Electrical Week Being Noted In This Vicinity Thii peek? National Etecti i c?l Weak? marks the U6th an niversary at the birth of 1h? mas Aim Fltr**1 Uw one-time newsboy who brought ctaetri- 1 city out of the laboratory ami into practical uae for the bene fit of mankind. Tom ?duw>. < who worked untiringly to deve lop tb? first practical electric liflH bulb and the e#Hpnm*t | n?M to bring it into the homes of America, lowiled an indus try that has become one of the nation's largest and moat vital. It's an industry that has put the magic of electricity to work ? To light homes . . . Preserve and eoofc our food . . . Wash our clothes . . . Fewer our lot teries . . . Briqj ** mh and entertainment . . . Protect our heelth ... ?wl eerve m in a thousand way* that contribute to Ike strength end prosperity at the nation The Blue Udfe Electric Membership Corpora of this vital industry . . . and tioa is proud to be a nasriber p oud to join with the ether members of the industry across the nation in pojrinf tribute to the memory of niomes Edison, whose spirit of constant seek ing (or new sad better ways to use the magic of electricity still .guides electrical progress. Burley Planting To Be About Same As In '62 Watauga county farmers for the fooat part will be able to plant, the same acreage of bur ley tobacco for U63 m Jot the 1962 cr?, according to Vaqghe Tugman, chairman of the Agri cultural 'Stabiltaation and Con servation County Committee. The factor for North Carolina is "1.00." The natiop?l marketing quota for the JJ63 crop is 9gg.4 mil lion pounds compared with M quota K the time when their heuse burned. Mr. and Mrm. Ruppard. Pxesideat Kennedy irritated by De Gable's aecuaation that U.S. cannot be depended upon. LARRY VAUGHK Li puranoe Man B l Ttjr K mrs of age, kg* joined the staff of Sturdivant life- He is ? student at ASTC. His home is Kanna poljs. Larry graduated from A. L Browu High School, Kannapolis, and worked at Cannon Mills un til he took a position as mana ger of trainees for F. W. Wool worth Co. Alter 2 years with Wootwofth tie decided to conn plete his education. He enroll ed at Cfcnriotte College, and later caaoe to ASTC the winter ' term of 14S0. He plans t? gradu- j aft this summer. Larry is majoring in business < education and is k me jnber of r the Scholastic Business Fater nitjr (Pi Omega Pi), also a member ef the varsity tennis I team at ASTC. Former Aslie Official Dies West Jefferson, Feb. t. ? Ver- 1 non C. Lillard, 78, of Jefferson died at > a. m. yesterday at Carolina Beat Home in Wilkes boro. He had been in ill health for about a year. Lillard was on the board of diiaetaw of the Blue Ridge Elec tric Membership Corp. for sev eral years and was a former Ashe Owmty eommissioner. He was employed by the State High way Commission for eight year*. He was bora in Tennessee to Nawton and Carolina Worth Lillard and was a member of the Woodmen of the World and a veteran of the Army aad Navy. He Was a member of Jeffer son Methodist Church. Surviving are his widow, Mr*. Annie lfamiltqp UHard, and a brother, Jim Lillard of Elkin. The funeral was conducted at 2 p. m. Saturday at Badger Fun eral Home chafttl by the Rev. John Christy. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery. Cm line breaks leaving 25,000 residents of Sedalls, Mo. with out heat as mercury dipa to zero. We carry a complete line of Plumbing and Electrical Fixtures and Supplies, Electric Heat, Built-in Stores, Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, . Light Fixtures, etc., all name brands. We feel sure if you visit our showroom we can save you a considerable amount of money on your purchase. "A free gift to all that give us the opportunity to quote." I ASCS Seek* To Improve Program Administration Each county (arm program office Id North Carolina is being aafced "what steps need to be takee to improve service to farmers and program adminis tration?" A. f. Hawaii, jlr? Executive Director for ?*e A#ri cultural Stabilization and Con Mnptioa State committee, (aid today "County coramKtaemen, coun ty office managers, tad farmer fieidraan are to evaluate the wook and service in eaefc ASCS office," Hassell said. "The beaerftis are expected to bo in the form of better, fast er service for Unoen," Haasail continued, "and to nuke tore that the public business is kept in public view." Trunin* programs tor cam mitteemen and employees In 1MB will be based largely an needs identified to this mU ?tudy of county ASCS office* The ASCS Service has begun an extensive program to ia? prove service and afianagemeat efficiency. All employees have been asked tor their suggestions oa how to better da specific Job*. In seeord with recoouneada tions of the ritjnrt yfrnH'** ? which iui lust completed a j study of the farmer committee system, Hassell said, a major { effort will be mde in IMS to i encourage more fanners to take part in the election of ASC committeemen. Secretary of Agriculture Or- i ville L. Freeman has announced < that the farmer committee ays- ' tem will continue to be the farm program field force and i that it will be strengthened u i recommended by the citizens committee. i Rescue Squad To Serve Supper The Watauga Emergency and Rescue Squad la apOMOrwf a larbecue chicken supper on Feb ruary S3, at the Appalachian El ementary School Caletaria. The lupper will begin at 9 p. m. If you do not wiah to eat the barbecue chicken at the caf eteria it will be packed (or you to carry out. The price of the lupper ia $1.23. JUNKET CUM SOUGHT The House Rules Committee it trying to impose a junkets curt> ?n other House commit tees. At fee suggestion of Rsprs santativt Smith