SCHOOL AND YOUR CHILDrt-' ' Dr. Spencer Says W orld Needs Music By JOHN CORKY (Education Dept. ? ASTC) Many parents once poor but now well-off shower children with opportunities to learn music that they didnt have themselves while crowing up in less prosperous times. One father who can't whistle "Yankee Doodle Dandy" has bis son taking piano, ballet, choir, and trumpet lessons. The boy enjoys sll these activities but has made little progress. He evidently possesses little ability in music. Is he wasting his time and bis lather's money? Whether Junior or Jane has great or little ' music talent makes little difference, said Aristotle before 300 B.C. "It is ncessary that we teach it to our children . . . since music has so much to do with the molding of character." [?* , It's not ? question of having or not having music ability Dr. William G. Spencer, chairman of the Appalachian State Teach ers College musk department, tells me. Everyone has some. As in all skills and talents, some have more, some less. The veteran music educator went on to say: "Parents owe their children help in developing their talenta. The best way is to expose them to training. Find out what they can do. Give them trial les sons. Observe their progress." When should Junior start music lessons? It depends on his resdiness, says Appalachian's Dr. Spencer. Actually, the boy's music training begins in infancy, when mother rocks and sings him to sleep. During his early years, much can be learned about his potential music ability through observing his reactions. Does he try to sing with mother? Does he clap his hands, sway, dance, and move to the rhythm of music? It's good for parents to make music with Junior as he grows older. And why not provide toy musical instruments such as a tin flute or banjo? Also, a record player with a variety of recorda should bo handy for both fapoily listening and for the youngster's Indivi dual use. Many ?mail children possess a wonderful sense of rhythm and a natural feel for musical form and style which can be observed when they "dance" to music, Or. Spencer says. He laments that the wonderful, un inhibted movements stop when the child becomes aware of how he appears to others. If Junior has enjoyed, during his early years, a background of experimentation with music al instruments, dancing, and singing, he'll likely ask at some time near his first school year to "take lessons." Thisi usually indicates that he is ready to begin formal music training. Of course, an important read iness factor to consider is phy sical and mental maturation. The child must be large enough to handle an instrument His hands must have ? developed enough strength to manipulate piano keys or press violin strings. Equally important is good coordination, especially manual dexterity with the fingers. If a child shows an interest and a talent for music, by all means encourage him. The world needs more music. It is a pity to let potential talent die for lack of encouragement. BIDES 11 YEARS Lille, France ? Jacques Vat seur, 42, has been hiding in the attic of his mother's modest hoqie since the end of World War II to evade trAl on charges of collaboration with the Ger man Nazis. He had been con demned to toptl) in absentia. Every time the doorbell rang he would run and hide in the attic, but one day he was too slow and he was seen and ar rested. HUMMINGBIRDS Brazilians call hummingbirds 'flower kissers." Some 80 kpown species of the tiny birds live in Brazil. DEDICATION ? Uft to right: Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris, Sr. Mr. Hayes is president of the Edgar Tufts Memorial Association. Mrs. Hayes is very interested 'in Grandfather Home and has been instrumental in helping her husband in promoting the welfare and progress of this mountain orphanage. The Harris cottage was made possible through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris, Sr., in memory of their son, Lester Potter Harris, II, whose portrait U in the back ground of this photograph. Cottage Dedicated At Grandfather Home The new Harris Cottage. Grandfather Home for Child ren, was dedicated Sunday af ternoon at 3:00 p. m. as Robert G. Hayes, President of Edgar Tufts Memorial Association presided over the dedication. An overflow crowd in the recreation room of the cottage watched as Allen Harris, Jr. opened the ceremony by pre senting a large gold key to Mr. Hayes. Dr. Ferguson Wood, pastor of the First Presbyter STICKY TRAFFIC Redding, Cal. ? Traffic in your hometown might be sticky, but this northern California com munity had the real thing. Glue. A flatbed truck and trailer, owned by the Pacific Plywood Company, Dillard, Oregon, lost its load while rounding a corner. The cargo contained three rub ber bags filled with glue. One of them split and 2,000 gallons of glue oozed out. It took two hours to unstick traffic. Congress may oppose aims aid to India. ian Church, Johnson City, Tenn. and acting Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Edgar Tufts Memoial Association gave the dedicatory address. Following Dr. Wood's ad dress, , Mr. Hayes presented Miss Anne Bryan, Vlce-Presi dent and Superintendent of Grandfather Home. After Miss Bryan's address, musical selec tions were presented by Miss Linda james, student at Lees McKae College, who sang "Bless This House" and several of the small children of the home who sang "Jesus Loves Me." The Rev. Elmer M. Boykin, Rector, St. John's Episcopal Church of Johnson City, Tenn., administered the blessing of the Lester Potter Harris, II Cottage. The benediction was given by the Rev. Harrison Taylor, Professor of Bible at Lees-McRae College. Following the dedication, re freshments were served and piano music was provided by Miss Georgette Gettle, instruc tor of music at Lees-McRae College. I The cottage, a modernly styled and beautifully furnish ed structure, was given to Grandfather Home by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris, Sr. in mem ory of their son Lester Potter Harris, II. It will accomodate twelve children and house par ents. "Like to test-drive the 1963 compacts?" That's what Nationwide Consumer U&n Testing Institute-a completely independent company- recently asked 3600 typical drivers in 18 cities across the country. The people were asked to test-drive two compacts. Some picked Corvair and Valiant Some picked Falcon and Valiant. Some wanted to try Rambler or Chevy II. The course included all kinds of normal driving. Drivers circled the course twice (once in each car) with N.C.T.I.'s trained inter viewers firing questions all the way. Which of these cars do you prefer for accelera tion? Ride? Steering? Styling? Finally: which is the best all-around value? Tyro things were not tested-price and warranty. But remember that Valiant is just about the lowest-priced car made in the U.SA today. And that Valiant carries America's longest and best new-car warranty -5 years or 50,000 miles.* Ask your Plymouth-Valiant Dealer for your own independent test drive In The New Valiant *Y?ur Authorized Plymouth-Valiant Doalor'a Warranty aoainat dofocta in material and worlcmanaM# 6n 1963 oara haa boon expanded la inolude porta replacement or repair, without oharpa for required part? or labor, for 6 yoara or 80,000 miles, which ?vor oomaa flrat, on the engine block, hoad and internal parte; tranemiaeJon caao and internal parte (excluding manual dutch); torque oonvortor, drive ehaft, unlvoraal jointa Concluding duct oovora), raar aula and differential, and raar wheel beeringa, presided tho vehlele hat baon aarriaod at reaoonabla intorvala acoording to tha Pty mouth-Valiant Cortlflad Car Cara achedulee. FHA Authorized To Make Loans To Aid Owners Of Timber Land Realizing that the majority of the timberland in thia country is owned by farmer* in small tracts and that this timber land is returning a very small percent of the farmers' income, the Sec retary of Agriculture has auth orized Farmers Home Admin istration to include loans for forestry purposes in their reg ular lending programs. Appli cants for these loans must meet the eligibility requirements for the particular type of loan to be made. An acceptable forestry plan for the operation and manage ment of the ferest land must be developed and there must be reasonable assurance that it will be followed. > Loans under this program may be made for clearing and preparing land for forestry planting, buying and planting seedlings, insect, disease and pest control, fire protection, purchasing land for forestry purposes, refinsncing debts against the forest land, and the purchase of needed equipment. The production of Christmas trees is considered forestry pro duction. These loans are made only to persons depending on the farm for a substantial portion of their income. Interest rates on loans for forestry purposes are 3 percent and payments may be deferred for periods up to 19 years if necessary. Loans will be scheduled for payment within the shortest period consistent with the abil ity of the borrower to pay from any source of income. Loans se cured by real estate cannot be scheduled for repayment in ex cess of 40 years and loans se cured by chattels cannot be secured for payment in excess of the life of the security prop erty. The Agricultural Conserva tion program provides cost sharing assistance in planting of forestry seedlings and in making certain improvements to existing stands of timber. Each applicant is encouraged to take full advantage of the cost shar ing assistance available to him through the ASC. Information concerning the PRISONERS MAKE RECORDS Chino, Calif. ? Thirty-two in mates of the California Institu tion for Hen are making records for blind students throughout the nation. The inmates have donated more than 2,000 of their off hours during the past year re cording textbooks for the blind. The records will be distributed by Recording for the Blind ' headquarters in New York City. forestry loan cut be secured at the local Farmen Home Ad ministration office located in the county courthouse. about this question: "Someone slams the cabin door ... a lM-lb. moosehead falls off the wall and I get 16 stitches in my head. How can I collect on my Hunters Accident Policy . . . who'll believe I was cored by a dead moose?" New from Revlon Balmain Joli Madame $3 to $26 Sweetest Way To Say "Be My Valentine " PANGBURN WHITMAN HOLLINGSWORTH BOXED CANDY