YDC DINNER. A (roup of Democrat* poaed with Dr Wallace Hyoe, extreme rigM, following tne annual Watauga Younge Democrat* Club Dinner Friday night They are left to right, Harry M Hamilton Jr 'T? ?2*** Corton H Winktor. 8ut* from thU diatrlct; George C Thomaa, pre?i W'tau- tounlY ">mmimioMT- and* Jr., member Watauga Hyde Tells Democrats To Keep Party Strong A large group of Democrat* were told Friday night to 'keep marching and working" to keep the Democratic party "a party of action." Dr. Wallace Hyde, executive sec retary of the' North Carolina Dem ocratic Executive Committee, Hal eigh, ipoke at the annual dinner of the Watauga Young Democrat* Club, at which nearly ISO mem ben and their gueita attended. Many member* of tha "aenior" par ty were there, and they were told by Dr. Hyde to encourage the young members to work for the Democratic party. The young Democrats were told to "cooperate" with the wnior party and to try to find specific wayi in helping further the party. Dr. Hyde itretaed the need for constant work to keep the party in the forefront. Ha cited examples where lack of work had lost the party representation in certain areas and where hard work had gained better representation. Dr. Hyde said, as he encouraged active participation in the Demo cratic party, that aside from the good they do, that one of the great est things gained personally from politics was the friends one makes. He said he was able to count many people his friends that he would not have known If he had not en tered politics. Guests from Alexander, Avery, Caldwell, and other counties were recognized by George C. Thomas, president of the local YDC. The supper was served at Boone Trail Restaurant's Appalachian Room. Leo Pritchett introduced Dr. Hyde. An exercise designed to help correct drooping shoulders Is very simple. Stretch the arms out to the skies on a level with the shoulders, fists clenched. Now swing the arms and shoulders together in a rotat ing movement upward and back ward, lifting the shoulders as the arms go up and back. LAST DAYS Closing Date: Saturday, September 9 CLOSING OUT OUR COMPLETE LINE OF ART GOODS, DIAMOND JEWELRY, LINENS & WATCHES AT PUBLIC AUCTION Two Times Daily STARTING AT 10:30 A. M. AND 7i30 P. M. v' ' ' Everything Must Go ? Even The Auctioneers m FINCKE-SOBEL ART GALLERY BLOWING ROCK, NORTH CAROLINA When in Florida Visit Our Gallery in Fort Lauderdale 'Farm House Choir In Last Appearance There are two thine* of especial intereit in connection with the Blowing Rock Methodist Church, Sunday, Sept. S. This will be the last appearaaee for thia season of both the I'M* or, Dr. H. E S pence, and of the well known Farm House Singers. It is expected that a large congregation will attend the final servMs for the summer of both the minister and the Chorus. Dr. S pence Is completing his fourteenth summer as pastor of the church. For many years the church wss deserted and no ser vices were held for perhsps fif teen years. An effort was nude to reopen it just for the summer ser vices and he waa invited to under take the taak. Beginning with not even a baker's dozen the congre gation has steadily grown until now fairly large congregation* at tend each service. Without mem bership. budget, program, assess ments or subscription the church .has managed to serve its summer constituency in a satsifsctory and helpful way. The pastor has been Invited to return another year and it is his one smbition to return snd complete his fifteenth sum mer here. Thii would also round out sixty year* in the Methodist ministry and eighty years of liv ing. The services next Sundsy will feature once more the splendid music of the Farm House Singers under the direction of Mrs. Shir ley Blackwell, Jr. The music will be built around the sermon of the day which will be a study of the nature of God as revealed by the Prophets Amos and Hosea. Hymns, collects, scriptures, pray.ers and all other features of the hour will match with this idea. Special num bers given by the singers include, Climbin' Up the Mountain, God So Loved the World, The Kin* of Love My Shepherd b, and Glori ous Everlasting. The public is invited to these services. URGES ECONOMIC REPRISALS Senator Fulbright (D.-Ark.) has urged economic reprisal! against ?he Russians and East Germany for the Communist crackdown on the flow of refugees from East Germany. He said that a cut-off of Weft German purchases of oil from the Russians is one action that might have a telling effect. "The Russians hare spent a lot of money building pipelines thru East Germany," he said. Eichmann balks at pity for Jews. Blue Cross Protection ^Si FOR WNC FARM FAMILIES ?trrv*rs P?4ar?N. - ->ow available Inciuda* h !<*>?' j ?Itowpnce. incraattd mt sici' fch?du>* ami in-ttotolta' -Radical b#r>*fit?. Atoe n#w can Available At SPECIAL RATES THROUGH THE FARMERS FEDERATION * COOPERATIVE Enrollment Period Now Open Conducted By HOSPITAL CARE ASSOCIATION, rfr inrormanofi VW? Your NEAREST FARMERS FEDERATION STORE Or Writ* T? FARMERS FEDERATION COOPERATIVE t. O. Urn Ml * -? - u c_ fWRVTRMf ? Ew#l SvfwvlNr i Blowing Rock Nursed Home Indicated ( continued from p age one) tkoM who minister to the melti twin mil afflicted with nil man ner of diseaaes. It ic supremely fitting that we today beseech the Heavenly Father's blessings upon this house, and the continuing presence of the Holy Spirit 'I watch-care over it and those that dwell therein. Let us. tbaralsi e bring to Get our praises far his guidance and aid in thig under taking, and our prayers on kafcalf of those who shall abide here; and who, by their service and their devotion, shall unite in fulfilling the purposes of love and gentle care to which their lives have been dedicated. Let us pray: O God, we rejoice in thjr love, we delight in thy mercy, we live by thy power, wc serve in thy name. Be pleaded, we pray thee, to accept this building and to cov er it with the mantle of thy pre sence and thy blessing. Upon those who through their generos ity and their love, made it ? real ity bestow the gift of thy peace and thy benediction. Upon those who may dwell here make thy face to shine, and be gracious unto them. Upon those who suffer and are feeble, pour out the aolace of thy loving care and tender minis try. May ail of m this day. tn humility and dcepeat faith, give wwlm anew to thee la J?M?' Name. Amen. Dr. Charles Davant then pre mM the home for dedication and Dr. H. E. Spenee save the dadicaiory sentence* aa fellows: It U right and proper that build ings erectad for aucfa service* in the name of our Master, who was himself a Minister to the sick and suffering, should be formally and devoutly set apart for their spec ial uses. For such a dedication we are now assembled. Ik the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate this building aa a home for those who have contributed so greatly to the holy ministry of healing. It has ever been the lot of the nurse to do the drudgery; to bring cleanliness out of uncleanil ness; to litsen to the complaints, the murmu rings, and the feverish outcries; ,to whisper words of cheer to the disconsolate ; to en courage the doubting and the das pairing; to drive away gloom with a cheering smile; to hearken to the helpless groans. Hid to attend to the suffering and sorrowful; to keep a weary vigil by day and night. For 41 Years Boone's Leading Pharmacy! Now In Our New, Completely Modern Quarter* I Try U? . . . Nearly Everyone Does! Stop In Our Famous FOUNTAIN and LUNCH ROOM See Our Fine Offerings In Rare n 1 1 q it 1 0 ? Marble Topped Tables ? Bedroom Suites ? Antique China ? Cut Glass ? Copper ? Brass BURGESS Antique Shop 425 W. King St. ? Boone, N. C. Send Home An Unuaual Gift Item! Come In And Browtt In Our Shop ? Phone AM 4-3696 It w?ia ever her task to bring the helpless infant into the world; M toton to ewM the fMefceria? pulse beats that warn of the ap paoath at that dread how at de parture And when the laat (asp for breath ii over, it U hen w c1?m the sightlea* ?r? and fold the helpless hands peacefully acroa th quiet bread ,and break the ud new# to thoae who are be reaved. giving them such solace and consolation as it i> hers to Offer That she may have >*st from kw heavy labors, recreation from her tattoos tasks, refreshment from her exhaustion, and recupera tion at her strength, we dedicate this tMildias with tha prayer Out theae who abide herein mar go forth renewed in strength and spirit to continue their ministry of mercy. Amen and amen. The dedication was followed by a silver tea and a social hour. Air Force here seeking special ists aa recruits. 1 ' 1 " I ? ? " nj - British withdrawing troops from Kuwait. Fascinating Antique Auto Collection! BIGGEST IN THE CAROLINA'S! Models from 1904 to 1930 ? Real Fire Engine Ridet For The Kids ir Park and Picnic Area I Oil Mountain Stream < ANTIQUE j Auto Museum U. S. 221-321 ? Adjacent to Tweet trie . Unusual Attraction! See lieir Looms at Work As They Create Goodwin Guild Authentic Reproductions In Favorite Old Patterns ? Afghans ? Spreads ? Rugs ? Table Cloths ? Coverlets ? Place Mats Choose from our Unusual Mountain Crafts & Gifts The Sign of Authentic Mountain Craft Blowing Rock Crafts Blowing Rock, N. C. CY 5-4651 e. /. blackwell's fabulous FARM HOUSE in cool Blowing Rock " ABOVE AND BEYOND LIFE'S TRIVIALT1ES" I You 11 enjoy our delightful music, panoramic view, and taste tempting farm sty la meals served by thejSouth's most talented singing collegia*, every day from 8:00 4'clock in the morning to 10:00 o'clock at night.