personal YI/]ention ? Social ^Actiuitiei JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR ? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889? Office Telephone AMherst 4-M12 Local Affairs Mrs W. R. Winkler, who has been ill with the flu, is now re cuperating at her home. Dr. and Mr*. Cratis William* visited Sunday in Hickory with Dr. and Mrs. Morton Caines. Miss Ann Barker of Sparta, spent the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrews. Mrs. Lena Geer spent the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rollins in Sparten burg, S. C. Mrs. Sue Revis and children, Cindy and Randy of Marion, formerly of Boone, visited Sun day with friends in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farthing of Grenville, S. C , spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Farthing. Mrs. R. C. Bingham and Mrs. Roy Fox of Charlotte, visited over the week end with friends in Watauga county. Mrs. Taylor S. Adams under went an emergency appendec tomy at Watauga Hospital Sat urday night. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Derrick will be visiting with friends and re latives this week end in Colum bia, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and children, Kathy and Billy of Raleigh, are visiting this week with relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon and children, Linda, Beth and Billy, and Mrs. E. S. Quails visited in Shelby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pulling of New York, spent ? few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Potter, owners of WAT A, are in New York for a few days attending North Carolina Day. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ball of Elkin visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ed misten. ?y Mr. and Mrs. Earl n Lyons spent the week end in Nasto' ville, Tenn. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lyons and son, Eric. Dr. George N. Anderson of High Point, visited with Miss Helen Underdown over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James Roland and children, Beth, Cindy and Susan of Charlotte, visited a week with friends and relatives in Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fink of Columbia, S. C? and Mrs. R. C. Maybry of Concord, visited dur ing the week end with Mrs. John K. Brown. Mr. E. J. Abernathy of Ruth erford College, N. C., visited over the week end with his sis ter, Mrs. J. D. Rankin, and Dr. Rankin. Mrs. Ann Brown returned to her home Saturday from Blow ing Rock Hospital, where she has been a patient for the past two weeks. Miss Pat Anderson and Miss Carol Johnson of Asheville, spent Sunday visiting with friends and relatives in the county. Recent visitors with Mrs. Kenneth Linney were Mr. and Mrs. Don McCann of Chicago, 111. Mr. McCann is a cousin of Mrs. Linney. Mrs. Bob Taylor and son, Clay of Salisbury, will arrive Thursday to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Agle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auton of Charlotte and Mr. Carl Dixon of KnoxvlUe, Tenn., visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Houck. G. R. Andrews, O. K. Richard son, Glen Wilcox and Kenneth Wilcox left Sunday for New York where they will attend North Cs^ollna Day there. They plan to return Tueaday night. Mr. Prank Hagaman left Sat urday for a business trip to Chi cago. HI. While there he will visit his step-son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wat kins. Mr. and Mrs. Jamas B. Mast had M their guests far the weak end, Mr. and Mrs Colon Nl fong, Deborah and Jaffrajr of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Tyre Caaay oi Cycle. They all en joyed the skiing at Blowing Rock during the afternoon on Sunday, trf. , Mr. and Mr*. Dwigfct Kilby and (on, Mfray of Johnson City, Terni, will be visiting a few days this week with Mn Kilby'g mother, Mrs." Frank Hag aman. Mrs Bob Duanegan and son, Bobby, of Winston-Salem, re turned home Sunday after spending a week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGlamery have recently moved to Char lotte, where Mr. McGlamery is employed. Mrs. McGlamery is the former Sharon Sue Miller of Zionville. Mrs. W. H. Plemmons return ed Sunday after spending two weeks with her sister in Harris onburg, Va. Her sister, Mrs. Henrietta Sparrow returned with Mrs. Plemmons to spend a few weeks in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham of Todd and Mrs. Ruth Bing ham and John Thomas Bingham of Sugar Grove, were dinner guests Sunday evening of Misses Edna and Mildred Thomas of Zionville. Dr. D. J. Whitener is in Washington, D. C.'this week at tending a meeting. While there he will visit with his son and daughter-in-law, Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Whitener of Springfield, Va. First Lt. and Mrs. John B. Horton and children, Johnny and Lynn are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hor ton of Vilas and Mr. and Mrs. William Horton of Boone. Lt. Horton is enroute to Vietnam for a 12 months tour of duty. Dr. Mary Michal attended a session of the sub-committee of the North Carolina Steering Committee for Action for Men tal Health, Sunday, Feb. 24. It was a study of implementing public education in mental health. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown and son of Gainesville, Ga., and Mrs. Mary D. Moore of Atlanta, Ga., were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. Lillian Hopkins. They were here to attend the funeral Sunday of the Rev. Hugh A. Dobbin. Dr. Hugh Watson of Greens boro visited over the week end with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Watson, who is ill at Watauga Hospital. Dr. Watson spent Sat urday night with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H." Grady Farthing. Mrs. Homer Brown returned Tuesday after a two weeks visit in Baltimore, Md., with her sis ter, Mrs. Addie Scott. She also visited with Mr. Brown's broth er, Eck Brown of Southampton, Pa.. On her return she visited her brother, Dr. Ed Bingham, who is the Dean at Emory and Henry College. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor of Lawrence, Kansas announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Ann Elizabeth, born February 9. Mrs. Taylor is the former Miss Mary Louise Van Noppen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Van Noppen of Boone. The Van Noppens will leave today (Wednesday) for Kansas to see their new granddaughter. Atending the funeral of Mrs. Jessie McGuire on February 12 were Mrs. Jim Nolan of Con cord, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greer of Albemarle, Mr. and Mrs. Rog er McGuire of Granite Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Phil McGuire of Aiken, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Vance McGuire of Lenoir, and Mr. and Mrs. James Weston of Lancast er, S. C. ur. nary menu auenaea ? Symposium on the Retarded Child, at the N. C. Memorial Hotpital in Chapel Hill on Feb. 22 and 23. This meeting was for physicians, public health nurs es and social workers. It was sponsored by the Development al Evaluation Clinic of the De partment of Pediatric* of the UNC School of Medicine. Dr. Harry R. Chamberlin was direc tor of the clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harris visited during the week end in Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. CImw Farthing and family. Mr. Harris loft Greensboro for New York where he will attend a session on Industry in North Carolina. Mr. Harris is mcn tary at the Watauga County In dustry Committee. While in New York, he will also visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Harris, Jr. AN OLD-FASHIONED "POUNDING", was given to Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin last Wed nesday afternoon by their friends and neigh bors from four until six o'clock. A large number of people called to pay their respects and pleasantly surprise the veteran educator and his wife who have devoted their lives to Appalachian College and the Boone com munity. In the picture, left to right, are Bill Rankin, a trustee of Appalachian and nephew of Dr. Rankin: Dr. Rankin, Mrs. Rankin, and Mrs. Barnard Dougherty. ? Larry Penley photo. Honored On 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potter, who reside on Shouns Street in Mountain City, Tenn., were honored on their 50th wedding anniversary on February 19, by Mrs. Potter's sisters, Mrs. J. S. Miller of Zionville, Mrs. Jim Proffitt of Mt. City, Tenn., Mrs. Mai Brown of Boooe and Mrs. Everett Cole, a niece of Mrs. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Potter have five children, who were unable to attend the occasion due to bad weather. They have a son, Brady Potter and two daugh ters, Mrs. EH Strimel and Mrs. J. R. Hawthrone, who reside in Rising Sun, Md.; a daughter, Neva Potter of Mt. City, Tenn. and a son, Edward Potter of Trade, Tenn. Refreshments of cake, pupch, mints and coffee were served to those precast. Mr. and Mrs. Potter reecived many useful gifts. Mr. Potter, a retired farmer, and Mrs. Potter resided in Ore gon for a number of years, but returned to Tennessee later to live. Rhododendron Garden Club Mrs. Cleon Hodges was hos tess to the Rhododendron Gar den Club for the February meeting. The group met in the Audio-Visual Room of the Phy sical Education Building on the college campus. Mrs. Grace Mast presided during the business meeting. The devotional was presented by Mrs. Bess. Crawford. Mrs. Verna Wilcox presented the following slate of officer! for the coming year. President, Mrs. Grace Mast; vice-president, Mrs. Mary Hamby; secretary. Mrs. Susie Buchanan; treasur er, Mrs. Cleon Hodges. Mrs. Mary High and Mrs. Verna Wilcox had charge of the program which was the show ing of a film, "Lihes aad Flow ers". Acknowledgement was made to the Oases Company for the loan of the film. The hostess served refresh ments to the group in the P. E. Library. Her table was beauti ful in the February tradition centered with an ararngement of red carnations. She served red velvet cake, ice cream and coffee. Special guests were Mr*. Jer ry Wilson and Prof, and Mrs. Walters. Mrs R. T. Greer of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown and son of Gainesville, Ga., Mr. Sa bert Troot of Kannapolis and Mrs. Mary D. Moore of Atlanta, Ga., were in Boone during the week end for the funeral of Rev. Hugh A. Dobbin on Sun day. Spring Special Regular (10 PERMANENTS $6.50 Ruth's Beauty Shop CO 7-1178 ? Laurel H4. Oyen Nights by Appointment Alpha Betas Hold Meeting 1 The Watauga Alpha Beta Chapter of the Alpha Delta Kappa held its regular dinner meeting at the Daniel Boone Hotel Thursday evening, Feb ruary 21 at 6:30. Velma Cottrell, the president, presided over the meeting, and welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Eric DeGroat as guests for the even ing. Mrs. Cleone Hodges and Mrs. Muriel Glenn, who served as hostesses, provided unique table decorations. The center piece conaisted of a miniature ski slope depicting an actual skiing scene. Places were ap propiattly marked by colorful 1 ski figure*. After dinner Mrs. Hodges in troduced Mr. DeGroat, instruct tor at Blowing Rock Ski Slope, who entertained the group with an informative talk on skiing. He also showed an interesting movie of the local slope. The Ways and Means Com mittee held a Chinese auction which furnished a period of mirth and a boost to the trea sury. Hodges Gap H-D < Club Has Meeting j The Hodges Gap Home De- 1 monstration Club was held at ' the home of Mrs. C. J. Farth- 1 ing on Monday night, February 1 18. ? Mrs. A. E. Vannoy, foods and ' nutrition leader, gave a very c interesting demonstration on t "Quick and Easy Meals." Each member was given a serving of the dish she prepared. c The club will meet with Mrs. t Frank Brown in March. q Former Resident Heads Junior Womans' Club Hamlet. ? Mrs. Bill McGoogan las been selected as the new >resident of the Hamlet Junior Woman's Club for the 1963-64 idministration. A native of Joone, she is the former Miss Mary Lee Moretz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moretz of hat town. Since moving to Hamlet, Mrs. McGoogan has been active in :lub work, serving as club chap ain and historian. A member rf the local school faculty, she ?vill be installed as president luring the club's May meeting. Blue Ridge Garden Club The Blue Ridge Garden Club met February 20, for a lovely luncheon *t the home of Mrs. lames Councill. Mrs. Frank Payne and Mrs. Lee Reynolds ocre hostesses with Mrs. Coun cil. Three guests were present, i(rt. Boyce Brooks, Mrs. Grady Earthing and Mrs. B. J. Coun cil. The dining room table was >eautifully decorated with red arnations. The food and other ippointments were in keeping rith George Washington's birth lay. The business meeting was >resided over by the president, Mrs. James B. Winkler. Mrs. ?aul Graff and Mrs. II. M :ooke were in charge of the >rogram. Their subject was on Native Birds and Wild Flow irt. Mrs. Graff spoke in an in ormal manner about wildflow ?rs and herbs, their preserva lon and legends. For democratic people, those if the U. S. certainly fall for itlas, honors, citations, pla lues and awards. Lei's get together | and have I dinner out k Next time you're planning an 'evening out' with friends, suggest meeting here for dinner. Good friends enjoy getting together in our relaxed at mosphere for fine food, graciously served. DRIVE-IN SERVICE FROM 4:00 P. M. FOR THOSE WHO WISH IT Brushy Fork Club Meets The Brushy Fork Home Dem onstration Club met with Mrs. Louise Baird on Thursday, Feb ruary 18, at 7 p. m. The meet- 1 ing was called to order by the president. Mrs. Blanche Perry gave the devotion and read a poem, "O Master Let Me Walk," for the prayer. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved. The hcjlth leader, Mrs. Mar tha Greene, gave a report on "Protecting Your Face from : Cold Weather." The clothing ] leader gave a report on the newest colors for spring. Mrs. Louise Baird gave a re port on "Hints for Good Cook ing." A poem was read by Mrs. Juanita Wilson entitled "My Club Three members attended the Leaders School in January. They were Mrs. Louise Baird, Mrs. Josie Baird and Mrs. Rea tha Wilson. i The club decided to make favors for some rest home or hospital. A very interesting and help ful demonstration on Quick and Easy Meals was given by Mrs. Reatha Wilson with Mrs. Louise Baird and Mrs. Josie Baird as sisting. Seventeen members and two visitors attended. The visitors were Miss Barbara Baird and Gerrel Baird. Officers were elected for the next two years. They are: President ? Mrs. Elizabeth Norris. Vice president ? Mrs. Reatha Wilson. Secretary and treasurer ? Mrs. Ivalee Dancey. Reporter ? Mrs. Betty Greene. Project leaders were also elected. Worthwhile Women's Club The general meeting of the Worthwhile Women's Club will be held Thursday nifht at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. R. H. Harmon. Mr. G. R. Andrews and Mr. Herman Wilcox will pre sent the program. Envy is the conclusive evi- 1 dence of a little mi?d? and you can give yourself a mental test. I JEAN'S PERSONAL COLUMN Dear Jane And Rachel: By JEAN L. RIVERS I hope both of you had a chant* to m "A Look at Mon aco" on television a week ago Sunday night. The story of that 1 500 year-old principality was ' beautifully told by Philadel phia's Grace Kelley, who mar ried Prints Baniar several i years ago. Though the entire country is very smal, only 350 square miles, it has just about everything other European na tions have except taxes. Only the rich and near-rich live there and I presume the tax situation has a lot to do with their sound financial condition. Anyway, the whole thing sound ed like a fairy story, and I am | delighted one of our girls can | share it. Recently it was my pleasure I to see the handsome new book. | "The Face of North Carolina" by Bruce Roberts. Eloise Mel ton told me she had seen a pic ture of this section of Boone in the hook and that it was in the college library. As soon as I had the opportunity I called Leonard Eury and he brought the book by the office that af ternoon. We were delighted to see that the picture was of your dady's old home, the first Watauga Democrat building, the pretty little Methodist church, W. R. Lovill's law of fice, Ed Coffey's law office and several other buildines in west Boone at that time. The photo grapher must have stood about where our dining room now is to make the picture. It was most interesting and we cer t a i n 1 y appreciate Leonard's bringing the book for us to en joy. I had a wonderful time last Monday afternoon when I re turned the book and Leonard took me on a tour of the li brary. It is a fabulous place! They have just about every thing except enough space. I was most interested to see part f of a 1929 copy of the Watauga Democrat on microfilm, which i Zeb Shook brought into the J viewing room ... (I guess that is what they call it). The changes that hav? been made since 1929 are almost unbeliev able Many of the businesses are no longer here and the cars and fashions have changed drastically. Getting back to the microfilming . . . they have all , of the issues of the Democrat Everybody Likes Boone, N. C And Most Everybody Likes the MOVIES APPALACHIAN [ THEATRE J Telephone- -AM 4 8606 SHOWS: Monday thru Saturday at 2 - 4 ? 7 ? ? ? Sunday at 3 ? 8:00 rrs MORE FUN TO GO OUT TO A MOVIE since 1928 arid will ia the near future have every issue since the payer was established in 1888. This it the most complete history of Watauga County that I know of. I was also pleased to find that they have most of our state's daily papers on micro film, as well as endless bound volumes of some of the most outstanding magaiines. I'm more than ashamed to admit that this was my first visit to the library since 1028. I have missed a lot and I want to go back soon. On my way home I stopped for a short viait with Bill and Ethel Norris at Appalachian Soda Shop and with Ruhy Wes ton, who recently moved her studio into her new building on Appalachian street. It was a goad day! I didn't get to go to Charlotte last Tuesday night for the board meeting of the Blowing Rock Horse Show Association because of a six inch snow. I was very disappointed . . . since the members were invited to be dinner guests of David Johnson at the Charlotte City Club. I miss so many nice af fairs because of the weather. Because I am back at the of fice while your daddy is ill with the flu, I won't be able to tell you about the visit with the Dr. Rankins. Must run now! Love, Mom February 25, 1963 C.nrd of Thanks We wish to express our sin cere appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness shown to us during the death of our little baby boy, Ben. JOE 4c JUNE BOWSER SANITONE Dry Cleaning Puts VITALITY Back in your Clothes Our exclusive "Seft-Set" and "Style-SeT Finishes Make the Difference We not only dean your clothe* thoroughly . . . our exclusive Sanitone finishes put new life and vitality In the fabric so garments look and fttl and fit like new. Call today for service. Trailway Cleaners j INCORPORATED AM 4-8415 L Klaf St. Boone, N. C. ?. ' 13