given to the lick and shut Ins on Thanksgiving Day. We are prbud of our young people and the splendid work they are doing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer and Mrs. Lena Greer visited Mr. and M*. Charlie Mitchell Sunday af Mrs E. 0. Gore has returned home after spending a few days with her son in Kings Mountain Mr. Cletla Staphel of Abingdon, V?. spent thanksgiving with his grandmother Mrs. Julia Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Emory MitcheU end daughter Louise went eha?-< ping in Asheville on Saturday. ' i cA&D or APPRECIATION The family of 0. L. Wellborn wishes to acknowledge with grate ful appreciation the kind expres sions of sympathy shown during the sickness and death of Mr. Well - REMEMBER RuUne Gm Service I. ECONOMICAL! ftUIANF ie* ? DIAL AM 4-30M ^niiNinummitHiiiiiiiuiiiuiHitHir JEWELERS \\TT7Zr w |\( '( ' | ) S tl l\ i* ?UAKAMTtn PUtna Real Estate ALL KINDS OF FARMS? Large. Small and Grata Farms CITY PROPERTY HOUSES AND LOTS BUSINESS PROPERTY SEVERAL TO SELECT FROM See Us Before You Buy or Sell 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE S. C. EGGERS & CO. WindyGap News Notes Mr. Ned Trivett ud bli mother Mr*. A. E. Trivett of Reese visited relative! here last Saturday. Mr. Clifford Edmisten <>{%oone was a caller in tfcis community laat week. Mr Edmiatai ban been in Florida fpr the past several weeks Mis* Mary Ann Hafatnan apent last Saturday night visiting her friend Mis* Wanda Hannan. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Ward spent laat Sunday with friends at Sugar Grove. Mr. Leslie Tester of State Col lege is spending Thanksgiving at home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tedri Harmon laat Sunday. Mr. Lewi* Smitherman and Mr. Hay Trivett of Boone have been grading tobacco in this community the past week. Mr. J. O. Harmon baa returned to bis home hereafter spending a few days in WaLa" a Hospital. ?" A record boom is on in West Germany. . WMU Will Observe j Day Of Prayer The Women's Missionary Union of the Three Forks Baptist Associa tion will observe a day of prayer for Foreign Misiion^this week. This meeting will be held at the Oak Grove church Friday, Drcen? ber 3, beginning at 10:05 a. m. Wo men all over the southland will be HOUND THE CLOCK Prescription Service By Registered Pharmacist Harris Rexall Drug Store Main St BLOWING BOCK, N. C. Phone 2016 observing this day pt prayer, so we would like to jirge all of the women of our Associations! WMU, and others, ajpd come and worship with us. Everyone tome and bring I a Covered dish. ?. Protect Your Family BY BECOMING'A MEMBER OF REINS-^TURDI VyWr MUTUAL BURIAJ. ASSOCIATION, INC. TELEPHONE, DIAL AMherst *-8866 A 25-cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the following dues are in effect: DOUBLE BENEFIT quraterly One to ten years .20 Ten to thirty years __ 40 Thirty to fifty years .80 Fifty to sixty-five years 1.20 yearly $ .80 1.60 3.20 4.80 benefit $100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 '52 7 My name it Mary . . k and I want you to know I'm not afraid to go to bed by myself. I have a bright candle to light my way. I have Mommy and Daddy to care for me. But do you really want to know why I'm not afraid?. In Sunday School, I learned about Jesus. I know he loves me and watches over me.' At night when I blow out the candle, and Mommy and Daddy are away, I am not alone. Jesus is with me. I re how he saia long ago to his disciples: "Let the come unto me ... for to such belongs the of Heaven." I wonder if your children know about^Jesus? Won't you take them to Sunday School next Sunday? JuMt y wu.T** T* '4 v ?turaa> '?'?Ut, This Series of Ads la Being Published Weekly in the Interest of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County, by th Following: LUTHER'S ESSO SERVICENTER Boone's Finest E. King St * Drive Carefully? The Life You Save Mi; Be Your Own VANCE RECAPPING COMPANY 100% Cold Rubber Recapping At Its Best North Depot Street Dial AM 4-3958 WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC Fhilro, Maytag Appliances ? Building Materials, Myers Pumps COE INSURANCE AGENCY All Lines Insurance Dependable Real Estate Service IERS HARDWARE * SUPPLY CO. tXvefythiBf in Hardware and Associated Lisas SMITHEV'S STORE Dry Qoodi, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries Modern CaJe In Connection NEW SITES LIGHT A#POWER CO. hillside dairy products, inc. . Grade "A" Pasteurized and. Homogenized Products Rar r A. Rutty, Mgr. ? CAROLINA PHARMACY A Complete Drug Service RklNS-STUDIVANT FUNERAL HOME tal AM 4- MM Ambulance ServM WATAUGA MOTOR MARKET 11mm Oood^ulf Products Carter Kate Street and Blowing Rock Road TRAILWAY LAUNDRY, INC. East Boone Dial AMherst 4-S41S COOK'S SERVICE STATION Expert Sinclair Lubrication ? Tirei ? Batteries Engine Tune- U pi ? Starter and Generator Repairs TODD * HIGGINS ESSO SERVICE Joe Todd ? Bruce Higgins ; Washing, Greasing, Tires and Batteries THE NORTHWESTEN BANK * A Good Bank Serving a Good County BLACK BEAR FOOD CENTER Bill Dixon - Charles Hodgaa East Boon* Dial AM 4 -MM BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT "A Good Plan To Eat" ', Owner Across from Postofflce