WANT ADS Watauga Dkmocxat WANT ADVERTISING RATE t CENTS A WOftD—Mc KXMMUM CHABGS Ctuh Muat Aceompmmy All Ordtr* EASTER AND SPRING FLOW ERS — Our gladioli bulb* afd dahlia tubers have arrived, and are now available. Make your (el ections before stock is depleted Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boom. le OUR SHIRT STOCK for awn and boys is at Its peak, both long and short sleeves. CHURCH'S. W King St., Boone. lc FOR SALE-—450 pullets. Hall Sil vercroaa, 2 months old. Good lay ers, to lay In June. Glenn V. Welch, Deep Gap, N. C. lp FOR SALE—25 acre farm. Boomer township, Wilkes county, Home and outbuildings, t2,S00. John Jolly, Route 1, Boomer, N. C. 4-18-4p WANTED—Housekeeper to clean, iron, etc. 2 or 3 days a weqk. New house, all new appliances. Will help if you have car or transporta tion. Cayy Cypress 5-7282. lc FRESH EASTER FLOWERS of all kinds, artistic arrangements, rea sonable prices. And don't forget our grave designs for Easter. Or der early for best selection. CAROLYN'S FLOWER SHOPPE, Bus Station Bldg., Boone. 4-11-2C FOR RENT, FIRST OF MAY— The building now occupied by the Twins Bakery in East Boone. Will rent main floor aijd basement, to gether or separate. Phone AM 4 3680 or see D. L. Crook at Black Bear Court 4-11-tfc LIQUID FERTILIZER—Get your water soluble fertiliser for start ing plants and shrubs. This fertili zer is excellent for getting those tobacco plants off to a good start. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc FOR RENT—One large fWrnished room, with double bed, suitable for one or two. Call AMherst 4 3109. 4-4-tfc FIBER GLASS INSULATION — Weather stripping, and Caulking, Custom-Made Aluminum Storm Doorv Wisdom and Screens, and AlumlwM Aoiag*. Hickory In sulation Co., Box 813, Phone 8038, Hickory, N. C. 44-tfc PANSY PLANTS — Our pansy plants are now available. These winter hardy Oregon Giant plants were grown out in the open at our nursery in Tennessee. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water SL, Boone. It FOR A GOOD PRESENT INCOME permanent work and secure fu ture get into business for your self. Good Rawleigh business available in southwest Watauga and north Avery counties. For further details and help see near by Rawleigh Dealer, R. G. Greer, Boone, or call telephone AM 4 8828, or write Rawleigh's Dept. NCD-180-88S-A, Richmond, Va. 4 4 4p BABY CHICKS—We now have pro duction-type baby chicks, leading breeds available. Get yours now. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St. Boone. , le BOYS' IVY LEAGUE SHIRTS — Button-down collars, including white broadcloth, to siic 18. Jun ior will like these. CHURCH'S, W. King St, Boone. ' lc BREED DAIRY COWS artiflcl ally to Holstein, Guernsey, or Jer sey breeds. Hereford semen is now available for beef cows. Call Lynn Vines, COIony 7-2273. - 3-28-tfc MEN'S AND BOYS' spring sport coats arriving dally, at prices you will like. CHURCH'S, W. King St.. Boone. lc IN A HURRY FOR YOUR CLOTHE8? Briac them to Edna * Lizzie We give the cleanest fastest, cheapest wash in town. Brittaln's Automatic Laundry, next door to Boone Super Market. Mttfc FOR RENT — Unfurnished apart ment, large, X bedrooms, extra nice, eenter of town. Heat and water furnished. $60 per month. Call AM 48087. or *0JT 2-7-tfe ASC FERTILIZER ORDERS—We hare a complete line ef FCX open formula fertilizers Bring your or ders to us and bars them filled with this outstanding tertiliaa-. Watauga (PCX Service, f. Water SL, Boeoe. If SHOEMAKK AMD COUNCILU Ouif heating oils, and all ether Gulf Products Serving Watauga and Ashe counties. Day phone 4 8070, night 4-3911 or MJ06 MMfc wanted- TjVt inf * on soma oath terms near Boom. Council! Realty do . Phones 44970 or 44S0C. Ol'B SHOE STOCK tor mm and boyi is the most complete wt have ever shows Pay us a visit. CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone, le LOST—Wack Persian eat Rather large. Reward Wm. S. Huffman, Phone Aid 4 3544 lc QUICK SALE—1050 Chevrolet in good condition, purchased new. Price *250 00 Call AM 4-3844 or AM 4 3988 y le FOR RENT—Watauga Motor Mar ket property. Contact Johnny Couneill, AM 44970 or AM 4-3206. 4-18-2C FOR SALE—Nice three-bedroom bouse, extra large lot. Contact Couneill Realty Co. AM 4-8970 or AM 4-3206. < 4 18 2c 1AM PLANNING to start a Day Nursery. U interested in leaving your child with me please phone AM 4-8498 or write to Mrs. Clint Cannon. Want to get an estimated account of children to start with. Will open last week in May. lp WANTED—Saleslady or Salesman to sell McNess Products part or full time. Big profits. No experi ence needed. Will teach and fin ance you. Write today. McNESS CO., Dept. C„ Candler Bldg., Bal timore 2, Md. 4-18-2c FOR RENT — Furnished apart ment, 3 rooms and bath; For sale, power mower in good condition. CaU AM 4-3615. 4-184c FOR SALE—6V« acres of land, 200 feet fronting on highway 421 at Deep Gap, 4 room house and out buildings, priced at $3,000. See or call Dillard Watson at Parkway Grill. 4-18-2C FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, heat water, use of laundry included, ground floor, lovely garden, flowers. AM 4-3897. lc LAWN MOWERS—Check with us for special prices on early pur chases of lawn mowers. A mower for every size lawn. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, lc "^Arafrrtw SALE—300 acres, 8 roonrhAise, 2 barns, 53 head cat tle, 27 cows, 1 bull, 15 registered beef cows, 5 more due to be re gistered, 5 more calves expected. All farm equipment. Farm will take care of 100 head the 'year round. 10 miles of Boone, black top road. Reason for sale, bad health. R. L. Honeycutt, Boone, N. C. 4-ll-2p FCX FERTILIZER IS BETTER in every way. Experience proves it. It's quick-acting, free-flowing. It returna thobe higher per acre yields that spell the difference in successful farming. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, le A S. T. C. faculty member wants to rent furnished 2-bedroom apart ment or house beginning June 1. One child. Contact.J. F. Randal), 1800 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina. 4-4-3c PAPER UP, PAINT UP. Another shipment of wall paper hat arriv ed. Rubber base paint, (4.96 a gal lon. Guaranteed none better at any price. Western Auto Associ ate Store. 4-4-tfc FOB SALE—Center of town, six rooms, two baths, center lot 80x 338, Urge shade trees. See Carl Day, 130 Rivers St# 4-4-4p FOB SALE—Modern two-bedroom house with large lot. Located on new Lin vine highway, ltt miles from Blowing Bock Road. Call AM 4-327* ^ 4-4-tfc BEE SUPPLIES — See us tor everything In bee supplies by A. I. Boot Company. COVE CREEK STOKE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 3-28-tfc VERY SPSCIAL — Little boys' white dress shirts, long sleeves, sises t to It. only $149. CHURCH'S. W. King St, Boeae lc WANTED — Listings on small houses, in or out of town. Council] Realty Co , Phones 18970 or 4 8206. 3-14-tfc DO YOU NEED A SPRING JACK ET?—If so see us. We've get them —both men's atid boys' ISM to •7.95. CHURCH'S, W. King St. Boane. le THE SYMBOL OF QUALITY is "Country Pride* on the eggs yea buy. Availsbie now at your fav orite grocery store. Wstaaga FCX lc FOB RENT —4 room furnished apartment on Faculty Raw. Bee or Telephone Jerry Coe, AM 4 8256 ABC PURCHASE ORDEBB—Bring your AST orders to ua and obtain pa! My adapted seed «< igln. Watauga PCX Ser^ S. Water St, Boone. le MOB ILK HOMES—Best values in leading line*. Ea»i»t terms. Furn itnre, care, etc., on down payments License 643. GERMAN MOTOR CO.. Granite Falls, N. C. lc SPECIA1—New two^iocc living room suite. wine aad grew, only 888.90. KHOOES FURNITURE CO., Cannon Bid*;, Bristol ltd, Boone. lc FOR SALE — Beach lots — Ocean front 50x275 ft. Sound lots from $890.68 up to $1996.60. New Top sail Beach, N. C. See or call L Wayne Johnson, Lenoir, N. C. Phone PL 4-8008 411-3c I* OR SALE—One of the best aid ®oat fertile farms in favdell Coun ty, canter of the dairying indus try. Wonderful climate, two (2) miles city limits Statesville. 187 acres. 60 acres bottom, 30 acres alialfa. 48 acres oats. 8 fenced pastures, 4 stream* Deep well elec tric pump, large barn, four (4) room house, hay and storage sheds, 40 head cottle, milking 17, Won derful opportunity someone step in and make money. Will sell with cattle and farm machinery or without. J. V. Cooper, Box 1106 Statesville, N. C. 4-ll-2c EAETER EGG SHOW—We will hold an Easter egg contest and show Friday, April 1#, ,t 2 p. m Prizes will be awarded for the prettiest dozen eggs and the pret tiest basket containing a dozen eggs. Priie will be doubled if the winning dozen or the winning basket bears a "Country Pride" egg label. WATAUGA FCX SER VICE, S. Water St., Boone. lc LOMBARD CHAINSAWS — Sales and service. COVE CREEK STORE Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-17-tfc Septic Tank Cleaning Prices reasonable, work guaran teed. Sanitary Septic Tank Ser vice. Fiione Warren Greene, AM herst 4-3203, Route 2, Boone, N. C. 1-31-tfc FROM THE FIRST DAY 'til they start to lay. one feed all the way! FCX starting and growing mash for strong, lively, healthy chicks. Depend on FCX starting and grow ing mash. Watauga FCX Service, S Water St., Boone. le FOR SALE—Tamworth pigs. J. Ferd Michael, Roby Greene Road Boone, N. C. 4-18-2p EAT MORE EGGi^They are one of the most inexpensive and bene ficial foods. Get yours fresh daily at your Watauga FCX Service, S Water St.,' Bobne. 1C MENS SPORT COATS, spring; colors, including Ivy Leagues 816.86 and $19.80. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone, lc NOTICE—This is to certify that Dean Cook is no longer with the Master Cleaners. I do however, maintain a dry cleaning and pick up station.! Bring us your laundry and dry cleaning. COOK'S AUTO MATIC LAUNDRY, corner King Street and Blowing Rock Road. 10-38-tfc HALF PRICE ON WASHING MACHINE PARTS—Attention Re pairmen and Appliance Dealers. We have thousands of used Wash er parts for all makes of Auto matic and Wringer type Washers These parts are perfect as new, and we are selling tbem for one half of wholesale price. We are al so distributors for new parts. Write for parts list and prices — Burwell's Electric Appliance Ser vice. 832 10th St., Blvd. N. W.J Hickory, N. C. Telephone 26967. 4-4-Oc HOMELITE CHAINSAWS—Salrs service and repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-17-tfc LOOK FOR THE "Country Pride" label on eggs at your grocery •tore. They're produced in Wa tauga County. Watauga FCX Ser le WELL DRILLING prompuTdooe Latest and most modern equip^ ment. Experienced driller* J Wayne Gragg, 602 Green Street Phone AMherst 43667, Boone, N. c • 11-15-tfe WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE any thlng, anywhere, anytime. Mil Furniture Ce , Vilas, N. C. $B*fc. WELL DRILLING WELL BORING PUMP SERVICE Serving Western North Carolina Since 1911 Free estimate* Pea tar ing new modern equip ment. Old experienced operator*—with a repu tation to uphold. At competitive prices. Do mestic, commercial, in dust rial. Financing on ■ny of these if preferred. Write us or come down or call collect. B. E. FAW A SONS, INC Tel ephone 70, Box 529, Elkin, FT. C 1-24-tfc WpULD LIKE ta bono» the bo*. "The Green* family ef Watautp', by Key G. W. Greene 111 retarn it in good condition within two weeks. Mrs. Ivery C. Greene, Rt. 1. Box 98. Deep Gap, N. C lp SALESMAN Well known company has opening' for salesman for Hickory area. Direct selling experience helpful I but not necessary. Immediate| front money plus monthly bonus. Must have cmr. Age 11 up. For j personal and confidential inter view see company personnel mana ger Mr. H E. Brow*, 29th and 90th of April, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. at N. C. Employment Office Hickory or at Hotel Hickory T to • p. m either 29th or 30th. 4-l«-3c A- S. T. C. faculty member wacti to rent furnished 2-bedroom apart ment or house beginning June 1.1 One child. Contact J. F. Kandsll, | 1800 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina. 4-43c ] FOR SALE—Zionville service sta tion and grocery store. Vill sell at inventory. Reason for selling— failing health. Garage available. See Rosa B. Fergurson, Zionville, N. C. 418 2p FOR SALE—One model 780 Rem ington 30-06 slide action rifle. New. Priced $85.00. See Hoyt Ed mlsten at Edmisten Furniture Co. lp WAN'reD—A middle age woman or a girl to help with cooking and cleaning In a small Hotel. If in terested write or phone Mrs. Mag gie H. Lewellyn, Dobeon, N. C. lp FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers Craw ler tractor. Allis-Chalmers W. C. traAor, both in excellent condi tion. Allis-Chalmers Combine, no custom use. Bog disc Harrow. Athens Plow two disc. Caltipacker. Heavyweight Army Trailer. Seed beed disc. Paint sprayer Brigss Stratton air compressor combina tion on trailer with attachments, used not over 72 hours. Case Hay Baler. Dr. Brandon's Farm, Call J. F. Goforth, telephone Triangle 2-5861, Statesvllle, N. C. 4 18-3e FOR SALBV-Twine bafed hay. first cutting, $30 per ton. Free delivery, ton lots or over. Corn has all been sold. W. H. Walker, Sugar Grove, N. C. 3-28-5C Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admini stratrix of the estate of Paul A. .. late of the coMrty of Wa , State of North Carolina, this _ notify those having claims against the estate of the said de ceased to present them to me with in 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make prompt payment. This April 12, 1957—MRS. PAUL A. OOFFEY, Admx. 4-18-6c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Pursuant to the power and auth ority contained in that certain deed of trust dated June 27th, 1952, executed by Jake C. Shook and wife. Ada Shook, to the un dersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, N. C. in Book 67 at Page 88 and securing a certain note payable to the Watauga Building A Loan Association, and default having been made in the payment of said note as provided In said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the said Watauga Bufldini & Loan Association, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public action to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Watauga County in Boone. N. C. at 12:00 o'clock noon on the 6th day of May. 1987, the following described real estate, to-wlt: BEGINNING on a stake at mouth of branch by a birch tree and runs down and with Watauga River 28 poles to a point In river opposite a water oak: thence North 31 de(. West 10 poles to I stake above the road; thence up the mountain with a wire fence to a stake in the outside Shook old line; thence with the Shook old line as set out in the Johnson deed to Shook recorded In Book Z at Page 491 to the BEGINNING, con taining 29 acres, more or less. The said property wiH be sold subject to all outstanding and un paid taxes. This the 5th day of April, 1957, I E. HOLSHOUSER, Trustee 4-lJ-4c-h DEMOCRAT AIM FAT So This Is New York (Continued ftx«n peg* four) I* located not far above this city on the lordly Hudson River which Irving oade famous in hi* writ ing* Hit tone has been repro duced by the Rockettlitn and U authentic. The beloved author himself rightfully called * hi* via* te it fully conforms this de NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SALE Or SEAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNT* Pursuant to the power and auth ority contained in that certain deed of trust dated April 36. 1966, executed by Louise P. Knight sod Parka Knight, her hu*and U the uudersigned trustee, which said deed of trust is duly recarded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County. N. C. in Beak 79 at Page 2Z and securing a cer tain note payable to the Watauga Savings & Loan Association, and default having been made in the payment of said note as provided in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the said Watauga Savings li Loan Association, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Watauga County In Boone. N. C. at 12:00 o'dock noon on the 6th day of May, 1957, the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in the Town of Blowing Rock, Watauga County, North Carolina and on the South side of the Center Street and BE GINNING on a stake set in con crete, corner of the land* of Louise NorveU Brenizer, and being 1)0 feet from the original North west corper of the Louise Knight lands and runs thence North 7 leg. 45 nun East 138 feet, more or less ,to a stake on the North side of Spencer (now Center) Street; thence South 85 deg. 30 min. East with said street 61 feet to a stake, corner of the laads of Charles Davant; thence "South 8 deg. West with said Davant line 140.6 feet, more or less, to a stake, another corner of the lands of Louise Brenizer- thence North 87 deg. 30 min. West with the said Brenizer line 61 feet to the BE GINNING. The said property will be sold subject to all outstanding and un paid taxes. This the 9th day of April, 1967. J. E. HOLSHOUSER, Trustee 4-Xl-4c-h kitchen and on upatalra I* ml o«t life, unmarried. with hie hrether tod five niacee Tmri tin end of his lit* ia m ht wot* fit tingly: -J mm IMW Mat cedly and delightful ia (kit dear, bright little haaaa. wtiidk < km fitted up to «y own kumor. Everything gees on ckaarily in ay iittte home hold «nd I would not exchange the cottage far a ay «kateM In Chris LN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA^ WATAUGA COUNTY LENNIS PENNELL VS. PEAIiL P. REESE and husband, CLAY REEaS MAMIE f. mV ENS and husband, OUN STEV ENS. ED PENNELL and wife, EMMA PENNELL; MARTHA P. PARDUE and husband, ORV1LLE PARDUE; LETHA P. GREER and husband, LON GREER: GRACE ESS^'V W S NELL: CLAY PENNELL and wife, Pearl penneiA: max g. PENNELL and wife, CHAROTTE PENNhX: JOHNNIE PENNEL (Single), Minor; MARY ALICE PENNELL (Single), Minor. The defendant* Mrs, Martha P. Pardue, and husband, Orville Par due; Mrs. Letha P. Greer and hus band, Lon Greer: Mist Grace Pen nell; Mr. Dave Pennell and wife, Mary Pennell WILL TAKE NO TICE that an actioa as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, by the Petitioner to have her dower interest, as widow of L. S. Pennell, laid off far her use a ad benefit. The said defendants will further TAKE NOTICE that they are re quired to appear at the office of tne Clark of the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, in his office at the Courthouse in Boone, North Carolina, and answ er or demur to the petition field in said proceedings within twenty (20) days after the 29th day of April. 1957, or the Petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ia said petition. This the 2nd day of Aoril. 1087. A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of the Superior Court 4-Me-s NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admini stratrix of the estate of Palmer S. Blair, late of the county of Wata uga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said de ceased to present them to me with tng 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those in debted to the estate are asked to make prompt payment. This March 29, 1997. — MRS. SARAH R. FM.AIR, Admx. 3-28-0C NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the adaainl itratrix of the estate of Blaise Hayes, tale of the County of Wa tauga, State of Morth Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make Immediate payment This March 23, 1987. MRS. MILDRED HAYES, Administratrix. S-2S4C (K)K OUT, OANGES! Dublin, gWo^yMM who um islph Went s driveway should not lav* an accident. At ih* c*ranc«, le ku piaeed • sign. reading: 'Caution—> boys. 1 girl, 3 dog*, I bicycles, I laater-acootar, 1 iractor with eqwln—nt aad poison ivy—proceed at )r«wr own risk." u. s. e^ortt < $1,300,000,000 in February. » ccording to tike 1 tu about B par January <«tel but IB per higher than the figure tor F* nurjr.MW. Don't Miss tir BIG AUCTION SAlf Saturday, April 20 At BLOWING ROCK Articles of High Value WIILBe Offend for Sale IN THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM at 7:30 Craduetei by the Blowing ftwk Rotary Gtak Proceeds to Buy Venetian Blinds for the New School Building '"Where the Bargains Yon Buy Help the CMMren Yw Lova6 AUCTION SALE I AT LAXON, NORTH CAROLINA Friday, ApriM 9,1957 • i AT 7:30 P.M. LOCATED IN OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING COME AND BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE! New and Used Merchandise To Be Sold Living Roam and Bedroom Furniture, Dinette Suite*, Vacuum Cleaners, Sewing Machine*, Took, Electrical Appliance* and Other Article*

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