learned at college an not lilted in a catalog Take debating. \ ij 1 Thia extra-curricular activity h one of many made available to rtu denta by a good college. Educator* well know that incidental learn in? gained through out-of-clta* participation quite often mean more to young collrglan* ill IMer We than that gained torn :ocmal claia 'nat ruction Debating, far example, enable* the (tudent to improve in poiae, voice, organiiational ability, an alytical thinking, matching wit* with other* on the apot and aelf confidence. Whether the oeltegian become* a bulldozer ape ra tor or corporation lawyer, the experi ence will be of ine*timable value to him. Teacher* who contribute their extra time and know-how aa epen aor* of thaao activities uaually rank among the moot <*dhat*d on the college faculty. Loo K. Pritchett. Appalachian State Teacher* College debate coach, Ja one of them. Pritchett, a native af County, ?u graduat ed from Reidaville High School. with Suaie North Carolina He worked hi* way through Davidaon CoUegp. Waa a school mate of now Secretary of State Dean Ruak. Debated on Davidaon'* intercollegiate forenaic aquad. Waa graduated In 1828 with an A. S. degree. In ISM waa awarded the M.Ed, by Duke Univeraity. The genial acholar aerved a* principal of Leoa-MclUe Inatltute until it became a junior college. He wa* then named doan of the college and regiatrar. At the same time he taught economic* and paychology and coached debating. In 1M7 Pritchett joined the fac ulty of Appalachian State Teach era College a* dean of men and teacher of economic* and hi*tory. He aaiiited Dr. D. J. Whltener with the debating team and later became head debating coach. All through hia 32 year* of pro feiiional life, Pritchett ha* work ed long hour* after claue* coach ing itudent* for debate meet*. He haa accompanied the co-ed* year after year to national, regional and aectional tournament*. Hal directed numerou* meet* such aa the Appalachian Mountain Foren ?ic Tournament, originated by Preaident Emeritu*. J. D. Rankin. The experience of debating haa left favorable mark* on countlaa* Appalachian itudent* who have become lawyer*, mln liter*, teach er* and leader* in other profei Appalachian State Teacher* Col lege, like other inetitutioni of higher education, haa many groat teacher leader*, dedicated men who tranamit to (tudent* their enthusiaam and knowledge. For many Appalachian alumni the Pritchett. To other*, the a am* may not bo Pritchett But the in fluence of the "voice" waa the Wect Germany to Increaae In dian aid offer U N. head Bay* Soviet attack* do not hamper him. Attend Meeting Of American Legion Thoee attending the American Legion Department Convention from Boone were: J. W. Nerria, poet commuter, chairman of ihe delegate*; Lionel Ward. p??t ad jutant m d tecretary of the Jala gate*; Bdgar Hardin, delegate; Howard Steelman from the Deep Oap po*t; Lad tea of the Auxiliary attending were Mr*. UmmI Ward. dletrM praaident; Mr*. J. W. Nor ria, delegate a ad lira. Bdgar Har din, delegate. Mr. Ward. Adjutant of Poet 130. Boone. *ay* thi* wa* one of '.be beet convention* ever held In tha Sute o I North Caroling. Some of William Vice-National Ceimemdaf a. C Goodwin; Cohgre**aiea Hugh Q Alexander, Baatl L Whitener and S. B. (Baa) Halterman wae elected Ptpirtm? t Commander for the coming yea*. Mr*. Sam J. WttibofR wa clccttd yi*8sidei Nancy Hagaman Given Degree Mlaa Nancy Louiae Hagaman I graduated June 7th (ram. The Nor- 1 fork College of William a ad Mary. She ta the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. John N. Hagaman formerly of Watauga County. Nancy receiv ed her bachelor of adence degree In leceodary educetion. While in college ahe wae a mmber of the student Union and the Phi Theta Kappa, a honorary fra ternity She ha* accepted a poaition to teach thi* fall at Great Bridge High School in Norfolk, Virginia. EXPERT REPAIRS RADIO - TV PMleri for WELBILT RANGES SYLVAWIA TV Complete Line Motorola Auto iUdiof Approved Motorola Radio TV Service Station Approved lor Finaocldi through the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation AM 44805 GARLAND RADIO & TV SERVICE 1111 E. KINO 8T. BOONE, N. C. wwitng will MM kalOwaw "Ouich Boy" TOTAL COLOR Fatal SyMaai rndaoi f> iHi? ewj color ,,.Nt kum. yellow, (tmb. Mm or violat-*a< iI iMm la kMM. And al k Cuko Dill BojT lafcfcM tor V*li Interior or Cap* ia Ota an paial ifMai *IU aamr jrow mmy color afM. V. L Moreiz & Son AM 4-Mtt Dttr GAP, It. C. Burnette I To Visit Tweetaie IM1UY BURNETTE tfmilcy Burnett*, cowboy comic, coming to Twoetake Railroad Sun day, June It, rite# among the few people who are dwed aa ? one sua ahow. A law year* ago Smiley took leveral entertainer! xlong u> help do the (bow, but when there waaal time to do all the thinga the audtMco know Smiley could do, tbey ralaad auch a fuaa that the entertaineri war* Mat homo and Smiley waa left to do the ihow all by himaalf. When aakod about hii show, Smiley had thia to My. "In the 170 pictures that I have made one wo?id tWnk I wNld fee clew out of trtrkj M dt M th *tago that BO <xtc has (Mil. feat I have never let lite studio we torn* of the things 1 can do. 1 bold them back to preaent on the stage as sur prteea. Tor Instance, I do several found effects like outboard motors, flies, bow, airplanes and racing cars. Ala* I sometimes do a lot of tricks on the piano when one is available. The studld didn't know until two years ago that I could even play one. Of course I nuke a specialty of making people laugh. Singrre are JOc a dozen. 1 spend moat ?i my time on the stage making people laugh That's what they need. They all have some concern or trouble of their own, and they are hungry to laugh all the way down to their show. I try to tee that they do It. "If the audience is mostly kids, I have a scad of jokes that are sure fire to make kids scream. And the same for adults. I know that if a gag does not get a laugh, it's not me its the audience be cause I have tried it out hundreds of times before and it would not be left in if it wasn't funay. In all the years I have been facing audi ences I have to confess that I have as much fun as they do because laughter Is catching." People attending Smiley's per formance can be assured of seeing an unusual personality. He is a master of over 100 musical instru ments and composer of 300 songs, among them "Mama Don't Allow No Music," "Hominy Grits," "Laty Day," "Ridln' Down the Canyon" and many others. Insects inhabited the earth more than 290 million years ago. Doctor Talk $ By JOHN B. REMBKJtT, M D. la a recent article It was stress ed that widespread indifference !? the general oopu B pPmhTOuji ion againtt Poliomyelitia ? success with ?ulted in the dramatic decline ft and particularly !? -Jm of paralytic cases the writing of this article It has become to this writer that rwieh of the "iadiffefWoce" suspected is actually due ta confusion among the faneral population Many per aons have received the suggested initial three imnraniiatioas Irst, followed by fceoond shot id one and then the third in aevea but beyond this state Is where the breakdown in additional The (eneral public aaay ha roo fused, but they are not nlone ? much can full? and differences of opinion exist within the .nodical profession likewise! daily working with this oroblem H Polio immunisstion have net boon able to dearly establish the Med for, or frequency of, additional booster injections after .orimary immunization. One point, however, that all agree on. is that all In fants, and persons through 40 years of age. should have the In itial immunizing aeries of three vaccine i hots A schedule recently recommend ed in the Report of the Commit tee on the Control of Infectious Diseases (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1161) is as follows: "For primary immunisation, three injections given at monthly interval* should be followed by a fourth dose after 4 to 9 months Until more knowledge accumu late*, a biennial booater doe* Is recommended thereafter in order Core for the "smoking habit" may be at hand, according to a re cofct report from Sweden. Of course, this "cure" will be poaaible only if the patient seriously wish es to stop smoking. Initial work by Profeaeor Rorge EJrup's clinic in Stockholm rnd 1 some MO physicians throughout Swedeo using a new .nedlcatlon called "Tobalin" shows much pro mise. This tablet has a slight to bacco flavor, which, though harm less. gives the patient a certain satisfaction, thus relieving the craving for a few puffs. According to the professor1? rec ords S8 per cent of the patients treated according to his method have stopped smoking, and anoth er 11 per cent have been able \? reduce their consumption of tobac co by 79 per cent or more. Once this medication <s nvail able in this country *t will, no doubt, prove as popular the liquid formula diets 'or reducing ?Americans will try anything once! NEWLAND ro APPROVED Senator B. Everett Jordan and Senator Sam Erwin announce that the site of the new post office at Newland, on the east side of Av ery Square and Watauga Street has been approved and the offic? I will be erected on that lot. Some Ideas For Tossed Salads Mia Roth Current, wWut di rector, home economtca, N. C. Ag ? ? nult in ? I IT1 , ? , - .. - - : i it uiiurai riXitu'iuii p the following idea* for toased aal ad.: 'SrSKS ' j Have crop, ?hM (rem ?0 in< is year refrijaratar (they fcaap mU ia plastic tap) ready tor nM makiag Remember dark ruM are ricfceet in ?Mali. so da net waste outaida leaves ktit And aad mix with athara. Try different kinds of greens occaii? ally, or nix aeveral kinds for toaaad aalad. Bit* of celery, pepper, cucumber, radish, herbs. seasoning salt. oaioa aod garlic salt. add latarest. Tuaaad aalad* mar ka tatosreat. too, tap Mktinj ratline, nuts, shred dad carrata, to fta grssai Work ant your ova chefs salad with (raeta, thin (trip* of ham. chicken, or toagna, ithaaae. paf pan. diced acta, cat iafia>ns. tomatoes, celery, ate. Add year favorite aalad draaaiiig. With bat coffoe aad biscuits, it's a meal. What can a shopper believe about foods today? Mrs. Ruby Uzzle, consumer marketiag specia list for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service, gives some help ful information pertaining to food shopping. Fallacy: "Specials" advertiaed by stores are always foods of inferior quality. Fact: "Specials," somotiaMs call ed features or leaden, may be of quality equal to that of uaual food stocked in the stare ar of the same food found in competitive stores. Buyen for food stores may chaaaa I extra-heavy supply avail ?Mi te Asm at leto Mat Caaaum an profit from hiyk| "apart* Is' only if they eaa stare and >m thi itcmf. PaHacy: Convenience foods a) wmyl caat more than Fact: Convenience foodi itueh a: Mien l fruiti ?MM | fimi with taw iwnrtce aided taWMl expect ta fini prices oa all emiven with leai counterparts Prices o will probabl' ket o: con tkat they central the mar Legion To Meet Friday Night Watauga Port ISO, Amerirar Legion and Auxiliary will have iti regular meeting Friday night J mm 16 at the Legion Hut it Uat Friday night was the re gular Meeting time hut wat pui aft until this coming Friday high) an account of the Department Con vention There may be at many aa 651 thousand aunts in a single neat. Kennedy's hid on pfopegand, funds is cut. SAVE YOUR GREEN CASH REGISTER TAPES FOR THE MANY PREMIUMS AT NO EXTRA COST. Features forlfcther'sDay! jJ On his day, serve him a real man's meal. A thick juicy steak or roast, hearty vegetables, and top it off with his favorite dessert. You'll find everything you need at our store at special prices, too! WE FEATURE V. S. CHOICE GRADE BEEF

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