Campbell and Hi* Tenneaaee RiniHtn will be featured attracat the big hillbilly ahow art tor Um DiaM Bnene Theatre Saturday night at • o'clock The ahow, which will alae feature the Jolly Suteri, it part of the annual Camera Clinic and meeting of the Quvlina* Pre*! Photograhphar* Auociation and a gigantic flaati •hot, handled by the SylvaitU Corp., will be taken allowing the audience, *tage and nntire theatre. Appalachian Hi School To Start Term June 17 The Appalachian High School £aer aeaaion will begin June 17 will operate for nine weeka. Ita will be offered in all regular high achool aubjecta. Final registration wtl be held at • a. m., June 17, In the high achool auditorium. Five buaea will operate in Watauga (or the aummer achool. Buaea will run from Cove Creek, atony Fork. Gr»en Valley. Shulls Mill*, and Blowing Rock The Appalacttaa DefienUry School will begin a week later. Aine 24, and operate (or eight Weeka. Mr. John Howell, Principal, ahould be contacted (or further information about the elementary program. In addition, Appalachian High School will operate two aummer aehool-camp program*. The high aMiool program will be held at Lfeee-McRae College, and all regular high achool aubjecta will be Ottered there. Latin and a apeclal rrae in reading will be addltion(eaturee of the academic program. The high achool program at Leea-McRae will be held (or eight weeka, June 24 to AugUft 10. Student* who live in or near Banner Bk will be accepted aa day ,atudanta in thia program. Appalachian High School will alio operate an enriched elementary achool-camp program at Valle Cracia. This program ia dealgned for itudMita in gradea 8 through 8. The VaOe Crucla program wii) run five vreekn, June 17 to July 19. Special emphaaia will be Jacta. A full ractfUms pro0im will be provided »nd will include MfeteC. V-rsebaek riding. swimming. »nd tpotti Day students wm riao be aeeefried to Or VaMe Cmt* program Flower Sliow j| Meeting fa Sri All persons IntursaUd la esbtbMine la fee Artistic DirisiOft of the Barm* Homr Mow July li> 12 arc lined to attend a general *' «- - «—a j. —- - - . j flWJCt iVly D€ DCUI In Ui Ih19j « Jtm* IS at 740 p HI M TOtowship Hall of the Boone Method tit Church. Tbls will be a part of the meeting of the Home Garde* Depart ment of the Worthwhile Woman's G9itb. A panel of blue ribbon Winners will discuss the ("lasses In tbla year'. ArtUrtic acbedule aad will answer any questions concerning this division. Slides of previous arrangements will be shown and points of Interest to ail will be discussed. All (hose who plan to enter any arranaanwnte are urged to attend thta meeting. To have a successful flower stow we naed advance planning and preps rations in arrangement WM-k. Schedules will Be distributed. Come and rttamag your plans with the committee. Bo This Is New York SE • * (Continued from pafe bar) faun whe eswowBtered • frieid and said, "I hear your brother baa jairt Ml Peia SUU aid if living •t tlM Pu* Central." The friend replied. "Well, feat * net quite the Sy It i*. Hy brother ha* >u« left I State Pea and la living w Central Park."^ Gotham OatfcartngK • r««ail Jeweler haa in his window a at en: . . Berne Washuifton Sqture re• iJentJi claim they want the M» tdrie (dace rwtamd to a pvt. net a parkway ... la the rfcheat county in the "-"ri1 Stale*, Westchester in New York, a memorial to our wtr dead to coat Only 927,000 was voted down ... a local rsdte advertisement for a bank statesi r "Have you i fUwnda) ailment? Ingredient*, gold and silver, which MO take e*M of ail your fueal ilia" ap il a> alt ntpplr «*•»: "I wffl riiow you how to print picture* if you buy *100 worth of mateWnl" . . . "IT« 1 animal 35 ^ mine nil, hat two im and four log*, is coal whea it'a warm". What it it? A Dacron ! fahrte Mil. Diclwrsonfj Child Dies • Funeral aerrices for an infant daughter of Mr. and lira. A. D. Dkkeraon were held at Fort Lauderdale. Fla. June 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Dickeraon are former Boone rmMents. I The thirty-third annual Staging on the Mountain will be held June 23rd on highway 221. two miles cut of Linvilie according to »\ preliminary announcement made by J. L. Hartley, chairman and founder of the event. - v».- . . The priori pal addreet of the oe-1 ration it to be delivered by United Stat^t Senator 8am t. Ervm, lr The program win alto he featured by Arthur Smtth. famed radio and tr musical personality, and Jimmte Davis, former Governor of Lonlriana, a well-known vocalist. As usual those attending the singing will carry picnic baskets. J»er«b in Wftly eol-A Uav A YoaH^E^ov & YSTERY J MMl Blowing Sock my Pw ^ a* *« ^CONCRETE BLOCKS STEAM CUBED — LABORATORY TESTED BOONS PLANT, TELEPHONE AMhent 4-M1I MAYMEAD BLOCK CO. BOONE, ft C. SHOUNS, TKNN.