ersonat n lion ? ^)ocux( ^/Qctivi lies JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR ? Home Telephone AMfamt 4-3889? Office Tatoptoaae AMkerst 43811 Affairs Mr. Jerry Hagaman of Fort Hood vtafted with Mr. and Mrs Ray Wilson on Monday. Mrs. R. K Bingham it a pati ent it Davit Hospital in States vtfle and Is slowly Improving. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Vance re cently returned from a month's vacation in Sarasota, Florida. Mrs. Lucy Honeycutt of Spruce Pine visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winters ?f Elk Park visited 'daring the week end with Mrs. J. K. Brown. Teddy Barnett of Charlotte, visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T, Barnett and sister Vera. Mrs. M. L. McClung and son, Charlie of Orlando, Fla., vis Red during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Estel Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson and children, Betty and Bob of Charlotte, visited recently with relatives in the county. Robert Bingham of Ft. Ben ?ing, Ga., is on leave for a few days and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wilson and family of Boone, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Wilson. Mrs. Alice Day, wife of Mr. Wiley Day, is a patient In the Blowing Rock Hospital, where she is slightly improved. Miss Joanne Aid rid ?e SDent the week end in Kig's Moun tain as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. and Mr. Phillip Lipe. Miss Barbara Hodges is in Mercy Hospital in Charlotte. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodges of Route 1, Boone. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Greer of Sumpter, S. C., visited with Mrs. Greer's mother, Mrs. Nel lie Hagaman during the week ?n4. ' ? > Ms. Mr. Hamp Blackburn is, Uent at Cannon Memorial Hos pital, Banner Elk, where he had surgery reeently. He is re ported as improving. Miss Martha Jane Norris has returned to Kings College in Charlotte, after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. David Norris. Ann Greer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roby T. Greer, re turned Sunday to Woman's Col lege after spending the semes ter holidays with her parents. Mrs. James R. Anderson and children, Kelli, Barbara and Billy of Norfolk, Va., visited recently with friends in Wa tauga county. Miss Carolyn King, student at last Tennessee State College, ?pent the week end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ford King. Mr. and Mrs. John T. King and children of Wadesboro, vis ited during the week end with Mr. King's sister, Mrs. Jack D. Cobb and Mr. Cobb. Mra. J. S. Scott of Lewisville, Ky., sister of Mrs. A. L. Cook and Mr. Homer Brown, passed away Saturday, February 2, at 6ie age of 86. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L ?mith of Morganton. visited Sunday with their daughter and soa-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John fork. Mrs. Delia Balrd recently re turned from Charles A. C*n ?on Memorial Hospital, where the had been a patient for the past 21 days. Miss Mar*aret Gragg has re turned to her studies at Duke University afte- soending the se mester break with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gragg. Visiting -recently in "Boone With friends and relatives ware Mrs. James Helper and Mr. and fin. Robert Coins, all tf Ra teiife. Mra. Oraae lluiiderssn Mar ganton has returned to her home after spending two weeks with Ther sister, Utrs. I Winkler and Mr. Winkler. Mrs. George Judy and Ik. Old Sir*. E. T. Glenn left Sat urday to spend a few daya to Norfolk, Va? visiting Mr. and Mrs. W B. Toft, Jr. M>d Wt. and Mrs. Louis Farthing and their families. They plan to ?eturn todajrj Wednesday). k Dr. Mid Mri. Fred Thompson ?ad children, Fredda and Fred erick of Leaotr, visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs Hadley Wil mm. Visiting with Mr. and Mr*. Herman Wilcox over ttw week end were their nieee and nep hew, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Buran ol Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Buchanan and son, Jimmy at Hampton, Tenn., were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buch Dr. Braxton Harris, Dr. Joe Bryson and Dr. Lee Reynolds attended the State Methodist Student Conference held in Charlotte on Friday. Mr. Howard King of Rich mon, Virginia, will be spend ing this week end with his sis ter, Mrs. Eric DeGroat and Mr. DeGroat. David Dougherty, student at the University of North Caro lina, Spent the semester holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dougherty. Mrs. Roy Rufty and Mrs. Bar nard Dougherty visited Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Perry, Jr., Mrs. R. M. Greene and Mr. and Mrs. David Greene In Greensboro on last Tuesday. Lt. Comm. and Mrs. W. B. York, Jr. of Norfolk, Va. an nounce the birth of a son, George David, born Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Naval Hospital in Portmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rankin of Greensboro, visited Sunday with Mr. Rankins' parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Howell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hottek ?nd Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houck of West Jefferson, spent a few days in Detroit. Mich., visiting their brother, Mr. Jess Houck, who is serioualy ill. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clawson, Mr. Avery Greene and Mr. Wade Clawson have returned from Ex celsior Springs, Mo., where they spent two weeks taking medical treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wilson spent the week end in Hampton ville and Elkin with Mr. and Mrs. James Rose and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moretr. They also visited in Charlotte. Mrs. Ray Wilson and daugh ter, Sandra spent the -week end in Brooks Cross Road and Elktn with her daughters, Mrs. James Rose and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moretz. They alao visited in Winston-Salem. Mr. md Mrs. Roy Rufty at tended the funeral of Mrs. Ro bey Wike of Hiddenite on Sat urday. Mrs. Wike was the mo ther of Miss Eva Wike and Mr. Gene Wike, former students at Appalachian. Mrs. J. C. Cooke and Mrs. Marvin Deal visited Sunday in Statesville with Mrs. Cooke's sister and Mrs. Deal's mother, Mrs. R. K. Bingham, who has been ill for the past two weeks in a Statesville hospital. Mrs. Bingham is slightly improved. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Aide during the week end was their son-in-law. Bob Tay lor of Salisbury. Mr. Taylor was in Boone for the North west Band Clinic. He is direc tor at West Rowan School in Salisbury. Jack Van Noppen of the Un iversity of North Carolina, spent the between-eemester vacation at his home in Boone. Guests of Dr and Mrs. John J. Van Noppen during last week end were the following University of North Carolina students: Miss Mine Franklin, Miss Lookhart Moore, Mr. Fess Green, MY. Ed Johnson, Mr. Bob Underwood and Mr. Sam Jackson, the en tire group enjoyed skiing at the Blowing Roek Ski Lodge. Fashion News dark winter months will bring ? glow of warmth and bright ness to every womsri's Treart. What can give a lift to the I spirit as ?m a suit of lovely green ? there's , a new nam* lor i it bat It is a Mixture of Oile 1 and emwmld^or one of a duaci ?os ptnk with ?n orchid rwt? And (tie knitted suits or com- ? panion skirts and sweaten are i erary whit as hnrefcr ac the wool suits. ] HO ?it ECONOMICS TEACHERS in the vo cational high schools of the district com posed of Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany, Cald well and Wilkes counties attended a recent district meeting in the new home economics building on the Appalachian State Teachers College campus. Miss Mary Brown Allgood, head of the ASTC home economics depart ment, and her. staff were hostesses for the occasion. In the picture, seated, left to right, are Mrs. Eloise Gilreath, Wilkes Central High School; Mrs. Nina Thorpe, East Wilkes High School; Miss Allgood; Mrs. Mary J. Sheets, Ashe Central High School; Mrs. Mary L. Allen, Lansing High School of Ashe county; and Uri. Hazel Lipe, Lenoir High School; first row standing, are Mrs. Joyce Davis, Cove Creek High School; Mrs. Feme Caud.ll, Wilkes Central High School; Mrs. Frances Thorpe, North Wilkes High School; Mary M. Mast, Happy Valley High School; Mrs. Mary Henson, Blowing Itock High School; and Mrs. Kathleen Lougherty, Appalachian High School; back row: Mrs. Ruth Miller, Game well High School; Mrs. Marion Osborne, West Wilkes High School; Mrs. Helen White, Hud son High School; Ruth Cox, Granite Falls High School; and Mrs. Mary Hass, Hudson High School. ? Larry Penley photo. First Ma jor Symphony For Area To Appear Next Week At ASTC The first major symphony to ( appear in Boone will be heard next week when Conductor Pet er Herman Adler brings the 90 piece Baltimore Symphony to the Appalachian campus, It was disclosed today by Rogers Whitener, ASTC faculty mem ber and chairman of the artists And lecture series. The orchestra, featuring vio lin soloist Julian Olevsky, will play Overture to Oberon, by Carol Maria von Weber; Con certo for Violin and Orchestra in D major. Op. 39, by Tchai kovsky; and Symphony No. 2, in D Major, Op. 73, by Brahms. The concert is scheduled at the Health and Physical Education Gym-Auditorium, February 14, at 8 p. m. Widely known as one of America's top flight orchestras, the symphony plays 140 con certs per season and is inter nationally recognized through its director and conductor, who conducts regularly on the Cont inent. The Baltimore Symphony em phasises educational programs, playing numerous youth con certs which are broadcast throughout Maryland and nearby states. Czech - born Peter Herman Adler made hit American debut in 1M0, conducting the New York Philharmonic. He became permanent conductor of the Baltimore Symphony in 1959. Beginning violin studies at the age of five in his home town of Jablonec, Czechoslova kia, Mr. Adler gave hi< first re cital there when ten years old. While a student at the Prague Conservatory tie became musical director of the opera in his native town. Later he was made musical director of the opera in Brno. He also eon ducted the Prague Philharmo nic, as well as operas and sym phony concerts in leading musl eal centers in Germany and Austria. Music lovers will remember Mr. Adler's many television pro ductions with the NBC Opera Company which he founded and currently conducts. He conducted the world pre miere of Menotti's "Maria Gol ovin" at the Brussels Interna About Your Home Carpets represent a major in vestment and should have the best of care and cleaning. There are a few simple points that every owner of good carpeting would do well to remember. Before carpeting it laid, ex amine the floor thoroughly for protruding nails. Fill in be tween floor boards and around baseboards with filler. If surti cracks are allowed to remain, they make fine breeding spots for carpet beetles. Rough or uneven floors and wide Spaces between boards cause premature wear spots in carpets. A cushion under your carpet smooths out the floor's uneven spots and absorbs much of the friction. A cushion also adds to the sound-absorbing quality of a carpet Host new carpets "fluff' for a time at first. This is nothing to worry about as it is only the bits of lint left in the pile when the yam is cut during manu facturing^ Vacuming a new rug every day will speed up this process. ' If a carpet is to give long and satisfactory wear and retain Its original color, it mast be ke?t clean. Sand and dm par tides allowed to remain on a rug will work down into the base and will gradually cut the Wry Important threads that from the base of the carpet. It It important, to keep the floor snder carpets Art and dust free. It doea not hurt a carpet to be vacummed for a short time each flay. Weekly Meanings should be i*ore thorough. This is the time to get under big piece* of furniture to clean the carpet they hide. It is a good idea to air a carpeted room once each week. Carpets should be cleaned by cleaning can be done at home with carbon tetrachloride or any one of a number of dry-claaning liquids with this as a base. If the family puppy is not house-broken yet ? use warm water first, then a dry-cleaning agent followed by more warm water. tional World's Fair. Recently, he received critical acclaim for the presentation of the opera "Fidelio." Tickets for the concert will go on sale Monday, February 11, at the Collage Book Store and the Boone Drug Company. The box office at the Health and Physical Education Building will be open February 14. Ad mission prices will be one dol lar for adults and fifty cents for students. Report Made On Dimes TV Show March of Dimes Telerama chairman, William A. Wilson, Jr., announced today that $47, 090 35 was pledged on the re cent Telerama. This is the of ficial total pledged, according to William Hunigan, chairman of tabulation. On behalf of the March of Dimes, Wilson thanks the sev eral hundred volunteers, musi cians. community leaders and merchants who donated their services and products. He par ticularly wants ot thank WCYB TV which donated its time and facilities for this event. Mr. Wilson also wishes to thank those who generously pledged donations .to the March of Dimes and asks that they mail their contributions to Tele rama, Washington Trust It Sav ings Bank, P. 0. Box 35, Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee. All contributions are credited to the county of the donor, end are used to fight polio, rheuma toid arthritis and birth defects. Engaged ' MISS ESTEL LOU BAIRD Mrs. Delia Baird of 303 Grand Boulevard in Boone, announces the engagement of her daugh ter, Estel Lou, to Dan Graham Coffey of Boone and Charlotte. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Coffey of Boone. A June wedding is planned. Green Valley Home Club Each October begins the club year (or Home Demonstra lion. Mrs. G. C. Ragan was hostess for the first meeting of the 3reen Valley Club. Five mem bers were present besides Wa tauga County's Home Econom ics Extension Agent, Mrs. Lil lian H. Oanner and her assist it, Mrs. Martha Jenkins. The club leader of the month, Mrs. Edtih Miller, demonstrat ed the making of a rustic plant er. Other items of interst were smocked pilows, one each of cotton prints, corduroy, and rayon. These were handiwork of the hostess, Mrs. G. C. Ragan. The second meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ennis By ers, with seven members pre sent. Mrs. Lillian Danner, Home Economics Extension Agent Save the demonstration using a minature bed, she illustrated the different styles of bed spreads, and the types of mat erials used for each. "Living With Others" was the topic of the third monthly meeting. Leader and hostess, Mrs. Minnie Norris brought out two main points; "Correct Dress and Good Manners for all Occassions." For devotional she used Psalm 28, and Mrs. Russell Norris read a famous prayer. Mrs. Russell Norris also dis played a doll bed built by her son Jerry, age 14. On the bed was a ruffled spread made by Mrs. Norris according to Mrs. Lillian Danner's last month de monstration. The club appoint ed Mrs. Norris to buy a doll for the bed and present it to some needy school child. There were five members present. Welcomed visitors were Mrs. Marvin Miller, Mrs. Clyde Miller, and Mrs. Maggie Greene all of Big Hill. Mountaineer Garden Club The Mountaineer Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Carlos DeLima Friday night at 7:80 p. m. Too many people go around saying it'i better to give than to receive but never find time to try out the system. Fine garments need more than just drycleaning Take the advice of leading fashion houaea such aa Serbin. They recommend i professional Sanitone dry- J cleaning ? and only Sani- % tone ? to keep fabrics J; color bright, soft. Our Sanitone Service means eompUte fabric care. Call on ua today. JEAN'S PERSONAL COLUMN Dear Jane And Rachel: By JEAN L. RIVERS I im running about a week late with my letter and in order to bring you up to date, here are the highlights up to last Friday. Week before last was a happy one for me. Your daddy decid ed to celebrate my birthday a little early because he had a business meeting, and since it has become tradition for him to send me red roaes . . . they came about S:00 Wednesday af ternoon. After that we had a nice dinner, then opened the gifts: Next day Lucy (Mast Wat son) had a bridge-luncheon in my honor, and Jewell and Fred (Hast) took us for a steak din ner at the Town House Restaur ant Friday evening. Jewell had baked and beautifully decorat ed one of her delicious cakes and it was brought to the table with the candles lighted. Sev eral years ago I decided to for get birthdays, but my good friends insist on remembering and I do appreciate it very much. Howard and Sarah (Cottrell) celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary on Sunday, the 27th, and when Howard was telling us about it in the of fice the Friday before, he said it seemed more like 3 than 21. He is a great big teaser most of the time, but he wasn't kidding about this. They have had an exceptionally good life togeth er, and we wish for them many, many more years of happiness. Kat and R. D. (Hodges) are in Florida for two weeks. I think I told you earlier that both of them had been ill and I do hope they come back feel ing much better. They took their young son Jeff with them and I know he is having a won derful time. I want both of you to know him better ... he is one of the cutest children I ever knew! He called to wish I me a happy birthday just before they left. Johnny and Becky (Councill) . are the proud parents of an other little boy born January 29th. They named him Benjam in David and I forgot to ask Becky which name they plan to ; use daily. Their little Johnny | is 7, Tracy is 5, and both of them are as cute as can be. They have been so excited over the arrival of the new little one ... I believe Tracy wanted a little sister, but I bet she wouldn't trade for one this i morning. Rachel, Mr. Hamp (Black I irn) had surgery at Cannon Memorial Hospital in Banner Elk lait week, and is very ill. He hai been auch a good friend of yours through the years . . . let you ride his horses by the day for years, and the last time I talked with him he said you seemed as near to him as a granddaughter. I do hope he is going to be all right! Love. Mom Quick, Easy Meals Topic "Quick and Easy Meals" is the title of the demonstration which the Home Demonstration Club leaders will be doing at the February meetings. The leaders were trained by Mrs. Lillian H. Danner, Home Eco nomics Extension Agent, on Tuesday, January 29. Important points discussed in the training school were: When a homemaker needs a quick and easy meal? Ways of saving tifte in pre paring meals. Treparing foods that can be frozen and used later. Quick homemade chili was served as a suggested dish at the training school and each leader was given recipes and other materials to be given the members of her club. Those clubs represented at the training school were: Blow ing Rock, Brushy Fork, Cove Creek, Green Valley, Hodges Gap. Timbered Ridge, Town and Country and Willow Valley. Elvis Presley Deborah Paget Richard Egan