Visitors To Parkway Are Increasing Visitors during the first month of 1963 to the Blue Ridge Parkway show an in crease of 21.7 percent over Jan uary of last year, according to figures released by the park way officials at Roanoke, Va. This year, 140,92O- persons were counted on the scenic route. Last year, the report shows, 114,957 were counted. A table shows the number of visitors as counted as various mileposts along the route. First figure is for current year, and last figure is for 1962. James River, Va. 24,024 19,457 (Mile 0 to 115) Rocky Knob, Va. 46,860 44,583 (Mile 115 to 2M-) Bluffs, N. C. 34,518 24717 (Mile 217 to 305) Asheville, N. C. 34,518 26,200 (Mile 305 to 469) Harris Gets (continued from page one) son chief of the Elections Com mittee. The Elections Committee will consider the proposal to rewrite absentee ballot laws to avoid abuses such as those reported in several western counties. Thornburg introduced the meas ure in the House. Your house has gone up in value . . . has your INSURANCE kept pace? Batter make rar* it haa! Psitda you bought a *tw years back , may not be adequate to eoVef * ' replacement coat of home and furnishings at praent prices. Let ua look your polidaa over and brine them up to date. Do it today? for your own peace of mind. SAVE with the new Homeowners $10,000.00 Dwelling $ 4,000.00 Furniture $ 1,000.00 Garage $ 1,000.00 Extra Living Exp. $25,000.00 Liability f 500.00 Medical Pay ment $ 250.00 Property Dam age only $40.00 See Us Without Delay David N. Spainbour ee for Y?nr Every Need Boone Insurance Agency, Inc. N. C. ? AM 4-8732 ?t hi Tw SWEETHEARTS AND VALENTINES.? "I like older men," said Boone first grader Mis* Susan Spencer as the cast a loving look at her beau, Mark Fidler. Mark is in (he second grade. Having celebrated at feast one more Valentine's Day in his life, Mark returned a suave if bashful glapce to his red-dressed sweety as he handed ber a box of Valentine candy early this week aa the elementary school. It seems that Valentine's Day, in addition to spring (which is hardly five weeks away), turn* a young man's fancy to thought! of love. "But I guess you mitfit say it'* just puppy love right now," Mark confided after escorting his Miss (the insisted that she be labelled "Miss" since she is still a single girl) back to her class room. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spencer; Mark U the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fidler. ? Photo by Dale Gaddy. NY Producer Has Message For Old Grads (Continued from page one) praised his Broadway employer as "one of the few people who ia able to cope with the theatre at its own level." He discussed the current trends on Broadway and declared that English plays were the leading productions this season. This trend has re sulted in a lot of unemployed Broadway actors. Currently, Hartley ia super vising the two most popular Broadway productions, "Oliver," a muical baaed on the novel Oliver Twist and "Step World, I Wanta Get OfT." Both of these plays have English backgrounds. Hartley was introduced by H*Htl?n Eggers, registrar at Ap palachian. Mrs. Pearl Hartley of Boone, mother or Hartley, was recognized as a special guest at the alumni gathering. Dr. W H. Plemmons, ASTC president, gave a word of wel come to the alumni and friends of the college and praised the fine spirit of the Wataugans who came to the meeting. The col lege president, who had just returned from a talk with of ficials and legislators in Raleigh, said, "The climate for higher education in North Carolina ia the most favorable I have seen in my many years in the field of education in the Mate." Bob Barnes, popular radio an nounced Of station WATA, was master of ceremonies and kept the group laughing with his humorous remarks and jokes. Paul Winkler presented the slate of nominations for chap ter officers and the nominations were approved. The new offic ers are James A. Greene, presi dent; John D. Marsh, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Beba Moretz, sec re bury; and Grac* Buck, treasur er. President Greene presided over the business session of the chapter and recognised special guests. He praised Bob Allen, ASTC director of foundations and public relation!, and John iji, ? ..i .. , ? Jaycee Award (Continued tram page one) stated that today's progressive fanner produces enough for himself and 28 others, whereas only a few years ago the amount was enough for the farmer and eight others. Jnimt* nrwMnnt U/ir pfCBracni, arauy moi etz, Jr., expressed the interest of the elub as he congratulated Mr SdmtsteR- on Ms recognized achievement as the recipient of (he J a y c e e'l "Outstanding Young Farmer" award. Brotherhood Week (Continued from page one.) firm oar acceptance of the ob ligations Implicit In the broth erhood of Hi aadar the Fath erhood of Get Churches Participate Local churches are participat ing in the Jaycee program and the Watauga County Minister ial Association has expressed support of the project and many of the churches are planning Brotherhood Week observances. The Boone Jaycees will have a Brotherhood program for their February 18th meeting, and Rev. E. F. Troutman, Pas tor of the Grace Lutheran Church, Will be the special guest speaker. Corey, director of alumni af fairs, for their efforts in work ing behind the scenes in the org anization of the new chapter. L G. Greer, a native of Wa tauga who i? now living in Chapel Hill, was recognized. Special entertaniment was provided by Mrs. Virginia Lin ney of the ABI'C music faculty and 16 of hir choir members. The group sang "I Hear a Voice a'Praying'," a Spiritual by Hous ton Bright; "A Medley of Negro Songs," arranged by Rosario Bourdon; ap4 "Geographical Fugue," ? a speaking chorus by Ernst Tock. James Greene, who supervis ed the arrangements of the de lectable barbecue plate, pre setted a constitution which was adopted by the group, after which the meeting adjourned. Bull Sale Averages $6UH Buyers paid a total of $40,739 Saturday for 67 animals sold at the 12th annual bull sale of the N. C. Hereford Breeders Asso ciation here. The price averaged $808 per head, >40 per head above last year's record sale, i Although bidders from South Carolina and Virginia attended the sale, all $7 breeding animals were purchased by North. Caro lina buyers. Add foolish sights: A man trying to capture the empty honors of the world and over looking his own family. If every human being had, the same Ideas, there would' m no human race. GRAND OPENING Saturday, Feb. 16, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. THE UNITED DISCOUNT HOUSE 699 BAST KING STREET In the Barnett Building Not to Maddux Recapping We Wholesale to Everybody 32 pe. white set of dishes ........... $1.98 tt pc. set desorated dishes . $4.98 and np Soup bowls L. 9 for *1.## and up Serving bowls ....... 85c and up Fruit bowls 12 for *1.M Cereal bowls S for SI.## Punch sets _....? $3.98 each M ft and 100 ft drop cords *1.98 and *2.98 14 ft. tow chains : *2.98 each Vices *6.98 each *" electric drill ^ *24.95 Battery jam pen *1.9# and *2.98 Children's shoes ? i $1.75 pair Ladies', boys' and men's shoes *1.98 pair Army field jachets ........ *1.5# each Foam rubber pillows ; 97c each Plastic Housewares FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS Those over-and-under headlights do more than sot a Pontiac apart? they aim better. Another way to spot a Pont/ac is by its driver. He's a happy one indeed So will you be. when you cheek your dearer. WiMlMli VmUm ? ? ? hp but en down to wide-track town ? ? GREENE pUlCK- PONTIAC, INC. . 1115 E. fci?gSt. Dealer License No. 828 Boone, N. C. I ' ' . ' ' - ! 1 1 ?* ? *f~ m" ? rc v Grandfather Mountain Gold (continued boa page mm) j the elder. | Ameng ether Kami, Dr.' Stadujf My*. Ike report reiter ate* that the rack formation* are mm of the oldest la the na tion, ml pessthly ha the world. Heretofore listed as ahaot SM minion year* old. the forma tion* arc aald In the new report to ha over a billion year* aid. ifte Stwd* alaa provaa that HM area eaataln* a true geologic window, with the Grandfather Mountain formation a alike thaae lurroonding It. Aocompanying the survey bulletin is m. new geologic m?p which identifies locations of such "minerals as gold, copper, feldspar. Iron, mica, lead and road metal. The map 1* In 12 colon and shades, and includes the Linville Quardrangle. Three other quadrangles which are part of the Grandfather Moun tain window are being printed now and will be dlatributed soon They are Table Bock, Blowing lock, and Lenoir Quadrangles. A gneiaa formation of Pre cambrian origin has been iden tified and named Wilaon Creek gneiss. It Is located on the MUthesstern slopes ol G'jnd- . father. Eaaentially granitic! gmim, it to bow estimated to be mm UHion M old. wtodow to bordered on Ike wmt era an# oorthrm sMm by Lto ville Falla fault a?4 to clearly sees ob the geologic map. R to marked on the east by Steels Creek Mt The wi? soaliwn^ arf tapers to a point at Ike sontk The Grandfather formations themselves are Upper Precam brlan age ? about MO million years of an But surrounding the mountain are the older Low er Precambrian rocks, and the material in many boulders on Grandfather, such U Split Rock on the road connecting the sum mit of the mountain with XT. S. 221, are made of materials at least a billion jftftn old. The mountain itself, which at 5.D84 feet to the highest a t the Blue Ridge range, lies in the direct center of the geologic window. In addition to material of special interest to geologists, the new geologic survey bulle tin contains locations of vari ous minerals and- will be of considerable help to roekhounds who have always found good hunting in this section of North Carolina. The report and map may be "? ? 1 1 1 ? ?? ? Stockmen To Meet Friday Tk* snaaal meeting of the lhaslmh pndwm of Watauga County will be held la the C Mia If Courthouse, Boom, on Friday afternoon, February 15, at 1:30. The purpose of this meeting 1* to make plana for the 1963 livestock special tales, includ ing woof pool, and plan special livestock activities. A report will be given on the 1982 Boone feeder calf and yearling steer sales compared with sales in other areas Pro posed schedule for 1963 sales, discussion on proposal that all heifers offered for nle In feed er ealf sale be vaccinated for bangs. Dtacusshm of rules. Election of wool pool commit tec and election of cattle sales committees. It rarely every pays to buy things too cheaply. Such pur chaaes usually prove to be any thing but bargains. / obtained for the price of $1.00 from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Print ing Office, Washington, D. C. It is U.S. Geological Survey Bulle tin 1121-D. w Ml IQtk-Kth ^ There' a Magic for Tom In ? iVew Hairdo A mUmw hair rimao n* liular the slogan: "Only your hairdresser knows for m." Ua/oriunately, the *?u doesn't hold true for the *o*yourtelf hair itrlht. BVEKYSODY knows tor safe! By the mm token, everyone know* when you've km to a professional. There la an unmistakable "rightneaa"? a touch of perfection ? that more lovely- than -ever look that hespeaki professional beauty care. Cook's Beauty Shop On Lee Ceok 404 Farthing St. ? Boone, N. C. ? AM 4-830& McGuire's Beauty Sakm Ala McGvire ? Clyde Kilby ? Betty Haye* 11* E. King St ? Boone, N. C. ? AM 4-S441 Pat's Beauty Salon Pat Clawion ? BUie Dinner ? Kuiaa Brawn 225 W. King St. ? Boone, N. G. ? AJW +8351 t Susan Kay Beauty Shoppe 607 E. King St. ? Boone, N~d? AM 4-305* Town & County Beauty Shop 120 Morntagahfe Briye K Village ??? J Drive ? -C1FM** - 1 Lett face it, glrk ? you'll be lovelier . , . longer. After ?fl, IM that what beauty care if all abort? So why ?ettle for lea Uun your very loveliest bat? Make aa appointment tbii very day with your favorite boaattefcw, and cone away with a new lovellneaa ... a new feeHng of a?auiaw?. Bot yon HX'LX, be the firit to notice!