In our community, we salute the leadership of those men of vision who have given unselfishly of time and talents, that deserving boys of Watauga might point with pride to the Watauga District of Old Hickory Council, Boy Scouts of America . . . Build ing Better Boys into Better Men! Boone Drug Co. McClung's 5c to $1.00 Store Winkler Motor. Co. 11 iff 'I Goodnight Brothers Produce | tz Esso Service up Of Building Better Boys . . . ^ Into Better Men ANNIVERSARY A half century of happy boys whose uniform hat become symbolic of clean living and. good citizen .wp. , ||| - a |||?^ The everyday application of Mottos and Slogans has left its conviction upon the world that Scouts, indeed, are for Cod and Country, and through its lessons for boys, men learo to "Be Prepared.*' CaudilTs, Inc. .,'V ? ? Hunt's Department Store ifiPfllfEM SS2Ia Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. t !s ? 'i ; 'erry Greene Construction Co. ' J - - STANLEY HARR IS AGENCY 1 ^feturdivant Life Insurance fjb. f