T? I Local Affairs Madeline. of North T«MWMb, W. Y„ *U1 return horn* Sund»> after visiting a month with Mjrv Kacux's parMM| Mr. sad Mr. Ed gar 9. Hardin. Another daughter, Mn w. M. Hadsway. and llr. Hadaway, of Huntavilie, Ala., are viaMing with tbem thU week No. Hardin u recuperating from aw>or surgery. ■ Mrs. Artkurine Burgin private duty Mm in the home of Mia. T. H. Bioyhill and alio on the nun ing staff at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in L««oir, was the guast of Mrs. Olive r«le at Man HUI College over the week end. They attended the wedding of Mla» Hannah Blackwell, daughter of Dr. and Mis. Hoyt Blackwell of Man Hill College, and Mr. Chares Emory MeCall, son of Mr. and M:s. Emory MeCall of Lenoir. Saturday afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Man H II. Mr. Emory MeCall is a nephew of Mrs Cole and Mn. Bioyhill. Mr. and Mra William HoUhoua m. BUI. May and Umt*. of Waatimgton, D. C. am flatting tbla week with relative* and frteada in »—r E,k "f Mr. Jimmy Hoiahouaer returned home Friday trom the like Houae in Durham, where be aftenl tile aunmer, to vlait with hia parenta. Mr. and Mr*, i. E. Holahouaei, until Heptember 17 when he will eater law achool at Chapel HiU. ¥, Mra. Herman Wilcox attended the Preiidenu InatltuU of the third diatriet of the Federated Womana Cluba in Hickory Thur» day, Auguet 22. Plana were made for the diatriet meeting to be held in Sparta on October IS. Mr. and Mra. Wlnton B. Rankin and children, Jimmy, Walter, and Mary Ann of Ailington. Virginia, and Waahington, O. C., are flatting thia week with Dr. and Mra. J. D. Rankin and Prof. E. J. Abernethy. J. H. WINKLER REAL ESTATE - SALES AND RENTALS PHONE CY 5-3086 - BLOWING ROCK, N. G DOGWOOD WANTED Convert your dogwood to dollars. For specification* or cash on delivery, contact your local buyer DEWEY HODGES Route 3, Box 27 Boone, N. C. I ELIZABETHTON BLOCKS I Bay the block with imooth texture. Get the correct (lie and shape. Ask year mason. Alao all kinds of Brick aad Sand. Call H. B. WOOD, BOONE, AM 4-3759 WE DELIVER ANYWHERE * , . — Dr. «ad Mn Rohart K Kafir.. Clu-M, Carol. Joanue ud Eobcrt, U. of Can Cue a, Puerto Rico aod New York fHy are (pending tiu* week viaiting with Dr. Md Mrs. Robert R. KkMr4 Visitor* In flM home of Mr and Mm. C. G. Hodge* la*t week were Mrs Nora Warwan of Charlotte, Profeaaor and Mr* Howard Latben of Monroe, and Mia* Marguerite Alexander, writer (or the A*heville New* In A*beville 1 Miaaea Brenda Bone ol Carolina Beach. Carol Robertaon of Winaton-Salam. aod Linda Blair of Greeaaboro ipeol last week with Mia* BlaCT;!%n<n<lp*r<<ntv Mr. and Mr*. H. Neai Blair, on Daerfield Road. Mr. and Mr*. Milton Norri* Kabler of Chapel Hill were recent gueata with Mr. and Mr*. Claude Norria. Mr. Kabler will complete : hi* doctorate In Phytic* at the Univeruty of North Carolina in June. Mr. and Mr*. E. M. Kennickel of WaahinKton, D. C., Mia* Clara Kennickell of 8avannah, Ga. and Mr. Arthur Kennickell of WiiutonSalem were dinner gueit* last I Thursday with Mr. and Mr*. Jeff ! Stanbury of Vila*. Mr. and Mr*. C. M. Greer have i i returned to their home In Lenoir i after viaiting their son, Mr. and Mr*. Floyd Greer in Cleveland. Ohio. While there they alio visited Mr. and Mr*. Lonnie Greer and Mr. and Mr*. Bob Greer, formerly ; i of Zlonville. I ________ Sr and Mra J«*« 0.ammm ud Mr ud Kn. Mm DMMWlk ol Baltimore, Ud. m* «*• ***k end with Mr Md Mra K H. Claw«,o Elaine and Libby returaod ha.* with Mr. and Mr. cta,T|» after v^diM a -««* with their grand purenta Mr. and Mr. Emory and children. Ja*rt C*roJ, Mark and Suuut. of Mad.wo, Wtat«,ln. vlalted laat w»«k with ^ and Mil B. 0. Team* Mr. »nd Mm Glena Tea ma and aoo. Danny and Gary, of Kiwtvilta. Tew. y£ Ked in the Teama home over the week end. I Mr and Mra. Jaraea Storie, Pa» | and Julia, returned to their home in Blowing Bock Sunday after ipending the eummer in Denver, Colorado, where Mr. Storie tea been working on hia doctorate, they are vlaitlng a few day« in Boone with Mr. and Mra. A. E. | South and Mr». Jones L. Storie Vi»itort* with Mra. M. P. Critcher laat week and over the weekend were Mr. and Mra. John Crltcher of Goldaboro. Mr. and Mra. Jerry Anderaon and David of Arlington, Va and Mr. and Mra. Paul DuPre and John of Sylva. Mra. Critcher returned home with the DuPrea for a vlalt. Mr. and Mra. John T. King and children, Martha and John T.. Ill, of Wadeaboro; Mr. and Mra. J. V-1 Cobb, Margot. Jack, and Pat of Stateaville; and Mr. and Mra. Albert King and Suaan of Stateaville viaited over the week end with Dr. and Mra. Robert R. King. Mr. Clyde Winebarger la ecovring at hia home from injuriea attained on July 11 ^hen h.. mail car and a tchool bu» collided. Among recent callera at the Winebargera from over the atate were. Mr. and Mra. Odell Reid, WinatonSalem, Mr and Mra Frank W11aon. Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mra. Yatea Yoder, Hickory; Mr. and Mra. Jeff Wll«on, Bolton; Mr. G. M. Klrkland, Chapel Hill; Mr. and Mra Dan Moateller, Vale; Mr. W. S Simpaon, Elon College; Mr. and Mra John C. Coulter, Saliabury; Mr and Mra. W. C. Johnaon. Vale; Mias Vivian Johnaon, Charlotte, Rev. and Mra. J. W. Allen, SalUbury; Mr.. J. C, Crlap, Hickory; Rev. and Mr.. R. R Crater, Ronda; Mr and Mr.. Roy Lyerly, Banner i Elk; Mr. and Mra. George Tho-j maa. High Point; Mr. and Mra. W. | E. Yount, Stateaville; Lieut and i Mr.. Bill Coulter, Sherman, Texaa; and Mr. and Mra. Leroy Winebarger, Lynchburg, Virginia. Omif-UwrB mi tori of Mr ud Mr*, wtnw OmM ft Lum <m Om week end were lln. «. G. Greene, Jr., and mm, Johnny. Jerry, and Terry, Mr. and Mn. Walter Anderson of North WUkeabore; Mr. and Mr* Jamee Jo* ter and Mr* Vada Hiuini and Jee McNeil of Winstoo-Salem; Miai Mary Lea laaae* of Mabel; Pvt. Lonnie B. Hufhea of Fort Chaffle, Arkamat; Mr. and Mn. Paul A. Hunter, Sr., Nancy, June, and Johnny of DeLand, Florida, Mr. and Mn. David White and •on. David. Jr.. Mr>. D. A. White and son, Erneat oi Charlotte; and Mr and Mn. Bill Hunter of DeUnd, Florida. Schools Continued from page on* birth certificate, and in schools that do not require birth certificate!, teachers have been aaked to obtain certificatea for any child who may appear to be leaa than six years of age. Firat year students will also be required to have the neceaaary inoculations as required by state law. Parents of children entering school for the first time are urged to abide by the rules as prescribed by law. All schools will operate on • half-day schedule during the first two days in order to give the teacher ample time to make necessary preparations for the beginning school year. During these short schedule days, fees will be collected, books and instructional supplies issued, and final registration of all students completed. The regular full-day schedule of work will begin Monday; cafeterias will also begin operation on this date. Twe Teachers Are Lest The state allotment of teachers for the forthcoming school year haa been reduced from 142 to 140 due to drop in enrollment and average daily attendance. Eighteen new teachers have been added to the staffs as replacements for resignations last spring and during the summer months. This figure represents a 13% turnover in teaching personnel. which it rmHinMy lower than the aUU A meat survey of our teachers under contract thb year indicate* a high percentage of well-qualified professional teachers. M, or H7*, of oar Iwhw have completed one or more rears of graduabove the regular four yean of college work; 71 or UM, have elementiry and high school Clan -A" certificate*; and only 2 teach en hold a temporary "B" certificate The high qualification* of our teaching personnel should enable bs to have one of the host instructional programs In the Mate thi* year. All janitors reported to wort one week prior to the opening date In accordance with their term of employment These men have been working cloeely with the Your Doctor's Faithful Aide Your doctor'! right-hand man to your pharmacist— accurate, reliable. Have your prescriptions filled here with confidence. OUR PRECISION IS YOUR PROTECTION S Registered Druggists AU Ways Reliable Boone Drug Company 1956 Buick Special Riviera 2 door, radio, heater, deluxe interior, green and white, 9000 actual miles, one local owner, a new used car. 1953 Buick 4-Door Super JRadio, heater, dynaflow, power steering, power brakes, nice. 1954 Chevrolet 2-Door Heater, gleaming black, extra good tires, low mileage, extra, extra clean. 1951 Chevrolet 4-Door Radio, heater, extra nice. 1950 Ford Crestliner Radio, heater, many additional accessories. Priced to move. - TRUCKS 1956 CMC '/2-Ton Pickup V8, long wheelbase, heater, rear bumpers, extra clean. Low mileage. 1950 Vi-Ton Chevrolet Pickup Heater, ready to go. 19501%-Ton Chevrolet Pickup Dump bed in good condition. Good rubber. A real truck. 1918 Chevrolet lVz-Ton I Stake bed, heater, real god transportation. GREENE BUICK, INC I Orator Uceas* N*. IM 400 W. king Street. Boone, N. C. Satem, Vs.—Mm H. TincUr bid »U® for m rid houae that had to be rued to «lu room far hi addition M the water plant la dtothe kOOMI, Mr. Tiagler found i tia boa ia the.attic, con taiaiac *000 la aW-abad billa, now out of circulation. - Lincoln, lit—Bight boy*, who wanted to "M* a train turn over ' throw open a railroad (witch. Their target was aa Ulinoii Central Railroad train. It halted Just in time after the engineer vetted the open • witch. The boy* ranged in age from • to 10 year*. HEALTH DSFT. TO CLOSE The Health Department Office will be dOMd on Honda*, September X ealtv Values G.I. and F.H.A. Require Loons Now rHan Small Down Available y^Kf Payment NEW 3 BED ROOM BRICK HOUSE. bath, full basement, ear port. Urge lot located just out ot city limits. Priced (or quick aale. EAST KING STREET, one Mock from college. 9 room houae, 2 full hatha, full baaement, steam heat. Ideal for duplex with private entrance to each apartment NEW I BED ROOM HOUSE, bath, car port, forced hot air beat, large lot located on Grand Boulevard. G. I. loan can be assumed. Small down payment required. GOOD 2 BED ROOM BRICK HOUSE, bath, full baaement, 1 acre lot located Just out of city limita on the Blowing Rock road. A real bargain. COVE CREEK—Located near schools and Church oa Highway 421. A good five-room houae, bath, full baaement and H acre of land. Priced for quick sale. GOOD FARM located 12 milea north of Elizabethton, Tenn. 12S acre*, 8 room houae, S room apartsaent. (08 acres woodland.) 1 acre strawberries, 8-10 tobacco base, 90 x 80 barn. Orchard. 30% down. BEST RENTAL BUY IN TOWN. New three apartment brick house, private baths and entrances. Located near college on Oak street. 15% investment. Owner leaving town. GOOD 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, full baaement. Vi acre lot located 3 miles west of Boone on Highway No. 421. Hm property has been reduced *2,000 for quick sale. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS in Watauga County. 177 acres with rich bottom land, tobacco base, large brick home, tenant house, good feeding barn and silo. Good terms to the right person. Also: 122 ACRE FARM ADJOINING with good house and dairy barn located at Laxon, N. C., just off Blue Ridge Parkway on old Highway No. 80. Theae farms can be bought together or separately. Ideal for large boys or girls camp. GOOD 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, furnace, full baaement, automatic washer, deep freeze, 28 acrea land, including 8 acres of the best bottom land and 4-10 tobacco base. Located at Sherwood on hard surface road. DESIGNED for summer "dreaming.*' A good 8-room house, bath, stream tunning in front of house with four acrea of land, good road frontage. Located 19 minutes from Boone on Highway 421. 30%' down will buy, terms to suit yourself. - ■ Price: 38800. 48 ACRES of the best grazing and farm land with 90 foot road frontage. Terms—if needed. 32 ACRES of land with beautiful wooded scenery. Located just off the Parkway. A real buy. GOOD 31 ACRES FARM with houae, ideal site for lake and cabins. Located just off the highway. Terms. RESTAURANT AND SERVICE STATION, fully equipped, doing good business. Located on Highway 421—near Boone. Terms if needed. Owner selling due to bad health. Now is the time to buy this type of business. Ideal for Truck stop. Good frontage. FULLY EQUIPPED ABATTOIR—Building 40 ft. x 40 ft. Half acre land. State approved. Terms. 300 ACRES BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN LAND on good State gravel road. 100 acres cleared land. Make me an offer. Terms. One-fourth down. LARGE BRICK HOME at enormous discount. The location U good (338 Grand Blvd.) and it is surrounded by fine homes. The house is really Mg (four bedrooms, ceramic tile bath). Also bath in basement. Spacious lot G. I. loan can be assumed. Prompt action and inspection invited. ROUGH-HEWN STONE HOUSE, 3 bedrooms. Mohawk carpeting. full baaement, large corner lot. $1,000 down and home is yours. OUT WHERE IT IS COOL—Stone 3-bedroom house, bath, baaement, one acre beautifully landscaped Priced to sell. 98 ACRE FARM LOCATED DEEP GAP—Frontage on highway 421. New chicken houae (10,000 chickens), 8-room bouse, 2-1 cleared land. Income established on chickens. 1-3 down will buy. GOOD GOING BUSINESS for sale. 80 ACRES FARM LAND—8-10 tobacco baae, 8-room brick houae, very modern, barm. Located on good road. GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE, bath, barn, 7 acres land located 1 mile east of Boone, just off highway 421. Very desirable pi sporty. TWO ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE—2 acres land. Located oa Winkler's Crack. Priced for quick sale) GOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 baths, spacious living room with stone fireplace, double garage, 2 acres land beautifully landscaped. Located Just out of city limits. INVESTMENT PROPERTY-^apartineBt brick house, located near college, grossing 10 per cent Terms If needed. 2 APARTMENT HOUSE, heat, corner lot Located near college. Monthly rental 188.00. Terms If needed. GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Main Street. Deairabie for any • type of buaiaeaa. SELECT RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. List Your Property with Va for a Quick Sole Have Dsmsal far Saul! ■astaeas — Aba far Farasa COE INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY Inlf COB* ^onager DIAL AM MM - BOONE. S C. - 211 MAIN STREET

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