u» FOR BEST RESVLTS iBTVtobiy um tfca columni tí Witk tu full paid ctrcula tm, it'i Um bflst advartiúag mattÉh. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT An Independen* IVeekly ISeu»paper ... Seventieth Year of Continuou* Publicaron -'«a Data Nov. 6 No* 7 Nov. ■ No*, • Noy. 10, Nov. ltl Nov. 12 •OONK s s s 90 as 30 1» wí, 20 m VOLUME LXX— NO. 20 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NOBTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1*57 8IXTEEN PAGES—TWO Seal áale Quota Set At $2,000 A gift for the future—that'i the story behind the 1067 Chriatmaa Seal Sale which will open here November 19. "Tuberculoaia won't be wiped out of Watauga county this year or next year," aaid Lyle Cooke, county Christma» Seal chairman, in an nouncing plana for the annual campaign. "Bul we can >ee light ahead. Great progresa haa been made in recent yeara." The twin Christmaa Seáis of the Tuberculosis Asaociation feature Santa Claus and a little girl re flected in bright Christmaa tree ornamenta. The design waa creat ed by a Pennsylvania artist, G. Clinton Bradley, of Philadelphia and Media. "Everyone in Watauga county can become a Christmaa Seal Santa Claua by buying and using these little seáis that fight tuberculo sis," Cook aaid. "If we all play our part in this fight, the Cfcríat mas Seal child and all our chil dren will be able to grow up in a world free from this terrible di sease which now strikes 100,000 Americana a year." The quota for Watauga is $2,000, and the contributions from the seáis ia the only income the Tuber culosis Aasociation has. Night Courses In Typing Are Of fered At AHS Dr. A. B. Crew, principal of Ap palachian High School, announced this week that a night courae in typing will begin at the Hiyfc School Monday night, November 16, at 7 o'clock. Dr. Crew said the coune is being held at the request of several per sons wanting to Iearn to type. If this courae ia succesaful other courses may be added if requested. As set up the three months course will be taüght two nighta a week, one and a half hours per night. Those taking the course will determine on what nights the school will be held. Dr. Crew, in hia announcement, stated that Mrs. Nancy McClure will teach the claas. Mrs. McClure teaches typing at the high school. Already several persona have indicated that they intend to take the courae, and Mrs. McClure urges those intending to attend to be in Room 108 at Appalachian High School Monday night. A nominal (Continued on page two) Achievement Day Planned Home Demonrftration Clubs and 4-H Clubs in Watauga county will be obaerving their annual Achie vement Day, Friday, November 19, in the basement of the First Methodiat Church in Boone. The program will begin with a covered dish lunrheon. A short program will follow which will include the awarding of the gavel to the club having achieved the largest num ber of pointa duríng the paat year. and the inatallation of the county council officers. Mrs Edward Baird, county council preaident will preside: Each club will display some of the work and activitiea carrled on by memberi duríng the paat ctub ¡ year. The diaplay will be open to | the public from 3:00 to 8:00 p. m. Evcryone ia invitcd to viait the ex hibita. Robert Foster Dies Saturday Robert Howard Foster, 29, died Saturday at the home, Boone, Route 2. Funeral services were held at the Meat Camp Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rcv. R. C. Eggera, the Rev. Arlie Morcti, and the Rev. Barnard Tut I lo conducted the rites and burial waa in the church cemetefy. Surviving are the parents. Mr. and lira. Howard Foater, Route 2. Boone; two brothera. James Foater, Deep Oap; Orville Foater, Suaar Grove; two siatera, Mrs. R. B. Fitdi of Boone; Misa Laura Jane Foater oí Boone, Route 2. r/F± a v, NEW STOP UGHTS.-J. B. Clawson, Jr„ of the New Rive* Light k Power Co„ work» on one o( the new aigml lighta the Town oí Boone has iiuUUed at the College enuance on Blowing Rock Road Four different sígnala were needed to handle the trafíic becauae the córner» of Pine Street and the Colleue en trance «re not in line wtth each other.—Stafí photo by Joe C. Minor. Boone Traffic Lights Given 'New Look' To Promote Safety The stop light signáis til Boone have taken on a "new look." The five signáis on King Street were replaced last week with "noo-glare lights," and according to Chief of Pólice Glenn Richardson, the new lights will be easier for motorists to see. especially when the early and late sun shines on them. In addition to the lights on King Street, a light—or four lights— have been installed at the College entranee and Blowing Rock Road. However, these signáis have not been put into operation because the controls box has not arrived. As sooo as it is installed, the chief beWfvea. U will aid the traffic flow >t tbis point considerably. It will especially give motorists coming íff Pine Street and out of the col lege enrtance a better chance to jet moving into the Blowing Rock road traffic. Warning signs, telling of the stop lights, have been painted in both iirections on the Blowing Rock Road. Chief Richardson said the lights «rere installed by New River Light b Power Co., for the Town oí Boone, and cost of lights and in itallation will be approximately P,402.00 The lights were authoriz ed sometime ago, and Chief Rich irdson believes that complaints by motorits that the lights are urd to see and distinguish will be i thing of the past. The new signáis presently have SO-watt bulbs in them, but to make he signáis even brighter, 100-watt >ulbs have been ordered and will * installed to make it even easier For motoriats and pedestríans to listinguish. Because the bulbs used in the lights are a special tind, they had to be ordered, Chief Richardson stated. The chief of pólice said the oíd lights are not to be discarded. He íxpects one to be installed at the Bookstore córner on College Street, one at the Bus Station ind one on King Street across from Black Bear Super Harket. He said lights have been needed at these locations for some time. This will give the town lights it nine intereseetions. The others iré at King and Jdnaluska Road. King and Depot Streets, King and (Cootinued on page two) Mrs. Gillespie Rites Are Held Limestone, Tenn.—Mrs. Bessie Councill Gillespie, «5, of Lime itone, died at 4 a. m., Friday, No vember 8, In a Greeneville hos pital. 1 She was the daughter of the late Sarah Horton and James P. Councjl if North Carolina, and the widow of Harry Gillespie. She was a member of the Umestoác Metho dist Church and was active in church work, holding a Ufe mem bership in the Women's Society of Chrirtia^i Service. Survivors are two sons, the Rev. Robert Gillespie, St. Paul. Va., and Charles P. Gillespie, Jone»boro; one daughter, Mrs. Tommy Dillow, Route 2, Limestone; three sisters. Mrs.) Myrtle Buchanan, Boone, N. C-, Mrs. C. P. Moore, Milwaukee. Wlac, and Mrs. Addie Mae Reece, Oskland, Calif.; and fivt grand children. Funeral Held Friday For Dr. J. B. Hagaman Funeral services were held at the Fir^t Baptist Chureh Friday morniDg at 11 o'clock for Dr. J. B. Hagaman, Sr„ 66, prominent re tirad physician, who died at his home on North Water Street Wednesday morning, following a DR J. B. HAGAMAN long period of failing health. Dr. Haga man had rctired from active praetice in August of lait year. He had been ill for aeveral months, and hia condition had been regarded aa critical for the past several weeks. Last rites were conducted by Rev. L. H. Hollingsworth, the pas tor, with Rev. Marvin Kincheloe of Knoxville, Tenn, aaaiating. Burial was in Mountlawn Memor ial Park Native Of Aake County A son of the late Hugh Haga man and Laura Martin Hagaman, Dr. Hagaman waa born at Hem iock, N. C. (now Grayoon.) He graduated from the Mountain City High School. took pre-medical courses in Knoxville, Tenn., and received hia medical degree from the Medical School, Univemity of Tenmuqe in Memphis In IBIS. After practicing his profesaion at Todd he served one year in the Medical Corpa, on active duty in France during the firot world war. Following the war he resumed practice at Todd, and moved to Boone in 1B25, where he had since practiced. Dr. Hagaman served as coroner for many years, was a Masón and a Baptiat. Survivors include the widow, the (ormer Mis» Ethel Graybeal of Grayson; a son and daugbter, (Continued on page two) Flu Situation Is Improving The influenza «ituation li im proved in the county achoola, according to Gny W. Angel!, county superintendent, who atatei that on Monday 926 were abtent from (he «yatem at againat 1249 a week eartier. In only one achool haa the altnation failed to improve. At Groen Valley flfty per cent of the aiudent body wat abarnt Monday from Influenza and otber causea, Mr. Angelí aaid. TROPH1ES PRKSENTED—Joan McLean. prcaident af Beta Beta BcU at Appalachian Sute Teaehera Col iege. aceept» the Irophy won by her club (rom Roy R. Blanton, executlvc lecreUry oí the Alumni Associatíon. for havlng the beat campui project during H«vnccoming activitiea. Howard Cottrell. right. of the College Bookatore. preaenU Walter Broyhill, preaident of the Science Club with trophy for beat float in the Homecoming parada. The beat project waa tttled "Mr. Bmory and Mr. Henry Koigot To Dodge." Float title waa Science Bducation Equala Progreaa in Narth Carolina," and waa popularly dubbed "Sputnik" becauae oI itn design. The trophk-a ara awarded cach year by the nookatore and the Alumni > Aaoociation, with the amall plaque* being kept by the winneri and the Urge tropilla» In íoreground being I roUted cacb year.—SUÍ1 pboto by Joe C. Minor. i*. . Chamber Of f icers Named; Santa Claus Visit Planned Derrick Asks Completion Of Route 421 John B. Robinson was elected president o( the Boone Chamber of Commerce Tuesday at the re gular monthly luncheon meeting of the civic body. He succeeds Glenn R. Andrews. Other officers elected for the coming year were O. K. Richard son, first vice-president; R. D. Hodges, Jr„ second vice-president; and Alfred T. Adams, treasurer. New directors named include Hugh Hagaman. Hermán Ander son, Hal Johnson, Jack Williams, and Phil Vanee. Williams and Vanee will complete the unexpir ed terms of Paul A. Coffey, de ceased, and Grant Greene, resign ed. Hermán W. Wilcox, who served as president for sixteen years be fore retiring from the office in 1954, was named President Emeri tus, and the following were desig na ted as honorary vice-presidents: Dr. W. H. Plemmons, W. R. Wink ler, Clyde R. Greene, and Stanley A. Harris President-elect Robinson, mana ger of Crest 3 and 10 Cent Store herí íor the past five and one-half years, is a native of York, S. C„ and has been in the variety store business for the past sixteen years. He is a deacon in the First Baptist Church, and resides, with Mrs. Robinson and their four children, at 200 Westbrook Street. The board of directors accepted ! the recommendations of the no minating committee, composed of J. V. Caudill, James P. Marsh, and D. L. Wilcox. The new otficers and directors will be installed- at the annual Ladies Night meeting to be held on December 12, at 6:30 p. ra. in the Elementary School cafetería. Mr. Tully Blair, president of Security Life lt Trust Company of Winston-Salem, will be the guest speaker. In discussing plans for the Christmas promotion, lt was an nounced that Santa Claus has pro mised to pay a visit to Boone on Saturday, December 7. He is ex pected to be armed with a bagful of goodies for the children. In other action, Executive Secre tary Leo Derrick announced that he has wrítten a letter to the State Highway Commission urging that relocation and construction of U. S. Highway 421 west to the Tennessee line be completed at the earliest practicable date. , Lexington, Ky.—While holding a tire rim over his head, Paul i Wheeler was stung by a wasp. | Wheeler dropped the rim, which' inflicted a severe cut on hia head, for which Wheeler had to be hos pitalizad. COLLEGE CHEERLEADERS GOING TO TAMPA—The cheerleaden of ASTC will go to Florida thii week to cheer the Appalachian Mountaineers in thelr game with Tampa Shown are, left to rtght, Jerry Hutchins, Nancy Sides, Tommy Holcomb, Lila Malone, Bill Peters, Sylvia Adcock, Ernest Taylor, Betty Smith, Dale Holland. Head íheerleader, ln front center, is Joyce OII1».—Photo by Weston. All Schools In County Join In Observance of EducationWeek All schools in the county h»ve i week I — _________ ^^^lete^plín^ioriñeoBMrV-1 anee of American Education Week, uaing the Centeniial »logan "An Educa ted People Moves Freedom Forward" as the general theme. lntere»ted «chool patrón» all over the nation will viait achoola during the week to pay tribute to our teacher» and be come better acquainted with our school program. Your local County Board oí Edu catión is anxioua for as many per sons as poaaible to viiit the «^ool in their community and become better acquainted with ¡t« opera tion. A special letter of invitation has been nent out by the Board ind by many of the individual schools outlining plan» for the week and pointing out the need for each intere»ted individual to visit the tchool in hi» community. Liited below are so me of the activitie» planned by individual schools in the observance of American Educatlon Week: Parkway: On Thur»day night on Open Hou»e i» planned including parent tcacher conference» about test», grading, and homework and a general meeting with report» on tchool finance» and on the varioua programs asaigned to the individu al teacher». The school will be open to patrón» all week. Green Valley: Open House has been planned for Friday All school patrón» and intere»ted per son» are invited to attend. Blowing Rock: The Community Club will be entertalned at a tea on Tueaday afternoon Thur»day afternoon ha» been de«i(¡n»Ied for visiUtion by «chool patrón» and all other» intere»ted in the school Cove Creek Elementary: A PTA meeting i» planned for Monday night and a Open Houne for Thureday. Letter» have been »ent out inviting all intere»ted person» lo attend. Di»play» o' children'» work «nd dUplay» of «chool equip ment will be featured A turkey dinner will be held on Friday night from 9:0M:00 to »how the patrón» the lunchroom. proceed» to go to the lunchroom. Cove Creek High: Letter» have been sent to patrón» invttlng them to attend Open Houae on Thur» day. A National Honor Induction Program will be held on Thuniday mornlng at*ll:00 and a tea on Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Bethel: Parentf Day ha» been •et for Thurtday, «t whlfch lime all íntereated p«r»on« will be in vited to vt»H the «chool Appalachian Elementary: Laat week a* part of the PTA program. Open Houae w«» held in a» room» at the «chool and ehildren'» work dwplayed. Parenta and teacher» conferred on achool policle» and visited claaaroom». A letter ha» been sent out urglng patrón», rspeciallv thoae wfco have not vUtod ío UM «chool. to viait Ulia vane crucu: ratrons are in vited to come to Open House on Thursday. Mabel: pen House wiU be held on Thuradiy afternoon from 1:00 3:00. Tea will be served. Mollie Agle To Appear On Spann TV Show Tuesday Mi» Mollie Agle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Agle, and dance pupil of Nancy F. Cook, will appear as gueit of Shirley Coffin on the popular televiaion program "Spann-o-Rama" next Tueiday eveníng, November 19 at 6:90. The program originatei from WBTV in Charlotte. Mollie i* well known in Boone íor many public appearances and a great variety of dance interpre tationa. In her televiaion appear- ! anee ahe will dance three bailada, j "If 1 Had a Ribbon Bow." "1 Know My Love," and "Black Is the Color of My True Love'i Hair." Theae dancea are Mollie'» own interpre tationa, prepared for Mrs. Cook's recital laat apring. Mollie la preparing to give a solo recital ln the coming apring. Farm Loan Assn. Moves Offices The Boone National Farm Loan AsaoCiation moved ita offices Mon day to the building at 300 W. King Street recently purchased from Attorney Wade E. Brown. Mr. Brown has moved into his new building at 221 West King. The Boone NFLA has maintain- j I ed offices for the past five years in the Watauga Savings and Loan ¡ building. The Association is an af ■ filíate of the Federal Land Bank I of Columbia, S. C , procesaing farm i loans for a 7-eounty arca, includ j ing Watauga. Wilkea. Caldwell, Avery, Alleghany, Ashe, and Mit 1 chell. | S. C. Eggcrs ia presiden!. 1. ¡ Mack Moore of Lenoir ia vice j preaident, and John H. Hollar ia j secretary-treasurer and office manager. Miss Tressie Mahaffey is Mr. Hollar's secretary and office aaaiatant. - A GOOD DEAL Hichmond, Va. — Douglas P. Moreland. S, has a signed. sealed and delivertd contract with his grandfather. Verne Bickelhaup. For every "A" h« geta in school, Douglaa will get SO centa. The ante goea up te a dollar when he malees di "A'»." Douiriaa* expectH; the arrangemeot to faring him a Burley Issue To Be Printed On Wednesday Preparation* are being nude ■t The Democrat for the pubii catión next wrrk of the annual Burley Tobacco Opeaing and Chriatma» Hhopping edltlon. Business men are aiiked to cooperate fully with Mr. Hollina ln the preparation of advertía ing copy, to that most of the tnlai*ged edltion may be made up during the current week. Copy mggestiona, advertiaing art, etc. will be provided ta that the most effective copy may be prepared with the leaat bother to the merchant. Your uaual fine help la aaked in order that the quallty of our Chriatma* shopping center and the advantages of onr ijur ley tobáceo market may be fnlly publicized. United Fund Is Nearing Goal As Reports Sought Total subscriptíons to the Wa tauga County United Fund cam paign, as of laat Friday, were $11, 672.14, according to Grady Moretz, Jr„ co-chairman of the campa ign. Thia leaves $3,369.59 to go to reach the total budget of $15,041.73. Mr. Morete states that the cam paign will not end until the goal has been reached and suggeata that those who haven't been solici ted get- in touch with him or with R. D. Hodges, Jr. Solicitors who have not madejr their reports to the central organ izaron are asked to do so immedi ately. , Cas Pnce War Is Ended Here The gas price war that hit Wa tau¿a county on September 19 had apparently ended Monday when local service stations returned price* to near normal tevela. Prices, which had dipped 22.9 for regular and 29.9 for mium gradea, were hooated mo*t caaea to 30.9 and 33.9. After Monday's inervase, line wat still two cinta I before the "war." (In 19, most atations were 22.9 laá 30.9. ■ v . ,1

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