Vows Exchanged V>;> ml J? Myr WfcjMna ^ it Martoa Goodman of J?r l ? ceremony performed at ('clock, Sunday afternoon, 1. in the Univeriity Baptist Church at Chapel Hill The Rev John E. Howell per formed the doublerinfi ceremony, and Mil. R. E. hturdivant present ed a program a t wedding music Given In marriage by her bro ther-ln-law, Mr. Charlea Raymond Cook of Winston-Salem, the bride wore a b.!!erina length dree* of ' ' pure silk orgama war taffeta, with a fitted bodice, rounder neckline appliqued in lace, and bracelet length alaeves. The full, gathered akirt wa? fashioned with ? small puff in the center-hack. Her ahoul der-length veil of illuaion was at tached to ? Jewelled tiara. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. Miss Bunnie laaacs of Boone was her sister's maid of honor. ' Her gown was of pink orgama over taf feta, and he carried a noeegay of pink carnations. Her headdreea consisted of a temple veil attach ed to a pink net bandeau. Mr. Forrest Maaon Goodman, father of the bridegroom, was beat man. Mr. Arnold Goodman and Julius Johnson, both of Dur ham, were ushers. Immediately after the ceremony the couple received the guests in the vestibule of the church. For travel the bride wore a light blue silk linen ensemble with matching accessories, and an or chid from her bridal bouquet. The bride ia the daughter of Mr. Thomas Evander laaacs of Boone, and the late Mrs. Isaacs. She graduated from Bethel High School and received her nurse's training at Grace Hospital in Mor ganton. She is a member of the nursing staff of Memorial Hospi tal at Chapel Hill. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. Forrest Maaon Goodman of Goldaboro and the late Mrs. Good man. He graduated from Durham High School and Is presently em ployed by the American Tobacco Company at Durham. After a wedding trip the couple will live in their new home, locat ed on the old Chapel Hill-Durham highway. i Newly Weds Entertained Miu Bunny Iaaacs, Mr. ind Mri. Richard Kelley, Mr. and Mri.' C. C. Cooke of Blowing Rock and Mr. and Mri. Raymond Cook of Winston-Salem entertained with a dinner in the Pine Room of Caro lina Inn at Chapel Hill at 7:00 p. m. on Saturday, June 10, honor ' ing Miu' Mary Helen Iiaaci and Mr. Marion Goodman, who were married Sunday, June 11. The table was centered with an arrangement of white inapdragoni and lily of the valley in a ailver bowl, and flanked by lighted candlei in silver candelabra. At tractive place cardi carried out the lily-of-the-valley motif, and a miniature bride and groom mark ed the places of Miu Isaacs and Mr. Goodman. Twenty-five guests were present for the occasion. , Rhododendron Club Holds Meet The Boone Rhododendron Gar den Club met Monday, June }2, at the home of Mrs. Herman Wil cox with Mr* John Horton serv ing as associate hostess. A covered dish luncheon was served buffet style and club members found their places at tables that had been set up on the lovely glass enclosed porch. After the meal the club presi dent, Mrs. Wilcox presided over the businesi meeting. An inspira tional devotion wai conducted by Mrs. Wiley Smith. Members an swered the roll call with the nsme of their favorite rose. Mrs. Smith, program leader, presented Mrs. Mae Miller who gave ? talk on "Ho-* to Grow Rosea." She quoted from books she had on display but sdopted these suggestions to our own locality. She also anawered quest Ions that were asked by rlub members about their own roses. Woman's Club Meeting Set The general meeting of the Worthwhile Woman's Club will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Adult Assembly Room of the Boone Methodist Church. The program will be given by John Corey, who will present the new film, "Appalachian, Alma K Mater in the Hills " '?> i Methodists found relaxing rigi dity of tod*. MISS MAXIE SHULL Mr*. Jettie Shull of Sugar '3rov? announce! the engagement of '.ier daughter, Maxie, u> Ret. iCenneth F. Brown of Fort Hood, Texaa, ?on of Mr. and Mra. Clint iirown of Zionville. A July wedding la planned. Music And Arts Group Meets The fir ft meeting of the year for the Music and Art Department waa held June 19 at the home of Mra. Pearl Luttrell at Shulla Mills with Mr*. E. L. Ray aa co-hostess After the buaineaa waa diapoeed of, the chairman, Mra. A. E. South, asked Mra. John Houck and Mra. 0. K. Richard ton, who had recent ly attended the Wayneaville Craft School to tell about their work there. Mra. Houck ahowed Swediah embroidery and drawn work uaed on a table cloth. Mra. Richardaon ahowed < aome lovely copper tubed picturea. Other membera contributing to the program were Mra. E. L. Ray, hand knitted aweatera and a dried arrangement for picture mounting; Mra. O. K. Sutton, a beautiful hand embroidered luncheon cloth; Mra. W. L. High, picture in Sample em broidery, ear boba and copper enameling; Mra. E. S. Quails, a lovely dried flower arrangement mounted on aand wire; Mra. A. E. South, hand made quilta from necktiei, and hand crocheted af ghan; and Dr. Ella Hardin, a smartly tailored auit. Mra. Pearl Luttrell whose home ia filled with her own hand painted picturea, diaplayed crocheted table clothe, afghana and copper tooling. Suggestions for programa for the coming year were asked for by the next meeting in July, with Mra. John Horton. Mra. Carlos DeLlma and Mrs. W. L. High were welcomed aa new membera. Mra. M. E. Mender, who waa in Rocky Mount for the winter, waa welcomed back for the aummer. Invited gueata were Dean Hardin and Mra. 0. K. Richardaon. Mra. Luttrell and Mrs Ray serv ed a dellcioua party plate with spiced tea. Knita rlae from sportswear to high fashion. S"1 ha Viaiio i'WtfcTijifc. ? bmiiey tttirnetU get! saining welcome to Watauga county tiom Miss Vv'a Uuga County Linen needs a hot iron for press ing. If the fabric is too damp the iron will scorch it. Waterfalls Is Now Dry Notice: One of our waterfalls is missing! That bulletin might conceivably be issued by the state of North Carolina this summer, for one of Western North Carolina's scenic attractions, Toxaway Falls, Is dry. The missing water, however, is creating still another scenic at traction as it fills the basin of new Lake Toxaway to its 14-mile, shoreline. .* The white cascade that tumbles over granite outcrqppings just af ter the river passes beneath U. S. Highway 64 in Transylvania Coun ty will be restored after the lake is filled, probably sometime in the midsummer. Specific cancer antibodies are produced. Beech Creek Club The Beech Creek Community Club met June IS at George Har mon's store. The meeting was moved from the barn on account of the cool weather that we have been having here. The meeting was called to order by the president, R. L. Harmon. The Lord's Prayer was Mid by all. Jack Guy - demonstrated the at me plates for mail bona. George Harmon la coins to make the Mil bos peat Tke group talked about getting telephones (or our com ?UMrity. Paul Edmittea and Henry OaJu were appointed to decide on the boundary linea. Mr. Cartaer made a talk on the different things that we are doing in our community club. He intro duced his aaaiatant, Ted Richard son. from Bandolph county. II weather permit* the next meeting will be la the barn loft July 21. There were about 30 pres ent for o?r meeting. *2,225,000,000 aid is pledged for India. Truman criticises Northern Freedom Ridera. POWER-BALANCED FLOATING BRUSHES POLISH WITHOUT STREAKING! POWER-BALANCEO FLOATINS BRUSHES WAX WITHOUT WANOER INfi! POWER-BALANCEO FLOATI N 6 BRUSHES SCRUB WITHOUT SPLASHIN6! POWER-BALANCED FLOATING BRUSHES SHAMPOO WITHOUT MAT TING! Sl MOM l 40 Burgess Furniture Store 425 W. King St. ? Boone, N. C. You'll get the best buy on the best selling brand at your Chevy dealer's Thick Roundup ! Now it's easier than ever to own America's easiest riding truck. And, thanks to their own special brand of Independent Front Suspension, Chevrolet trucks will keep on sating tor gou everg mile gou haul. ? If you've been needing a new truck, but watting a ?pell till the best buy came your way . . . wait no longer. It'a truck roundup time and the beat buya are here aa only the best seller can offer them. Just head for your Chevrolet dealer's full corral of bargains and take your pick. Put your truck dollars where the truck value is. With Independent Front Suspension smoothing the way, you'll find a Chevy truck is worth loada more to you. Drivers get leas tired. Cargoes ride easier. And, best of all, your truck keeps going for extra thousands of miles. A good deal? You bet! Even more so now ? during truck roundup time. CHEVROLET *?? TRUCKS See your heal authorized Chevrolet dealer ANDREWS CHEVROLET, INC. North Depot St. Dmlt* LJceM8 No ?? Boone, Ni C