WANT ADS Watauga Dsmockat WANT ADVERTISING RATE I CENTS A WOW-He MINIMUM CHAMGB ' ' * •" • "T" ' .IT , Cash Must Accompany AU Orders rCX DRENCH for tobacco plat Jed* We have available the FC! l>ed drench for controlling wee leed end nematode* in tobacc plant bed*. This dreach rnetho loe* not require • plastic eovei for further information, see you Watauga rCX Service, % Wate St, Boone - -Jffi 1 FOR SALE—Pair of good mule: Work anywhere. Earl Bumgarnei Mabel, N. C 1; FOR SALE—Spartan House Trai sr. 30 It excellent eondition. Rei lonable. CaU AM 4-3860. 2-31-2 TOR SALE—In good conditioi Horse drawn John Deere mowin nachine, disc harrow; 2 horse wi [on, hillside and bottom plow. Ii lulre at Hebron Colony, Shull Wills, N. C. 2-21-8 rURKEYS TOR SALE—3 hen ind one gobbler, llrs. Edmun Farthing, Sugar Grove, N. C. 1 SEE THE DIFFERENCE FC: >lant bed fertiliser makes in nex rear's tobacco crop. You'll tram >lant more tobacco, higher qualit obacco. Use FCX open formul 'ertilizer from your Wstsuga FC: Service, S. Water St., Boone. 1 TOR SALE—1 3-4 acres land, nei ■ouse, almost finished at Ituthei vood; 7 rooms, 2 baths, garage Msement, ranch style, spring wi er, pump aluminum awning wit lows, built-in breakfast nool >ullt-ln oven, cooking unit am cabinets, Roland Hardin, Route 1 lutherwood, N. C. 3-14-3] •"ARM FOR SALE—70 acres, li teres In high state of ciiltlvatior •ome merchantable Umehr, Almoi lew 8-room house with bath, h« ind cold water, new barn, poultr: louse, rat-proofed crib, two ca beds and wood house. Plenty o •unning water through the farm Within two miles of city limits o ^enolr. For quick sale, only $10 100. CaU or see R. W. Greene, 00 ^enoir Avenue, Lenoir, N. C >hone PLaza 9-1291. 3-14-2) IEWARD OFFERED for returi if 0-year-old Hereford cow, blac! pot oa shoulder, notch in righ »r Strayed from pasture firs Mrt of October. Finder pleaai •ontact Walter G. Brown, Ljxoi 1. C AM 4-3430. 2-14-2] fOR RENT — Unfurnished apart nent, large, 2 bedrooms, extn lice, center of town. Heat an< rater furnished. 100 per month :aU AM 4-8007. or >877. 2-7-tf r0R SALE—Hill Top Snack Ba ind equipment, also garage am esldence 1 1-2 mile* west o Joone on Highway 411, or wouli wap for unall acreage tarn. Set J. T. Cornett, Route }, Boom C. 2-14-2] KSC FERTILIZER ORDERS—Wi lave a complete line of FCX opei ormuls fertilizer!..Bring your ei lers to ui and have them filial rith this outstanding fertilize! Vatauga FCX Service, S. Wate it, Boone. 1< NOTICE: Whereas, after long ex lerience and due consider*ties re the undersigned do hereb; ertify that in our opinion, tn iperate the WORLD'S FINJM1 •lace to trade for NEW FLY tOUTHS, CHRYSLERS, IMPER1 LLS, DODGE TRUCKS, USEI :ARS AND *«PEC1ALLY HO HLE HOMES. DULY SIGNEI N GRANITE FALLS, CALE VELL COUNTY, W7 N. Main St f. L. GERMAN MOTOR CO. Lk fo. 643. 2-14-S. CARRIER NEEDED by Maroh or Watauga county newspape: oute Must have ear. Call AM lerst 4-8061 1| :hicks that are bred tc JiY-—To hare profitable layers i he breeding that counta! Accord ng to Dept. ef Agriculture reports hicks that grew into the beet pro lucing layer* come from fleeki hat have bam bred to lay, That'i rhy leading poultry men through iut the Carolines are choosini "CX chicks—and because FCX ired flocks lay BO per cent highei han the national average—ovei AO eggs per bird each year! Then locks are constantly tested am ulled by PCX poultry specialists "CX hatcheries use the most up o-date methods In matntainlni tandards to hatch owt superior hicks. FCX chicks come to yoi 7. S. inspected and certifled'ullorum clean. You are aasured o be highest quality — healthier >lgger, better equipped—ready U Tow into top profit produori 'or a solid foundation to a profl able poultry business, remembei lwsys to buy the quality breed! -Parmentor RedlvT Now Hamp hires, FCX Set Links, and Hartc Ms. Watattga FCX Servlee. S Vator SL. Boom. Ii KOUKNT CONTROL—for a limit ed time only we are offering one pound of PCX Bait-Tox rat and mouse killer (or only 80c This type of poison regularly Mill for »l.a» per lb. Watauga FCX Service* 8. Water St., Boone. le THE SYMBOL OF QUALITY i* "Country Pride" oa the egg* you buy. Available ao«a at your favorite grocery store. Wataaga PCX Service. le FOR RENT—Four room fumiihed apartment, 2 bedrooms, heat and hot water furnished. Phone AHhent 4-3109. lc WE CARRY JARltAN dress shoes and Wolverine work iboea. These you can afford at CHURCH'S, W. King St, Boone, le GOOD U8ED COAL OR WOOD COOK STOVES, for sale Edmiisten Furniture Ce. 2-14-2c REBUILT USED WASHERS, electric ranges and refrigerators. Edmisten Furniture Co. 2-14-2c ' HOUSWIVES AND MOTHERS— ' Part time or full employment. . Local assignments with Nationally I known Organization, number one \ in its field. Definite guaranteed i income for those accepted. Pleas. Ing personality and best refer i ece required. This is not a travel1 ing nor usual canvassing position. . For local interview appointment write B. K. Howard, P. 0. Box j 591, Hickory, N. C., giving age, education, experience, local ad| dreas and phone number. 2-14-2c j FOR RENT —4 room furnished apartment on Faculty Row. See [ or Telephone Jerry Co*, AH 4t 8236. C-7-tfc ' ASC PURCHASE ORDERS—Bring ' your ASC orders to us and obtain [ highest quality adapted seed of • known origin. Watauga FCX Ser' vice, S. Water St., Boone. lc I HARD TO FIT? You can get your , clothes tailor-made at low cost, i Come In and see our spring and • year 'round sample*. We guaran1 tee to fit you. CHURCH'*, W. • King St., Boon*. lc t AWRAfcfaVE POSITION — For i intelligent man, 29-00. Must have , gopd personality and apearance i and be ready to accept position - immediately if selected. Guaran' teed income with opportunity for 1 advancement. Insurance program 1 and retirement plan baaed on Profit Sharing. A National Organ! ization, Number One in ita field. ; Por local Interview, write fully I B. K. Howard, P. 0. Box 993, f Hickory, N. C., giving age, educ*I tion, experience, local iddre** and phone number. 3-14-2C . EAT MORE EGGS—They arc one < of the most inexpensive tad bene; ficlal food*. Got your* freah daily at your Watauga FCX Service, 8. Water St, Boone. lc I MEN WANTED (or Watkim Route*. We havo a good route in ' Aihe County, one In South Watau■ (a and one in Avery County. An opportunity for three good men to got into • good paying business ; of their own. Age ihould be over IS year* and havo ear. For full ; information write Mr. L. E. WU*oa. Route 1, Boa 1M, Zionivllle, North Carolina or phone AM43378. S-7-Sc ELDERLY MAN. wityrer, desire* housekeeper 11 to SO, helping with •null iter*, one ia family. No objection one child or expecting. Expenae* paid. NteholM Mayulianos, Mary del, Maryland. S-7-4p TCX FERTILIZER 18 BETTER ia every way. Experience provee it It** quick-acting, free-flowing It return* thoee higher per acre 1 yield* that spell the difference in ; luccewful farming. Wateaga PCX Service, 8. Water St., Boone, lc . WANT TO BITTER YOURSELF? i Let me axplala and ihow you how I havo pro*pored a* a Rawlelgh Dealer. Good locality available adjoining m* la southwest Watauga. Businee* already established I will help you get atartod. See R. G. Greer, Boone, or oall AM 440M. or write W. T. Rawleigh Co., NCB 180-S08 Richmond, Va. S-T4p GOOD "GUI r~OIL PRODUCTS." J. P. SHOEMAKE. dealer, Wateag* and Ashe eountiee Day phone SS70, algkt SMI or M30. 13-23-tlc ARE YOU A RELIABLE POuL TRYMAlf? If *0, you may parchaae baby chick* and teed for the first *ls week* of the chick'* life, then FCX will finance the chick* from-that point on until egg production begin*. We will guarantee you market price for your *M*. Flock m«st constat of at least MO chicken*. WaUuga FCX Servtee, L Water St_ Boom. lc BABY CHICKS—We are now booking produotion-type bab> chick*, We hit v tr the leadiu* bietdi available. Book yuun «ow to insure delivery at the proper time. Watauga FOX Service, S Water St.. Boom. lc FOR SALE—Automatic Bendix Washer, good condition—$23.00 Phone AMhcnt 4-3109. lc ABE YQU INTSHESTED in supplementing your {arm income? We win guarantee a market for eggs produced' from our chick* and feed We at* looking for • home for 90,000 production-type chicks. We have a wonderful market for clean, freah eggs. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. , lc USED «-PcT DINING ROOM SUITE—Walnut finish, good condition RHODES FURNITURE CO., Cannon Bidg., Bristol Rd., Boon*.. lc FOR SALE — Attractive building lots, t»o miles west of Boone on Highway 421. Phone AMherst 43378 or see Richard Hodges at Boone Body Shop. 1-14-tfc f "i ii ii hi i ii i i i . . NOTICE—This is to certify that Dean Cook is no longer with the Master Cleaners. I do however, maintain a dry cleaning and pickup station. Bring us your laundry and dry cleaning. COOK'S AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY, corner King Street and Blowing Bock Road 10-29-tfc ANOTHER NEW IMPROVEMENT —All FCX hybrid seed corn now treated with Delsan. Delsan is a combination insecticide apd fungicide. Delsan A-D provide* protection from seed decay and seedling blight caused by seed-borne and soil-borne organisms. All FCX hybrids have been treated with this new product against seed corn ! maggots, wireworms, and certain other soil Insects. Another first tn FCX efforts to bring you the best seecl available. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc LOMBARD CHAINSAWS — Sales and service. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Orove, N. J. 1-17-tfc CLINTON CHAINSAWS—See us for the new direct drive Clinton chainsaws. We are your authorized dealer with a factory-trained service man. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St.,-Boone. lc YOU WANT TO KNOW what a chainsaw will do before you buy it. Get a free demonstration of the new direct drive Clinton chainsaw today at your Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St.. Boone. Septic Tank Cleaning J Prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Sanitary Septic Tank Service. Phone Warren Greene, AMherst 4-3203, Route 2, Boone, N. C. 1-31-tfc I UNlfo METHYL BROMIDE ridi plant beds of nematodes, weed seeds, and meat plant dtaeaaes. Available la one-pound cana. We alto have plaatic covers and other equipment neceaaary (or treating tobacco plant beda. Watauga FCX Service, 8. Water St., Boone. lc LOOK FOB THE "Country Pride" label on eggs at your grocery (tore. They're produced in Watauga County. Watauga FCX Service. le GET MORE VALUABLE CALVES by having your dairy cowa bred to proven bulla. Call before 10:00 a. m. to AM 4-1061, or call Harold Farthing, Sugar Drove. l-24-8c SHEEP FEED—Feed your ewes now and produce better lambs. We have a apecial formula for sheep feed. We can make your feed from your grain or we can furnish all of the ingredients Watauga FCX Service, >. Water St, Boone, lc WELL DRILLING promptly done. La teat and moat modern equipment. Experienced drillers. J. Wayne Oragg, 609 Green Street. Phone AMherat 49887, Boone, N. C. U-18-tfc GOOD GULF FUEL OIL. J. D. Shoe make, dealer. Day phone 8870; night 8821 or 8880. 18-22-tfc WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE anything, anywhere, anytime. MAR Furniture Co., Vilas. N. C. 8-8-tfc. WELL DRILLING . WELL BORING PUMP SERVICE t Serving Western North Carolina Since 1911 Free estimate*. Featuring new modem equipment. QM experienced operator*—with a reputation to uphold. At competitive prices. Domestic, commercial, industrial. Financing on anj of these if preferred. Write us or come down or call collect. B. E. , FAW A SONS, INC Telephone 70, Box 529, i Elkin. N. C. 1-24-tfc HOMEUTE CHAiNSAWS—Sales, service and repair*. COV* CWCKK STORt. Sugar Grove, R C WMJc WANTED—Salr.lady or ui«NIil to aell McNea* Product* p*rt or full Urn*, ail KOliU No ience needed. Will tasch and finance you Writ* today. McNKSS CO., Dept. C„ Candler Bldg., Baltimore I. Md 2-IMp EGGS WANTED—We need 100 cases of eggs eaeb week produced on FCX fee<l Contact us Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St.. Boon*. Je STARK BH08 NURSERY TRIBES —Tor Information call AM 4am. 2-i4-2p FROM THE FIRST DAY til tfcey sUrt to lay, one teed all the way! FCX itarting and growing mash (or Itroag, lively, healthy chicks. Depend on FCX starting and growing mash. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc DO YOU NEED SHOES? If *0, let's get together. We got 'em* CHURCH'S, W. King St.. Boone, le MORE GET UP AND GROW with FCX Starting and growing mash Keep* chicks alert, chipper, and full of life. Watauga FCX Service. S. Water St., Boone. lc UNICO METHYL BROMIDE rids plant beds of nematodes, weed seeds, and most plant diseases. Available it) one-pound cans. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc FOR RENT—4 acre*, rich bottom land, New River Bridge. Dr. H. M. Cooke, Boone, N. C. lc FOR SALE—Baby Grand Piano (Cable-Nelson) excellent condition. Ideal for large heme or ehurch. See Robert Honeycutt, next door to Meat Camp Service St*tie", lp FOR SALE—New Colemfn 43,000 B. T. U. heater at half price, $40. C. W. Hoke, Boone, Rt. 1, AM 48964. IP DEMOCRAT ADS PAY Legal Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default having occurred in the performance of certain covenant* of that deed of trust, dated the 28 day of February. 1947, recorded the Mine date in the Office of the Register of Deed* for Watauga County, North Carolina, in Book 91, Page 50, «w> cuteed by Paul Arnette to Vance E. Swift, Trustee, the Beneficiary named in said deed of trust has declared the entire debt and obligation secured thereby due and payable at once; that the said Paul Arnette has failed to pay the said debt; and that pursuant to the power contained in said deed of trust, upon request of the Beneficiary, I, Vance E. - Swift, Truiteee, will sell the tract of land described in said de<>d of trust at public auction on the 1 day of March, 1957. at 12:00 soon, •t the courthouse door, in Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, to pay the debt secured by the Mid deed of trust with interest and the costs of such sale, the land being situated in Beaver Dam rownahip, Watauga County, North Carolina, on the Beaver Dam Public Road, about 14 miles Weat from the Town at Boone, N.-C., sow in the posseasion of Clyde Perry, bounded now or formerly by the lands of J. M. Campbell heirs on the East; by the lands of Hagaman Heirs and Phillips property on the South; by the lands of Dock Henson and the Winebarger Heirs on the West, containing 82 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on • stake In the public road, near the Able Winebarger house, the Winebarger corner and runs South 44 East with the road 28 poles to a stake; thence South 38 last 19 1-2 poles to a stake; thence South 18 West 24 poles to a chestnut on a ridge; thence South 4 14 West 88 pole* to in spple tree; thence South 14 1-2 East 10 poles to an apple tree by a spring branch; thence South 99 East 40 poles to a sourwood on ■ ridge; thence South 48 East with said ridge 14 polee to a (take; thence South 81 East,with the ridge 14 poles to • mahogany on the main ridge; thence South 19 West 18 pole* to a stake; thenee South 80 West llaolee to a (take; thenee South 43 WWt 12 poles to a ■take; thenee South IS West 32 poles to a stoke on top of a ridge; thence South IS East 8 14 poles to the J. B. Phillips oak eomer; thence West 32 poles to a stake In J. K. Perry's line; thence North 18 poles to a stake; thence with Perry's line West 10 poles; thence North 78 West 8 poles to a stake; thenee North IT Wert U poles to i stake; thence North IS poles to ■ stake; thence North 27 West 18 poles to a stake; thence North n West 7m1«* to a stake; theooe North n Wert 18 pole* to » rtake; thence North 88 West ■ polea: thenee North 28 Wert 10 poles; thence North 18 East 8 poles to a itake; thence North 8 West 34 poles to a stoke; thenee North. 88 ■take; thence North 18 East 7 Dole* to a stake; thence North 4 West 9 1-2 pole* to a stoke. WlneMrger's corner; thence wtth said Iflnebargert line North 88 East 17 pele* to a stake; thence North r East 34 1-2 poles to a rtake In trinebereel's yard fenoe; thenee forth 38 Eaet with said line 10 1-2 mies to the BEGINNING, eonjilnlne 82 1-2 seres, more or less PERMS: Cash rhre permit (8%) it the smount of the highest bid * W- ■ " - J _|ik Tiw.alam mm o# ofioiiiw win rninfc tending confirmation of the sale. *tod thiil«J«ar of JanjsnrJSr VANCE E. SWIFT, Trustee Herman Hagaman Taken By Death Mr*. W. M Winkler has received word Ot the death of her brother, ||r. Herman Hagsiaao, which occurred at Moore General HoapiUl Monday Bight Funeral lervices will ha cm* NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY I Pursuant to the power and authority Stained in that certain deed ot trust dated Dooewlwr •, 1980. executed by Lor*tta Davis (Widow) to the undersigned trustee and recorded in the Office of the Ragister of Deeds for Watauga County. North Carolina in look M at Page 30 and given to secure a certain note payable to A E. Odoro and wife, Julie Odom, and default having been made in the payment of said note as provided in laid deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the said A K Odom and wife, Julie Odom, the undersigned truatee will offer for sale at public auction to the highsouse Door of Watauga County in est bidder for cash at the CourtBoone. North Carolina at 11:00 o'clock a. m. on the 11th day of March, 1007 the following rtal estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake, the old Linney and Councill comer in the W. B. Councill line and runs North With said line 0 1-4 poles to the road thence South SI East with the rorfd 0 poles; (hence Southeast with the road 8 poles to a stake; thence North 74 West 6 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 1-1 acre more or leaa. The said property will be sold subject to any past due and unpaid taxes. This the 8th day of February, 1997. Stacy C Eggers, Jr., Tni£ee nuuit ur ouivitii wr SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY ROSA LEE MOORE VS. GRADY MOORE To The Defendant, Grady Moore: Take notice that ■ Complaint seeking relief against you was filed in the above-entitled action on the 28th day of January XB97, wherein the plaintiff U seeking relief against you as follows: for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from you on the grounds of two years separation. You will further take notice that you are required to make defense to such Complaint not later than the 1st day of April 1997 and upon your failure to do so the plaintiff aeeking servioe against you will apply W the Court for the relief sought which Is for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation. This the 28th day of January, 1#S7. A. E. SOUTH. Clerk of the Supertar Court Of Watauga County •'l-SMe-h ducted |t 2:30 WwhWftkr noon at Harper'a Chapel, at f|t Hiving qualified aa Ike Utrator of the eaUte of 1L T. Bsni-a-t. C' NOTICE or ULK Of RIAL ESTATE Under and by W«ue of the power of aale contained in thut certain Deed of Tnt»t executed by HOWARD C. BAItEY and wlto, ELIZABETH K. BAILEY, to th« undersigned . Truatee tor the Lenuir Chair Company «f Lenoir, North Carolina, dull Vtcorded in the Office qt the Register of Deeds of Watauga Couaty, in Book 76, Page 178, aaid Deed of Truat having been executed to aaoure a certain lndebtednaaa therein RMtioned and described, and default having been made in the payment thereof, upon the demand of the aaid Lenoir Chair Company, this Truatee will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for caah, at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, on Monday, March 18. 1957, at 12 o'clock Noon, the' following described ml estate: Being all of lota number Thirty (30), Thirtyone (31). and Thirty-tyro (32) in the Smitn-Winkier Subdivision of AN8LEY HEIGHTS aa shown on a map of thia subdivision of record in the office of the Register of Deads for Watauga County, North Carolina, In Map Book 2 at page IB, to which map reference la hereby made tor a complete description of said lota, located about three (3) miles West of the Town of Blowing Roek, North Carolina. Together with the partially comdwelling structure located >n and all plumbing fixtures, Sleted dwelling structure located i«reon and all plumbing fixtures, heating equipment and building materials located on said prem ises. Being the Identical property conveyed by deed of Leon S. Bradshaw and J. H. Winkler, Receivers, to Lenoir Chair Company, said deed bearing date of September 27, 1081, and vftiich la recorded in Book 69 at page 980, Watauga County Registry; and being the identical property conveyed by Lentfr Chair Company, to Howard C, Bailey and wife, by deed dated the 6th day of June, 1056, which is reeorded in Book 77 at page 28, Watauga County Registry. Said «ale will be made subject to any and all outstanding liens and taxef. A deposit of ten per cent of the price bid will be required of the highest Didder, oil the day of the ' le. This the 11 day of February, Marshall E. Cltne, Trustee Lenoir, North Carolina »lMt A8C official* will vie* every [on 1967y production of flu»cur»d ield la the fMa <* wWch flue | varteHea Cukar 1M, C«hK 140, and ured tobacco ia grown la enlerc j Dtak> Bright 344, aeeordiag to AtC ng the 80 »er eeat Jtt*« »<m>0ftl WOBqttecinen. . ^ REAL ESMfEl 8—STATE F^RM ROAO-J room frajoed dwelling. hath, efty water, nlc« tot. beautiful view, special $6,280. 19- PERKINS V1I.LE—3 bodroomg, bath, cosj furaaee, (taker, . hot air beat Thia is a well conducted dwelling. Vety tvge 1ft With garden. Terms if wanted 84—HOWARD ST. NEAR COLLEGER bedroom framed dwetting loeatad within the heart of good residential section. Partly fwniahed with electric stove and refrigerator. Living roofnt and bedrooms partly furnished. Small down payment Will turn the deal. 48—NEAR BOONE on the New Hodgea Gap Road—B8H acres with 1000 foot frontage on paved highway. There Is a creek and many bold springs on this acreage. Well drained with many beautiful building sites. Fairly good house and hern. Priced to sell • * . 61-CQVE CREEK—IS acres good farm land, S-10 tobacco base, good barn, *2300. 90—WOODLAND DRIVE -3 bedroom brick dwelling, excellent •condition. Vk floors, plastered walls, fall siie basement, oil fbraace, nice lot. Bargain price. 62—COVE CREEK6 room* and bath down, 3 rooms and porch up, |ot 11S feet fronting highway 421 near Cove Creek High School. $7,280- Terms if wanted. 60—RUTHERWOOD—New 8 room framed dwelling, bath, full stated basement, hot air beat. Urge lot fronting on highway 421.—$7300 10—GRAND BOULEVARD—3 bedrooms, bath, 0 room framed dwailing, oil furnace hot air heat. Beautiful location, very large lot 83—WEST BOONE—4 bedroom stone dwelling, 2 bathrooms, coal stoker steam heat, all rooms newly decorated, one acre lot fronting on 421. Flagstone walks.-$9800. 68—DEEP GAP—New 4 room dwelling, bath, deep well pump, large lot, paved road.—<7800. 47—23 aeren all Improved grass and crop land. 7 roo« farm dwelling, out buildings. 28—KINO STREET—New brick apartment houae. I three room apartments down and one 4 room apartment up. 3 bathrooms Md two halls. Urge work shop. Terms. 18—STATE FARM ROAD—New 4 room framed dwelling, bath, city water, oil heat.—$8000. ' 2—PINE STREET-WOODLAND DRIVE—S bedroom, • room rock dwelling) 2 baths, oil furnace. Lot size 140"6" on Pine, 168' on Woodland Drive. 3 good building lots. 44—HARDIN PARK—8 rooms down, 2 bedrooms, 2 rooms np net finished, fyll siie basement, oil furnaee, hot air beat, bath, city water, large lot on paved street. 94—NEAR NEW SHULLS MILLS ROAD—3 aeres good land and 4 room bungalo near college.—$4000. 1—GRAND BOULEVARD—8 room brick, 2 bedrooms, fcath, basement, ell furnace, large lot 90*180. This house caa be bought furnished or unfumiahed, easy terms. DO—LAVREL FORK—3 bedroom dwelling, nice fish poad, IS acres on gped road —$6800. HOME REALTY CO. B. GRADY FAKTHING WATT ■. GRAGG TELEPHONE^ 4 |»l - BOONE, N. C. ...... SAVHSPf AND LOAN BUILDING ' ~

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