BP* % D*. /. c. HODGES (VS *UW«, N.C. r c^y*' »*•* ^gentlemen congre«jUd M a side watt. evidently far • ne.*hborl> %i*n. , 7:"A ■n»T .pp-r*d faWa^aru taUlg-C, ■( le.it a fair education, the type of men whoa* opinion ">i(M be tapoctod fa command a 4*V— ot reelect. *? . A* I pasted they were diacuv fW the Integrity of official. and ;; JwbUc employe*!, an I (topped in bearing distance to hMr them ** preaa their opiaiowa. 0«* gentleman aaid: "Wo atffi »en ci Integrity fa office, meen who mean fa da right aid eaa be abaolutaly -'-frill I ml But." he eoatinood, "we have tea many of the other type." aeeood man aaid. -y* are •oatly correct for ». .tU] hava «** patriotic official, who can not be cormpted and will up to tbalr conviction, if fa* world fella, but I aire* that wa aught to hevo Mora of them." The flnt .p*ak*r broke In. my log. "I agree with you, for I afa eerely believe we have official., from the top to the bottom, who would give up life Itaelf before they would surrender their prfa ciplea and go back on their peo ple. But, don't mlaunder.tand me. they are too darned few " The third man then went fate •etlon and anortod. "You guy* are off the track when It cornea to pub lic official, i dont believe there la one today, from thoee wo send to Wellington down to the police of a one-hone town, but ha. hlf Price. Shake a big enough roll In hla face and be will aell his ■•other', chance for Heaven. Where la that old time honor our granddaddlea uaed to talk about and practice? Hen whoa* word waa th«lr bond. I tell you non* of ua hav* It any more. We aQ like money too well. Who, today would atand up to his conviction, with a halter around hla neck? "Officials are just men like the feet of us. and make the pUe big enouah and convictions can go to the devil. Maybe there are a few who would stick If the pinch came, but who are they?" The men walked on (tin dlecuee ing the merita and demerlta of people In general and public offi ciate in particular. Thla convention waa nothing new. All of us have heard atmllar one* many times But aomahow it clicked with me as It never had before, and set me into a more aerioua line of thinking and won Bering how far wo have traveled from the customs, traditions and the sturdy integrity and high con ception! of honor of our fathers. On* of the principal Unas of the limited hiatorlcal reaearch that I have done is of th* period of the American Revolution and the twen ty years period immediately pro ceding It It Is. perhaps, natural that I should use the men of thee* per iods In comparing condition, of that time with thoee of the preeent. What reader of hiatory haa not thought aeriously of that group of patriot, who algnod the Declara tion of Independence, doing It with the definite understanding that If the Declaration was not maintained they would bo taken to England for trial for treason and their heads, probably, aet up on "London Bridge aa a warning to Saturday! and Sunday* Only SHOWS START AT 7:M IVow with Wide Screen and CinemaScope Saturday • Sunday February 16 and 17 DAVY CROCKET FESS PARKER any prorineUl who dared to «nna lion the pswer of Great Britain? Y#t not um ot them hesitated Hiey had taeon Instructed bjr the and they did It ■ jBl J; I have *lw»y* been a great ad miral of Samuel Adam* ot Boston, "Father of the ttevoltttion" Ha did more than anr other dosen to bring ca the Revolution, wai a poor man. never could make ar keep any property or money nor taawad to eare •••. .jk- •• However, he wa* absolutely in corruptible and apent yeara of hia life in the Mrvtea at hia couatry At that time often* in England and the colon lea were bought and told tad given m reward* a* • material commodity and Um King *ad hi* miniator* could eon celve of any mm refitting an *«ie* on any acore They had their eyea as Adam* aad warrant* for the arreet of him and John Hancock had been leaned In England and had not been aent to Maaaachuaett* for the aole rea son that the King'i attorney gen eral and other* war* afraid they oould not leeure enough evidence to eoovlct thorn. rfut Gen. Oage. commander of the Brltlah troop* quartered in Boston to overawe the people, de cided to "buy" him, and aent Col. Ponton aa hi* emimry to make the deal and to frighten Ada ma. The confidential aad verbal offer aent by Col. ronton woe, two thous and gulnae*. a liberal penaion aad appointment to * lucrative office, a tremendou* ram of money at that time. Mr. Adam* llftened attentively and apparently with great latereet, and when Col. ronton cloaed with the warning that "it I* the advice of Gen. Oage to you not to incur the further diipleamire of Hi* Maj esty," be ro*e, quivering with In dignation, and replied, "Sir, I have, 1 tniat. long aince made my peacn with the King of king*. No perion al coniideratlon *h*U Induce me to abandon the righteoua cauae of my country. Go, tell General Gage It la the advice of Samuel Adam* to him no longer to iniult the feel ing* ot an exaaperatod people." Col. ronton returned aad report ed hi* failure, and the great aur prlie to Gen. Gage wa* that Sam uel Adama would have the auda city to offer bim advice, but he bad * great deal more to learn about ginuil Adami. Think of the public official* you know and what they would do un der ilmllar clrcumatancea today. Joeeph Reed, the great patriot of Pennsylvania, wa* *nother the Brltlah tried to corrupt. Unlike Adams, Reed wa* not oppreued by poverty, but (tudied law in Eng land and returned to Philadelphia where he lupported the colonic* agalnat England from the begin ning. Military aecretary to Gen. Waahlngton, member of the Phil adelphia AaeemUy, Colonel of the Philadelphia troop*, member of Continental Congreaa, Brigadier General at Cavalry and many other high position* of trust, the British tried to purchaie him a* hi* in BUSES DAILY TO RALEIGH % 5.48 Washington, D. C. _ 10.46 New York - 14.00 Boston — 18.15 Miami 17.90 Chicago „ 18.10 Los Angelas 81.25 ' Plus U. S. Tax GRKVHOIND THUUNAL Dafat St, ftwi AM MM u n*. lady nuwvM*?iiToyalift ««• th« offer to (Vtm Reed. 51 The i—"«|« stated that Gtu Rood's infliMKc was wsated to support the effort* b«liX used to reunite the two countries and «* tabliah peace Mf». Ferguson, in (•latins Um incident afterward, aaid that wbaa aha had finlahed, hU reply cmm immediately with. every high (choel pupil la familiar With: "I am not worth purchasing, hut such a* I am. the King of Groat Britain la not rich enough to do It." He bad Juat boon offend la* thouaand pounds atorling. together with any offlee in the colonies la Hta Majesty's gift. TUa relation I* of only two men who could net be corrupted kf the British. There wore acorn of others low striking and spectac ular They aueaiiJid with one Benedict Arnold. Do we have sta teamen today with the typo of patriotism and moral eouraga? There la no way of knowing. There might aoaae a tinia when men would he put to such teats. If communism should continue for a half contury to make the strides forward that It haa made the pnat twenty-five years, who knowa. However, 1 believe wo will al ways have a few men who cannot W corrupt»d Bell Company Gets Damages The Communications Workers of America Union haa paid South ern Boll Telephone Company >319. 000 for physical damage Inflicted on the company's facilities during the IMS strike. Payment by the union was the outgrowth of a damage suit field In 1998 by the compghy. An agree ment to this effect waa reached by company and CWA attorneys, Southern Bell manager, H. M. In abihet, announced here. Rotary Boys Are Chosen t; franklin Hiilhw of Appalach ian High School and Paul Yalta of Cova Crank High School war* aelected by thai/ rcapactivc student councils at "Rotary boys" of the month af February. These bojrf ware dinner gueatt of the Boone Rotary Club M Thursday. Fabru try 7. Franklin and Paul were selected for their outstanding ork In the field* of schnlarahip, leadership, chkracter and services la their rrfrwrtt Franklin, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M Hamilton. Jr., of Boom. was a member of the basketball team for on* year, wrestling team one year, tennis team three years, lien's A Club two yeam, band four years and dance bend one year. Paul, ton of Julis Yates of Valle Crucis. la a member of the Student Council, has been a member of the basketball teem two years, baseball four years, vice-president of bis data for three years and F. H. A reporter for three years. Dairy Meeting Set For Tuesday A special dairy meeting will be held at Darius Hampton's farm on Tuesday morning, February 19, at 10:10 o'clock, to diacuas the points on the sanitary inapection report, the farm agent's office announced thii week. Lewis Caton, sanitar ian with the diatrict health depart ment, will explain the points on the chart and demonstrate the cleaning and care of the milk equipment, cowa and barn. The county agent It helping to arrange this meeting in order that all may better understand the in spection report and be able to usf the report aa a guide in making changes. All dairymen are invited and grade A producers are es pecially urged to attend. Local Realty Values G.I. tmd F.H.A. Require Loans Note Small Doum Available Payment GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOUSE and lot located near Longview Tourist Court. Good frontage on Highway 321. Ideal for home or bualneea. Priced for quick Mle. TWO ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE—2 acre* land. Located on Winkler's Creek. Priced for quick ule! GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE—Bath, 6 acres wooded land. Good water. Idea) for summer home. Beautiful view, good road. Located Romlnger, N. C. Price $3,900. Small down payment will buy thii home. WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE VA and FHA Financing for our new I and 4 bed room homes. If you are planning on building • new home this year It would pay you to get started on plan* and financing. Plan* and ipeciflcatlon* furnished free. See our new line of home* now. We alio have some excellent home *ite* In new development. GOOD 3 BED ROOM STONE HOUSE, bath, basement 1 acre land beautifully landscaped Located at Sand* on Highway 1M. Priced for quick ule. OOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE—Large living room with beautiful fixe place. Radiant hot water heat garage, large'lot al ready financed. Small down payment Located near IRC. GOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 hatha, spacious living room with ■tone fireplace, double garage. 3 acre* land beautifully landscaped. Located Just out of city limit*. INVESTMENT PROPERTY—A-apartment brick houae, located new college, grossing 10 per cent Terma if needed. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, ear pert, located Faculty Street Ready to move In. Terma if needed. 3 APARTMENT HOUSE, heet corner lot. Located near college. Monthly rental IM.00. Terms If needed. GOOD t-ROOM HOUSE, hot air heat, full basement, unfinished upstairs, large lot Located on Horn in the Weet Drive. Priced to sell NEW SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSH, two full baths, bet water beat, large let Just out of city limit*. Excellent neighborhood. NEW RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED with new equipment Building 4TIST. Over 100 foot of road frontage on highway 431 sbeut • rails* west of FOR lAUt—10 am far* good g room house, balk, hot air beat, IiiiiubI. new ifclifcia houae lCtfC and tobacco base. Lo cated Deerfleld road WOODLAND DRIVE—New 3-badroom brick houae. tw ceramic tile hatha, dishwasher, fun ha saw it, hat wolar heat double garage, stone ililiu. Loeatsd la one of the bettor reat dentlal sactlete, Mar eaOe*. F HA or O 1. loan available. OOOD BUSINESS LOT loeeted oa Mala Street DoeiraMe far any tm of Iwhm SELECT RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. LIm Your Property with V. for m Quleh Soto COE INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY E.P. COE, Manager DIAL AM 4-ttM - BOONE, N. C — tlT MAIN 8TMUCT -J

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