Boone getters are and have bees "on the mow" ii the aaylnf roe*. Eatal W agser It joat back from a couple week* hi Florida where he tWM with another former Boone gatfer, E L HcChni in OrUndo. Katel aafcf he dMttt net to play bM once while down there, hat had a rather food day with the U putter that day, aa Ifr. "Mac1." font at one of the cluba In Or laMo. Eatel enjoyed the trip but It was evident that he waa glad to get back home and we are glad to have him back. Well moat of ua are. I understand a few of the boy* that have fell victim to him oh the golf course had Just aa soon he'd stayed In the Sunshine State. Another visitor we were glad to hear from that I* in the sunny aouth for the winter is our good friend and ypura, Dr. Taylor S. Adams. Doc writes from West Patih Beach that he will be home In a few days. He has been playing at Ore West Palm Beach Country Club and from the looka of the card he sent me, It Is a beautiful place. Dr. Adams says the courae is * lough one and he hat been sheotMg aromd too. which iant to* bad for him on a strange come. This la a man we aR have 'to admire I Just hope Fit be able to play at all when I get his age regardtaa of what I shoot. Ther* was a meeting of the Board of Directors Monday night at President Brown's office. There wsant too much business to be taken care of and the meeting was a short one. A report waa made on the sale of the new stock and It is moving along rather well. The board authorized some work to be done on our road which all of you know needs It pretty badly and this work will start just aa soon as weather permits. I know this will make many people happy. Present plana call for the course to re open around the first of April de pending largely on the weather. Last year it waa April 28 before we were able to open becauae of the snow. Let's hope wt don't have that to contend with thia year. Wrestlers Take Two In Schedules Of Week End The Appalachian High School wrestling team won It* sixth and seventh matches of the year dur ing the past week end at the ex pense of Goldsboro High School and Norfolk Catholic High in Nor folk. Virginia. Ml Cook, 1? pounder, won the feature match of the evening by defeating Cotes of Norfolk, a wrestler who had won 13 straight matches this season, by a score of ?. The results of the individual notches were as follows: Goidsbaro vs. AHS ? 48-8 99 lb. Hasa? Critcher (A) won 08 forfeit. 103 N>. class? Naasef (G) pin ned Watson (A) 1:99. 112 lb. class ? Brown (A) deci sioned Dewey (G) 5-0. 120 lb. class? Smith (A) pinned Ball (G) :SS. 127 lb. class? Hampton (A) de ciaioned Whitner (G) 2-1. 139 lb. class? Carton (A) pin ned Parmer (G) 1:99. 138 lb. class-Cook (A) deci sioned Barber (G) 4-0. 149 lb. class? King (A) pinned Riley (G) 4:9*. 194 lb. elass? Edmisten (A) de cisioned Kannan (G) 9-0. 169 lb. class ? D. H. Johnson (A) deciiioned Pratt (G) *-0. 180 lb. claaa ? Teaney (G) tleci sioned Robert Johnson (A) 4-2. Heavyweight? Thomas (A) pla ned Trachtenburg (G) 2:55. Norfolk Catholic High vs. AHS 33-11 05 lb. class ? Zofchak (N) deci sioned Crttctaer (A) frO. 103 H?. class? Watson (A) deci sioned Gmitter (N) 5-0. 112 n>. class ? Brown (A) deci sioned Rankin (N) 2-0. 120 lb. class ? Butter (N) deci sioned Smith (A) 8 2. 127 lb. class ? Hampton (A) pin ned Praim (N) 3:38 133 lb. claaa ? Carson (A) deei sioned McCranie (N) 4-0. 138 lb. claaa ? Cook (A) dec! sioned Cotes (N) 9-2. 149 lb. class ? King (A) deci aiened M. Caprio (N) 11-3. 194 lb. class? J. Caprio (N) pinned Edmisten (A) 3:03. 189 lb. class ? D. J. Johnson (A) decisioned Rlccardo (N) 5-2. 180 )b. class ? Robert Johnson (A) pinned Lane (N) 5:53. Heavyweight ? Thomas (A) pin ned Young (N) 2:43. Apps End Card With Catawba The Appalachian Mountaineers, breaking an almost disastrous los ing slump with a win over Elon Monday, closed out the regular sea son campaign with games with West Carolina tonight (Wed.) and Catawba on Saturday. The Apps of Coach Bob Light need victories over both teams to assure them of a first division berthin the North State Tourna menT^tarting next week in Lex ington, and a possible second place finish in the league standings. A sweep of their remaining games this week would also send the Mountaineers into the tournament aa one of the favorite*. Coach Light has made several personnel changes in the last two games. Jim Richardson, 8'4" freshman from North Wilkesboro, moved into the starting lineup Saturday against High Point Doug Wall, 6'0" freshman from Win ston-Salem, joined Richardson in the App starting lineup against Elon Monday night. Richardson and Wall jein veter ans Don King, Rick Howe, and Larry Shrader as the starting five. JFK SEEKS ACTION President Kennedy plans a sweeping review of U. S. Foreign policy while Congress works on domestic legislation in the coming weeks. His objective Is speedy ac tion on both foreign and domestic problems of the most pressing na ture. Discussion of foreign relations, with Dean Rusk, the Secretary of State, and Adlai Stevenson, the ambassador to the United Nations, is the flm order of business. World message* of hope aent to Kennedy. Paul Says: Nationally Ml of all deatha ire caused by Heart disease. "Ve cannot live half-heart edly. Don't give half heart edy." It la a privilege to serve with Mr. Jack Williams, co chairman for UnilntwiU'l Week and the host of other Heart Fund worker*. May we give other co chairmen, Mrs. Carlos De Lime and Mr*. W. W. Little ton, our whole-hearted sup port Paul Watauga Insurance Agency i. Paul Wiakfcr ? Kalpfe Gwalfcaey ? Mary Brown Mary Sua Hartley Bot 2t? ? BOONE, N. C. ? tti WEST KING STREET Comment On Sports By I'ETE FRITCHIE Washington, D. C -Tha iMtlU managers thaac days are talking optimistically about fee 1M1 sea ?on. It make* interesting reading ' but old timers can read between the lines and see the "whistling in the dark" in most of the itories. These utterance* are (or the fan. The fans like to believe their dub will do weO In the coming season. Since hope springs eternal in the human breast, even the worst teams stir great dreams in the minds of their fans. So you'll read, about this time of year, that every Major League manager Is expecting to finish in the first division. That would leave none in the second, but every year there are just tt many teams In that division as In the top. So there will be second division teams this year, as usual. Beware of the manager who doesn't even say he hopes to make a battle of it for the pennant. This has become the vefue of many managers these days. They fear appearing insincere when they are quoted as expecting to win the flag? if they came in seventh last season. But, for the writer's money, we'll take the manager who thinks he can win ? even if he ean't. At least he won't be beaten before he starts, by his own lack of pluck fire. Some will any managers be realistic ? that if they haven't a chance to win they should say so. Untrue, we say. The youngest rookie on the club shouldn't be told how sorry his teammates are, or how hopelesa the cause may look. He should play every, game to the hilt, as if the pennant de pended on it. And a* should the veterans. Paul Richards took over a lowly bunch of players a few year* back. Had he been the old vet, who had managed teams for twenty-five years, and who had learned to hedge and qoaiify predictions, and predictions, and not set oae'a goal too high, he would havo said he hoped for an interesting team, or a team that would win it* share of the games, or a team that would give anyone trouble, or some such talk. But he (aid he would build a bunch of youngster* into contend er* in a few years and he believed what he said ? and *o did the youngstera. They almost won the pennant from the New York Yan kee* last year, because they thought they could. LARGEST FARM EXPORTER The United States is the world's largest exporter of farm products The Agriculture Department said that for the year ending June 30 thia country supplied 17 per cent of the world's export of farm goods. The value of U. S. export* during the fiscal year totaled >4,500,000, ? 000, slightly under the record high of 14,700,000,000 ia 1957. The countries which received the largeit amounts of United State* export* of farm good*, in order, include the United Kingdom, Ja pan, Canada, West Germany, the Netherlanda, India, Italy, Belgium, Cuba and France. RUSSIA SPACE 8PECTACULAB Russia's next space spectacular j could be to put two men into or bit, both in the same capsule. Many space and rocket experts thiak the race to put a man in space i* a most sure to ga to the Russian*. The Soviet* have had a more powerful booster rocket for some time. Bobcats Blitz Janfor Varsity tin Ifctii College pot on ? blitz la the nm*1 qaarter ta eat ?heot *MllMtll> ?* I* car *n ??IT M-71 victory over the Ap petechia* Mat* Twrtin OUtfi Juai Mr Vanttf The Bobeata en joyai ? Ml lead at halftiate and pulled away an the ihooting of Mickey Deal who hit 17. BUI Bins, 14, Doo Martin II, Bab George 11. and Jim Devi* collected 10. Big Jo* Franca grabbed 14 rebound* (tM Die backboard* before ha foaled ant in Ote third quarter The reserve unit all managed to scan aa LeeoMcRae once enjoyed a SI -point lead until ASTC cut it to 33 point* In the final minute* of play. The Bobcat* will ha featured in the Western Carolina* Junior Cel leg* Confer ence the 23rd, Mth and 2Ml la Greer, S. C. They are ho*t* to National Busi n**i College at Banner Elk on February 17. The lineupe: Appalachian ? Sny der 22. Richard*on 18, Wall 6. Lyttaa 11, Goff 14, Mroape. Laes-McRae ? Francis 3, Cor net te t. Biggs 14. Martin 11, Deri If, George 13, Amy S, Snead 4, Davi* 1ft Harmon 4 Murray 1 Snider, Hodge* take salary cuts from Dodgers. Blue Devils Divide Pair With Cardinals Appalachian High Blue Devils played host to the Cardinals of Eaat W liken Friday night. Ttton, ary IB. la a moat exciting contest, the Eaat Wilket girls team edged ant the local girls by a score af 31J2. The Blue Devils had an easier time as they coasted to a 8ft 53 victory. The Blue Devils got off to a fast start with their fast breaking of fense led by Benny Austin, and by the end of the first quarter they had accumulated a 21-7 lead. Ap palachian, without the services of King Tripk-tt, ace re bounder, cleaned the bench in the last half. Leading the way for the local beys were Benny Austin and Ro bert Matheson. with It and It points respectively. For the losers the high scorer was Junior Trip Jett. Although the Devilettes led 20 18 at the end of the first half, they fen behind in the second half and could never quite over come the lead of the East Wilkes team. Their inconsistency at the foul line cost them the game, scoring only on ? of 30 foul shot tries. TM3D KIDNIYS COT YOU DOWN? Civ. Am ? |MtU Mft wftfc tills wtll-balaiictd formula. fMp rid WMyi mi uric ?>*U thmt k9cksclMf p^i^. TafcfiMrprlihi BURETS 4-dtrf tiMI< ?Ml. If Mt pImm< ywr ftOc Uch at ?ay drug at or* TODAY at BOONE DKUG CO. High scorer for the Devilettes was Caratjm Coffey with M points Far tho winner* the high mo rer ?H Carol Blackburn with IS BACKS rOSEKN Alt) BILL Senator Fulbright (D.-Ark.) gave his strong tacking to President Kennedy's program for putting the raaaaive foreign-aid program "on a long-term basis." Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Fulbright, voiced hope that Kennedy's des cription of the state of our military strength and declining influence in the world would be taken ser iously by Congress and the coun try. Pittsburg's new basketball club quits N. B. A. Work begins on official Kennedy engraving. IVAN CHURCH Sales Representative FREE ESTIMATES AND INFORMATION ON: ? APPLIANCES ? PLUMBING, HEATING ? IRRIGATION ? FLOOR COVERING ? TELEVISION ? FARM EQUIPMENT SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Phone Day AM 4-8852 Home CO 7-5216 "Satlifictloa guaranteed ?r jraur Sears BOONE, N. C. Know The Weather By E. H. SIMS What are the official flag and ' pennant warnings for threatening I weather used by the Weather Bu- I heau? A red pennant means moderately strong winds expected. A red pen nant above a square red flag with i black center means storm expected I from the northeast. A red pennant i below the same square flag means southeast storm expected. A white pennant below the same : square flag indicates imminence i of a storm with initial wind from he southwest. The pennant above he tame flat means northwest :tona is expected. The most ominous of all the varnings is the two s