- Age Graham. ? efaitf not United Nation* and a apnka on "TW United Natioas in the Atonic Age" in th* ABTC auditorium at lfooday of teat week. Dr Graham. W a civilian coordinator, la alao chairman at the Oak Ridgr lnsti tute of Atomic Studio 1 la his talk, he feneraliaed on the importance of the UN in thia ajte of ?? rustling. unequal politi cal itatea under the constantly Crowing threat of atomic powrV According to Dr. Graham there are approximately Z3M,M?,*M people an earth, which are dirid rd Into numerous trlhe*. nations, and race*. Ae UN la Imperative to thia a(e, hecaaae It provtdea a mean* for the*e oppoatac force* make ranceaalona. What thi* body decide* may determine the con tinuance of our ex Ma nee on earth. Some of the coal* which the UN i* constantly (triving for are ef fective universal disarmament, a universal police force to prevent catastrophe before it happens, and lonc-rance economic development programs. Dr. Graham cowoared Ike earth to a time bomb rapidly ticking away toward the midnight of man's desperation, when the panic press of a button may end the world. So far the UN ban prevented World War III on (even different critical occaasioai. In closing. Dr. Graham asked that we all rededicate ourselves to the support of the UN as an in strument of peace giving mortal hope to all mankind. COMPLETES RADIO COURSE Port Monmouth, N. J. ? Army Specialist Five George S. Trivett, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Grady S. Tri vett, Vilas, N. C.. completed the fixed-station radio equipment op eration and maintenance course Nov. 23 at The Signal School, Port Monmouth, N. J. Trivett entered the Armv In luoa and was last stationed in Granite City, III. The 20-year-old soldier attended Bethel High School. Castro promise* the end of austerity in Cuba. Labor unions in Haiti denounce regime. jp?ons Club Meeting Hears Experiences In Turkey The first December iiKIh of the Boone Lions Club featured the narration of his war cmriNW while stationed In Turkey bv Mr Jim Boyle of Appalachian C<*le?s The talk