Summer refreshment ahould leave the hoetea* cool. too. and not entail much preparation. Thanlu to Florida, which proceneM more than half Ha huge vitamin C-ridt orange and grapefruit crop*, thin i« possible Convenient canned Florida orange, trapefrult. ami blended orange and grapefruit juice* are available now at ntm low prioaa Stock up. and when gueets drop in. take the economical can> of Juice, at. ice bucket and tall froated glamet to the porch Let everyone Pi Ida own citrua cooler, adding gamhihaa. aoda water or gingerale lo taate. To froat the giaaaea. dip in unbeaten agg wliite. and then In granulated augar. Here ara two cooler auggeatlona: Grapefruit Whltecapa cup* canned 1 egg white Florida grapefruit 2 tahleapnona augar juice Nutmeg Poor chilled Juice into tall glaaaca. Beat agg white until >111?; beat In augar gradually. Put apoonful In aach glaat: wrinkle with YIELD; 4 aarvinga. Citrua flodaa For aach aoda, combine % cup chilled Florida orange, or'blended orange and grapefruit juice with >/i cup chilled giqgerale in a tall glaaa. Add a targe aooop af wattle ine areata. Tabasco Sparks Picnic Fare Picnic day* are rolling 'round Main and chancM an youll be looking for new way* to pap up the traditional hamburger For top* in enjoyment, add Just the right amount of Taha*co, the famous liquid pepper Manning from down aouth, to the ground meat before you grill it Another hint for giving a new look to this year'* picnic la by adding apark to your potato naiad Here again. Tabasco doe* the trick. The piquant flavor of thia red pepper seasoning add* new intereat to an old favorite. In fart, youll want to uae Tabasco in many other picnic favorite* thi* year for happier eating Cook potatoes in skins until tender. Peel and dice.(Add onion and celery; sprinkle with salt. Mi* together mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar and Tabasco Add to potato mixture. Mix lightly with a fork being careful not to break potatoes, chill To serve, garnish with salad greens and tomato wedgea. YIELD: 8 serving*. For a Picnic .. . Roast of Lamb Picnic Potato Salad 1V4 cup* diced celery l'/4 teaspoon* salt % cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon prepa I tablespoon prepared mustard 1 tablespoon vinegar '/« teaspoon Tabasco „ • redden, Mux on« un "Leta hare a picnic!"—with Sunday $ dinner cook in* in the elwtric roaster; rolled roaat of iis f0™ ■nd ,c•"o»,... Ah. ^ jro« can tan it with jroel With the meat fully cooked In the (till-hot router, wraa a ns\sr2 &&tn,nk °r r ~ ROLLED ROAST OF LAMB X"i' svtzr- "•«rSM,d Pou . Tutty Sundir 5^95ai!EaSW,« ursgj Put unmdpHurod molaaaea In 12-ounc* gUx; fill halt full wltl milk. Add Ice cream; ftlr vigorously. Fill to top with milk. Y1KI.D: t atrving. Tropical lea Crtaai Float 1 scoop ('/, pint) vanilla, chocolate, or cofFeo ire cream For A Slim-Dandy Barbecue Use Sauce Low in Calories Who doesn't drool at the savory aroma and tansy flavor ot the oook out? It's part of luramrrtiim'i finest fun. ■ And hare's food new*: weight watcher* who haven't gotten to flrat faaate with barbecue can atop miffing their neighbor*' amoke now and start cooking up their own storm. Dieticians have come up with a low-calorie sauce which, brushed generously over lean meats such as chicken, will turn out barbecue guaranteed not to go to teats*. Saccharin gives it Just that touch of needed sweetness, but without addlrtg a single calorie. Although 400 times sweeter than sugar, it is calorie-free; can be uaed for any summertime sweetening to avoid heat-producing calories. a Sfi&TBfcsiWwi " * ■»" Barbecue Saace I Tbsp bottled muatard I'/j tap. finely cut garlic S Tbsp. Worcestershire Worcestershire sauce Cold Cuts Cater to Summer Menus _Who could *«H through ■ aiulinc ■mmw without tha haip ol Ad cute? "nier# arc mora than a hundml to chooaa from, auch at tha umalat. Miami, aouaa, tongue. ham, bolocna and livtt wuaM* in tha pictura. 8* f"*! to chooaa from for Mndwtchea or lor M>rrii«« with traditional potato aalad. And no fctminf ow • hot (tor* whan cold cut* aarve ai tha main dish Uk» the mmta you cook at homa. cold aTumTtjSf*'*"" "ftham Mabel Widens Lead In Baseball Series By defeating Foacoe on Satur . lay and Lenoir on Sunday. Mabel ' inrreaaed their lead in the TriCounty BaaebaU League. The teamii are fighting hard to improve their (landing go aa to be uaured of a spot in the play-offs. Plans are now underway for an ill-Mar game in the very near future. Rewrite Sat . July 20—Mabel 8. Foacoe I; Mt. Pleasant 0. W Jefferson 0; l^noir T. Bamboo 6; Lansing at Millers Craek (unreported); Boone open date. Sun., July 21—Mabel 8, Lenoir t; Foacoe at Boone (rain): Mil lera Creek at W. Jefferson (unreported); Mt. Pleasant at Lansing (unreported); Bamboo, open date (Complete standings were not available at press time. Schedule Sat.. July 27—Poseoe at Millers Creek. Mt. Pleasant at I^enoir. Boone af West Jefferson (8:00 p. m), Mabel at Bamboo, Lansing, open date. Sun., July 28—Bamboo at Mt. Pleasant. Lansing at* Boone, (double header), Millers Creek at Mabel, (double header), West Jefferson at Foscoe. Lenoir, open date. Two Cars Hit; Damage Of $500 Samuel Wesley Brown, 82, of Croaanore, was charged by Patrolman Charles W. Mason, with making an improper turn, as the result of a automobile accident at Parkway Grill on Highway 421, Friday at 4.43 p. m. According to the report. Jack Delpar Rogers, 23. of Deep Gap. was driving a 1957 Dodge east on the highway when a 1947 Reo truck driven west by Brown attempted to make a left turn at the grill, in front of Rogers. The two vehicles collided, causing damage of $900 to the car, with the truck escaping with no damage Spray drift or misapplication of 2, 4-D can cause serious damage to susceptible crops such as tobacco. NEWS ABOUT OUR Servicemen LT. HORTON COMPLETES ' FLIGHT TRAINING COURSE CAMP GARY, TEX. —_ Army 2nd U David F Horton. ton of Mr .and Mri. Samuel P Horton. Sugar Grove. N. C., recently completed i four month primary flight training courae at Gary Army Air Field, Camp Gary. Tex. Lieutenant Horton will now go to F«rt Ruclcer, Ala., for advanced tactical training. ' He entered the Army in June 1936 and wai lait stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. The lieutenant'! wife. Mary Sue, livea in San Marcos, Tex GEORGE B. MAST IN TRAINING AT FORT BRAGG Fort Bragg.—George B. Mast (on of Mr. and Mrs. Dave P. Mast. Sugar Grove, ii scheduled to complete six weeks of annual ROTC, training August 8 at Fort Bragg, with members of the Wake Forest College cadet program. Cadet Mast is a member of Sigma Pi fraternity and the Scabbard and Blade society. iCRUISE TO SOUTH AMERICA NORFOLK, VA—Jesse . L Ragan, chief machinist's mate. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock S. Ragan of Route 2, Boone, N. C., and Fred Covington, seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Coving Far free etfkwte CA LI Box 572 Greeniboro, N. C. FENCE! [lodges Heads Merchant Assn. R. D. Hodges, Jr., wu re-elect k) chairman of the Merchants Association of the Boone Chamber ion of M-lf Bread Creek Road. Boone, departed from Norfolk, Vs. June 1*. sboard the hearjr :ruiser U#S Albany <1* a mid ihtpman cruise to South America. Expected ports of call to fw rislted include Valpartso, Chile; Balboa and Cristobal. Pabama. and Suantanamo Bay, Cube, before the Albany's scheduled return to Norfolk In early August •I Commerce, at a mttiui m ine board of directon Twfcy. Other officer* named wei* Frank Coffey, vice-chairman, and Stanley A. Harria, manager < reelected.) Cofimittee chairman were named aa followi: Legislative. G. R. Andrew*; membership and finance, Cecil Miller; credit and efeiUetUfta, CMker Triplett; Chriitmas program and town de corations, W W Cheater; croup insurance, RuueU R. Hodge*. Sr.; trade promotion, Fred Church North Carolina woodland owners are reminded to be ran careful about fife* during the hot doweather.