WE HAVE FINED IM P«i" of men's late summer »nd early fall pants *2 00 a pur for loitering too long in our (tore. Assorted sires and colors, some wa»h and wear. Buy two pain and ssve 94.00. CHURCH'S. W. King St^Boonr lc twoapartmehts for rent —One four room*, nicely furnished, one partly furnished. On Brown St Call AM 4-8273. Mrs. A L. Cook. #-»lp HELP RELIEVE APPLE SHORTAGE. Place enters now for famous Stark Brothers trees snd shrubbery. See your Stark sale* man. Marvin W. Roberts, Route 3, Boone, or call AM 4-3773. 8-28 2p CONFUCIUS SAY: "Drowsiness clothes a man In rags." Let us keep you awake and welt clothed. CHURCH'S, W.-King St., Boone, ic .FOR RENT—Furnished 3 bedroom house—or 4 room apartment. College Campus. E. L. Ray. 214, Locust St. 8-29-2p FOR RENT — Urge furnished bedroom, double bed, in private home. Available September 9. Call AM 4-3109 or 4*870 lc WANTED—Experienced waitress, also experienced dishwasher. Apply Gateway Restaurant. lc SUEDE JACKETS for men and boys. Assorted colors. Also boys' suede cloth jackets. These are washable. CHURCH'S. W. King St.. Boone. *c FOR RENT — Furnished apartment near College. Steam heat Day phone AM 4-8828, night AM 4-3069. Grace Flick. lc FOR SALE—Upright 649 pound capacity Firestone deep freeie, at bargain. Good condition. Cecil Critcher, Blowing Rock, N. C. Telephone CY 5-2871. *29-tfc FOR SALE—LUte new furnace, Stoker, pipes, complete for 10room house. Cheap. AM 4-3393. lp FOR SALE—Sand AND GRAVEL, call i. W. Hampton, AM 4-8330. 8-29-tfe I .ixti.. in - ■- — l~ FOR RENT — Furnished threeroom tog cabin, modern conveniences, heat and utilities furnished. 115 North Street. Call AM 4-3818 lc THE MONEY YOU SAVE may M> your own. Let us help you become a millionaire. CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone. lc RANGE W006Tl FOB -wEa-n -room furnish, d apartment, hot and cold water, and sterna heat lumnlied Sit Faculty Itreet. Telephone All 430S4. •.!>,; .\ 8 28-2p FOR RENT—Apartments for couples without children. Two rooms with bath and three roams with hath Private rooms for men. Contact Mrs. Bertha Templeton. 130 Blowing Bock Road. Telephone AM 4-3885. 7-2»-2p HOUSE FOB BENT—Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen with stove and refrigerator furnished, bath, and utility room, within walking distance of town and college. Call AM 4-3817. lp TWO FOBNISHED APARTMENTS for rent. Newly decorated. Steam heat. Water furnished. Phone AM 4-3860. le FOR SALE—180 bales of good, bright mixed hay at a bargain, if moved by September 10. Terms if desired. Contact K. E. Trivette, Reese. N. C. lp FOR SALE—Weaned pigs. Contact Rev. E. A. Dillard at Hebron Colony. Shulls Mills. Phone CO 72382. le GOOD KENTUCKY COAL — Stoker, egg or lump at $11 per ton. Good service. See Clarence Pitts or Fred Teague, Phone CY 5-3981 Blowing Rock, N. C. 8-8-4p CL1NCHF1ELD COAL for sale, at Vilas Coal Yard. Phone CO 7-2039, Free delivery. 8-15-4p FOR SALE—House and excellent lot in Banner Elk, N. C. • rooms, bath and hall. Built-in back porch, cemant front porch. Priced right See Mrs. frloyd Baird, Banner Elk, N. C. 8-lMp SUMMER COTTAGE SITES FOR SALE -r Moderately priced, lake, picnic grounds. Located on Rich Mountain 814 miles from Boone. Take Juoahiska Road or Rainbow Trail. Modern conveniences available. Best view in Western N. C. On* itew cottage for sale. Call, write or see E. B. Crouch, Newton, N. C. 8-8-4C FOB SALE—New and used Sing* *"^c»cuuS ClegSers. Jepat^and parfr-pn a| makes of machines. Boone—Cefl AM-4*** Singer Sewing Machine Company, 310 10th Street, North WUkesboro. Phone 1721. 7-24-tfc Septic Tank Cleaning Prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Sanitary Septic Tank Service. Phone Warren Greene, AMherst 4-3203, Route 2, Boone, N. C. ' '• l-31-tfc WE BUY. SBLL OR TRADE anything. anywhere, anytime. MAR Furniture Co. Vilas, N. C. S*tfe. WELL BORING 20 and 24 Inch Economical — Save yon Money. Also well drilling 6" and 8". Call collect Elldn 70 or write Box 529. . Free estimates. B. E. Faw A Sons, Inc. Serving Western N. C Since 1911 P. O. Box 529 Elkhi, N. C. So This is New York (Continued from M4K (our) panies—so you see, not all lavoived «u good via ' During a meeting W church a* (tela Is speaker alier speaker aroae and offered grave and com plicated propoaab. Nerves were on edge and agreement aeemed to be impoaaibie At length, the presiding bishop pushed hia spectacle* back on his forehead and remarked. "1 think I shall pot to a rote only 4he last of the several propeaat* made, because it is the only one I can remember." Then pausing and grinning, he said, "By the way, what was it?" A local business man is considering plans to start a firm called the Ordinary Brand Company, reasoning that he's bound to benefit from all the TV commercial demonstrations comparing the advertised brand with "ordinary brands." Folks will figure it must WILL CARE FOR ehUdrenln my home. Call AH 44391 after 6:00 p. m. lp STRAYED—Two Hampshire pigs If found, contact Grady Bradley, Vilas. Reward. lp OPPORTUNITY^ FOR TWO LADIES in Watauga and Avery counties. One full time and one part time. Can make $90 to $100 per week. Car necessary. Write: Stanley Home Products, Inc., Route 1, Box 39, Boone, N. C. lp FOR SALE—Good work mare and 5-months-old colt. T. T. Danner, Valle Crucis. lp FOR SALE—Majestir wood and coal, electric combination cook stove. Good as new. Warren Dotson, Phone 4-3930, Boone, N. C. lp to pretty food or it wouldn't be I knock e. MM. knocked M much, the Ml tn-1 LEGAL NOTICES UI NOTICE or SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue ol the power of mte contained In a < tain deed of trust executed and hi* « Virginia K Carroll dated tha 28th | day of Mar. I'M. and recorded In the Office of the Register of " ftjESwjJs Ms Iherw mcutwi. ana deed of trust by the terms sk being subject to foreclosure, the undersigned will offer lor sale, as Trustee, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on the 27th day of September, 1907, the pro] conveyed in the said doed of I the same lying and being in the town of Blowing Rock, Blowing | ■ Township, Wa Kock Township, Watauga County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: BEING ALL of loU numbered 14, IS, M, and 17. in Block "H", Subdivision 2. of the Blowing Rock Development Company property as mapped and platted by C. C. Babb, which map is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds tor Watauga County in Plat Book 1. at Page 19, to which map reference is hereby made for a further description; this conveyance being made, however, subject to the restrictions and reservations set forth in a deed from Blowing Rock Development Company to Henry A. Rhyne. There is excepted, and not conveyed, however, all of the furnishings, fixtures and equipment in, on and about the dwelling house locsted on the said premises other than Venetian blinds, curtain rods, blinds, and television antefma. This sale will be made subject to town and county taxes. This the 19th day of August, 1M7. LOUIS H. SMITH, Trustee 8-22-tc-S ■ iniw SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA gWEt Bn ■ Jai W&jm\ Wife, ELIZABETH DURANT," h«,tHl^i«»| '^ARY ^1 CORRINE STEWART. hU WHe TO THE DEFENDANTS. J. f. GRACE S1You,Am5 «aeh of you, dull take notice that a pleading aeeking relief against you waa fUed in the above entitled special proceeding in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Coort of Watauga county in Boone. North Carolina, 0»i Improved methods ot processmg cottonseed meal make it deeirable for use in poultry rations. -sr. U ,u«,on lor MB 1 the building, he l containing fowl knd three WO mint condition. 1 from ISn to II