JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889? Office Telephone AMherst 4-3612 Local Affairs Frank Coffey of Gardner- Webb College (pent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Paul A. Coffey Mr. and Mra Asa Reele had as their guest Saturday night, Mrs. M. J. Williams of Vilas. Mrs. Resmnetl B. Porter of Cfccr ryville vest the week e?d at her home in Imm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonakas of Salisbury were week end visitors with Mrs. Kenneth Linney. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Watson spent a few days last week at their cabin at Lake lamas. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Storie and Julia of Ktatesvflle spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South. Miss Elsie McClung of Charlotte was the guest ?f Miss Martha Al len over the week end. Mrs, John A. Minor returned to her home in Winston-Salem Satur day after visiting a week with her son, Mr. Joe Minor and family. Mrs. Poliy Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson of Charlotte were visitors with the Joe Craw fords Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Parks of Hendersonvttle visited with Mrs. RemmeH B. Porter and Mrs. Bax ter Linney over the week end. Mrs. Audrey Ragan and Vicky Younce of Lenoir are spending the week witfc Mrs. Dick Hollar of Sherwood. Dr. and Mrs. Amos Abrams of Raleigh were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hamby, Jr. over the week end. Mr. and Mr* Carl Strohman of Miami, Florida arrived Friday to spend two weeks at their home in Valle Cmcis. Mr. and Mrs. Ronda Hollar who purchased a new summer home in Boone returned last week to .their winter home in Port Orange, Fla. Visitors Sunday with Mrs. C. B. Angel were Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Adams of .Charlotte and Mr. Joe Michael of Parrish, Florida. Mr. Earl Hayworth of Monroe attended Homecoming and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South Saturday. Mr. Marshall Fulbright of Min neapolis, Minnesota has returned after visiting ten days with Mr. G. W. Fulbright on Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne at tended the funeral of Mrs. Payne's aunt, Miss Laura Olivia Huff of Sanford, in East Bend Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Reece Graham, Mr. Charles Graham and Mr. Wil liam Proffitt of Aberdeen, Mary land spent the week end with rela tives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reese's guests Monday were Elder Wagner Reese of Sommerset, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Reese of Reese, and Dr. and Mrs. Gene Beese of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Martin of Charlette and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman of Winston-Salem were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen. Dr. and Mri. Bill Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dixon and Peggy and Nancy Dixon of Shelby visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auten and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith of Char lotte visited Sunday with Mrs. Auten's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houck. Week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Harmon were Mr. and Mrs. Foy Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Jones and children, Cathy and Mark, of Charlotte. Guests of Mix Gertrude Perry over the weefk end were Mr. and Mrs. Toe Jenkins of Raleigh, Mr*. Charlotte Murray, Misa Sheridan and Hits Bingham of Greensboro. Mr. J. Louis Lundean of New York City and Blowing Rock ia critically ill at Blowing Rock Hospital, where he haa been a patient several weeks. Mr. and Mrs Marion Goodman returned to their home in Durham Wedneaday after visiting a few days with Mrs. Goodman's slater, Miss Banny Isaacs Mr. a?d Mrs. Rudy Eisenmann of VaMey City. Ohio are visiting this ??ek with Mrs. Eiaenmann's mother, Mrs. Jennie Thomas of ZionVille. Mr. and Mrs Ftailey P. Hedges have returned to their home on Howard's Creek after spending a week ifc Hendersonville visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hedges and rMMran. Rev. Wmgmtr A. Reese of Sci ence Hfl, Sr. arrived last week lor a visit wHh relatives ia Beaver Dam Uwn/htp. This week be ia conducting ? meeting at the Bea ver Dam Baptist Church. Mr. and Mm. Kemp Wilaon re turned last from Weat Palm Beach, We. trherr they visited with Mr. issd Mrs Eugena Wilaon and family. Mr. Wilson 1* teaching at Forreet Hill High School. They were aucompanlod on the trip by Mr. and Mr*. O. L. Philips of North Wilkeaboro. Mrs. Moiu Hodge and daughter Theresa are spending the week with Mrs. Ruby Etlnmrni in Val ley City, Ohio and Mrs. Melvin Hampton and family in Cleveland, Ohio. John W. Garland and George Coffman of Fall Breach, Tens , were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Jos eph Peterson and daughter, Miss Kate Petaraon. Mr. Garland and Mrs. Peterson are cousins. Bob Agle, Jr. and Reid Cottrell who recently enlisted in the Unit ed States Air Force., went to Lack land Air Force Base, Texas, last Tuesday to take their basic train ing. Mr. William La Rue of Raleigh, who is associate editor of the Pro gressive Farmer, is visiting this week with his niece, Mrs. John Houck and family. Mr. LaRue is covering the N. C. State Grange convention for his magazine. Dr. N. G. Erneston, Dr. I. W Carpenter, and Mr. John Pritehett are in Holyoke, Mass. this week attending the Technifax Seminar, a coarse of study in the use of over-head projectiles for teaching large classes. Mr. ana Mn. Lawrence Miller of North Wilkesboro, Mrs. Char les Nelson, Mr. Grady Nelson of Newport, Tennessee and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of High Point were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stalling* and Andy. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fin ley P. Hodges Saturday were Mrs. Thelma Diffenbaugh, Mr. J. E. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. John Right of Jacksonville, Florida, Mrs. ?. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Myers of Candor, N. C. Mrs. C. M. Stiles and Miss Cyn thia Stiles spent the week end in Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Gibson. On Saturday Miss Stiles attended the luncheon meet ing of the American Association of Teachers of French. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCurry, Ladd and Nancy, of Kinston and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenza Clinard, Bridgett and Mark, of Clemmons were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Granville Norris and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Agle, Jim, Richard and Bill, spent Sunday in Salisbury with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor, whose son Robert Clay was christened at First Methodist Church Sunday morning. Mr. Tay lor is director of music in the ohurch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holton and daughter, Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Gray Long of Thomasville, Mrs. J. A. Simpson, Mr. Bab Simpson of Lexington and Mr .and Mrs. Henry Jones and son Robert of Reidsville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beach. Baker Edmisten, Mrs. Howard Love, Mrs. George Kdm later and daughter Sandra and Mrs. Walter Johnaon viaited Sunday with Mr. George Edaiisten and Mrs. W. D. Farthing, who are patienta at Presbyterian Hospital In Charlstte. Mrs. Farthing had surgery there last Thursday Cadet John Payne was one of the 40 cadet* from Marion Mili tary Inatltute who attended the 18th annual Peanut Festival in Dothan, Alabama last week end as escorts ef the girls who were com peting fer queen. Miss America, Miss Maria Beale Fletcher, led the procession and crowned the queen at the ball Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reese had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reese Cole and two soaa, Mike and Pat of Elizabeth ton. Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wil liams of Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reese and Mr. Freddy Reeae of Boone. Their guests on Thursday were Elder Wagner Reese of Sommerset, Ky. and Rev. J. H. Crisp of Lenoir and Mr. Clyde Robinaen of Reese. Mrs. A. C. Greene of Clarkston, Wash, k spending some time visit ing in Boone with a brother, Ro bert Hayes and family :00 p. m. Mrr John Van Noppen, presi dent, announced that the State Convention will be held at Elon College. Saturday, October 21. Mra. Roa Da via Will he the deleyrte from the Boone Branch. Mra. David Hodgin presented member* with a copy of the by-liw* They will be approved at the next meet ing. Mra. Robert King gave a moat interesting and informative talk ?n, "Customs, Superstitions, and Witchcraft of Africa." She illu strated major points of her discus sion by showing slides of the na tives, home* in Africa, market places, the country, and animals. The twenty gueats were then shown pictures, earvings, native handcraft, and furniture which Mrs. King and her husband had collected when they served as mis sionaries in Africa. Mrs. R. H. Harmon assisted the hostess in serving delicious re freshments. The next meeting will be held ?n Monday, November 27, at 8:00 p. m. in the Library Science Room at Appalachian State Teachers College. General Club Meeting Tonight A general meeting of the Worth while Woman's Club will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. R. H. Harmon. Mrs. L. Y. Ballentine will (peak to the group. Miss Courtney At Hall School Miss Anne Courtney, daughter -of the Rev. and Mrs. C. Ward Courtney of Blowing Rock, is one of the new student* at Margaret Hall School, Versailles, Kentucky, who will be initiated as a member of an athletic team this week. Margaret Hall is a college prep aratory school for girls aad is un der the direction of the Order of St. Helena, a Religious Community for. w o m e I hi the Epiacopal Church. fmm) V Trail way's SANITONE SOFT-SET* Oltr CLEANING PUTS NEW LIFE IN OLD SUITS ' f- - * ? Dirt, pmr ?piratUn v*n?l ? Color*, pott?m?, tporkl* like ntw ? Fabric mlytd, f ##ls Mi# niw ? ktMr pmi n< T?Y OS AND SHI Trailway Cleaners INCOBMRATBO rtdMf A D?IN?V AM UUI ? Bomm, N. C. League OfS\Vomen Voters 4- fi Entertained By Mrs. Decker A coffee was given by Mn. How ard Decker, membership chair man of the League of Women Vo ters, on Thursday morning, Octo ber lfth at her homo. Guests attending wore Mesdames J. K. Chipun, Herman Eggers, J. E. Holah ouser Sr. and ft. C. Rivers. League members present were Mrs. David Spainhour, Mrs. Cratls Williams, president; and Mrs. Hartley Wilson, load resource chairman. Mrs. Wilson informed the group as to the plana of the League to work on a town st?dy. This will be a big project; the data wlU be compiled into a booklet which will be made available to the general public. The purpose af the League of Women voters is to promote poli tical responsibility through in formed and active participation of citizens in government. The League is non-partisan ? the League "shall not support or oppose any political party or can didate." The League believes that the Attend Garden Club Meeting The annual meeting of District II of North Carolina Garden Club, Inc., was held October 19 at the Corinth Evangelical and Reformed Church in Hickory. District Director, Mn. Clifford Huffman, presided over the meet ing which was attended by the ma jority of officers of the itate or ganization and more than ISO dub members from the various clubs in the district. Delegates from Boone included Mrs. John Hollar, President of the Boone Council; Mrs. B. W. Sal lings, Mrs. Wayne Richardaon, Mrs. W. M. Matheson, Mrs. James B. Winkler, Mrs. G. K. Moose, Mrs. H. M. Cooke, Mrs. Dempsey Wilcox, and Mrs. R. H. Harmon of the Blue Ridge Club; Mrs. W. C. Richardson and Mrs. J. T. Winkler of the Gardenerettes; Mrs. Max Dixon, Mr*. J. C. Good night, and Mrs. W. G. Winkler of the Appalachian Club; and Mrs. G. D. Barnett, Counselor of the Junior Club. party system is an Intefnl part of our form of government. It urge* 8 it* members, except its leafier* daring their terms of Leagae of fice, to work as individuals in the parties of their choice. The League takes a position on issues, but never on candidate!. Positions taken by the League re present the result of fact-finding, discussion, and objective considera tion of the interests of the whole community. Regular membership is open to any woman 21 years of age or old er. Women under 21 may Join aa associate members but hare no voting power. Thoae interested in Joining the Boone League of Women Voter* please call lira. Decker at AM 4 33*7. The average American ate 8.4 pounds of cheese in 1900. One fourth of the protein con sumed in America is supplied sole ly by dairy foods. SILVER DOLLAR PAINT SALE With th? Purchaso of Eack 1 G.llon? of UMICO MHO Yen Hill Rocoiv* * Silver DolUr FREE ! Oct. 16 Thru Nov. 15 *fou Can't Buy A Bitter Paint Rtiartiltss of Rrtc*" Watauga FCX Service Store Boone, N. C. SHOWS t Monday through Saturday at 2 ? 4 ? 7 - 9 ? Sunday 3 ? 8:00 Movie* at the Appalachian Altcayt the Biggest Entertainment Value