or 69 Years ■J An Independent ff eekly Neteapai , HffS Sixty-Ninth Year of Continuoua Publication BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, IM7 ASTC Sets New Record In Summer Enrollment Bjt EARLEEN G. PR1TCHETT A* has happened each summer far several years, the enrollment at Appalachian State Teachers col lege's summer session has gone ahead of previous years. Ac cording to H. R. Eggers, registrar, the enrollment stands now at 1340, compared to 1260 for the same date last year, a gain of 80 stu dents. To be added to the 1340 for. total enrollment during the first term will be all who are do ing students teaching at the ele mentary school and who will re port on June 24, and the following short courses which will enroll on June 24 and July 8: Two reading workshops, two elementary educa tion workshops, and a workshop for science in the elementary grades, all carrying full credit. The enrollment is above that which had been predicted and expected by the college administration for this term. Last year the total for the first term, including all short courses and workshops, was 1485, and for the entire summer was 1746. North Carolina, as always, leads in enrollment with 79 counties from every section of the state represented. Florida has repres entatives from 23 counties, Georgia from 26, South Carolina from 20, Virginia from 8, West Virginia, Tennessee and Mississippi from 6 counties each, Alabama from 3, Illinois and Maryland from 2, and one county from the following: Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Delaware, and Cuba. The first term of the summer session will end »n July 19, and the second term will begin on July 22. Some of the largest work continued on page six) Big Flash Shot Brings 1800 To Horn Theatre By V. G. ROLLINS A crowd estimated at 1.800 per ions gathered Saturday night at the Daniel Boone Theatre, home of the outdoor drama, Horn in the West, to witness the making of two "mammoth" flash pictures of the amphitheatre by the Sylvania Corporation. Elaborate preparations for the shots were made by Virgil Patter son of Sylvania and Joe Coata, board member of the National Press Photographers Association and chief photographer for the New York Mirror Magazine. Costa, termed an "honorary Tar Heel" by Saturday night's master of ceremonies, Hugh Mor ton, was here in connection with the annual Carolina Press Photo graphers Clinic, held last week at Grandfather Mountain. The entire clinic of some fifty photographers, representing lead ing newspapers in North and South Carolina, Southwest Vir ginia, and East Tennessee, was brought here by Morton, presi dent of the Linvllle Company, which owns Grandfather Moun tain, to take shots of the Horn theater. The Sylvania pictures, with each flash the equivalent of six thou sand 60-watt household bulbs lighted simultaneously, were made at intermission and at the cloee of a western music show present ed by Cecil Campbell and the Tennessee Ramblers with the Jol | ly Sisters, well-known recording. I television, and radio stars. A scene from Horn in the West was enacted on stage (or each of tfae giant shots. Sylvania plans 10 publish the pictures in connection with their national advertising in leading newspapers and maga zines, Mr Patterson said. Another feature of the evening was the introduction on stage of Miss Robin Williamson of Con way, S. C., who was named "Miss Carolina Photo Queen" by the photographers' clinic earlier the same day at Linville, and Miss Marcie Hampton of Asheville, last year's winner. Lowman Returns To Boone Church The Rev. E. H. Lowman was returned to the Boone Methodist Church, according to announce ment of church appointments at the Methodiat Conference, held at Lake Junaluska last week end. J. C. Lane was reappointed to the Boone circut, which includes the Bethelview, Friendship and Pleasant Valley churches. The Rev. S. E. White was trans ferred from Watauga charge to Nathan's Crtek in Ashe county, leaving the charge under the sup ervision of Mr. Lowman until a pastor is appointed. South Africa plans U> track earth satellite. Harris Resigns Chamber Post Stanley A. Harris ha* submitted his resignation, effective not later than September 19, aa manager of the Boone Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association He has held these posts for the past nine years, one year of which be also served aa the Chamber's president. Mr. Harris sets forth his reasons for resigning, together with sug gestions for future operation of the civic bodies, in the following letter to Glenn R. Andrews, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce, and R. D. Hodges, Jr., chairman of the Merchants Committee: "First, 1 would like to sincerely thank the present officers of both the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association for their fine cooperation in the past. "The Merchants Association's year ends on July 1 and while I have never considered it import ant to work on a fiscal year baais, I was elected as manager for the year 1896-1937. This is to advise that I Will not be available for further services after July 1. "As to the Chamber of Com (Continued on page six) Over 800 Persons Get Chest X-Ray The mobile x-ray buses are now in operation in Watauga county. One bus is located on King Street in Boone and will be in operation through June 28 (Tuesdays through Saturdays) between the hours of 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. One bus is located in Blowing Rock and is in operation the above hours on Tuesday, June 18. The following number of x rays have been taken so far: Boone, Friday, June 14th: 139; Sat., June 18th: 338. Blowing Rock: Friday, June 14th, 168; Sat., June 18th, 160. WINNERS of the County Bu» Driver**Ro«d*o held in Boone re cently were, left to right: Thomai Towiuend, of Blowing Rock, School; Jon Coffey. Appalachian; Allen Triplett, Blowing Bock; P»ul Moody. Cove Creek; and Gerald Lawrence, of Bethel. Super intendent of County Sehooli W. Guy Angell. make* the preaenta tlon of awards. —Photo by Palmer# Photo Shop. General Assembly Praises Record Of Dr. Dougherty In Resolution The family of Dr. B. B. Dough erty ha* been forwarded a resolu tion pas»ed by the General As sembly in honor of th« memory of the late President of Appalachian State Teachers Collet*. The text of the resolution fol lows: i WHEREAS. Dr. Stanford Bar nard Dougherty har recently died at the age of eighty-six; and WHEREAS, in the death of Dr. Dougherty, patron, long-time Pres ident. and one of the founders of Appalachian State Teachers Col lege. the State of North Carolina has suffered the loss of a courage ous, sincere, and far-sighted edu cator and public servant; and WHEREAS, among his many ac complishments and public services during his long and useful llitt, he served aa County Superintendent of Watauga County Schools from ISM to IMS, as President of Ap palachian Stale Teachers College Iron 1903 until kia retirement « 1 • "r;, - short time before hi* death, and for i long number of year* was ■ member of tile State Board of Education; and WHEREAS, from the date of the founding of Appalachian State Teach en College in 1903 until the day of hi* death, thi* native North Carolinian labored early and late, in aeaaon and out, in the interest* of Appalachian State Teacher* Col lege; and Ip WHEREAS, the General A* acmbly of North Carolina wishes to make record of Ha appreciation of hi* life and accomplishments and of it* sincere Mm# la hla paaaing: Now. therefore, be it rewhred by the House of fcepreaentalives, the Senate concurring: WV Section I. That in the death of Dr. BUaford Barnard Dougherty, not only the General Assembly of thi* State, but the State of North Carolina a* a whole ha* experi enced a great loa and profound grief at the termination of the life of this diatinguished North Caro linian. ' ' Sec. 2. That the General Aa sembly of North Carolina hereby expresses ita highest appreciation of Dr. Dougherty is a citizen and public servant and expresses ita sympathy to his loved ones and to hia family at his paaaing. Sec. 3. That a copy of this Reso lution, duly certified, shall be furn ished the family of Dr. Dougherty. Sec. 4. This Resolution shall be come effective upon ita adoption. In the General Aasembly read three times and ratified, thia the 9th day of June, 1887. 1 "L e. barnhardt President of the Senate J. K. DOUGHTON Speaker of the Huuae Of Examined and found correct, J. Shclton Wicker, fur Committee. Given Degree At Northwestern U. Miu Jim Riven, daughter of Mr. and Mr». Rob C. Riven ha* < received the Bachelor of Science j degree in Journalism from North wentern University. The degree waa conferred by the Medlll School of Journalism at graduation exereiie* in Evanaton, Illinois June 17. Mr. and Mrt. Riven attended commencement. On her return Mi»« Riven went to Brevard where the will work with publicity at Tranayt vaoia Muilc Camp. Attend Camp Miaaei Ana Buxton and Elaine Bolick of Blowing Rock are at tending the Presbyterian young people* camp, being held at Sul len* College, in Bristol, Tenn. thia week. They are delegate* from The Rumple Memorial Church in Dlowlng Rock Billion peak in Are lone* Is teva thia year. " ** ' __ Democrats WINKLER RICHARDSON TUGMAN COTTRELL Mayor Winkler, Incumbent Board Win Handily In the first contested city elec tion in fourteen years, Boone vot ers returned Democratic Mayor Gordon H. Winkler and the in cumbent board of aldermen to of fice by an approximate 2 to 1 majority Tuesday. Re-elected as aldermen were Democrats Howard J. Cottrell, Wayne R. Richardson, and Grady Tugman. The Democratic administration had not been challenged by the Republican party since W. H. Gragg, last Republican mayor, went out of office in 1043. Less than two weeks before elec tion day, local Republicans met in convention and nominated Her man W. Wilcox as their candidate for mayor, and Fred M. Gragg, Dr. William M. Smith, and Cecil M. Greene as candidates for alder men. According to a final but unof ficial count, the votes were cast •s follows: For Mayor: Gordon H. Winkler, Democrat, 43S; Herman W. Wil cox, Republican, 230. For Alderman: Wayne R. Rich ardson, Democrat, iS8; Howard J. Cottrell, Democrat, 447; Grady Tugman, Democrat, 431. Far Alderman: Dr. William M. Smith, Republican, 234; Fred M. Gragg, Republican, 223; and Cecil M. Greene, Republican, 213. College Trustees Meet Today The annual spring meeting of the Board of Tiustees of Appala chian State Teacher* college ii be ing held at the office of the preti dent of the college on the campus today (Wednesday). The first item of business which the board will act on is a reso lution honoring the memory of Dr. B. B. Dougherty, the co-found er with his brother, D. D. Dough erty, of Appalachian State Tea chers College. Among other items which the trustees will hear and discuss art reports from Dr. D. J. Whitew, the dean; H. R. Eggers, the regis trar; Dr. Herbert Wey, associate dean of (he graduate school; and Chapelt Wilson, director of the summer session. Report of D. B. Dougherty, the vice president and comptroller, will include fiscal affairs of the institution for the past year, a report on permanent improve ments, and others. Dr. W. H Plemmons, president of the college, and Mr. Dougherty jointly will report on requests made to the General Assembly and plans of the college to begin new construction and expansion autho rized by the legislature. Dr. Plemmons will report also on personnel changes; studies of policies involving rank, retire (Continued on page six) Lions Club Installs Workman As Prexy Or. J. H. Workman, of Appal* chian State Teachers College, was j installed ai president of the Boone Lions Club for the year beginning July 1 at the annual Ladies Night dinner meeting, held Tuesday evening in the Daniel Boone Ho tel. He succeeds Ira S. Ayers. The Hob. J. H. Whicker, Jr.. of j North Wilkesboro, past cabinet secretary of District 31 -B of Lions International, delivered an in spirational talk on Llonism in the principal address of the evening. Mr. Whicker, introduced by Lion Wade E. Brown, also presid ed at the Installation ceremonies for Dr. Workman and other of ficers, including A. E. Hamby, Jr., first vice president; Guy Hilnt, second vice president, Dr. J. R. Melton, third vice president; W. Ralph Tugman, secretary; J. H. Thomas, treasurer; Frank Payne and Rev. J. K. Parker, Jr., tall twisters; and William S. Huffman, lion tamer. Lion James H. Councill acted as toastmaster. Dr. D. J. Whitener delivered an address of welcome to the Lionesses, with response by Mrs. J. E. Holshouser. In the musical portion of the program, arranged through the cooperation of Mrs. Virginia Wary Llnney, Dr. Robert Morris of the music department of Woman's College at Greensboro (WCUNC), was presented in a group of three vocal solos, accompanied at the piano by Mr. Walton Cole of the Appalachian State Teachers Col lege music department Mrs. Mor ris waa also a guest of the club. Presentation of awards for per fect attendance and other cate gories was made by Dr. Lee Rey nolds. put president of the club. The program committee was composed of Wade E. Brown, chairman, Leo K. Prltchett, and t>r. Reynolds. William II. Maet Get* Degree William HcriKloa Mot. nori of Mr. and Mr*. Dave P. that, gradu ated June 3 from the Pharmacy School of the University of North Carolina. He went lo Richmond. Virginia, immediately after com pleting hie final exam* at the University to take the Virginia State Pharmacy Board examina tion. He haa recently been notified that ha lias peaeed, therefore, re ceiving hi* Virginia Pharmacy • ; i i Vesper Series Slated At Baptist Church Rev. L. II. Holliagsworth hit announced that the First Baptist Church here will begin ita pro gram of summer Vespers Sunday afternoon at a replacement for the regular evening service*. Beginning time for these Vea per services will be 6 o'clock each Sunday evening. The aervlcea will last approximately 60 minutes and will regularly feature some of the outstanding work of the choir. Mr. Hoyt Safrit, Minister of Music, has planned some repeat renditions of anthems and other choral works that have been par ticularly well received, as well aa some new numbers. The local congregation experi mented with Vespers instead of the regular evening services for about two months last summer "The reaponae then waa quite gratifying," Mid Mr. Hollings worth, "and it la hoped that it will be even better this rammer. There is a peculiar quality of beauty and reverence in these services at the setting sun sends its softer but warmer and richer rays through the beautiful win dows of the sanctuary. Local friends and summer visitors will benefit richly from participation in these services, and the pastor extends a invitation to all." As a part of the first Vesper services this coining Sunday even ing the Ordinance of Baptism will be administered to the following candidates: Graydon Eggcrs, Jr., Louis Farthing, Pamela Hamby, Linda Hollingsworth. Barbara Sue Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Rhodes, and Mrs. Maurice Temp leton. Annual Singing Plans Completed The 33rd annual Singing on the Mountain, which each year at tract* thousands from far and near, will be held next Sunday, June 23. at the baac of Grand father Mountain, two milei east of Linville. Thia year's speaker will be U. S. Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr., of Mor ganton. Singing attraction* will include Arthur Smith and the Croat Roada Quartet. Jimmie Da via, ex-gfvernor of Louisiana and a famed singer, a class from California, and many others. J. L. Hartley, founder and guiding hand of the famed attrac tion, Is chairman and Jack Cook is secretary. There will be food enough to feed a multitude, they say, and have issued an invitation to all to attend. Rhododendron Blooms To Hit Peak On Roan For Gay Festival By MlRlxli KABB The rhododendron -crowned crest of 6,2M-foot high Hoan Mountain near Bakersville, ia ex pected to be at the peak of Its beauty for the 11th annual Roan Mountain Rhododendron Festival June 22-23. Flull bloom for the thousands of purple-red (Catawba) rhodo dendron atop the mountain Is ex pected to occur between June 18 and 27 this year. The blossoms usually make a food display until early July. The natural gardens of rhododendron stretch across 800 acres of mountain meadow ringed with evergreen forest and magnificent vistas of the sur rounding mountains. "The Roan" is In Pisgah Na tional Forest, and its «ummlt Is accessible by s paved Forest Ser vice road connecting with High way 201. A seenir loop road through the flower* has been re cently resurfaced, and new picnic tables installed at several points on the mountain top. U. 8. Forest Service rangers re port that bloom bud* indicate a rhododendron display "much bet ter than that of ISM". A preview of the Roe* ia rhodo dendron time appear* hi the June issue of National Geographic Magazine, which say*: "Here is probably the wortds meat exten IN QUEEN COMPETITION.—Mlaa Kathryn Henaon. left, of Sherwood will represent the Boone Chamber of Commerce u "Mlaa Watauga County," and Mi.» Betty Swaim of Boone will be aponaored by Southern Appalachian Historical Association aa "Mlaa Horn In the Weat" in the competition for "Rhododendron Queen" at the fwtival to be h«ld at Roan Mountain Saturday and Sunday. Miaa Henson ia • aenior at Com Creek High School, an outatanding student, and wai grand manihal at the recent commencement exereiaw. Mlaa Swalm waa graduated with honora thin year from Appalachian High School, and Was president of the Mudent body. "AWiSt \ % ~ ■ "A ljULl .v. stand oI Rhododendron Cataw btauc." ■ j ."t.'. • | The Mate* of North Carolina and Tcummm participate IB the two-day Rhododendron Festival program, which attracti vla)tort from «w«*v itifn imi ffiurmi a beamy conical to telnet • i dron qilr«n from North and one from Tennraau*. town of Bakeravtlla will ingi of July