Church Notices 10:00 a WLl 1140 a. a.; Evening ft:* P- m. ' 7 JO p. N George W. 4! Bethany—Suadaj «. m.; Service— 1st acd 3rd I 11:00 a. ml; Sad and 4th Sun— T:J0 p. Youth light. Friday, 7:30 p. m. I ,g Holy Triulty—Sunday Scbool■ 4; hmoi Mi*! 10 00 a. m* Service—Sod and 4th Boa.—1140 a an.; Ut. and 3rd Sund.—y-M p. a>. WT♦ Hot/ Coaptation - Sunday School, 1:30 p. at.; Senrie*, 1:30 p. m Blowing Rock. N. C. Walter K. Key., D. D, Sunday: 3:30 a. a. Han't Bible The Manae. 10.00 a. m.—Sunday School la the Chapel. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship. 7 00 to 3:00 p. m.—Pioneer and Young People-, anemhly in the 3:13 p. the Church. 7:30 p. m.—Prayer the ChapaL BOON* CATBCKJC CBUBCB No Sunday masaei at during the Mimmer. BLOWING BOCK CATHOLIC CHVBCH OF TUB EPIPHANY Maaaea Blowing Bock 8:13 p. m Ol J X Parker, Jr., paator. Sunday achool at 3:43 a. ak. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m There la a nuraery kept ler am children during this aervioe, with a nana oa duty. Weatmlnater Fallowahip at 3:43] p. m. Circle* *f the women of the church aieet the Br*t Monday af each month; general meeting of the women of the church aa third Monday. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHUBCM Sunday aervlee* at P.30 a. m. Holy Communion let and 3rd Sunday*. Church School at 10:30; Holy Communion each Wedneaday at 13:10 a. m.; Church open dailjt WOMAN? SOCIETY TO MEET The Woman * Society of Christian Service *1 Heneoa'* Chapel Melbudut Church will meet with Mrs 0. C. Mmon to Mountain CHy, Irnnenaee Saturday Augtut 31 at 2« p. m The grou*. will leave the parsonage at 1:00 p. m Mr*. Lillie Brock* 1* in charge of the program. gkace luthkba* cmubcm Ber. K. r. Tnmtmam, Mm OJhHlday School at 10-00 a. a*. Mr*. Paul Miller and Mr. Wade Coffey, Superintendent*. Worship at 11:M a. m. Sermon topic: "Preaching lor a Purpoae." Luther League at «:00 p. m. Wedneaday evening worihlp at 7:». BOONE METHODIST CHVBCH t H. Lowman. pastor. Waaler Foundation domrts and fdffn l oo Sunday school—0:46. Morning worship — 11:00. A nursery M provided for children. Methodist Tooth Kellow*hip~ 6:30 4 Choir nbnnd Wedneaday — •:18 WATAliGA METHODIST CIBCUIT The regular *ervice< will be held on the Watauga Circuit by Mi*s Geraldine Surratt, dsoconnt**. and » firntkT *|u fl.j Bilnh flnr. DfT DiOIINTi iM B9v> BBpil 8HP ratt Service* wiU be lield at Mabel on the second and fourth Sunday* by Mr. Surratt, and at Henion Chapel on the Mine Sunday* by Ml** Surratt On the first and third Sundays Mr. Surratt will preach at Liberty and Plney Grove, and Mia* Surratt will preach at Valla Crneia. The Surratt* will live at the parsonage located at Henaoa Chapel ChaMk at IkaiMii BLOWING BOCK METHODIST CHVBCH Dr.v H E. Spence, pastor. Sermon topic for Suhday, Sept. 1: "Dream* May Beoome Realities." BLOWING BOCK mtST BAPTIST CHURCH G. Carlton Cos, pastor. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Worship sarvtee at 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening service at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedneaday at Choir "^bSjfraal Wednesday at 1:00 p. m. | R*v. Mr. Kelly i In RevivaMet THE REV. rUKMAN O. KELLY The Rev. Furman O. Kelly will be the speaker at the Revival service# at the Cove Creek Baptiit Church September 1-8. These services will be held in cooperation with the other Baptist churches of the Three Forks Assaciation holding revival services at this time. Mr. Kelly is a native of South Carolina and a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky. He is the pastor of the Baptist Church at New Haven, Ky. Training Union Meeting Is Sfet An associations! training union maw meeting will be held Saturday night at the Gap Creek Baptlat Church at 7:30 1t is hoped that • large number from the Training Unions will be ia attendance at thia meeting. The Rev. Jim Greene, BSU secretary at Appalachian State Teachera College, will be the speaker. CHURCH HOMECOMING The BooDm Fork Advent ChristIan Church will have a homecoming on Sunday, Sept 1. There will be a picnic dinner on the groundi. STONY FORK BAPTIST CHURCH Raymond Headrlx, Factor Harlan Greene, Superintendent Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching lat and 2nd Sunday! 11 a. m. Training Union each Sunday night 7:00 p. m. Wedneaday night prayer^ Meting TrOO p. m. Mr. Hopkins To Run Revival .±,1 THE REV. JULIAN HOPKINS The Rev. Julian S. Hopkins will be the evaafelist (or the revival services at the Bethel Baptist Church September 14. Thii revival la held in conjunction with the fimultaneous revivals In the Three Forks Association. Mr. Hopkins is secretary of evangelism for North Carolina Baptists, and is a native of Ashe county. The public is cordially invited to attend. Beech Creek News Items Mrs. Sunan Rogers has returned home to Cincinnati, Ohio after spending the past month with Mrs. Vergie Trivett of Beech Creek. * Mia* Sue Trivett has returned home after spending the past year in Batonia. Ohio. Mrs. Lewis Harmon of Beech Creek spent Thursday with Mrs. Vergie Trirett. RAGWEED-FREE Puerto Rico and Alaska enjoy the distinction of being the only spots in the continental United 8tates where there is no ragweed pollen, which causes about seven or eight million persons in the United States to sniffle and sneeze. Fifteefi species of ragweed—all coarse, branching plants—grow in this country. Of these, five cause the trouble. They are the giant ragweed, common or dwarf, western ragweed, giant western and l#^jf le«"ed ragweed. * -*• DEMOCRAT ADS PAY Blowing Rook ? WftlMKIlMI Hav« Good Year The Blowing Rock Methodist Church brings to a eloae iU most sueeesSul imi» at thr entire tea years once it was refpeeed for regular summer tervires. Sunday, September 1, 1M7. The con gregation has grown steadily throughout these years, and the most gratifying. At s recent church meeting the following members were reappointed to membership on the ' Board of Governors: Fred W Bradshaw, Charlotte Mrs. J. T. Comer, Gastonia; Mrs. H. I. Dal ton. Charlottei Ton L. Dysart, Jr.. Statasville: Aver) Guyton, Miami, Fla.; C. A. Hasty, Max ton, Leon S. Ivey. Hickory; Cecil H. Jarrett, Newton;. L. S. Rankin. Gastonia; L M. Rash Lenoir; Mrs. Margaret J. Reinc king. Blowing Rock; R. Cecil Reinhardt, Newton; Mrs. Sarah Schenck, Blowing Rock; Or. Harry C. Schmelaser, Memphis, Tenn.; L. H. Smith, Blowing .Rock; and D. J. Sprott, Sanford. Frank H. Crowell of Lincolnton was added to the board. The following officers were reelected to succeed themselves: L. M. Rash, ehairman; Cecil H. Jarrett vice-chairman; L. S. Rankin, secretary-treasurer Dr. H. E. Spence was announced as having been appointed to the pastorate here for the coming season Appreciation was expressed to all who have helped with the work this summer and to the Watauga | Democrat for its kindness in giv-1 ing satisfactory publicity. NEW NATIONAL MONUMENT? A bill to authorize construction of a new national monument in Washington, D. C, "symbolizing the ideals of democracy," has been approved by the House Interior Committee. The monument, which would cost an estimated $23,000,000, would be built with funds received in public subscription. BosrrrAL cotfjp Overall hoapHal cortt have none up 132 per cent »ince IWi, coapwrd witfc a rise ot TlJt per cent in U«c cotuumer price index. The average hoapiUI bill has i»created Irom fS8 IA to 4111.11 to the fame period. Ptiti rat«6 average $24.10 at prenent, against (10.0* in 1946. . J„ < Oaitf4 State* farmer* will pro duiw about lit ailHca too* of t»y in 1(07, compared with 1(* 7 mil Uoa H** m im tad MM »U lion ton* in IMS. » I Gleaming in the midday tun .. . shimmering under the moen'i pal* (low . . . afire with gold a* the night headlights bear down . . . rails that never rust. Rolling wheels woa't let them! Some folks wonder whether it's important to go to Church every Sunday. Why not twice a month—or new and then—or at certain special seasons? When the wheels stop r6lling: RUST I When we relax in our quest of God or interrupt our pursuit of faith, then all the destructive influences in life begin to attack the- soul. The Church helps us keep open our spiritual right of way. And net only church-worship, but personal prayer, Bible reading and family worship rightfully deserve a place on our timetable. Published Weekly in the Interest of the Church«• ef Boone and Watauga County by the Following t WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. REINMTURWVANT FUNERAL HOME Mai AU COB "jfURANJ CE AGENCY ' s ' v NEW RTVBR LIGHT * POWER 00. jHKAJtt,'5aa?£. ft SUPPLY 00. Dry 8IUTREV8 STORE OMUac, tkMa, © CAROLINA PHARMACY A ( .fSit" zwaawfswm r Mr, Oner — Aun *•» Nab ^2«jrsPAWr , i ...1

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