7'} ' For 69 Years The Diwcfit hai Mrved Boom and Wa tauga County With tU latanae covart(< La the local ihopping area, It's tfcc beat adver tiaux medium available. VOLUME LXIX NO. 42 d An Independent Weekly Noumpaper . . . Sixty-Ninth Year of Continuous Publication BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1*57 - April 10 April U April 12 April 13 April 14 April IS W 59 27 . 90 S25 61 M 94 s a s ■ -«»,« SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS New Lingerie Plant Slated For Watauga I • 1 t Mass Meeting Is Called To Explain Fund Raising Plan - T ; Sunrise Service Climaxes Holy Week Observance Climaxing Holy Week observ ance in Watauga County will be the Sunrise Service Sunday morn ing at the Daniel Boone Theatre Park. The Easter worship service is scheduled to begin at 6:00 o'clock. Ministers of the county will con duct the service. The Community L'hoir, composed of choir members if the churches of Boone, will lead .he singing. Mrs Virginia W. Lin ley will direct the group. The High School Band, under lirection of J. Perry Watson, will urnish the music. Fourteen churches in the county lave been conducting Holy Week ervices all this week. A nbon lay service has been carried out t the Appalachian Theatre each ay since Monday. They continue through Friday. Time of the serv ice is 12:15-12:55. Good Friday chapel services will be held in each of the schools in Watauga county. Participating in the Sunrise Serv ice will be the Rev. J. K. Parker, Jr., the Rev. E. H. Lowman, the Rev. L. H. Hollingsworth. and the Rev. George Arthur. Caster Service At Blowing Rock The pre-Easter services of Blow ing Rock and surrounding commun ities are being held this week in the Chapel of the Rumple Memor ial Presbyterian Church. On Monday evening the message was brought by the Rev. G. Carlton Cox, pastor of the First Baptist Church; on Tuesday evening by the Rev. Walter W. Keys, pastor of the host church; on Wednesday evening by the Rev. Alfred W. Pitts, pastor of the Church of God. On Thursday evening Mr. Roy Tinsley, Christian lawman, will speak; and on Friday evening the guest speaker will be the Rev. John S. McDuffie, rector of the St. Mary's of the Hills Episcopal Church. Special music will be given by the choirs of the churches partici pating and by the Glee Club of the Blowing Rock School. A most cordial invitation is given everyone to be present at all these services. Many Girls To Compete As Plans For Beauty Contest Gain Impetus ALICE LEGGETT of Charlotte, leading lady of the New South Dance Theatre, which will appear at the Boone Demonstration School on Thursday evening, April 23, under the sponsorship of the Boone PTA. Miss Leggett has danced in Charlotte and with the famous Sadlers Wells company. Ballet Dancers To Appear Here Tickets for the New South Bal let Theatre have been placed on sale at the Boone Druf Company and the Carolina Pharmacy, and a booth will be operated by local dance students and PTA members at Belk'i Department Store several days before the performance on April 29 at the demonstration school. The time of the perform ance has been set for eight o'clock. The purchase of a ticket will assure to the purchaser an evening of the best entertainment of the year in Boone, the members of the PTA committee believe. It will also represent a contribution to ward the final payment on the PTA project of a safety fence on the new playground. Prices have been set on three levels, one price for adults, one for college and school students, and a lower price for students under twelve. One of the marks of the program arranged by the Charlotte com pany is variety. The group of Auto License Office Closes The driver's license office will be closed Friday April IB. Mr W. R Stansberry, license examiner, has to be In AshevUle on official business that day. twenty young Carolinia dancers headed by Louis Nunnery will dance South American. Spaniih. Oriental and modern numberi, as well as classical ballet A good crowd is expected in Boone, and indications have been received that groups will attend from Lenoir, Hickory, Newland, Crossnore and other nearby com munities. W. E. Roark, 85 Taken By Death William Emmet Roark, S5, re tired farmer of Beaver Dam town ship. died March 26 at the hon\e. Funeral services were conducted March 28th at 2 o'clock at the Forest Grove Baptist Church by Rev. Carl Wilson and Rev. Ed Farthing and burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are five sons and three daughters; Lee Roark. Abilene, Texas; Lloyd and George Roark, Vila*; Russell Roark, Boone; Ern est Roark. Blowing Rock; Mrs. Floyd U a ( a m a n, Boone; Mrs. Maude Warren. Mr*. Myrtle Reese, Vilas. There Is one surviv ing sister, Mrs Ce^puQaMe, Sugar Grove. : ' it * Watauga county girls are being ottered an opportunity for fame and .fortune through education, proper guidance in building suc cessful career* for themselves through participation ip the Miss Watauga county pagent which will take place here on May 11th. Dan Walton, chairman of the Miss Watauga County pagent has announced that the prize* and scholarships are increasing in value daily and should reach 3 substantial *um. Total amount of prizes will be announced in the Democrat next week. The local contest, preliminary elimination leading to the eventu al selection of Mis* America 1958 in Atlantic City, Sept. 2 through Sept. 8th, will find 12 girls com peting for the local title and a chance to enter the MiBS North Carolina eliminations in Burling ton in June. The Miss Wataiiga county con test will be staged in the Boone Demonstration school auditorium and all local civic and service clubs have been asked to nominate entrants. All residents of Watauga county are urged to send names of their selections by writing to Dan Walton, Boone. N. C. or by filling out entry blank appearing else where in this issue of the Demo crat. Winner of the Miss North Caro lina contest will havee all her ex- ; penses paid for the trip to Atlan tic City and the competition for the title of Miss America 1998 in Sepember. In addition she will re ceive a full wardrobe as part of ber Miss N. C. prize plus a coveted $1,000 scholarship. Mr. Walton said yesterday that each of the Miss Americans chosen In Atlantic City since the contest originated in 1921 begun her rise i to the national beauty title in Just *uch a home town contest as will | be conducted here on May 11th. Rules for participating in the Miss Watauga County Pagent are as follows: . Entrants must be single and ■ never have been married. Entrants must be a high school graduate by September of this year Entrants age on September 1st must not be less than 18 or more Ulan 28 years. Entrants must be of good character, posses* poise, personal ity, intelligence, charm and beauty of face and figiM. Entrant* must posses* and dis play in • three minute routine talent. This talent may be singing, dancing, playing a musical instru ment, dramatic reading, art dis play, dress designing, or she may give a three minute talk on the career she may wish to pursue. Job furlough are on the increase in American industry. STORM DAMAGE.—These two bridge! on New River were wrecked by the recent flood waters, when more than four and a hall inches of rain fell on Boone in 24 hours. Howell bridge, top left, just thir side of Todd off the Big Hill road, had tons of debris washed against it, tilting it at places to about a 45-degree angle, and the approaches on both sides were damaged extensively. The entire bridge will have to be removed and replaced, according to F. W. McCracken, highway maintenance supervisor. The Caitle bridge, top right, on the Castle Ford road, will need two spans and the pier which tied them together replaced. Work has been delayed on re pairing the bridges because of high and swift waters, but Mr. McCracken expects work to begin this week. The slide, left, it at the same place the maintenance crew had just finished removing one last month, on the new Linville road at Shulls Mills. Tons of solid rock and dirt covered the highway and will have to be re moved before exact damage to the road can be determined. A sim ilar slide covers the highway just above ihis one. Mayor Says He's Not Running Two Are Injured, One Critically, When Auto Crashes On Highway 421 Two persons were in the hospital this week, one critically hurt, due to an accident on highway 421, west of Boone, early Sunday morn ing. In another accident, in front of the Dr. Harmon apartments on King street, three ears were dam aged to the amount of about $1100, according to a report filed by Town Policeman James Harrison. This accident occurred at 12:30 a. m. Sunday. Highway Patrolman C. W. Mason, who investigated the accident on the highway, gave this acount of the wreck: Ted Eugene Jones, driving a 1996 Chevrolet, ran off the road on the right side, crossed Candidates Named At Blowing Rock Mayor R. B. Hardin and R. E. Wilton have been nominated aa candidates for Mayor in the elec Orchestra To Go To Valdese The Appalachian State Teach era College Orcheatra will preaent the "Seven Last WorJ| of Christ" by Dubois in Valdese tonight (Thurs.) The Valdese High School Chorus, which -has been prepared for this performance by George Wilson, will perform with them. The orchestra left Boone Wed nesday after claases to rehearse with the High School Chorua. They apent the night in Valdese. Nich olas Erneston ia director of the Orcheatra. The famous "Seven Laat Words of Christ" by Dubois ia one of the! moat beautiful mualcal netting* of the laat hours of Chriat's life on earth. The work ia concerned with the last vocal utterances Christ made prior U his Iguoble death. Dan Ragan, a music student in the college, will travel with the orchestra to be guest baritone tion to be held at Blowing Rock May 7. The nomination* were made in a man meeting of the votera held last Uriday night. Nominated a* city commission era are: J. B. Jones, F. W. Rainey, D. W Wooten, W. C. Lenta. B. H Moody, C. J Iaenhour. Incumbent commissioners are K. E. Wilson. D. W. Wooten and W. C. Lenta. College Buys Hahn Property The Endowment Fund of Appa lachian State Teacher* College re cently purchased the Hahn pro perty In Boone. It conaiat* of the Watauga Hotel at 227 Eaat King Street, the Children'* Shop at 225 Eaat King Street and a vacant (tore building at 227 Eaat King Street formerly occupied by Ay en Electric Shop, and now tor rent. The property alao Include* the house Vnd lot fronting on Howard Street the farmer home of Mr. to the left side, and went up an em bankment; the car then overturned into the highway and came to rest on its left side. This all happened about 1:40 a. m. Sunday. The car was traveling east, to ward Boone, on the "County Home Hill" and came to a stop a short distance from the road which leads into the new health center. Nick Andushenko, 6017 Super ior, Cleveland, Ohio, a passen ger in the Jones car, is in the Watauga Hospital with severe con cussion and other injuries. A hos pital spokesman declined to com ment on the extent of Mr. Andu •henko's injuries, but it was said his injuries ar» aerious. Mrs. Jones, wife of the driver, was also In the hospital as a re sult of her wounds. She was re ported to have lacerations and a concussion. Mr. Jones, whose address was listed as Boone, Route 2, was treat ed for lacerations but was not ad mitted to the hospital. The car was a total loss. Mr. Mason stated an investigation is being made in an effort to deter mine the cause of the accident. Mr. Harrison, in reporting on the wreck in town, said a 1958 Dodge, driven by Randal Krider Brown, of Boone, ran into a parked 1933 Chevrolet in front of the apartment house, which rammed a 1991 Buick in front of it, knock ing them some 10 feet from where they were parked. Mr. Brown was , going cast and hit the cars on the right side of the road. Damage to the Brown car was placed at *000; to the Chevrolet owned by Willam Bruce Anderson, • student at the college. *300; and to the Boick, owned by Donald Leo Broyhill, student also. 9300 Mr. Brown was charged with recklea* driving. Gordon H. Winkler, who haa nerved as Mayor of Boone perhaps more years than any other official in its history, tells the Democrat that he will not be a candidate for re-election in the balloting to oe conducted on June 18. Mayor Winkler is finishing >ut his seventh two-year term in the top position in the city govern ment, and so far as recalled this is MAYOR GORDON WINKLER a record tenure. The Mayor gave the Democrat the following italcment: "I appreciate the friendahip and cooperation of the people of the community, which have resulted in my serving aa Mayor for so long. With your cooperation, we have been able to accomplish a good deal for the town. ,"I have held the position of Mayor for • long time, and hereb^ pledge my complete cooperation with whoever may hold the posi tion in the future. "I whnt to thank everyone for their loyalty and I assure you that I will always do everything in my power to further promote the pro gress and well being of Boone and the county." Candidates will be chosen foi Mayor and three aldermen at part) conventions which likely will b< held sometime near the end ol »Uy. „• Shadowline, Inc., Morganton Firm, Approves Site All detail! have been completed j for a manufacturer of ladies' llD j gerie to locate a new plant in I Watauga County, provided suffici j ent funds can be raiaed locally to I puichase the land and construct a building. Shadowline, Inc., with home of ! fice and factory in Morganton, N. C., and a new plant in California, will rent the building from a re cently organized Watauga County corporation known «s Watauga In dustries, Inc., when funds are raised and construction completed. Mr. Sherrod Salsbury, president of Shadowline, Inc., has indicated | that future employment in the Watauga plant should reach 400 persons. The proposed site of the plant is on a tract of land just outside the eastern town limita of Boone on U. S. 321, which is the Blowing Rock road. In order to secure the plant, it will be necessary for the citizens of Watauga County to purchase stock in Watauga Industries, Inc., in the amount of >39,000, said a spokesman for the corporation. If Watauga Industries, Inc., does not sell sufficient stock to con struct the building, then Shadow line's new plant will locate else where, it wis emphasized. Important Meeting A* mass meeting to discuss the raising of these funds will be held in the county courthouse at Boone Wednesday evening, April 17, at 8:00 o'clock. Every citizen Inter ested in the growth and progress of Watauga County is urged to at tend this meeting. The following letter was receiv ed by Watauga Industries, Inc., on Tuesday, April 16, from the presi dent of Shadowline, Inc.: Watauga Industries, Incorporated Boone, North Carolina Attention Mr. Jerry Coe Gentlemen: Following our meeting of last Saturday, April 13, we have reach ed a favorable decision regarding our proposed new plant location tn*Boone, North Carolina. This de cision is based on the favorable conclusion of each of the details which we carefully studied during our discussion Saturday. We feel, as each of you felt, that no diffi culty should be encountered in re solving these points favorably, as planned. Just as soon as you are in a position to know that your plans are completed to go ahead, we would like to have you begin con struction of the new factory build ing with as little delay as possible. As soon as we have this advice from you, we will quickly develop our plans for a preliminary train ing unit while the building is un der construction. May I take this opportunity to thank each of you for the very fine way in which you have work ed with us during our early con tacts. We have never found a more sincere groUp of men who gave, for the future development and benefit of their community, so un selfishly of their thoughts, time, and efforts. We will be pleased and happy to have a part In such a fine community. Very sincerely yours, SHADOWLINE. INC. (Signed) Sherrod Salsbury, President ^Stores To Close Easter Monday It has been recommended by the Chamber of Commerce that its members observe Easter Mon day, April 22, as a holiday, and • majority of Boone stores are ex pected to be closed on that day. Health OffSee [Closes Monday |, The Health Department will be April 12ad, Easter Mowtay.