ersona i jean l &1VS8S, rarro*. _A, ctivitied -Hone Ttkptwae AMberst 4-888? ? Office Telephone AMherst 4-M12 Affairs SUET"* * ? Mr. Charlie Wilc? week with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. j. Boyee Brooks. Kobert Brittain, senior at N fk ^ co"ege, is spending the week with his parents Mr and Mrs. Earl Brittain. y\"5! Mrs Harvey Atkins and children, Betty and Bob of AshevHla, visited recently with friends in Watauga County. Miss Pat Breitenstein, stu dent at Catawba College, visited recently with her parents, Mr. *Jn R?bert L' Breft^ Mrs. Charlie Gibbs and daugh ter, Cindy returned Sunday from Marion where they had been spending the week with relatives. Visiting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John York were Mr. fork's parents and brother, Mr and Mrs. John D. York and Joe York of Mf. Airy. Johnny Taylor, stinTent at the University of North Carolina is spending the week with his' Taylor*' ^ *nd M" C' Gordon Miss Bat Bowling of Winston ?a?m and Mr. George Davis of Hitkory, visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 Dowling. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greene of Boynton Beach, Fla., a girl. Ray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greene of Deep Gap. ?r. and Mrs. Ben Go* of Or lando, Fla., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greene and they are also visit ing other friends in the county. 9am Tully, student at the University of North Carolina, is visiting for a few days dur ing semester break, with his mother, Mrs. Kathryn C. Tully. Mrs. Robert Cook and daugh ter, Francis of Charlotte, N. C., visited during the week end with friends in Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moretx of Chapel Hill, are spending a few days this week with Mr. Mor et*s brother, Mr. Grady Mor etz, Jr. and Mr*. Morete. Raymond Smith, student at N. C. State College, is spending a few days during the semester break with his parents. Dr. and Mm Wiley Smith. Mrs. Frank Hagaman spent three days * last week visiting wife her daughter, Mrs. Dwight Kifey and Mr. Rilby in Blount vills, Tenn. Mrs. G. K Mooes and Mrs. Janes Godwin attended the Le noir Deanery for the presidents and vice presidents of the Epis copal Church held in Hickory Tuesday. tin? MS Derrick., student at thtf University of South Caro lina, visited- 1m* week with, his patents. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Der rick. He returned to the Univer sity Suartay. Mrs. Jo# Norris, Jk., and Mm. Bil Andrews of Miami, Fla., are spending some tor with theii mother, Mri. Clyde let*, win Is critically ? iw Charlotte Manorial Hospital. They are fottner Mahleiitk at the Sllwr aiuha uuiiiwiiailH J3 Visiting over the week end with Mr. and Mra. Frank tho rn an were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goodson of Lineolnton and Mr. and Mn. L. G Watkins of North Wilkes boro Jim Goodnight, student ak the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, arrived Monday to spend a few daya with hia par ent*, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Good night. Rev. Edwin Troutman and daughter, Sara of Jacksonville, Via., are visiting for several days with Rev. Mr. Troutman's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Troutman of Boone. Mr. and Mn. Earl D. Moreti and children, Steve, Rebecca, Elaine and David, left for Con cord, wfiere Mr. SToretz will be associated with Jackson Train ing School. John Ralph Buehanan, stu dent at N. C. State College, is spending some time during the semester break with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buch anan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Law rence and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fleetwood of Knoxviile, Tenn., visited for a few days recently with friends and relatives in Watauga county. Mrs. Charles Henry of Hi