WANT ADVERTISING UR I Cents a Ward ? M w?l? On Cash Mb All Order* FOR SALE CLOTH FOR SALE ? Mill Ends, Bolt Goods, Found goods, ny lon and rayon linings, dacron and cotton seersucker, laminat ed jersey? Staebnan's Fabric Shop, Daep Gap, N. C. 7-5-tfc FOR SALE ? Television Sets ? 17 and 2T inch reconditioned? Reasonably priced? All makes and models. Modern Appliance Co. 418 W. King St., Boone, M. C * 10-11-tfc FOR SALE? OR LEASE ? The Zlonville Sinclair Service Sta tion on old highway 421. Good business and good location. Rea son for going out of business, bad health. See or write Juhn S. Miller, Zionville, N. C. 1-24-tfc FOR SALE ? One complete shoe shop with lots of supplies. American Equipment, Cinder ella auto sewer, Singer Pitch ing Machine. Will trade for tnick or farm equipment. See J. W. Church, Newland, N. C., o? call Republic 3-4385. 1 24-tp FOR SALE SPINET PIANO WANTED: Responsible party to assume low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P. 0. Box 427, Central, South Carolina. 2-7-4p FARM TRACTORS ? Plenty Fords, Fergusons, Cubs, Farm alls, Allis Chalmers, Gibsons. Plenty implements for all. Prices start at $299. Terms. Farming season almost here. German Motor Co., Granite Fulls, N. C. 2-14-2C FOR SALE ? A work mare, 12 yfars oty.vHftta V*njtUMP pounds. Come and try her. Clint Winebarger, Zionville, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? Good cow, be fresh in April. See James Love, Sugar Grove, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? Crude food and nervous service at all times. Troubadour Inn. Please phone for reservations. 4-3754. lp MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS ? Piano in locality in good condition have by paying balance due. If interested write giving time can be seen. John's Piano Company, Granite Quar ry, N. C. 1-24-4C FOR CEMETERY Monuments and Markers See F. T. Wago ner. Telephone AM 4-3614. 117 Orchard St., Boone, N. C. l-10-20p MISCELLANEOUS? They said it couldn't be done, but we're open. Troubadour Inn. Phone for reservations. 4-3754. lp USED APPLIANCES? We car ry a large stock of used elec trical appliances. Guaranteed A-l condition. Easy Terms Modern Appliance Company, Boone, N. C. 8-28-tfc WE BUY, SELL OB TRADE anything, anywhere, anytime. MAR. Furniture Co., VQaa, N. C. 8-8- tfc HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? Sales, service, repair*. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 8-8- tfc NOTICE ? I have purchased the outstanding interest in the MOUNTAIN LUMBER COM PANY, of Boone, North Caro lina, and will continue to oper ate the business under that name, at the same location, as a sole proprietorship. John Houck. 1414c FOUND ? Variety vacatioo land's finest food now being served at Troubadour Inn. Phone for reservations. 4-3734. IP - FRUIT TREES, Nut Trw*, Ber ry Plant*. Gray* Vine* and Landscape Plant Material, off ered by Virglaia'i largest (row en. 96- pg Planting Guide Cat alog in color FREE on request WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynesboro, Virginia. 3-7-4c WE SPECIALIZE In rebuilding refrigerator sealed systems. Call us for free estimates. Modern Appliance Co., 418 West King Street, Boone, N. C. Phone 264 8721. 8-3- tfc CLEAN CARPETS with our Carpet Shampoore FREE, with purchase of Blue Lustre sham poo. Farmers Hardware Jk Supply Co., Inc. lc WE FILL ASC orders with high quality seeds of known origin. See us for your spring planting seed requirements. Watauga FCX Service Store. 2-14-tfc GET AHEAD in your Spring Cleaning! Wash all those rugs (up to ? * 12) in Boone's only 45-1 b coin-operated self-service washer. Or do all your quilts aikd blankets at one time ? for only 75c. Also large double-load economy washing for just 25c. COIN - OP SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRY, Main St. and Blow ing Rock Road, at the stop light. 2-14-2C NOTICE ? The Horn Cafe is running a special for the next month, Feb. 14 through March 14. Plate lunches 69c, Hamburg ers 20c, Large French Fries 20c, Hot Dogs 18c, and milk shakes 19c. Come eat with us. We will treat you right. 2-14-4c NOTICE? If you have good credit and would like to own a Singer Z1G ZAG SEWING MACHINE, you can pick up pay ments of only $8.00 per month. $77.89 balance due including carrying charges. Send name and address to Box 383, Boone, N. C. lc $25.00 REWARD for return of roll of woven wire taken from my farm. Money on deposit at t Watauga Denjoqrat reffice.-, Wifei can be easily identified by me. Howard Foeter, RFD 2, Boone, N. C. lp FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED APART MENT for rent. Call Earl Lyons AM 4-8192. 2-7-2p APARTMENT FOR RENT ? 3 rooms, semi - furnished, with heat and hot water. Will ac comodate couple and one child. Phone AM 44290. 1-10-tfc FOR RENT? Available March 1, 3 room furnished apartment over Greene'* Furniture Store. CaU AM 4-3737 or AM 44974. 1-31-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE ? Two bedroom house, hot air furnace, large garden, outdoor barbecue grilL Located in Perkinsville on Delmar St., best location in Perkinsville. Call AM 44633. 2-7-2p FOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment on Queen Street Couple only. Call 264-8698 2-14-tfc FOR RENT ? New 3 room apart ment Oil furnished. Call 4 8724. 10 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent Furnished. Two miles west of Boqne. CO 7-2531. Ralph Greene. lp FOR RENT ? Customer space for two hours of bliss at the round tabic at Troubadour Inn. Phone for reservations. 4-3794. lp . FOR RENT? Nicely furnished apartment to boys, girls or couple. Inquire at 915 Faculty St. or call AM 4-8190. lp FOR RENT ? Three room fur nished apartment located on Howard Street. Also, a three bed-room furnished house lo cated on Oak Street. Both of which wll be vacant March 1, 1983. CaU AM 4-3818 durng the day and AM 4-3558 at night. 2-14-4e FOR RENT TO COUPLE? Three room apartment, furnish ed. Heat and water furnished. Two miles west of Boone flw highway 421. CaU Mrs. M. J. Williams, CO 712543. 1? WANTED WANTED ? White lady to give driving instructions first pretty day. CaU 4-3976. lc WANTED TO BUY ? Good con dition, late model SVi bp John ion outboard motor. Call Goorfe Arney, AM 4-8146. Ir31-tfc \ HELP WANTED ? Help keep our home fires burning hy din ing at Troubadour Inn. Phone (or reservations. 4-3754. lp WANTED ? Will buy or trade for used farm tractors and equipment. SMITH CROSS ROADS, INC., Lenoir, N. C 2-7-Sc WANTED ? Some acreage with an old house. Must be reason able. Write or phone giving 1 full details of property. R. E. Griffin, 1817 Baker Rd.. High Point, N. C. Phone 88-344*8. S-14-2c EMPLOYMENT SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cash. Seven, to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write P. O. Box 4188, Pittsburgh 2, Pa. Include phone number, lp EMPLOYMENT ? Unusual op port unity for personable clients with healthy appetites to dine at Troubadour Inn. Phone for reservations, 4-3734. lp WANTED AT ONCE ? RAW LEIGH DEALER. Write Raw leigh, Dept. NCB-9SO-3 Rich mond, Va. 2-14-2p Legal Notices advertisement FOR OUTFALL 8EWER UNES SEWAGE PUMPING STATION and SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT .. c. of Blowing Rqcfc. N- C. in The Town Hall in Blowing 4 C until 11:00 a. m. March 4, 1963, for the construction of oStf.ll Sewer Lines Sewage Pumping Station and Ssewage Treatment Plant. The work will embrace furnishing all labor equipment and materials for the construeUon of *25?f aif ?e mSh<4 pumping station and 969 lineai feet of fl" cast Iron force line, above as shown on the plans or plana and complete 8*>ecjP?m tions may obtain them from The Town Clerk at Blowing cwh,?uraen^M only to those who submit bona fide bidi ui?n the work. Consideration will be given only to bids of Contractor ss Practice of General Contract MEachblprcH>o?al ""^J^t provided by Section 1?-12? of iSi' 'bids shall be on bid forms bound in the s^Jf'^ad o" .iftn iw or all itema in both Section One and Section ^ans and Specificationswill be on file at the A. Q. C. Office in Chariotte. N. C. ^ ^ jgysaarsp*!! Bids will be opened ?nd _ re?d In public in the ??"2"2L5: those interested in the To?ra HaU at 11.00 a. m. March 4, i?w- ?? to w&T* SrmaU^iSdto awjrd a con tract or ggySAggSag Sf We Town of Blowing Hock, ^By order of the Board 0* Aid ermeB* R. B. Hardin. Mayor ENGINEER: P. L. 319 a Hickory. N. C. ?Hi CONGO MISSION to send a mil its ry to the Cbngo ma ? tion of try than is generally recognized ADVERTISEMENT roit BIDS The Town of Blowing Rock i? taking bids for a new police ear. two door body and chassis Lbe comparable to Ford Fair e, Plymouth Savoy or Chev rolet Biscayne. All bids must be tn by II a. m. March 18, 1983 Car specifications will be available at Town Hall Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Nettie S. Greene, Clerk 2-14-4C ~ ~ NOTICE NORTH CAROUNA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Watauga County, made in the special proceedings entitled Lil lian Miller Wilaon and husband, Frank Wilaon; Ruth Miller Lookabill and husband, J. P. Lookabill; A C. Miller, Jr.. and wife. Ruth Miller; William C. Miller, Individually, and wife. Evelyn Miller and William C. Miller, Executor, vs. Dare Wal lace Ward, minor, and husband Baxter Ward; Fay Wallace, minor, unmarried; Audry Wal lace, minor, unmarried; James F. Miller and wife, Iva Lee Miller; Reba Wallace Watson and husband Leonard Watson; Rota Mae Wallace Ward and husband, Gilbert Ward; Shirley Wallace Rash and husband, James Rash; and Helen Wal lace, unmarried, the undersign ed commissioners will on the 8th day of March. 1963 at twelve o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash certain tracts of land in Wa tauga County, North Carolina, and more particularly describ ed as follows; TRACT NO. I , . Lying and being fn Shawnee haw Township and described as follows: BEGINNING on a cu cumber and runs East 9H poles to a stake in J. A. Bairds line, then S. 117 P. to a stake in Wallace heirs line, a west course with said line to a chest nut on top of a ridge, M. A. Dobbins and J. W. Dollars corner, then a Northwest course 27 P. more or less to a chestnut sapling at tne fence, an agreed corner between H. A. Dobbins and J. W. Dollar ? Then a Northwest course with said Dollars and Dobbins lintf to the highest point of the ridge to a stake in D. F. Baird's old line, then East with said D. F. Baird's line 20 P. njorji. or legs to a hickory ? W. B. Baird s corner ? Then North 48 deg., East 42 P with said line to a hickory ? Temperance Baird's heirs corner, Uien with said line 28 poles to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less. TRACT NO. * Lying ano bettg in Shawnee haw Township and described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the Mast Mill Creek in the old line and runs West with said line to a stake where once stood a sourwood, an old corn er; thence North with old line 80 poles to a stake, corner of dower; thence South 53 Eaast 34 poles to a stake in the Mast Mill Creek, corner to dowery; thence up and with said creek to the BEGINNING, containing 9V4 acres, more or less, and be ing Tract No. 3 in the partition of the lands of Joseph A Baird as shown on the Report of Com missioner, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book 98 at Page 104. TRACT NO. 3 Lying and being in Shawnee haw Township and described as follows. BEGINNING on a CHESTNUT OAK Palmer Baird corner and the South sides of Rocky Face Bluff; then South 20 poles to a stake R. F. Church's corner; then East with said line 72 poles to a hickory, Councill's corner; then North 48 West with the Conncill line 80 poles to ? maple Councill corner; then West 21 poles to a stake in Bill Herman line, then South 4S East 30 "poles to the BEGINNING, containing 14 acres, more or leas. TRACT NO. I Lying *nd being in Boone Township and described as fol lows: Being all of lota 14 and 19 in Block "B" of the Subdivision known as the Charles Osborne property in the town of Boone, North Carolina as shown on Plat of the same made by Ed Osborne. Surveyor on the 29th day of July. 1993 and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, in Plat Book No. 2, at Page 99 to which recorded plat reference is hereby made for a complete lescription of said lots. This 8th day of February, 1963. James Todd. Commissioner Stacy C. Eggers, Jr. 2-14-4C I ? qualified aa Admin of the estate of Ralph duly Wilfong, lata of the coun ty o t Watauga, State of North Carolina, this ia to notify ^ P to to am within twelve months of the date here ?f or this notice will be pleaded Charles E. Wil/ong, Captain Charles E. Wilfong i?t Norton St. rrsTt* AFB, California 1-24-td Walters Chosen To Conduct Special Clinics For Army Professor Marshall L. Walt ers, head of the health and phy sical education department at ASTC, has been selected to con duct a aeries of special claases and clinics in the Pacific area this coming summer, according to announcement today by the Office of the Adjutant General, Department of the U. S. Army. Eric DeGroat, assistant pro fessor of physical education at ASTC, has been appointed to assist Walters. Editor of the U.S. Volleyball MaAssociattan's 1903 Guide and Rule Book, Walters was elected several years ago to the Helms' Foundation Athletic Hall of Fame in California, for his con tributions to physical education, physical fitness and to the edu cation of the public toward the life-time sports of swimming, badminton, softball, volleyball and body conditioning. The courses the Appalachian teem wilt conduct will include instruction on organisation and DONT GET UP NIGHTS It tak?a Just 39c and It iumrs to ?tart relief ? or your money back at any drug store. When functional kidney disorders cause getting up nights, scanty flow, burning, back ache, leg pains, dizziness use eaay to-take BURETS 4-day treatment. Acta fast to increase and regulate passage. NOW at Boone Drug Co. Statad Communication Friday. 7:30 p.m. February IS, 196S WM. B. rOLMEM. administration of a sports pro gram and of physical fitness, and of the psychology related to sports and special emphasis on the principles of human rela tions. The above will apply not only to the top-level, so-called "varsity" type competition but also to intramurals and to Indi vidual participation. The trouble with politics to day is not politics, but calculat ing men who use politics for their own selfish ends. TJ'E r/%! FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ODR INEX. You muat lose ugly fat In 7 days or your money back. No strenous everclse, laxatives, mas sages or talcing of so-called reduc ing candles, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX is a tiny tablet ana easily swallowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still en joy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but yeu simply don't have the urge for extra portions because ODRINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come down, be. cause as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX coats $3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason Just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No ques tions asked. ODRINEX la sold with this guarantee by : Boone Drug Store. 3oone. Mall orders filled. 2-14-Sp When the going to the ronghett, quality of ?*?* and wwtea* ship are reflected in performance. 0?r recapping rtandi tne teat when the fim* r easy rengh. 6ive u ? trail. HOMES H acre lot and house 2V4 baths Poplar Hill Drive Double carport 750 sq. ft. living area This home ? Unfinished Can be bought as low as $10,500.00 3 Bedroom Living Room-Dining Comb. 1 Bath Price V4 acre lot Good Financing 3 miles from Boone $8500.00 3 Bedroom Colonial Blowing Rock Road Modern Kitchen ? featuring All G. E. Appliances Designed for luxurious liv ing Large wooded lot Basement ? Hot water heat Price $21,000.00 3 Bedroom home Location ? Howard St. Full Basement Garage attached 4tt% C. I. Loan Mo. Payments $67.20 Good investment property Price $11,780 00 Two bedroom house Kitchen ? Dining Room Living Room ? 1 bath FuM Basement Location ? Grand Blvd. Price $8900.00 New 3 Bedroom IVi Baths ? Ceramic & Vinyl Kitchen ? Bar? Dining room Large livtngroom ? stove ? fireplace Full basement Large wooded lot on stream Apps. 4 miles fuom Boone One bedroom It both In basement Lennox hot air heat Picture widows ? thermo pane Storm windows oa bal. 2 bedroom home In Poplar Hill section Wall to wall carpet Carport ? Full basemeat Large wooded lof Reduced to $10,000 4 bedroom home oa Drapes and blinds included Blowing Rock Rr. A fine home desisted for 2 full baths, full basement comfortable living Only $14,500 Comfortable 3 bedroom Living room, dining room comb. Wall to wall carpet 2 baths. Paved driveway Located on Woodland Dr. Price only $17,500. Impressive 4 bedroom brick home on Grand Blvd. Kitchen, Living Room, Den, Fireplace 3 full baths ? full basement Plenty of room ? Keep col lege kid*? Only $M,500. 3 bedroom homo ? 1 bath Full basement ? central heat 8 acres of land, five suit able for tractor 2 1 tobacco base Suitable for subdivision or commercial lots Owner will sell or trade $20,000. Choice Restricted Home Sites ? City Water Summer Home Sites ? One to 10 acres with excellent view and water Brick? S bedroom ? Full 1 acre lot overlooking golf Basement? 2 car garage course ? $21,000.00. 7 additional acres if desired Old country home in excellent state of preserva tion on acre lot 4 big bedrooms, living room Kitchen dining area H basement ? furnace heat and running water Only $5; 500. More land if needed BUSINESS 5 Furnished apts. located on large lot Monthly Income ol $245.0#. Selling price $29,000.00. ACREAGE 98 ACRES in the Valle Crucia Community (or only $8000.00. Ideal for development. 39 ACRE FARM at Sugar Grove with .7 tobacco beae. Grade A barn, appro*. 1,000 ft highway frontage. Price $15,500.00. BEAUTIFUL BLAIRMONT LOTS, overlooking Boone's Golf Course. CSty Water, Paved Streets, Panoramic View. No City Taxes. 30 acres at Beaton .s ? Only $1,380.00 40 aeres at Foscoe I...........-'....... Only $4,400.00 37 acres in Silverstone community, appro* 7 acta* bottom land, stream, good barn, tobacco base. Price reduced to $7,000.00. Easy terms. 173 acra tarn in Bethel Community. Will graze M head cattle. 3 barns, equips** to* dairy-milking parlor. Has 2 large silos. Howe in good condition ? tenant house? brock and frame. Financing can he arranged. Price $40,000.00 10 BOOK HOUSE with bath and 87 acres of land. Dairy Barn and tenant home. JB-taknaaa k? a. agMka ilTk baae. Located approx. 10 miles west at Moami. Price $20,000.00